Sunday, March 31, 2024

White Americans as Mere EXTENSIONS of Jewish Supremacist Power Than as Free Individuals

Jewish Powerites understand a crucial truth. People tend to be Extensions than Individuals. As a complex domain of social organisms, the human world is more like an ant colony or a bee hive than a random assemblage of lone creatures like tigers or bears. People constantly pick up signals, all the more so in our age of electronic media and gadgets. Every time someone uses ‘my’ device, he or she is being tuned to signals emanating from a center of power/influence. He or she may think, “I’m a free individual with ‘choice'”, but in fact, the possible ‘choices’ are fed into his/her mind through electronic signals.

In a way, people became less individualistic with the rise of radio and TV. Prior to such technologies, everyone in the US did something different on any given night. Some read books(countless different titles) and magazines, some went for social gatherings, some went for a walk, some stared at the moon, and etc. If ANYTHING unified the masses in the US and the West prior to Radio and TV, it was the Bible, which of course was interpreted differently by every reader.
With the advent of the TV, however, countless viewers could be watching exactly the same thing at the same time, the only notable difference being the qualities of TV sets. Despite the ‘participation’ of millions, the programming was decided by just a handful of people, among whom Jews were prominent; they controlled the signals fed into the Collective American Mind.

As the character in A SERIOUS MAN(by Coen Brothers) messes with the TV antennae on the rooftop for better reception of signals from ‘heaven’, he worries that the impact of television, serious in influence but unserious in content, isn’t all for the good of his children. It’s as if the antennae on the roof replaced the fiddler on the roof, a figure of unique folkloric significance.

Still, Jews in general had less to worry about as the Jewish Media Masters were careful not to send signals that might negatively affect Jewish interests. Instead, signals instilled the mass public with the message that one’s moral character is a measure of his/her ‘philosemitism’.
The signals did carry animus, hostility, and hatred far and wide, but they were mostly aimed at whites because Jewish supremacist power needed white submission and obedience, the logical offshoots of white shame, moral paralysis, and self-loathing instilled into white hearts-and-minds via media(and academia). Jewish Powerites needed whites to be in permanent-atonement-and-redemptive mode(for the ‘historical sins’ of ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, and etc.) because it could be exploited to steer white thoughts and actions toward serving Judeo-Centric goals. Whites came to think thus: “Because Jews are so good and holy whereas whites are so vile and loathsome, whites must look to Jews for wisdom and guidance and appease them at every turn.”

In a way, libertarianism, especially the kind pushed by Ayn Rand, has been of great advantage to the Jews. Libertarianism served as a loosening agent. First, the bonds that hold a structure together must be weakened; then, the structure can be disassembled piece by piece. That said, the ultimate trick isn’t to break things apart to keep them separate indefinitely. No, they’re taken apart to be used as building blocks for a new structure based on YOUR blueprint.
Libertarianism promised individuality, freedom, and choice for everyone. It was especially useful in disassociating the White Right from its bonds of conservatism. White Conservatism upheld the bonds of heritage and the bonds of race(and of Christianity).

While Americanism(and Western Culture in general) had long been more individualistic than others, it rejected radical individualism. If one had to make a choice between unity/community and division/individuality, the former was almost always prioritized. So, while American Conservatism wasn’t anti-individualist, it put unity before the individual.
Libertarianism was committed to reversing the formula. Among the more moderate libertarians, it was individuality and choice before unity and tradition, but they weren’t necessarily hostile to the latter. Ron Paul belongs to this school. (His is the school of Virtue Libertarianism, the idea that more freedom and individuality will mean more choice and means by which people can make more rational and sensible decisions. More freedom means more opportunity to be good and moral. In contrast, there is the school of Vice Libertarianism that looks upon traditional virtues as ‘square’ & ‘lame’ and believes that the vices will cancel each other out and lead to a kind of natural equilibrium. It might be called the Anton LaVey school of libertarianism. LaVey argued that the problems of gluttony will be solved by another vice, vanity and narcissism, i.e. gluttons, in their desire to be attractive, will naturally control their appetite; but then, what is to be done about the ‘body positivity movement’ that says ‘fat is beautiful’?)

If moderate Libertarians placed individuality before unity(but still valued unity), the radical libertarians were opposed to any kind of unity and heritage. It was all a matter of ‘me and my choice’. It’s no wonder they oppose nationalism that consolidates the organic whole for survival and power. Radical libertarians see such policies as standing between the individual and choice. In their eyes, the evil of Group Interest stands in the way of individuals and their freewheeling options in a borderless world.

At any rate, unbeknownst to most goy libertarians, Jewish elements pushed libertarianism as a means to an end, not as the end itself. Consciously or subconsciously, Ayn Rand and other Jews would have sensed that Jewish Power would grow immeasurably if whites could be made more atomized while Jews maintained their tribal consciousness. Unity generates a gravitational core whereas individuality scatters everything to the winds. The universe is filled with stardust, but stardust remains adrift in the dark. Powerful suns are formed by the gathering of stardust into great concentrations of matter.
No wonder cities have always ruled over the countryside. Cities concentrate power, countryside scatters it far and wide. Even Mao Zedong, who called on his peasant armies to ‘surround the cities from the countryside’, got his education in the cities and, when his side won the war, made sure that the communists controlled the cities with an iron grip.

Paradoxically, city life is more rootless and individualistic, yet power is concentrated there into a singular unity. In contrast, country life is more rooted and communal, but people are smaller in number and separated from one another. Perhaps, city folks are more individualistic because they can take their systemic unity for granted. They live in such an elaborate form of social order that they don’t have to work so hard at basic survival.

At any rate, dimwit goy libertarians thought that individualism was for everyone. Everyone would become deracinated and come to regard himself or herself primarily as an individual, as a ‘me’ or ‘myself’. Everything else — national loyalty, racial identity, religious affiliation, kinship, or etc. — would be secondary or nonexistent. And all groups would move in this direction. Not only whites but Jews, blacks, browns, and the rest.
But just when whites were moving toward individuality at the expense of any other consideration, Jews were playing up the Holocaust Cult, Zionist Ideology, and Yiddish sensibility. Jews were reminded to never forget their Jewish history and unique ALL-TOO-JEWISH suffering. So, even as Jews prized the utility of individualism, it remained within the orbit of unity.
Philip Roth, for example, pursued a highly individualistic literary career, but all said and done, he was steeped in his sense of Jewishness(even truer of David Mamet). Jews were JEWISH individuals, not generic individuals, which is what Jews urged whites to become(like John Updike whose daughters married Negroes).

