Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Ann Coulter's Blind Spot of Overlooking the Value of DAZ(Diversity Against Zion) to Counter DAW(Diversity Against Whites) — Implicit Politics Loses to Explicit Politics


Ann Coulter has tirelessly argued that the Democrats push for more (non-white)immigration to win elections(thereby Californizing the entire country) because, after all, peoples from Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Africa, and etc. overwhelmingly lean Democratic(for reasons of immigration policies, economic interests, and/or ideological worldviews inculcated in their countries of origin or in the US where the media/academia are overwhelmingly ‘liberal’). She’s missing the larger point.

Why is ‘diversity’ antipathetic to whites and especially to conservatives? One obvious reason is that mass-immigration leads to transformations in demographics and culture, inherently threatening to white conservatism that prefers to keep things as they are. If you want to keep the US a mostly white and conservative country(especially in the Christian and/or race-ist sense), you’d naturally oppose the arrival of non-white masses with markedly different cultures and values.
White Liberals are more likely to be tolerant and even welcoming of populations who are different, though some argue that their style of Western Liberal Democracy is also threatened by the rising tide of newcomers who may not subscribe to Enlightenment Ideas.

Indeed, some conservatives, especially the cultural as opposed to the racial kind, believe immigrants will make the US and the West more traditional in general(even if not in the Western sense). If Catholic Liberals welcome browns as the salt of the earth in need of help, some Catholic Conservatives see them(and even black African converts) as the last hope for the Church that has grown anemic in the West.
One thing for sure, most nonwhites are not more ‘liberal’ than most white Americans despite their tendency to vote for the Democrats. Like many whites, they vote for the ‘lesser evil’ than out of enthusiasm for any candidate.
It’s also possible that the conservative-leaning types among the immigrants are less likely to register to vote. Conservative types of any race tend to be more tortoise-like, hunkering down within the security and familiarity of their own shells. Liberalism is generally more activist-oriented than conservatism, and it’s possible that the liberal-leaning among the immigrants are more likely to participate in the political process. Still, it’s undeniable that many nonwhite immigrants do harbor anti-white views, sometimes virulently so. Why would this be?

Why do so many nonwhites become Democrats and even anti-white in their attitudes and politics? The simplest answer is because Jews control the US and use nonwhites against whites. Via media and academia, Jewish Power has instilled anti-white animus even among whites. Among those anxious for status and approval, being pro-white is an instant disqualifier, as is being anti-Zionist. No wonder then that even whites with deep Southern roots hardly do anything to defend Confederate legacy given their priority is to seek the approval of their ‘betters’, mostly Jews, cuck white elites, and Noble Negroes(and even homos). And never mind that both political parties are totally supportive of the Jewish ‘genocide’ of Palestinians and the various apartheid-like policies that make life miserable for Arabs in the West Bank.

All things considered, Diversity is most problematic because Jews have weaponized it against whites. Whatever goes wrong, Jews blame whites or even the essentialism of whiteness. When blacks attack Asians, Jewish-dominated media and politics blame ‘white supremacism’, and yellows, being turdy craven dogs eager for approval from authority, go with the bogus narrative. Even most ‘conservative’ whites don’t decry this utter nonsense.
Jews encourage browns to be anti-white. Even though Latin Conquistador-whites did more than their share in the destruction of native peoples and the Atlantic Slave Trade(often in partnership with Jewish slavers), the current Jewish Power bloc allows Latino Whites to pose as ‘people of color’ allies in the anti-white side of the political aisle. Such is the nature of the Jewish Mitzvah(holy race war) against whites.

The only solution to DAW(Diversity Against Whites) is DAZ(Diversity Against Zion). It’s only natural that if Jews use Diversity against whites, whites should use Diversity against Jews. Whites should spread the message that Jews rule America, Jews control the wealth, Jews control the Deep State, Jews use US power to murder tons of non-white Arabs & Muslims. And Jews fan black rage and violence against whites and non-blacks(or Jews allow blacks to ‘roll’ other peoples in pogroms while the Jewish-run media and legal system look the other way). Whites should also remind the world via historical narratives of Jews exploiting blacks.

