Saturday, March 16, 2024

It's Disingenuous to Say the West Has No Dog in the Fight Between Jews and Arabs; the West IS the Dog - the Problem of Jewryanism or Jewish-Aryanism



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Some maintain that the history of Jewish vs Arab/Muslim enmity is deep, and therefore, the US(and the West) mustn’t become involved in the conflict. They are wrong. The Jewish-Arab/Muslim conflict is relatively recent and is more a product of Western Intervention in the Middle East than the result of long-standing hostility between the two groups. Without the Jewish colonization of Palestine via the Zionist project, the tensions between Jews and Arabs/Muslims would be few and far between. The Arab and Muslim world turned against World Jewry because of the modern Jewish National Project with the crucial support from the West and, for a time, the Soviet Union.

Historically, Jewish communities and Arab/Muslim communities got along better than the Jewish and Christian ones, and the reasons were spiritual, cultural, and racial. Unlike Christians who regarded Jews as Christ-Killers, Muslims regarded Jews as the People of the Book, errant and misguided in some ways(for not accepting the Prophet) but not stained with the crime of Deicide. Also, at the cultural level, both Jews and Muslims shared similar taboos on matters such as diet: No consumption of pork, whereas Christians were filthy pig-eaters in the eyes of Jews. There was also the factor of race as Arab Semites and Jewish Semites more or less looked alike, whereas the Jewish phenotype seemed distinctly different in Europe, especially in the North.

More often than not, in the historical conflicts between Muslims and Christians, Jews favored the former and happily collaborated with it over the Christians in Spain and Anatolia. Besides, the Arabs and Muslims so outnumbered the Jews in the Levant that the latter hardly entertained any realistic notion of regaining the Holy Land as their homeland. Such was possible only with the rise of the West, which came to far eclipse the Muslim world in technology and industry, and the growing Jewish influence in the West via finance, law, culture, and the control of media. Without such an influence over the West and Eurosphere, especially Britain, for a time and ironically National Socialist Germany, the Soviet Union(with its powerful Jewish faction), and the United States, Jews hadn’t a chance in a million to colonize or ‘reclaim’ the Holy Land as a Jewish State.

Therefore, the notion that this Jewish-Arab/Muslim conflict is some ancient squabble between alien tribes from which the West should distance itself is a fantasy. It is very much the creation of the West that was steered by Jewish influence toward creating demographic and economic conditions that would make a Jewish State viable in Palestine.
In other words, the conflict was caused and perpetuated by the intervention of the West and the Eurosphere(that would include Russia). Even National Socialist Germany, despite its ideological hostility toward Jews, worked with certain Jewish factions to facilitate the transfer of European Jewry to Palestine.

Had it not been for Western intervention, the Jewish-Arab/Muslim conflict would hardly have materialized as (1) Arabs/Muslims and Jews had long learned to co-exist peacefully, albeit with Jews(and Christians and other non-Muslims) as second-class ‘citizens’ (2) Jews would have accepted the fact that the Holy Land shall remain under control of the Arabs, Muslims and Christians.
The peace between Arabs/Muslims and Jews was lost because the Zionist project used all its financial and media influence to steer European powers(and then the US and Soviet Union) towards making the Jewish State on Palestinian lands a real possibility. Jews sold it as “a land without people for a people without a land”.

Jewish nationalism, along with Arab nationalism, was also modeled on modern nationalism pioneered by the Europeans, especially with the French Revolution, and the American project. Prior to all that, for as long as anyone could remember, Jews peacefully coexisted with Arabs, most of whom were part of the Ottoman Empire.
Especially during World War I, the British and the French encouraged nationalist consciousness among Arabs to agitate against the Ottomans. At the same time, the British cut a deal with nascent Jewish nationalists for a chunk of Palestine. It was only a matter of time before Jewish Nationalism and Arab Nationalism would clash. So, it’s disingenuous for any Westerner to brush off this conflict as some long-running blood feud in which the West had no stake and had no part. It’s especially absurd when the West today is the heart of the Empire of Judea and does the bidding of Jewish Supremacists at every turn.

This conflict didn’t originate in the Levant between Arabs/Muslims and Middle Eastern(or Mizrahi) Jews but was instigated by European Jews, especially the Ashkenazim whose vision of Zion or Jewish State came with the duality of both European Imperialist colonization and national liberation(or decolonization).
In one respect, the Jews were following in the lead of European imperialists and colonizers, but they also regarded their project as a means to decolonize the Holy Land and restore it to the rightful owners, themselves.