As for nonwhites, Jews favored varying agendas depending on their relative usefulness or dangerousness to the Tribe. Jews did everything to weaken the identities of Muslims, Asians, Hindus, Latin Americans, and Africans. All immigrant groups had to be thrown into the Melting Pot and mixed with the demographic white base.
And yet, if nonwhites were urged only to be just like whites, ‘generic individuals’, they wouldn’t be of much use to Jews. Indeed, whites and nonwhites as ‘generic individuals’ might come to see eye-to-eye on lots of things. Instead, Jews aimed to use nonwhites against whites. But what kind of useful identity could nonwhites have if they were fully dissolved in the melting pot?
Jews pushed Negative Identity on nonwhites, an identity based on hostility toward whites. Thus, being non-white, be it black, brown, yellow, Hindu, Muslim, or whatever, became less a matter of positive connection to one’s racial or cultural background than a matter of being AGAINST whites.
Blackness, for example, is essentially about being ‘victims of white supremacist racism’. Brownness is mostly about resentment toward the Gringo. And yellowness is about complaining about the ‘model minority’ trope as just another form of ‘white racism’.

While Jews also possess a powerful sense of Negative Identity — “Evil White goyim did pogroms on us and threw us into gas chambers” — , they also have a powerful sense of Positive Identity rooted in history, heritage, and remembrance. In contrast, as most non-white goy groups arrived with weaker cultures and identities, their only identifier is the ‘moral pride’ of being wronged and victimized by White ‘racists’ and ‘supremacists’. It’s like Jews tell Muslims, “Forget about Islam, let your daughters grow up to ‘twerk’ & act like sluts, let your sons ape black rappers, and wave the ‘gay pride’ flag.” So, what would be the meaning of being a Muslim in America? It would be as a member of People of Color who are forever ‘victimized’ by nasty ‘white supremacist Islamophobes’.

As things stand today, Jews have both positive and negative identities, nonwhites have negative identities, and whites have generic identities. Jews have a sense of history and unity(separate from whites) and a sense of moral outrage(in negative opposition to white ‘Anti-Semites’). Non-whites, in their historical/cultural amnesia, lose a sense of who they are and where they came from, and as such, their identities have meaning only in relation to whites: “White racists did us wrong.” Indeed, without their sense of aggrievement in relation to whites, they would hardly know who or what they are.

As for whites, they are worse off as they’re not only deracinated but reviled. Whites are discouraged from looking into their racial, historical, mythical, and spiritual roots. Whites are now utterly post-cultural. When the European past is invoked, it is to willfully misinform whites that Vikings and Romans were black(as Europe was apparently always about ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’) OR to remind whites that they’ve been uniquely guilty in some way or for some reason.
Can whites at least be free individuals left alone to do as they please, like the fellas in Richard Linklater’s DAZED AND CONFUSED? No, not even that. Whites are branded with an identity with the reverse moral dynamic of the non-white Negative Identity. If nonwhites define themselves with Moral Pride vis-a-vis whites, whites must define themselves with Moral Shame/Guilt vis-a-vis nonwhites(and Jews of course). Non-whites see themselves as “people who were always wronged by whites”, whereas whites are pressured to see themselves as “people who always wronged nonwhites”. Thus, both non-white identity and white identity lack autonomy and independence.

Jews have a sense of who they are independent of their relation to whites, whereas nonwhites, having far weaker memories, only have a sense of ‘victimization’ under whites, i.e. the Negative Identity of Moral Pride. For whites, there’s the Negative Identity of Moral Shame. As whites aren’t allowed any sense of who they are independent of the rest of humanity — the mantra of ‘Diversity Is Our Strength’ across both North America and Europe has made it taboo for whites to conceive of a world of their own, past, present, or future — , whites have been conditioned to always think of themselves in relation to the Other. Accordingly, there is no whiteness independent of non-whiteness. White Identity is always a function of its relational dynamics with Jews and nonwhites. Because it had long been ‘white supremacist’, it must henceforth be white-subordinate in perpetuity. White minds must obey the Jewish super-mind. White arms and legs must serve the Zionist Empire. White faces exist to be punched by the black fist. White wombs exist to be colonized by black seeds(and those of other races). White industries exist to be shipped to other countries. White history exist to honor other races, especially blacks, e.g. keep believing that the great European figures were black(or would have been a lot cooler if they were black, so let’s pretend).

Of course, all throughout history, whites sometimes trampled on other peoples and vice versa. After all, whites were invaded by the Huns, Moors, Mongols, Arabs, Turks, and etc., and they are currently being invaded by Third World hordes. Whites were also fleeced by Jewish money-lenders, and countless Christian Slavs died at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks.
But, such thinking is usually verboten. Whites must only dwell on the wrongs they did to others, except of course when in service to Jewish Supremacists. Whites could write off the guilt of having supported Zionist wars on Palestinians, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, etc.
That said, when the ‘refugees’ from the Wars for Israel end up on European and American shores, THEN whites must feel shame and guilt for not taking in more of them. When it comes to smashing Arab/Muslim nations, Jews urge white military men to be like ruthless and heartless Nazis. But when the ‘refugees’ come knocking on the doors of the EU and US, the faceless victims suddenly take on the aura of ‘New Jews escaping the holocaust’.

In the 1960s and 1970s, one could believe that Jews preaching Free Speech and youth culture were mainly for a freer and less hung up American on matters such as race, culture, and identity. And yet, what Jews were really doing was using libertarianism to loosen the white bonds of historical heritage and political unity. Once loosened and divided, however, individual whites were to be molded into a new unity, one of servitude and shame than of pride and power.
As for Jews, they sure as hell weren’t going to generic and ‘white bread’, or rootless individuals. (If Jews seemed rootless to goyim, it was because they refused to become rooted to goy cultures. They insisted on rootedness to the much deeper history and identity of their own.)
Once whites were reduced to atomized individuals, the plan was to reconstruct them into a new sense of whiteness, the Negative Identity of Guilt & Shame. And this was to be realized through Political Correctness permeating not only education but entertainment, advertisement, endless social crusades & purges, and ceaseless public announcements.

Jews did it to mold whiteness into an instrument of their Power. Also because Jews sensed that arch-individualism is not natural to humans who are social creatures. After all, there were signs of Christian Revival and the counter-revolutionary Conservative tide in the 1980s after the tumultuous Sixties and the Me-Decade of the Seventies. It was a high water mark for Evangelicals in the post-war era.
Against such trends, Jews concocted Political Correctness, Magic Negro Cult, Globo-Homo, Diversity-mania, and Holocaust Cult as the new secular religions. Jews figured that whites would feel lonely as mere individuals and coalesce into some kind of ‘spiritual’ community. But what kind of community? The kind that is about white pride, Christianity, conservatism, family values, and nationalism? Such was a nightmare scenario for Jewish Supremacism.
If whites were to be steered away from individualism back toward some kind of unity and identity, it had to be one where white sense of worth was predicated on guilt and atonement. Whites feeling good about being white was absolutely unacceptable. Whites could only feel good about atoning at the feet of Jews and blacks, celebrating Diversity, cheering globo-homo, and praising white female race-traitors who go for Afro-Colonization of White Wombs(or ACOWW).

