Monday, January 15, 2024

The Power of the Template and the Threats to It from the Palestinian Struggle


The Thumb On The Scale | First Draft

Some on the Patriotic Right despair of the corrosive effects of the Cult of White Guilt, but it’s actually a secondary problem flowing from the primary one, namely the power of the TEMPLATE. Never confuse a side-show with the main feature.

The Template decides who is approved and who can accuse as opposed to who is accused and who must atone. It is the thumb on the scale that determines which side has the advantage and protection. People whose views and values align with the ‘mainstream’ or officialdom may believe the strength of their beliefs and convictions has shaped society when, in reality, their outlooks merely happen to coincide with those of the powerful. (Or, their worldview is merely the product of influence by the powerful.)

We would like to believe that conscience has innate worth and is its own reward regardless of who has the power. Even if the whole world is against you, even if the powerful can crush you like a bug, we’ve been told there’s a kind of satisfaction, a peace of mind, in knowing you’ve held steadfast to your convictions regardless of the consequences. And examples like Alexander Solzhenitsyn have been used to illustrate how even the powerless but righteous can in the long run triumph over the powerful and repressive. Purely as a matter of morality, this is true enough, and one should remain true to one’s convictions, come what may.

But from the political perspective of the here-and-now, it’s a small consolation to know you’re right(or righteous) when the world has been turned against you or turned upside down. Besides, even in the case of Solzhenitsyn, it sure helped that he had skills as an author(thereby being noticed) and was offered sanctuary by the other superpower, the US, mostly for cynical reasons(as the US blithely ignored or even enabled the silent destruction of so many people whose consciences were inconvenient to American Power or merely inconsequential).

And in the West of today, especially with the fading of Christianity and genuine liberalism(as opposed to the fake kind), even the sentimentality surrounding the conscientious objector or saintly dissenter has been greatly devalued. There was a time when, even in disagreement, there was a modicum of admiration for people who stood by their principles, their sense of honor. Contrast the fate of Daniel Ellsberg with those of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Most so-called ‘Liberals’ had zero consideration for the principles involved when Assange and Snowden became targets; the ONLY thing that mattered was power, leading them to support the persecution of those individuals on account of their harm to the Obama administration or the Hillary campaign.
And consider the bakers whose lives and businesses were destroyed by ‘bake a gay marriage cake’ lawfare instigated by Jews. In another time, even those who disagreed with the views of the bakers would have, at the very least, admired their courage of conviction. No more. Now, it’s all about “You are with us or against us.” If ‘against’, you are to be totally destroyed.
Gone is the Christian respect for personal conscience. Gone is the Jewish idealism for the dissenter, radical, or maverick. It’s all just a power game. And consider what has become of the memory of Robert E. Lee. Even those who believed in the necessity and the rightness of the Southern defeat acknowledged Lee’s sense of honor, courage, and loyalty. But now, even to concede that very minimum, that even the enemy could be men of grace and virtue, is now an impossibility due to the fanaticism of ‘wokeness’, the false morality of which stems from the post-war Manichean Jewish Worldview that divides the world between Good and Evil. One’s either Anne Frank or Adolf Hitler. In the ending of the film PAN’S LABYRINTH, it isn’t enough to kill the villain; his entire memory must be erased and denied even to his own child. No wonder in the age of ‘wokeness’, the memorials to Confederate soldiers were removed in Wisconsin.
The Jewish worldview, that Jews are always totally right while their enemies are totally wrong(and deserve no consideration whatsoever), is, ironically enough, merely the mirror opposite of the radical Nazi view, and its fanaticism, completely devoid of nuance and ambiguity, has colored all of ‘wokeness’ whose adherents see the world in the same way, e.g. blacks are totally good & whites are totally bad, homos are totally wonderful & ‘homophobes’ are totally wicked, and etc. Granted, of late, this seems to have blown up in Jewish faces as Jewish Manicheanism — “Israel is totally innocent & Gazans are totally barbaric” — has been inverted to a pro-Palestinian Manicheanism of “Palestinians are pure angels while Zionists are total scum of the Earth.”

The personal consciences of individuals matter, at least politically or macro-socially, only in relation to the condemnation or consecration by the Template upheld by the Power. Why does one’s personal views and feelings about Jews matter in America but one’s views and feelings about Buddhists don’t? It’s because the Template protects and favors Jews but is utterly indifferent to Buddhists. So, a person can love or hate Buddhists, but it wouldn’t matter one way or the other in the social, cultural, or political arena. It would merely be one opinion among many others, just another flavor of thought. Neither loving nor hating Buddhists is either an advantage or a disadvantage. The Template just doesn’t care. But if one’s feelings about Jews were made known, it’d have serious consequences on the social, economic, and political level because Jews are so central to the Template. One’s views about Jews aren’t just another opinion or attitude but treated as a sacrament or blasphemy. It can determine the trajectory of one’s life and place in society.