Thus weaponized against Jews, DAZ(Diversity Against Zion) can be advantageous to whites because Jewish Power poses the gravest threat to white survival. The reason why Jews themselves worry less about Diversity is because they weaponized it against whites but, heretofore, whites haven’t dared to return the favor. But if whites weaponize it against Jews, Jews will begin to shit.

Given the recent mass-demonstrations against Zionism and Jewish Supremacism(once a term used only by figures such as David Duke but now invoked even by those on the Left), DAZ is doable. Vladimir Lenin said, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”, and the global mass uprising against Zion is a great black swan event, one that is truly spontaneous and autonomous, unlike the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ that may have been orchestrated more or less as ‘color revolutions’.
Jewish Power has been for so long so overwhelming that many people took it for granted that Pro-Palestinian voices would remain at the margins for the foreseeable future, but the anger erupted like a volcano. Most people, including myself, had no idea there was so much rage bubbling just below the surface. Given Jews have long used Diversity against whites, will whites wake up and use Diversity against Jews or cuck once again and grovel at the feet of Zion to be favored as its loyal guard dog(to be kicked around)?

What is the current state of JQ(or Jewish Question) among white Americans? Jews employ DAW(Diversity Against Whites), but whites vow to protect Jews from ‘Anti-Semitic’ elements within Diversity. It’s like Jews explicitly promote anti-white rage and violence among blacks, but whites never call out the Jews on this and, instead, thump their chests about how something must be done about festering ‘antisemitism’ in the black community. When blacks kick whites in the arse, Jews cheer, laugh, and call for more. When blacks beat up on the Jews, verbally or physically, whites stand between them and take the blows meant for the Jews who, far from showing any gratitude, cackle with hideous glee and kick the white arse. It’s so pathetic, like how Chico and Harpo play with the lemonade seller in DUCK SOUP.

So, Ann Coulter should focus less on Diversity per se than how it’s been turned against whites by Jews. She should urge whites to change course and start weaponizing Diversity against Jews. Begin by supporting BDS.

But, fat chance of that ever happening among mainstream White Conservatives, at least in the foreseeable future. When even race-realist or white advocate Jared Taylor sucks up to Jews despite his persecution at their hands, it’s close to hopeless among milquetoast conzos, of whom Coulter is a part despite her maverick style. Jews kick Taylor in the ass, and what does he do? He goes into bitchy hysterics about the Muslim threat(to whites and Jews alike) in the hope that Jews won’t whip him so badly(and in the fantasy that rich and influential Jews will warm up to whites like him).

Jewish Power is not about siding with whites or with Muslims in good faith as both are regarded as inferior goyim. Jews are about making goy fight goy. Jews use whites to invade Muslim lands and to kill bushels of Arabs. And then, Jews welcome Arabs as ‘refugees’ and allies against ‘xenophobic’ white Christo-conzos. Jews use whites to support Zionist erasure of Palestine but then reach out to Arab-Americans to denounce ‘Islamophobic’ whites. Jews even use the power of the Deep State to instigate conflicts among various Arabs and Muslims, often pitting radical Jihadis against secular Arab modernizers. (Unlike brown-nosing whites, so many of whom are mentally and emotionally challenged when it comes to Jews, it seems non-white countries are finally waking up to the extent of Jewish Supremacist Evil and reconfiguring their worldviews so as to avoid falling into yet more goy-vs-goy traps set by Zion. China exerted pressure on Iran and Saudi Arabia to get along than be used as dupes by the Jewish-run US. And given the pathetic displays of self-flagellation among whites and their doglike cucking to Jews, even nonwhites in the West are waking up to the fact of WHO has the real power. They may be dumb but they’re not THAT dumb. Just think. When the very whites who reject and curse ‘whiteness’ as evil and ‘racist’ turn around and praise everything Jewish and Zionist despite the horrors happening in the Middle East(and especially in Gaza) stemming from Jewish-Global imperialism, then it doesn’t take too many brain cells to realize that JEWS, not whites, hold the real power in the West. For all this talk of ‘white supremacism’, all you see are pitiful dog-like whites fetching and rolling over for brazen Jewish Supremacism.