Over time, the Jewish-conceived formula even spread to once conservative American suburbs and small towns. After all, no matter where anyone lived, he had a TV set that emitted signals from Jewish-controlled centers of news, information, and entertainment. As Joe Biden said, Jewish media made America accepting of ‘gay marriage’. All those electronic signals beamed into the eyes and ears of Americans made them regard homos, the proxies of Jewish Power, as ‘angels’ while despising anyone opposed to the ‘gay agenda’ as a subhuman ‘homophobe’, the face of which became the Greensboro ‘church’, which might as well be a Jewish Front(just like all those phony Neo-Nazi groups led by Jewish hucksters).

As such, all those white people turned into mere EXTENSIONS of Jewish Power. Even as goyim today feel themselves to be free and independent, they are bombarded by Jewish electronic signals on a daily basis. The airwaves are essentially mental whips, rods, and leashes. They tell us what is ‘true’ and ‘false’. They work on our emotions. Consider all the stupid white people who were led to believe it is ‘Nazi-like’ to support or enforce border security. Reliant on Jewish-controlled sources for news and opinions, they’re like dogs on a leash. They are like horses with blinders on, constantly goaded with cracking whips.
They flatter themselves as rational individuals, but most of the news they absorb comes from a handful of Jewish-owned-or-controlled conglomerates that work hand-in-glove with the Deep State. Jewish Propaganda and Mind-Control techniques pervade all electronic devices, and even A.I. has been rigged to heed the Jewish playbook. (The devices are like crack pipes. You may own the pipes, but the drugs are supplied by the pushers. You’re owned by the drugs sold by the kingpins.)

If members of the educated class were truly rational and independent, they would be for Free Speech and open discourse, but having been so relentlessly brainwashed and conditioned by Jewish Power, they support speech control and Censchwarzship lest they be ‘triggered’ by something that runs counter to the Official Narrative that defines their lives. Because ‘woke’ virtue rests on whites tirelessly expunging themselves of ‘white guilt’, they prefer censorship to any threat to their worldview. As with Christian sanctimony where obsessive humility is a path to self-righteousness, ‘woke’ self-loathing is perversely life-affirming to many whites who genuinely feel ‘saved’ in their near-worship of the new gods of Holocaustianity, Negrolatry, and Globo-Homo. They got to have their psychological safe spaces.

The preservation of psychological safe spaces invariably leads to unsafe physical spaces. Mind is conflated with matter, as if reality is a projection of subjective wishes. As the effects of BLM have shown, you can’t have both safe spaces for the mind and safe spaces for the body. If the mind, especially the elite mind, shuts out reality in favor of fantasy, the ensuing policies can only do harm, eventually forcing society to learn the hard way.
So many whites feel psychologically ‘safe’, secure and justified, with the conceit of the Magic Negro and the scapegoat of ‘racism’ or ‘white supremacism’. They hiss and holler at those who dare to expose the fantasies. Their turtle-minds retreat into ‘safe spaces’ when confronted with reality.

So, what did their fantasies lead to? Stuff like Defund the Police, resulting in manifold increases in dangerous spaces. Ideally, psychological safe space should be in sync with physical safe space, which was indeed the very basis of suburban expansion since the Sixties. Whites knew that moving away from blacks would make for safer neighborhoods. They knew it in their minds and saw it in the streets.
But over time, Jewish-controlled media filled white minds with false stories and symbols of the spiritual war between soulful blacks and soul-cold whites. So, blacks were always good and true, whites were always bad and false. Whatever the actual reality looked like in the schools and the streets, the media/academia insisted on the false dichotomy as the basis for the standard American view of race relations. Things have gotten even worse, as it’s always Groundhog Day with Emmett Till, as if American race relations are perpetually stuck in the 1950s, while brushing over all the cases of black-on-white violence that have grown to epidemic proportions with BLM’s effective knighting of black thuggery.

Under relentless indoctrination and pressure, even whites who’d taken flight from black blight came to regard Diversity and Blackness as holy while disparaging their own whiteness. So, instead of trying to defend and preserve their own nice communities, they chipped away at the foundations of their own physical well-being in subservience to the prescribed psychological safe space, the crib in which the Magic Negro resided rent-free.
Consider the white idiots in the suburbs who held rallies in honor of Fentanyl Floyd and invited blacks to wash their feet. But then, it’s fitting that the druggy Floyd has been ‘canonized’ by secular progs in search for new gods. In a way, psychological safe space is like addiction to opium. Someone sucking on an opium pipe is in his la-la land. He thinks he’s in heaven, and even though his habit is actually ruining his physical and material well-being, he prioritizes mental bliss over physical reality. Of course, it’s only a matter of time before the deteriorating reality breaks down the walls of one’s delusions(like the Chelsea Hotel fire in the film SID AND NANCY).

In the end, white people didn’t so much become individuals as EXTENSIONS of Jewish Power. Of course, most are too ignorant or stupid to have realized the direness of their condition. Granted, having been instilled with Jew-Worship, Homo-Mania, and Magic Negro Reverence, many probably feel good about themselves, like that pathetic excuse for a man, Will Stancil.
Not that most American ‘conservatives’ are much better, what with the likes of Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, and Marco Rubio. They too are essentially Extensions of the Jewish Will.

Now, it’s natural to be an ‘extension’ given the social nature of man. The real question is of what. Of white identity/interests or Jewish identity/interests? It’s like the Bob Dylan’s song(during his Christian phase) called “Gotta Serve Somebody”. It could be the Devil or the Lord, but you gotta serve somebody. Ants on their own are nothing without the queen ant. But then, the queen ant would be nothing too but for the fact that all other ants are extensions of her key role in the order. They protect and feed her, and she produces the offspring that keeps the species alive.

In the case of slave-taking, the ants of one colony can be made to serve another. The raiding ants take the larvae of another colony, and the baby ants grow up to serve the colony of their captors. Of course, they don’t know it, even as they dutifully function as extensions of the colony that raided and/or destroyed their colony of origin.
Whites brought over black slaves to serve as Extensions of whites. Because whites were far more advanced, blacks(even as slaves) gained a good deal, but the fact remains that they were no longer serving their own kind but working for the white race. And even as a free people, blacks in the US military continue to serve as Extensions of the US Empire, now controlled by Jews who are most hellbent on Wars for Israel and Judaic Hegemony.