It’s been argued that Zionism wasn’t religious but secular, socialist, and nationalist, but the insistence on Palestine as the site for the Jewish Homeland suggests a spiritual consideration as well. If Jews merely needed a homeland, why not purchase some uninhabited part of Australia, Canada, Alaska, or European colonies in Africa? (For a time, Uganda was proposed as a possible Jewish Homeland. If such had been the case, the conflict would have been between Jews and black Africans, making the Jewish-Black Alliance in the US far more difficult.) The spiritualist aspect of Zionism cannot be ruled out because, if indeed, Jews were searching for a secure place to call home, they couldn’t have chosen a worse place than Palestine surrounded on all sides by disgruntled Arabs and Muslims.

The Zionist Project gathered steam with both positive support and negative persecution in the West. In some cases, it was a combination of persecution and support, as in the cooperation between National Socialist Germany and the far-right faction of Zionists who shared in common the policy of resettling European Jews in Palestine. And even though the Russian Revolution brought many Jewish Bolsheviks to prominence, it also drove out the anti-communist Jews and the socialist Jews disillusioned with Leninism, some of whom headed for Palestine(though they much preferred other parts of Europe and the US). Expansion of German might in World War II made it ever more dangerous for Jews to remain in Europe, convincing more of them the need for a Jewish Homeland just in case.

European and American meddling in the Middle East upset the long-standing balance among the various ethnic groups. At times, it led to positive outcomes for certain groups at the expense of others — Greeks and Armenians gained independence from the Turks long ago and, more recently, the Kurds certainly gained in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein — , but it also worsened tensions because groups that had grown accustomed to their places in the social hierarchy vied for more power or advantage in the absence of traditional authority paralyzed or destroyed by Western meddling. Libya is now in a pitiful state. If Kurds gained in Iraq, Christian Arabs fared horribly in the aftermath of the US invasion.

Regarded with suspicion by Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds as the favored collaborators of the conquering ‘Christian’ US(which turned out not to be true), Arab Christians in Iraq were targeted by all sides and drastically reduced in number as many sought refuge in Syria. Then, the combined US-Israel-Turkey-Saudi-Arabia war by direct and indirect means left the Christian Arabs in Syria in a most precarious state. Many had sought refuge in Syria following the Muslim reprisals in the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq, but they were faced with the prospect of a Syria overrun by Medievalist Muslim radicals armed and aided by the West, Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. In essence, they would have had no other place to run to and been massacred, which would have been fine with the Jews as they’ve long wanted the Arab Christian community eradicated as its very existence holds the possibility that Christians in the West may finally realize that they have more in common with Christian Arabs who revere Jesus Christ than with Jews who harbor deep-seated hatred of Christianity and tolerate/encourage the spitting on the Christians in Israel. Western Christians are more likely to support the Jews against the Arab Muslims than against the Arab Christians. The fact that so-called Christians like George W. Bush were willing to overlook the destruction of Arab Christian communities in Iraq in service to the ultra-Zionist Neocons goes to show how craven, corrupt, and venal the white Christian community has grown in the US.

At any rate, the fact is the Arab Muslim and Arab Christian communities had long coexisted side by side in relative peace… until the Jewish-controlled US came barging in without ANY thought of protecting or preserving the Christian Arab communities there. At the time, Pat Buchanan was one of the few commentators who lamented the tragedy while most white Christ-Cuckservatives were too busy massaging the hairy balls of Zion.

How does one account for the Western Cuckery to Jewish Supremacism? Partly, it’s because Jewish Supremacism is shrouded in the cult of victimhood at the hands of a supremacist ideology, Nazism. The Holocaust Cult blinds people to the supremacist nature of Jewish Power by portraying the Jews as hapless Semitic victims of Aryan Supremacism.
It would be like regarding Japanese as hapless victims of American Imperialism because of the Tokyo firebombing, the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs, and other horrendous events that could be deemed war crimes. But, in fact, Japan too was an imperialist power driven by chauvinism and powerlust. Just because Japan was beaten in the worst way doesn’t negate its own dark ambitions, aggressions, and atrocities. Likewise, the boxer who is brutally knocked out may gain our sympathy, but he got in the ring to knock out the other guy.