It’s as simple as A-B-C. Jews use Diversity against whites. When will whites use Diversity against Jews? If whites won’t, they are finished and deserve to lose because they’re too dumb or craven to stare truth in the face and do what must be done.

Jews shouldn’t be regarded as just another ethnicity. They don’t see themselves that way. Greasy Italians and Dumb Poles are generic ethnics in America. In contrast, Jews regard themselves as a Chosenicity. They are Choseniks, which puts them above mere ethnic groups and races.

The problem was never Jewish identity and Jewish interests per se. Every group has them. If Jews want to pursue their own interests, it’s no different from Greek-Americans or Mexican-Americans pursuing their own. The difference is that Jews try to make OTHER groups favor Jewish interests over their own, increasingly difficult when it comes to the Palestinian-Americans, Iranian-Americans, Chinese-Americans, and Russian-Americans who, for all their issues with the ruling regimes in their respective countries, resent the way that the Jewish-ruled US demonizes their folks and homelands in service to Zionist Globalism.

While Greek-Americans are concerned about the fate of Cyprus, they understand it’s not the concern of non-Greek Americans who have their own interests and historical hang-ups. Jews, in contrast, insist that non-Jews put Jewish identity and interests above their own, and this is the real source of American/Western Evil. Jewish Power is a kind of Judeo-centrism that regards itself as the sun around which all other groups must revolve. Or, maybe Jewish Supremacist Power is more like a blackhole determined to suck everything into its own dimensions.

Only three groups harbor such arrogance and megalomania in the US, the other two being blacks and homos, in no small part due to Jewish Power favoring them for special prestige and privilege. Thus, ‘multiculturalism’ was always a false promise as most cultures never amounted to a plate of beans in the Diversity Hierarchy and as most groups could gain worth only in supplication to Jews, blacks, and/or homos.
For example, an Armenian-American or Polish-American has little moral, cultural, or idolatrous value on his own and can attain value only in subordinate association with Jews, blacks, and/or homos. “Me dumb polack just dumb polack, but me dumb polack waving homo flag better polack.”

The assumption among many on the ‘right’ is that Diversity is necessarily bad for the GOP and whites. While it’s true that Too-Many-Nonwhites will lead to the erasure of white societies, Diversity in and of itself need not be anti-white or anti-GOP in the hostile or hateful sense.

It all depends on how Diversity is used and by whom. Most nonwhite goyim are like white goyim: Sheeple, easily manipulated. In the West, they are manipulated to be anti-white by Jews… just like whites are manipulated to be pro-Jewish no matter what Jews do to them.

Iran is only 50% Persian and other ethnicities make up the rest of the population. But, despite ethnic tensions within Iran, most minority groups don’t work with Jews against the Persians. Why not? Because Persian nationalists control Iran. Russia has many minority ethnic groups, but Russia’s Diversity doesn’t work with Jews against Russians. Why not? Russians dominate Russia. (If any group is most likely to collaborate with World Jewry against Russia, it is the white cuck population there… just like the biggest shills of Jewish Supremacist power in the US and UK are white cuck maggots.) If anything, during the Cold War when the USSR backed key Arab nations against Zionism, all groups within the Soviet/Russian Empire were steered to support Arabs against Zion.

If whites hadn’t ceded power to the Jews in the US(and UK and the West), they could have fashioned more pro-white or white-friendly agendas and attitudes for the diverse non-white immigrants who, until recently, arrived in the West with admiration and respect for White Civilization. As most nonwhites won’t or don’t think for themselves, they tend to go with the prevailing wind. It is precisely because whites totally caved to the Jews that the latter was able to make anti-whiteness the political glue among the various nonwhite groups(and white cucks), especially as ideology faded in significance as the ‘End of History’ drew near.

Anti-whiteness among nonwhites was NOT inevitable, especially as many non-white immigrants moved to the West out of preference for whites and white ways than for their own. Diversity was made anti-white by Jewish Power. In the Age of Idolatry, Jews made themselves gods and made whites the Devil in the equation.