That said, if blacks knew that they were slaves because their subjugation was so visible and physical, most whites don’t know that they are essentially mental slaves of Jewish Massuhs(who use blacks, Diversity, and Antifa Janissary idiots as overseers to bully and intimidate the white masses). If whites enslaved blacks physically, Jews enslaved whites psychologically. Jews shylocked the white soul.
In a way, what Jews have done to whites is worse than what whites did to blacks. Despite their physical bondage, blacks were gifted with Christian souls. For all the backbreaking work, blacks learned that God is bigger than any number of white folks with guns & whips, and that Jesus, the Son of God, loves the wretched of the Earth, the poor, and the oppressed. So, even as whites shackled blacks physically, they freed black souls from the depths of jungle savagery. And in time, black Christians would embark on a spiritual as well as political struggle for freedom and dignity.

In contrast, Jewish Power used the media and academia to rob whites of their hearts and minds, their souls. Jews, the masters of psychology, devised the most effective methods of mind control. Within the corridors of white psyche, Jews placed all sorts of traps and poisons so that whites would feel nauseous at any thought of ‘white pride'(like Alex in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE) and nervous at any thought of offending Jews, blacks, and homos.
Jewish mind-control crept into the hearts of white goyim and convinced them that the essence of Christianity is the worship of sodomy and some Negro junkie named George Floyd.

Any man, however smart or strong he may be, is only so much on his own. He is just one person. He gains power by turning other men into extensions of himself. Their bodies serve as extensions of his mind, will, and vision. He is the will-to-power. Under Adolf Hitler, it was as if all Germans were extensions of the Fuhrer’s arms and legs. And under Mao, countless Chinese were carriers of his will. More Extensions means more Power.

Jewish Powerites can tolerate goyim only as extensions of their tribal will. There are many more Extensions than Extenders, just like there’s only one Sun but several planets in the Solar System. THE GODFATHER is not about individuals but about a handful of characters, Vito and Michael(and Barzini), who are Extenders while the rest are mostly Extensions or Buffers of one kind or another.

At one time, Jews rose up the ranks in the US as Extensions of WASP Power, but the tables were turned, and now WASPs serve as Extensions of Jewish Power. The difference is that even Jews-as-extensions had a powerful sense of who they were and looked to the day when they might rule.
In contrast, today’s WASP Extensions of Jews are truly a sorry and pathetic lot. They are without identity or pride, sappily servile as minions of Jews. They are like ants serving another colony without the slightest trepidation. They are ‘white uncle toms’ or ‘white toms’.
And if WASPs in the past thought it was rather uncouth to be overly ‘Anti-Semitic’, Jews today are utterly shameless and relentless in insulting, humiliating, and dehumanizing whites at every opportunity.

And what do whites react to all this? They on their knees and beg the Jews, “Can I suck your dic*?” At most, some whites will boast, “I sucked but didn’t swallow” as a point of pride. How utterly pathetic. In the movie MY BODYGUARD, the small kid is bullied by tougher kids and recruits a much bigger guy to serve as his Extension. Jews are nothing without their Extensions.

Ironically, white people are the most valuable extension of Jewish Power even as Jews employ Diversity as a bulwark against a possible White Awakening. Jews regard whites as the most indispensable but also the most dangerous horse that may throw off the Jewish rider and kick him in the skull and run off to be free. It’s no wonder that Jews use Diversity as added baggage on the horse to weigh it down. Of course, if Diversity serves as the straw that breaks the white horse’s back, Jews will end up with nothing. With whites, it’s a game of carrots and sticks. Carrots for the white ‘House Goyim’ who collaborate with the Jewish Massuh but sticks for the white ‘Field Goyim’ who refuse to pick cotton. (It’s like Leon Wieseltier’s formula for dealing with Muslims. Total ruthlessness OVER THERE where they pose a threat to Israel but kindness OVER HERE where they are part of the coalition against whites.)

Jews use Diversity against whites but worry that excessive anti-white bashing may lead to diminished white energies, in which case whites won’t be so useful as managers and foot-soldiers of the empire. In MY BODYGUARD, we naturally sympathize with the small kid because we don’t like bullies. We understand his recruitment of the big guy as an extension. But the kid is also a smart-ass and a jerk. A darker version of him is Sean Penn’s character of Davey Kleinfeld in CARLITO’S WAY. Kleinfeld is all brains and no brawn. He can get people to do all kinds of things for him. And yet, he is a crook and an arch-criminal in the making.

Over the years, many Americans have come to believe that Jews are the smartest, wisest, most decent, most judicious, and most understanding people on Earth, not least because of the Covenant and the Holocaust. Then, why not have Jews take over as the new ruling elites? Why not be guided by Jewish intellectuals, activists, and scholars? What better kind of elites could one hope for? Let the US be led by such wise-men and let the goyim accept their proper roles as eager Extensions of Jewish Power.

The problem with such a view is it misunderstands the nature of power. It may well be that there are wise, smart, and judicious Jews, but such people almost never gain power. Power almost always ends up with the cunning, devious, egotistical, ruthless, greedy, vain, nasty, vicious, corrupt, unscrupulous, and/or decrepit.
Indeed, the wisest Jews prefer truth to power, meaning they can never fill the power vacuum, which ends up being filled by power-mad Jews(like Victoria Nuland). What kind of Jews gained power? The likes of Norman Finkelstein(who, for all his faults, is sincere in trying to come to terms with the Palestinian issue) or a sleazebag like Chuck Schumer?
Therefore, Jewish domination didn’t lead to the rule by wise-men but by gangsters with law degrees. George Soros, Paul Singer, Mark Zuckerberg, and the like. The Question is, “Do you want to be an Extension of this Power, or do you want to cut free and become an Extension of the forces that defend, support, and preserve YOUR OWN race, culture, and history?” Choose the Proper Extensionism for yourself.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

How the World Went from Universal Nationalism to Universal Imperialism, and the Hidden Empire of Judea


Nationalism is the best defense against imperialism.

Nationalism means a people minding their own business. It means having national sovereignty and respecting the sovereignties of other nations.

Imperialism, in contrast, means trampling on the rights and independence of other nations.

If National Socialism had remained in nationalist mode, it wouldn’t have disrupted the world order. But it went into imperialist mode and trampled on and violated the rights of self-determination and self-rule among other nations.