One of the reasons for the rise of National Socialism in Germany was the perception, a correct one, that the Jews were aiming to gain power as the master race over the goyim. Of course, Jews didn’t spell this out(and many of them may have felt it only subconsciously), but if we judge Jews by their actions and agendas, the end result could only have been the submission of German goyim under Jewish goyim, much like the current state in the US where white goyim are indeed pathetic soul-slaves and political servants of Jewish Supremacism.

But the obfuscation of Jewish Supremacism in the fog of victimhood by Aryan Supremacism is only half of it. The other reason why Jewish-Semitic Supremacism is allowed to run rampant is similar to why German-Aryan Supremacism was welcomed by many people, even the non-Germans/Aryans.
Many whites are completely enthralled and in awe of Jewish Power. They regard Jews as the Chosen, the ultra-tribe, the master race, the super achievers, and/or geniuses extraordinaire.

It’s true enough that Jews have been a great people of consequence and achievement, and admiration of Jewish talents is understandable. The problem is that great power isn’t necessarily good power. Just like a Great Man can be ungood, even evil, a Great People can be tempted by evil. No amount of Jewish talent or genius justifies the evil things Jews do, especially in the dehumanization and destruction of weaker and vulnerable populations.

In some ways, Jewish-Semitic Evil is worse than German-Aryan Evil because it’s hidden, hypocritical, and dastardly. At the very least, the German-Aryan agenda was out in the open. Adolf Hitler and other National Socialist ideologues spelled it out for all to see. In contrast, the Jewish-Semitic agenda is presented as ‘democracy’ when, in fact, Jews are the most anti-democratic forces in the West. The sheer mendacity leads to hypocrisy on an unprecedented scale as Jews carry out their supremacist agenda in the name of ‘human rights’ and the ‘rules-based order’ when, if anything, these so-called ‘rules’ are merely Jewish-gangsters changing the goal-posts to suit their purposes. Jews say Vladimir Putin is the New Hitler, all the while aiding actual Naziesque elements in Ukraine. Jews are now comparing Hamas with ISIS despite the fact that Israel was one of the key enablers of ISIS terrorism in Syria.
Furthermore, if German-Aryans fought their own fights and, at the very least, died for their sinister agenda against Russia, Jews make others fight the Wars for Zion while Jews sit pretty humming along and raking in more wealth by nefarious means.

In the Middle East, Jews exploited the divisions among various Arab nations & tribes and Muslim sects to set one bunch of ‘ragheads’ against another. Iraq was set against Iran in the 1980s, and even recently, various Sunni states were goaded into supporting the war against Syria, an ally of Shia-ruled Iran and Iraq. Finally, with a degree of rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran(and the readmittance of Syria into the Arab League), it seems the Arabs and Muslims are beginning to wake up and realize that it’s foolish to be used as pawns in the Jewish Supremacist Globalist Game. Various Arabs and Muslims gain nothing by failing to resolve their differences and being goaded by the Jewish-run US into warring against one another. (Indeed, even Hamas has its origins in Israeli support as the Jews hoped to use the Palestinian Islamists against the secular PLO.)

How better it would be if Arabs and Muslims came together and realized that Jewish Zionists are their main enemy? And how great it would be if whites realized the same thing in both Europe and the US. Instead, we have Jews manipulating the EU against Russia. And Ukrainian Orthodox Christians were manipulated into warring with Russian Orthodox Christians.
Of course, there are differences and disagreements among various groups, even among peoples of the same/similar language, religion, and ethnicity, but is that any reasons to be manipulated by Jews into massacring one another? Via the Jewish media, so many white Americans have been led to hate Russians and other white Americans(now labeled as ‘domestic terrorists’ by Merrick Garland the vile Jewish supremacist).

Imagine the world moving into a new era of peace if, not only Arabs and Muslims learned to get along together and not only whites in Russia and the US/EU learned to get along together, but if Arabs/Muslims and whites learned to get along together as well. Finally, they could unite against Jewish Power that is always setting one bunch of goyim against another. Red State whites against Blue State whites. American whites against Russian whites. Arabs against Arabs, Muslims against Muslims. As a result, so many goyim have gotten killed while Jews, perched up high, cackle with hideous glee at the slaughter among the dimwit goyim who always fall for the Jewish Trick.