Something similar happened in China. As communist ideology lost its luster, CCP figured it had to rely on something else to hold the people together as one big patriotic family. And it was anti-Japanese sentiment. History was dredged up to make Japan the Big Bad Wolf. (It was probably a stupid move in the long run as it alienated Japan and drew it closer to the US, the real power behind Japan that is simply a puppet.) CCP figured Anti-Japanese Remembrance would be the glue holding post-ideological China together. Jews figure Anti-Whiteness will hold Diversity together. Blame whitey for everything. Even in areas where Jews dominate, the game is to blame whites, e.g. #HollywoodSoWhite. Even though Jewish mayors of blue cities pushed for tougher policing to control black crime, the rulebook is to blame ‘white racist cops’ when racial controversies flare up, as with the case of George Floyd.

Blaming Diversity is like blaming trannies while ignoring the fact that both have been weaponized by Jewish Power. Most nonwhites are clueless sheeple, and their anti-whiteness has been fed to them by Jews. Trannies on their own would have been nothing more than a marginal community of laughing stocks. They were empowered and ‘ennobled’ by Jews.
Conzo criticism amounts to harping about the puppets but never about the puppet master, which is Jewish Power. Diversity and Trannies are no different from Joe Biden. They are all puppets of Jewish Power.
In a way, conzo discourse is similar to how the Jewish-run media operate. When a black kills white people, the gun, the car, or ice skate is more likely to be blamed as the culprit than the black himself by the so-called MSM(which should be called JRM, or Jewish-Run Media). Likewise, when Jews employ various groups to attack whites, whites will mention the proxies but not the Jews. If anything, whites will pretend that the proxies might be ‘Anti-Semitic’ and volunteer to defend Jews from them, ROTFL. Of course, Jews laugh at the whites as either stupid idiots or craven toadies.

There is something to be learned from Ukraine. Jews sought to use Ukraine against Russia, but Russia decided to use Ukraine against the Jews. Jews installed a puppet government that provoked Russia, but Russia took back Crimea and took the fight to Ukraine against the Neocons.

Diversity must be used like Ukraine is used by Russia. If Jews steer Diversity to be anti-white, whites must steer it to be anti-Jewish. Just tell nonwhites that Jews hog most of the power and privilege in the West. Detail the dark chapters of Jewish History and inform every group of how it’s negatively impacted by Jewish Power. For example, the relationship between Jews and slavery in Brazil. Jewish domination of the opium trade in China. Jewish use of the Pentagon to destroy Arab nations. The role of Jewish financiers in the rape of entire economies. When Jews use Diversity to attack whiteness, whites must fight back in kind. Sadly, most whites are a bunch of cucky-wuck wussy maggots.

In the US, both political parties(or patsies) are about ethno-idolatry or ‘ethnodolatry’ of Jews. Demmies look to Jews as prophets and Repubbies look to Jews as gods. If both parties vanished into the air, Jewish oligarchs will just create two more political fronts to create the illusion of ‘democracy’ and vet a new batch of puppet candidates. There’s a whore born every minute.

Simple Rule of History: Peoples who weaken their own identities will end up serving a people who strengthen their own identity. It’s only a matter of time. Look at whites and Jews. Whites into deracination have come to serve Jews into racial identity.

In the end, implicit politics loses to explicit politics. At most, a figure like the governor of Virginia, Youngkin the bungkin, represents implicit white politics. In contrast, the other side dominated by Jews and energized by blacks(and homos) is explicit in its pride and passion, in its diatribes and demands.

What is the difference between ‘implicity’ and ‘explicity’? Implicit politics is ashamed to expound what it’s really about. It conceals its core identity and interests, even to itself, i.e. so many whites who vote for white interests convince themselves that they are voting for universal principles of color-blindness lest they realize to their horror that they may be ‘racist’!!
So, even though implicit politics may win a few rounds, it loses in the long run without the fuel to proudly express and defend itself and go on the warpath against enemies and rivals. Implicit = Timid.