Initially, Japan modernized for nationalist reasons. Threatened by British and American imperialism, it emulated Western science & technology to defend the homeland.
But it went from nationalism to imperialism upon the realization that the great powers were conquering and dividing the world among themselves. In order for Japan to compete and command the respect of other great powers, it too entered the imperial game. Furthermore, the UK and US, two imperialist powers, welcomed Japan into the imperialist club as a counterbalance to expanding Russia and unstable China.

Prior to the emergence of modern nationalism, much of the world had been divided among the great powers with little regard for established borders. Indeed, it had been so since time immemorial. Power and might decide the boundaries and limits of power. So, Persians conquered and laid claim to huge swaths of territory, even areas inhabited mostly by non-Persians. Same with the Romans, Mongols, Russians, Ottomans, and the Western European empires. There was no established principle in the world that insisted on a Basic Right of security, ownership, independence, and self-rule. Jews did have the concept of the Covenant and Holy Land(promised to them by God), but this ‘right’ meant nothing to the greater empires that dwarfed the Jews.

Security could only be assured by might. There was no universal ideal or international law agreed upon by all the peoples of the world. And no global institution existed to enforce higher principles. For most of history, peoples were too busy conquering, defending, adventuring, or discovering to think in terms of universal political morality for all humanity. If a kingdom or state was sufficiently powerful and ambitious, it could embark on invasions and control of more territory. It was about grabbing more and more until met by an equal or greater force or exhausted of resources.

But then, there was the rise of modern nationalism in Britain, France, the US, then followed by Germany, Italy, and Japan. Modern nationalism was a noble development insofar as it obligated the national elites to represent, serve, and defend the national people AND ignited the nascent idea that a nation had a RIGHT to land, security, and independence. Nationalism made national autonomy a right in terms of ideals and principles. Indeed, the main theme of the American Revolution was the idea of the colonists right to break away from the British Empire and establish a free and independent nation-as-republic. Even kings and noblemen who’d resisted the French Revolution and defeated Napoleon eventually adopted the nationalist model as a means to modernize and unite the populace, who went from being subjects of monarchs to the ‘free people’ represented by monarchs.

However, due to the long legacy of imperialism(stretching back to the beginning of history itself) and the relative backwardness around the world, modern nationalism inherited the ambition for empire-building. This led to a contradiction. Even as nationalism defended the homeland from other nations and empires, it sought to expand its own imperial base.
So, Japanese nationalism went from defending Core Japan to conquering and claiming other lands that were non-Japanese. Earlier, the British had gone from securing an Island Nation-Kingdom to conquering other territories that would eventually constitute a gigantic world empire. Though a nation born of independence from the British Empire, the US went from creating a new nation out of the wilderness in the New World to searching overseas for imperial domination, especially after the defeat of the Spanish Empire.

Western Imperialist expansion was hardly unique as most of the non-West was no stranger to the imperial mode of constant invasions and counter-invasions. The non-West however lacked the nationalist ideal of (1) elites-and-peoples bound by historical and cultural covenant(which would have made foreign invasions more difficult) and (2) the political principle of the rightness of national autonomy and self-determination. Their political philosophy was essentially might-is-right. When the Brits invaded the territories of what came to be known as ‘India’, they merely usurped dominance from the Muslim Mughals.

But, World War I and especially World War II dealt a serious blow to the imperialist model. Nazi imperialism and Japanese imperialism, following the second world conflict, were not only defeated at huge cost but denounced as epitomes of evil. Also, it wasn’t long before almost all Third World folks demanded their own national independence, waged wars of liberation, and eventually expelled the European imperialists(sometimes with moral support from the US or the material support of the Soviets). And the Vietnamese fought a long hard battle to drive the US from what had once been ‘Indochina’.
Granted, much of the Third World demand for national independence was possible only as the byproduct of global transformation by the European powers that, via modern communication & transportation, as well as archaeology and education of the local elites, instilled a new consciousness among the non-West of a larger sense of collective identity, unity, and pride. In many cases, the very ‘nations’ seeking independence were the creations of Western Imperialism, such as Indonesia, much of the Middle East, and all of Sub-Saharan Africa.

With the end of WWII, there was the gold standard of Universal Nationalism. The new consensus was that EVERY people deserved to have a safe and secure homeland. Such an ideal had been expounded by Woodrow Wilson following World War I, but it didn’t go far because the Great European powers weren’t about to abandon their empires, without which they’d lose their great power status as their homelands were limited in territory, resources, and population.
And as the West set the template, Japan was determined to have an empire too. This all came crashing down after the horrors of WWII in which Europeans themselves suffered the ignominy of imperialist domination and rule under Nazi Germany(followed by Eastern Europeans under Soviet domination, though in a way, Western Europeans, though freer and richer, fell under US hegemony, which lasts to this day and, following the end of the Cold War, expanded to the borders of Russia.)

Due to the Imperialist Legacy, modern nationalism developed as nationalism + imperialism for some nations. If some European nations were content to remain and defend their own territories, others had embarked on imperial ventures long before the rise of nationalism. Thus, French nationalism inherited the French empire and valued it as a source of prestige and power. This was a system of ‘Nationalism for me, but not for thee’. The modern British and French were proud nationalists at home but sought to suppress and crush nationalist consciousness in their subject peoples though, contradictorily, their extensive archaeological studies of other cultures led to a reawakening of historical memory and pride among the locals. Consider Angkor Wat in Cambodia and the Pyramids of Egypt.

But with the eventual fall of empires following WWII, the new template was “Nationalism for me and for thee.” Let each and every nation, big or small, powerful or weak, rich or poor, be free and independent. And this was to be a moral right. In the New Order, the richest, biggest, and most powerful nation had no right to conquer and claim a small, weak and poor nation. At the very least, as a matter of principle, even the biggest nation and smallest nation were equal in its universal right to national self-determination. After all, there was a reason why the world body of international law came to be known as the United Nations than United Empires. And the Cold War provided some degree of protection for the weaker nations, e.g. the Cuban Revolution couldn’t have survived without Soviet support, and the Southeast Asian nations leaned to the US for protection against subversion from Red China, while North Vietnam relied on the support of the USSR and China to fend off American Neo-Imperialism. And as long as the Soviet Union existed as the other superpower, the US thought twice about getting entangled in the Middle East.

In the post-WWII era, many progressives and liberals were supportive of the national liberation struggles in Vietnam, Algeria, and Cuba for independence and autonomy. And when Soviet tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia, it was the last draw for many Western Leftists who denounced it as a communist form of imperialism.