Anyway, so many whites are beholden to Jews because they’re in awe of Jewish genius, talent, wealth, and influence, as well as the cult of Jewish sacredness as the Chosen and the Holocaust that is sold as the greatest tragedy of all time by the most evil regime ever. Jews are both admired for being the best, the richest, and the most powerful AND pitied as being the saddest and most tragic people. This way, the veneration of Jewish Supremacy is veiled in sympathy for eternal Jewish victimhood.
The real reason why so many whites cuck to Jews is because they’re dogs to the Jewish Master, but the cult of Jewish victimhood allows them to pose as white-knighting defenders of sad, poor, vulnerable Jews. We see this in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. On the one hand, whites admire Israel as the region’s superpower that can wipe the floor with the Arabs. Israel is so tough and badass! But such a thrill for Jewish Prowess is leavened with rhetoric of how the poor, sad, tragic, and vulnerable Jews need OUR help to survive in a dangerous world.

Being star-struck with ‘Semitic’ Supremacy is a variation of being spellbound by German ‘Aryan’ supremacy. Germans, like the Jews, were a great people with big ideas and outsized achievements in the arts, music, science, literature, philosophy, industry, and military. Many people came to admire the Germans to the point of adulation. Benito Mussolini, initially wary of National Socialism as a perversion of Italian Fascism, was won over by German might and threw his lot with the destiny of the seemingly invincible Germans. The cult of Aryan supremacy caught on not only among the Germans under National Socialism but among non-Germans and even nonwhites who looked to Germany as the rightful ruler of the world and the ideal model for human progress. Even the German defeat in World War I was deemed as ‘noble’ in the sense that Germany, with second-rate and third-rate allies in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, took on the Great Powers and nearly won.

In this light, we can understand the appeal of ‘Aryanism’, the idea that this specific race, best represented by the Germans and the Nordics, represented the pinnacle of humanity in just about all fields and deserved respect, praise, and even obedience by the other races.

Today, the cult of ‘Aryan’ supremacism is vilified to no end, but is ‘Semitic’ supremacism any different? The Jews have become the new ‘Aryans’ or the ‘Jewryans’. Of course, the Jewryans don’t openly state they are better than other peoples, and the West sticks with the rhetoric of equality in denunciation of ‘racism’. But, scratch the surface of the official discourse, and it’s ‘Jewryanism’ all the way. Christians look up to the Jewish-Aryans or Jewryans as the Chosen, the sacred race. US politicians kowtow before the Jewryans as the richest, smartest, and most awesomely ruthless operators. Whore politicians are dazzled by alpha gangsterism. Libertarians worship the Jewryans as representing the highest form of individuality, a people of enterprise and wealth. HBD types are speechless in their adoration of the Jewryans as the rightful master race, without whose approval the white race mustn’t do anything. Even if the Jewryans are against whites, whites must NOT oppose Jewish Power but patiently wait, hope, and pray that the Jewryans will finally see the light and favor whites as their #1 dog.

The Jewryans are held as so awesome and godlike that the very idea of opposing or pushing back against them is unthinkable, indeed blasphemous. If the Jewryans displease you, remember they are the Genius Race, far better than you, therefore it’s not up to you to get antsy and bitter. Just wait with patience and hope. It’s up to the Jewryans to decide because THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU. If Jews decide your kind is to be favored, wonderful! But always remember Jews are first and your kind is, at best, second. And if the Jewryans decide that your kind’s time is up and must fade from history, you must accept the fate because who are you, a little goy worm, to question the Jews?

If we observe the actual workings of the West, as opposed to what is officially said(about ‘diversity, inclusion, equity’), Jewish-Semitic Supremacism or Jewryanism rules the day. Americans of all stripes by and large believe Jews are more human(or even superhuman) than the Palestinians, deemed even lower than animals. US politicians, who are always lecturing about the evils of ‘racism’, never lament the loss of Palestinian lives but go ballistic about dead Jews. A single dead Jew counts for more than a thousand dead Palestinians(or 100,000s of dead Arabs and others in Syria). This is no different from the Nazi attitude that an Aryan life is infinitely more valuable than non-Aryan lives. Still, at the very least, the Nazis were willing to sacrifice many Aryan lives to fulfill their plan. Jewryans and their cuck goy fanboys believe that Jewish lives are so precious that goyim must serve as cannon fodder in the endless wars for Zion, not just in the Middle East but in Ukraine, aka the Pale of Settlement.