In contrast, explicit politics is all about pride, confidence, and aggression. It is fired up. Even if outnumbered and disadvantaged(at the moment), it has the wind of history on its back because it has the moral fortitude and ‘spiritual’ imperative. It can preach loudly and condemn the other side that is too timid to express itself loudly and push back. Explicit = Brash. Jews are explicitly into Jewish Power, blacks are explicitly into Black Rage, and Homos are explicitly into ‘Gay Pride’, but whites, even most hardcore conservatives, squirm like a toad when pressed on sentiments such as “It’s Okay to be White”.
Is it any surprise that Palestinian defiance has done more to push back against Jewish Power in recent US history? Palestinian-Americans are far fewer and far poorer than White Americans, but they feel no shame in what they are and feel all the pride in the world in demanding justice. Indeed, it’s become somewhat infectious among non-Palestinians who feel inspired by the Palestinian example of rage and resistance. How pathetic that white cucks, while utterly incapable of exhibiting the slightest sign of white pride, can express anger ONLY in servility to the group most responsible for anti-white hatred, the Jews of course.

Implicit politics, even when victorious, is unsure of itself and dare not convey what it’s really about. If anything, it outwardly agrees, more or less, with the moral argument of the other side and claims to practice those ‘virtues’ better in moderation and caution. But then, if the ‘virtues’ are so correct and on the right side of history, why opt for moderation than total commitment?

The implicit side doesn’t oppose the arguments and the demands of the other side but merely pleads that they’re too radical… at least for the time being. So, when it comes to fundamentals, the implicit political side hides its real interests and claims to, more or less, comport with the premise of the other side that roars with righteous rage and demands ‘justice’. So, craven shitters like governor Youngkin never outright condemn CRT or call out the lies of BLM but only mutter, “Oh gosh, you’re pushing too far too fast. We need some time out, that’s all”, and most GOP voters are too craven to express real outrage over what Jews and blacks have done to this country. Where were the Southern Whites when the General Robert E. Lee statue was melted down? Implicit is weak.

Jews are 2% of the US whereas white Christian goyim outnumber them many times. (White Conservatives complain about how California was lost due to demographics, but if this is true, how come Jews control the state when they are many times outnumbered by goyim?) Why do Jews keep winning while whites and Christians keep losing? It’s because Jews control the gods, what is holy and unholy, and that means they can be EXPLICIT in their Jewish identity, pride, agenda, and demands(and in their anti-white hostility)… whereas whites and Christians, branded with the sins of ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, and ‘white supremacism’, must tread carefully and at best be IMPLICIT in their defense of whiteness or Christianity. Jews angrily wield Jewishness like a hammer, whereas whites/Christians warily handle whiteness(and/or Christianity) like radioactive material; they are afraid of their own identity and interests, of their own shadows. Whiteness is to whites what Kryptonite is to Superman.

Consider the problems of implicit capitalism under communism. Even under Marxism-Leninism, some nations experimented with market economics and introduced elements of capitalism. But the capitalism in communist nations could only be implicit, always under the moral thumb of communism. It couldn’t loudly and proudly proclaim itself as superior to communism.
Rather, all it could hope for was some degree of tolerance and permission to carry on according to market principles. Because communism owned the pride and passion, it could stamp out vestiges of capitalism any time it wished. Implicit capitalism was always at the mercy of explicit communism, and if anything, capitalists under communism argued that capitalist practices were merely to hasten the arrival of total communism(as Karl Marx himself said capitalism would lay the grounds for socialism that would lead to communism).

Likewise, implicit white politics never expresses pride in whiteness but argues that whites should be treated a bit better because, all said and done, what white conservatives really want is a better kind of Diversity, a happier kind of Great Replacement.

Unless whiteness is made explicit in its identity, interests, expression, and demands, it will always be disadvantaged and lose out in the long run because pride and passion only emerge with explicit politics. It’s like a handful of burning coal produces more heat than a ton of cold coal. And a few men with swords are more effective than many men with shields. When a roller meets the dough, what flattens what?

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