Still, the US and USSR towered over the world as the two great empires. Of course, neither admitted that its version of world domination was imperialistic. Soviets insisted their hegemony was about the brotherhood of man under communist ideology. And the US claimed to serve as the defender of the Free World.
And, if their apologists did detect elements of imperialism in the US or Soviet world order, they argued it was different from the Bad Old Imperialism. It was imperialism-as-necessary-evil against either Communist Tyranny or Capitalist Exploitation. So, even if Pax Americana was an empire, it was a noble containment strategy against the insatiable fanaticism of communism. Or, the Soviet empire was praised for lending support to peoples around the world seeking independence from the exploitation by Western capitalism(via ‘neo-imperialism’). At any rate, the assumption was that the justification for imperialism-as-necessary-evil would fade once the Evil Empire(communist or capitalist) finally vanished from the world.

Eventually, the Cold War did end with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of nations no longer under the Soviet-Russian yoke: Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and etc. It appeared that universal nationalism came to prevail over Soviet Imperialism. Russians(under the supervision of Jewish globalist carpetbaggers) now ruled over Russia, not over other peoples with their national autonomies restored.

With the end of the Cold War, many people, Americans and non-Americans alike, hoped that the US empire would wind down as well. After all, the Imperial Uncle Sam had been justified on grounds of containing and, if possible, rolling back the Soviet empire. With no more Soviet Empire, what need would there be for the US empire?

Maybe just maybe, the US empire could have come to an end, and America would have returned to the nationalist mode: The US minds its own business, and other nations mind their own business, and, as good neighbors, all nations trade with one another, share ideas, and communicate. Fences make for good neighbors. And, bridges among nations are supposed to facilitate the transport of ideas and goods, not to allow for mass migration and neo-colonization.

But three developments kept the US in the imperial game.

1. The US got filled with the hubris of End of History. Having won the Cold War, the American elites thought the American Way was the only way. In terms of political philosophy, mass culture, economic theory, and military prowess, the idea was that America, as the ‘exceptional’ and ‘indispensable’ nation, has the right to ‘lead’ and ‘defend’ the world. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.” My way or the highway.

2. The West’s cult of mass immigration as not only an economic necessity but a moral imperative resulted in all-out mass invasions of white nations by the Third World. This had a profound impact on world consciousness as nonwhites, who’d previously demanded and fought for nationalism and independence, came to devalue nationalism in favor of a new kind of imperialism, a globo-mutual-imperialism. As nonwhites figured it is so much easier to have a good life by moving to the West than by working as patriots to reform and develop their own nations, they effectively became champions of demographic imperialism and mass-colonization. The West was given carte blanche to militarily occupy, financially dominate, and culturally influence most of the world in exchange for opening its borders to the whole world, thereby allowing the children of non-white immigrants to rise up and attain status and stake in the US-led world order.

Once, like Fareed Zakaria or Nikki Haley, they gained elite positions in the West, they became cheerleaders for the globo-imperialist warmongering against non-white peoples. After WWII, peoples in the Third World sympathized with one another in what they regarded as a common struggle against White Imperialism. But in the Age of Globalist Empire, nonwhites who rose up the ranks in the West came to function as servitors of the Zionist-controlled Empire against non-white nations. Having been groomed & appropriated by the West(that serves the Empire of Zion) and flush with status & privilege, the likes of Haley and Zakaria are more than happy to cheer on the bombing of nations like Libya, Syria, Iraq, and etc.

As for the EU, by some estimates Brussels is already one-third Muslim and is expected to become majority non-white in a few decades. As nonwhites settled in the West, they identified neither with their nations-of-origin or with white Westerners. Many came to exist in an ideological limbo of globalism, a kind of Universal Imperialism.
Take Francis Fukuyama, the man who announced the triumph of ‘liberal democracy’ as the End of History. He’s no longer Japanese in any meaningful sense, but he’s not part of the White West either. He resides in the lala-land-of-the-mind called End-of-Historia. And Amy Chua feels as a member of what she calls the ‘supergroup’.

Perhaps, one reason why former imperialist Western nations became so pro-immigration was their subconscious desire to justify past imperialism. After all, imperialism once spread diversity around the world (permanently in Latin America), and the anti-imperialist impetus was essentially anti-diversity. Algerians and Vietnam eventually rejected and resisted the Diversity of European colonizers, just like Palestinians did everything they could to stem the flow of Invasive Diversity of Zionist colonizers. And Tibetans certainly aren’t happy about the mass-migratory Diversity of Han Chinese who keep flooding into Tibet.
Anyway, by welcoming demographic imperialism from non-white nations, former white imperialist nations could be subconsciously defending their past imperialist record of having imposed Diversity on subject territories that could not say NO to the well-armed European colonizers and their collaborators… like Hindus who followed in the heels of British Imperialists into Africa and Southeast Asia. Diversity = imperialism. Homogeneity = nationalism.

3. Another reason why the US empire grew bigger and more aggressive was because Jews became the new ruling elites of America. Why did this matter? Because Jewish power is essentially and intrinsically imperialist. As Jews are a minority elite in the US, they don’t identify with most Americans who are seen as dumb and filthy goyim, the untermensch. Jews regard themselves as superior to goyim and mainly identify with other Jews in other nations. So, from the perspective of Jewish supremacists, gentile nationalism is feared and loathed as independence and autonomy from Jewish Hegemony, just like the British Imperialists regarded the nascent nationalism among the American colonists as a threat to British Imperialist hegemony. Jews fear and loathe gentile nationalism as an hindrance to Jewish globalist networking for Jewish supremacist hegemony. After all, if goyim put their own people and culture first and foremost, their nation would take precedence over Israel and Jewish interests.

Jews are like the British imperialists who feared the rise of nationalist consciousness in Third World nations. The British elites didn’t feel an affinity with the native majority in any of the subject domains. Their affinity was with the Mother Country and to the network of British Imperialists around the world. British Imperial power could sustain itself only by making the subject peoples mainly ‘identify’ with British Imperial prestige than with local national concerns.

Kenyan nationalism meant Kenyans asserting authority against the British rulers. It meant Kenyans should defend and serve their black identity in their own nation than the global ambitions of the British imperialists. Indian nationalism meant the brown people of the subcontinent demanding self-rule & self-determination and, furthermore, asking the Brits to leave. As Gandhi said:

If the British were about ‘Nationalism for me but not for thee’(or imperialist-nationalism), Gandhi was about universal nationalism, or ‘Nationalism for me and for thee’. The British feared universal nationalism as a viral threat to their own brand of imperialism, one in which only the British had national independence as well as imperial pride. After all, if every non-white domain(or Ireland for that matter) of the British Empire insisted on national autonomy, how could British hegemony be sustained?