There’s something similar with Afro-Aryanism or Afryanism. Whites are so awestruck with blacks as superior athletes, badass rappers, bellowing orators, bouncy-arsed twerkers, big-donged studs, and etc. that, for all their professed commitment to racial equality and justice, they regard blacks as the natural aristocrats, alongside the Jews. Never mind what they preach against ‘racism’. In their actual practice, it comes down to rationalizing bad black behavior on grounds that the lowly white are unfit to pass judgment on the superior, awesome, and divine black demigods.

In other words, the whole ‘anti-racist’ agenda is one big fraud because, in terms of what Americans do as opposed to what they say, there is a clear hierarchy that favors Jewish lives over Arab lives and favors black lives over white lives. Blacks, being noble and awesome, may take other black lives, as well as white or other nonblack lives, but no one better take black lives… that is unless a black turns out to be overly problematic to Jews and homos. The hysterics about ‘black lives matter’ and total silence about the victims of black thuggery give the game away. BLM is currently in some hot water ONLY BECAUSE it expressed sympathy for Gaza. When its mobs were burning and looting cities in the US, Jews fanned the flames.
And the recent outpouring of sympathy and support for dead Jews in Israel in contrast to the mostly bored silence about the countless dead Arabs in Libya, Syria, and Iraq speak volumes. Remember the late Madeleine Albright remains a much revered figure in US politics and media despite her statement that it’s worth wasting a half million Arab children. How is that any different from the view that Aryan lives are so special that non-Aryan lives may be destroyed by the bushel to make way for the Aryans?

Jewryanism operates the same way. Once upon a time, those besotted with German-Aryan greatness were blind to the moral truth that greatness isn’t necessarily synonymous with goodness or, by some magic, automatically redeems badness. This point has been hammered home since the end of World War II, but here we are today living in the West dominated by Jewryanism that implies that, as the Jews are so great and awesome, they may do as they please while the allotted role for the star-struck goyim is to kneel at their feet and pledge unconditional loyalty.

The West is so deferential to the Jewryans as the Master Race that it bawls about dead Israeli victims in the recent crisis but was either utterly indifferent or sadistically gleeful about the Russo-Ukrainian civilians who were indiscriminately shelled and slaughtered by the Judeo-Nazi regime in Kiev, one where the Jewyran globalists encourage Western Ukrainians to regard themselves as Euro-Aryans at war with the ‘Asiatic’ or ‘Mongoloid’ Russian Orcs.

Extremist Politics in Israel and Ukraine – Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen

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Some people are addicted to the Will to Power, but many more are resigned to the Will to Cower. Just look at the countless minions of brown-nosing white cucks lining up to wipe the Jewyran arse and wash the Afryan feet. It’s so pathetic and embarrassing, but those who’ve accepted their slave mentality see only righteousness in their self-debasing cuckery.

Palestinians, despite their poverty and oppression, are immeasurably saner and more admirable than the whites. Surely, the Palestinians know that Jews are smart, capable, and talented, certainly more so than the Arabs. Still, they know that Jewish greatness isn’t a license for Jewish Supremacist nihilism. Just because Jews invented the atomic bomb(whereas the Palestinians achieved no comparable feat) doesn’t mean that Jews can tyrannize and lord over Palestinians like animals or cattle.

Palestinians, to their credit, won’t accept such a fate for themselves, whereas the whites of the West, to their great shame and infamy, have chosen to accept their servility to Jews(and blacks and homos) and ho-de-do and shuck-n-shuffle like Negroes in the Old South did before their massuhs.

True, Jewish doctors and researchers have saved many lives, something humanity can be appreciative of. But that doesn’t give Jews the free rein to wage wars and spread terror to destroy millions of lives around the world. How many died in Iraq and Syria? How many died in Ukraine? And for how much longer will the Jews go on colonizing the West Bank and cook up New Nakbas?
How many whites in the West have died a result of Jewish-funded BLM terror? How many whites in Europe have died or been battered by the endless migration pushed by Jewish groups?

The goy cucks into Jewryanism may feel that the Jews, being the great people of nuclear physics, medical advancement, and witty humor, are a cut above the rest and have the right(of the master race) to do as they please, but that is just another form of nihilism. If indeed Jews have higher intelligence, it must be used wisely, not wickedly to amass more power and wealth to knock the world around like a battered spouse. But then, the cuck maggots with their battered-wife syndrome cling to their Jewish Masters and beg forgiveness because, even when the Jew knocks you around, he is right and you are wrong because Jews are so much greater than you and your kind. Sounds insane, doesn’t it?

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