Today, Jews think and act like the British imperialists. Most Jews don’t feel a shared sense of identity, history, or destiny with gentile nationals in the US, Canada, Poland, France, UK, Germany, Brazil, and etc. To Jewish minorities(elites or otherwise) in such nations, most of the people are just seen as replaceable and interchangeable filthy goy untermensch. To sustain Jewish supremacism, Jews suppress goy nationalism. Consider how David Brooks and William Kristol are obsessed with keeping Israel as a Jewish ethno-state BUT they’d love to see whites in Europe, US, and Canada reduced to minorities in their lands of their ancestors. And hideous Jewish supremacists like Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin think gentiles exist as cannon fodders in the endless Wars for Israel. To Jews, goyim are little more than cattle. Jews look upon gentiles like ruling pigs look upon other barn creatures in George Orwell’s ANIMAL FARM.

Jews now practice Imperialist Nationalism of ‘Nationalism for me but not for thee’. So, Jews say all Western nations must support Israel as a JEWISH STATE but also insist that white gentile nations must abandon nationalism(even one that says ‘for me and for thee’) because gentiles exist to serve Jewish power first and foremost. Jews don’t want gentile nationalism to come between Jewish Supremacism and White Submissivism.
Also, Jews push for Mass Invasion(aka ‘immigration’) to turn the native white majority populations into minorities in their own nations. That way, Jews can control the native majority by guilt-baiting them with accusations of ‘racism’ for being insufficiently ‘welcoming’ of non-white mass invaders and leeches. And as the nation grows ever more diverse, Jewish Imperial elites hope to play divide-and-rule by pitting nonwhites against whites, whites against nonwhites, nonwhites against nonwhites(as they are racially diverse), and whites against whites(as they’re ideologically divided).

This is why Jews fear being ‘gandhi-ed’ out of the West. Indeed, what would happen if white folks woke up and told the Jewish supremacist-imperialists, “It’s time you left”? What if whites decided on mass civil disobedience against Jewish Power? Say NO to the Wars for Zion. Goycott Jewish Hollywood, Goycott Jewish media, Goycott Jewish-run businesses that are hostile to whites, Goycott Jewish Casinos. No to Zion. Time to tear down the Zion Curtain. That would surely make the Jews sweat. As the Hindus(against Brits), blacks(against Segregation), and National Socialists(against Jews) proved, boycotting businesses can be very effective. Palestinians are leading the way with BDS. Of course, Jews use Economic Warfare all the time. Consider how Jews use the West to sanction Iran and Russia. Consider how MAGA types have been debanked and deplatformed and hit with endless lawfare. Donald Trump is being stripped of all his wealth. (Of course, the sad sack of shit is still bending over to take it up his arse from the Zionic dong.)

As it stands, Jewish imperialism is far more insidious and dangerous than British imperialism. At the very least, British Imperialism, like the French or Spanish kind, was OUT IN THE OPEN. It wasn’t denied. If anything, the British made a splashy pageant of it 24/7. Brits were singing anthems about how Britain rules one third of the globe. So, there was NO DOUBT as to the nature of the British Empire.

In contrast, Judea is a Hidden Empire. Even though the biggest power in the world is the Jewish Global Network — most US politicians, academics, media people, and etc. are agents or shills of Zion — , Jewish power uses goy countries as fronts to carry out its vile deeds. So, even though the Power of Zion was behind the war on Syria, Westerners have been led to believe the US and EU are only trying to get rid of Assad as the ‘butcher of Syria’ and gasser-of-children. Jewish supremacists are craven but cunning arseholes who use their vast capital to manipulate, bribe, and threaten OTHERS to do the fighting and dying.

It was very different in the Age of the British Empire. Everyone knew the British were in command of using their proxies and subjects to further British Imperial interest. So, even when Brits recruited and ordered Indian, African, and Arab troops to fight in wars, no one would have thought India, Kenya, or Arabia were leading the charge. Everyone would have known that those non-white forces were doing the bidding of the British.
But, because the Empire of Judea is a Hidden Empire, so many people fall for the charade that ‘liberal democratic’ Western nations have freely chosen to wage these Wars for Human Rights, which are really the Wars for the Hidden Empire of Zion. The UK and France are essentially vassal nations of the US that is a vassal whore of the Empire of Judea.

The problem with MAGA was never nationalism. If the US had chosen the nationalist path — what Pat Buchanan called ‘republic, not an empire’ — after the end of the Cold War, the world would be a safer and better place. Just think. Suddenly, the Soviet Union was gone, and Russia was no longer a threat and sought political and economic cooperation with the world. If Anglo-Americans or WASPs had kept the power, maybe something could have been worked out.
But Jews were rapidly gaining elite dominance in the US in the 80s and 90s. And Jewish attitude toward Russians was hardly different from their attitude toward white Americans: Both are mere cattle, replaceable and interchangeable.
To Judeo-Nazis, white Russians and white Americans are filthy goyim, or untermensch, more akin to dogs, horses, cattle.

So, the hope of Russia’s transition from communism to a market economy was wasted. Jewish globalists held the reins of ‘reform’ in Russia and economically plundered the nation in the 1990s. Also, Billy Boy Clinton, a shill of Jewish globalists, pushed NATO right up to Russia’s borders.
Jews figured, “Don’t let a crisis go to waste.” Jews exploited the End of the Cold War for their own nefarious interests. Instead of having the US empire retreat with the fall of the Soviet empire, Jews took advantage of America-as-sole-superpower to consolidate control over the EU and Russia. Thus, European nations soon became mere vassal-states in a few generations. Also, clever Jews manipulated the vanity of warriors like John McCain and ‘thinkers’ like Samantha Powers into believing that they, as redemptive gentile leaders of the ‘exceptional’ and ‘indispensable’ nation, were entitled to the right of Enlightened Empire Building to remake the whole world in their image.

Of course, Jewish directed the power of the US mostly toward Jewish-Supremacist agendas, which is why most of US aggression has been directed at the Middle East, North Africa, and Ukraine(or Pale of Settlement). Consider how Jewish power directed the US to use sanctions, invasions, and even the support for Jihadi terrorists to undermine stability in the Middle East, all for the supremacist interests of Israeli hegemony. Jews, in their perversity, even went so far as to strike up an alliance with sub-Nazi forces in Ukraine as battering ram against Russia.

Donald Trump in 2016 ran on nationalism that promised to end or severely limit American ventures overseas. Prior to his administration, the US had already been the imperialist wrecker of Iraq, Libya, Syria(where CIA aided Al Qaeda, the very people who were accused of carrying out 9/11), and the recruiter of Neo-Nazi elements to pull off a coup in Ukraine.
Trump sounded good during the campaign, but the Deep State circled him like sharks and forced his hand to do the bidding of the Empire of Judea instead of focusing on the problems at home, like the broken southern border.

Globalist ‘humanitarians’ say the rich and powerful US shouldn’t be so self-absorbed and instead help other nations. But their idea of ‘humanitarian’ intervention mostly comes down to destroying nations hated by Jews. And the bulk of US foreign aid is more money for Israel to keep on crushing Palestinians and destabilizing the Middle East with threats and attacks.

Jews hate the idea of American nationalism because it means the goy sheeple of the US will no longer go baaaaah and support Wars for Zion. Also, the theme of American Nationalism would be, “American leaders must do what is good for MOST Americans(most of whom are not Jewish).” Jews hate the notion because Jews feel zero affinity with goy Americans. Jews want the bulk of American resources and energy to be channeled toward sustaining the globalist hegemony of Jewish Power. The mentality of Jews isn’t much different from that of an absolute monarch. The king expects the people to serve him, not vice versa. The Jewish 2% expects the gentile 98% to serve them, not vice versa.

The world needs universal nationalism more than ever. Nationalism for Me and for Thee. But as long as Jewish power rules the West, it remains difficult. Jews fear gentile nationalism because it undermines the neo-imperial globalist Jewish hegemony of the US.

To better understand the Jewish mindset as a microcosm, consider the Israel-Palestine conflict. How nice it’d be if Jews went for ‘Nationalism for Me and for Thee’ with their Palestinian neighbors. Jews would have Israel as their homeland, and Palestinians would have the West Bank as their homeland. But nope, Jewish power summons the support of the West to crush Palestinian nationalism while maximizing their own nationalism with massive walls and military violence. It is a form of Imperialist Nationalism: ‘Nationalism for Me but not for Thee.’ So unjust.

‘Nationalism for Me but not for Thee’ is like the logic of American Slavery, which was ‘Freedom for Me but not for Thee.’ Abolitionists began to ask, if white folks should be free, why not blacks too?
Likewise, if Israel has the right to be free and independent as a Jewish state, why doesn’t Hungary have the right to be free and independent as a Hungarian nation? Sorosian Jews call upon the West to praise and support Zionist nationalism but then pressure the EU to sanction and destroy Hungary for having chosen national survival and self-determination.

We know why things are so. Because Jews seek to maximize their own tribal power, they seek to weaken the ethno-national power of all other peoples who will then be coerced to serve Jewish globalist hegemony.

Anyway, how depressing that Trump, who ran on nationalism and an end to globo-imperialism of US interventionism, was pressured by the Deep State Zionists and Military Industrial Complex to continue with the same old same old, which is sucking up to Jewish Supremacists.
The US continues to occupy much of desperate Syria. The US accuses Russia of meddling in Western affairs — who can forget the Russia Collusion Hoax? — and harboring aggressive global ambitions when, in fact, the Jewish-controlled US is the #1 meddler in other national elections and the invader & destroyer of Iraq & Libya and an enabler of terrorists in Syria and Ukraine. When will this madness ever end?

The US is like India under the British. Sikh Indians joined in all the British Wars. When the British fought in Africa, Middle East, WWI, and WWII, Indian soldiers served under ‘queen and country’ that wasn’t their own. Indians had no agency. The US is under Jewish imperialism & cuck to Jewish wars. A jewel in the crown for the Jews. White Americans are now the Sikh Men of the West.

Anyway, the overall arc of history is as follows.

1. Imperialism. The mighty dominate and rule over all others. Might is right.

2. National Imperialism. The right of one’s own nation to be safe and secure from invasions but no such rights granted to other peoples. Example: Japan defended itself from other empires but advanced into China. ‘Nationalism for me but not for thee.’

3. Universal Nationalism. The right of each nation/people/culture to be free and independent. Nationalism for all peoples of the world as the core basis for international cooperation. It is the Template that emerged from the ashes of WWII and the end of European and Japanese empires. ‘Nationalism for me and for thee’.

4. Universal Imperialism. The right of great powers to militarily, financially, and culturally invade and transform other nations: Drop bombs, take over banks, bribe politicians, and spread Homomania as the new crusading faith. In turn, the great powers must welcome vast demographic invasions by the rest of the world. ‘Imperialism for me and for thee.’ It’s great for Jews who control Western banks and whore politicians of the US & EU and who seek to use increased Diversity in the West to play divide-and-rule among goyim.
We see this dynamic playing out between the EU and the Middle East. The EU supports the Zionist-US invasions of the Middle East and then welcomes millions of Muslim ‘refugees’ displaced by those invasions. The EU becomes demographically invaded in turn.

Boomer cucks did immeasurable harm to the US, the West, and whites by cucking to Jews and Israel and ceding all power and moral authority to the Jews. Had white boomers been more adversarial and pushed back against Jewish Supremacism, the Jewish supremacist cancer wouldn’t have spread so fast and far. Sadly, instead of atoning for their epic error in judgment, the boomer cucks are doubling down on their cuckage to Israel in the latest bloodbath in the Holy Land.

How things might change if white people took inspiration from the Palestinians.
Palestinians are weak and small in number but full of fight and courage. Whites are big and powerful in number but filled with craven brown-nosing cuckery.
If Palestinian Defiance were combined with White Potential, Jews would be finished.
Palestinians cannot beat the Jews. But, whites with the Palestinian spirit could beat the Jews. If whites grew defiant and stood up to Jews and finally realized that Zion is their enemy, Jews would lose white support, and then Jewish Power would be over. Jewish Power must feed on white submission and support. If whites were to wake up and say NO MORE to Jewish Wars in Ukraine and Middle East, Jewish terror and tyranny would fade from the world that could enter a new golden age.
Palestinians are weak politically and militarily but they do have something priceless: truth and courage. They know Jews are their enemy and have the guts to fight even after Jews pound them again and again. Whites are potentially the most powerful people on Earth but have fallen in grace in the US and EU because they cravenly cuck to Jews, their main tormentors. Just imagine the promise of Palestinian Guts + White Potential? If whites thought and acted like Palestinians, Jewish Power would be kaput sooner than later.
What have whites gained by sucking up to Jews? Whites may have thought Jews would be nice to them if whites aided and abetted the Jewish destruction of Palestine. But what happened? Whites only fed the beast of Jewish greed, supremacism, and hubris, and Jews are now looking to push WHITE NAKBA to diversify the West itself so that goyim can be divided-and-ruled. White Cucking to Jews since WWII has been the biggest tragedy of Western Civilization. Learn from the Palestinians. White Intifada against White Nakba.