Take communism in East Germany. As long as the System was in place, the Template was “Marxism-Leninism is the eternal truth, and good communists are on the side of angels, and it is their right and duty to accuse and expose anti-communist heretics and to denounce the dreaded bourgeoisie.”
Under the System, the pro-communists could accuse and condemn anyone deemed anti-communist. They didn’t need to explain or justify their feelings and actions. The System ensured that its supporters could take for granted the infallibility of Marxism-Leninism. All they had to do was point fingers and accuse. Destroy the enemy and feel justified as good comrades.
As for the accused, they had to either deny the charges of anti-communism or defy the system with all the courage they could muster(and almost invariably pay a heavy price). The System enforced the Marxist-Leninist Template. Even if we were to suppose everyone in East Germany, communist and anti-communist alike, was motivated by the purest ideals and principles, what ultimately decided their fate was not their individual consciences but the Template that had the power to choose winners and losers.

Stasi files that could stretch out for 180 kilometers are currently being researched in Berlin as an effort to put East Germany's difficult communist past behind it.

But once the System came tumbling down in East Germany, it no longer mattered if there remained hardline communists or Marxist true believers. The System no longer existed to protect and favor them. Whether few or many, they were now all alone to make their case without the System enforcing the Template in their favor. Their views suddenly became just that: personal views without political muscle, without carrots for them and sticks for those who disagreed.
Their accusations no longer carried any weight. They suddenly lacked the power to affect the lives of others because the Template no longer existed to lend them support against others. If anything, there was the sudden realization that their power had been illusory. Because they’d been able to destroy other lives under communism, they’d been lulled into believing that their personal sense of righteousness, in and of itself, had the force of history. But in fact, it had been the systemic wind behind their backs that had created the impression of having possessed historical agency.

It’s like Christians in a Christian Order may feel empowered by Faith alone. The Faithful feel blessed in a Christian system that favors their kind. One could easily overlook the crucial role of the system and believe in God as the source of one’s blessed position in society. But one’s favored status really owes to the power of the Church that endorses and ensures the privilege of the true believers. If the power of the Church were to fade, their faith alone wouldn’t amount to a plate of beans. Today, American Christians have begun to realize this. Because core institutions of America are now effectively post-Christian(and even anti-Christian), what with the Template consecrating Jews-Negroes-Homos above all others, being a Christian today has little resonance within the domains of power. If anything, it could be a liability in many key areas.

In some ways, it’s more difficult for people to wake up to this reality in the ‘liberal democratic’ West. It was obvious that communist countries ranged from heavily authoritarian to downright totalitarian and that individual freedom hardly existed. It was all about the system and its official template.
In contrast, in the so-called Free West, it was believed that the ‘liberal democratic’ order neither held nor enforced any single dogma and was mainly committed to the liberty of individuals to think and act as they chose within the law devised to uphold the rights of individuals and their properties. In other words, everyone has his own views & values and should be respected as such, of course on grounds that he also respects others with different views and values.
Over time, liberalism, in the best sense of the term, allowed for more views and lifestyles to be permitted under the rubric of a free society. For example, homos exist, so let them do their own thing in their own space.
But, at some point, this formula was abandoned in favor of an Iron Template that idolized certain groups, especially Jews, Negroes, and Homos, over all other groups whereby it became obligatory, even sacrosanct, for the lesser groups to kneel before the Holy Three… or else.
Who would have thought that equal opportunity for Jews would lead to “Praise Jews and Israel or else have your career destroyed”? Who would have thought that letting homos be free to do their own thing would lead to “Bake the ‘gay marriage’ cake or be financially wrecked”? Who would have thought racial equality for blacks would lead to “Worship George Floyd or be fired and blacklisted from the institutions”?

The fall of East German communism meant that anti-communists no longer needed to fear informers or cower before their accusers. They no longer needed to deny their anti-communism or to defend or justify their dislike of the Soviets. They could freely express their disdain for communism.
Furthermore, as long as the New Template favored those who called out against communists of the prior regime, their anti-communism had value as a token of power. But once the New Template lost interest in making an example of former communists, even anti-communism came to mean nothing. In time, neither having served communism nor having resisted communism carried any water in the New Order where the Template was devised and enforced by the globalists.
Today, the ONLY thing that matters in Germany for anyone eager for success or privilege is spouting whatever that’s most likely to appease Jewish supremacism and win its approval. Notice how the Germans, who’ve flattered themselves as having risen from the ashes of World War II with a total commitment to reviling their Nazi past and atoning for genocide, are now aiding Sub-Nazi types in Ukraine and cheering on the wholesale massacres in Gaza, and why? Simply because Jewish supremacists are for those things, supplying the ultra-right fanatics in Ukraine and ultra-right lunatics in Israel.

With true liberalism mostly dead and buried, one must understand the power of the Template(controlled by Jews) to understand the current West. Consider the logic behind the cult of ‘white guilt’. It’s not the feeling itself that should be most worrisome to patriots who want to defend and save the West. The problem isn’t so much the feelings of ‘white guilt’ among individuals but their cult-status within the Template.
Same goes for the cult of Diversity and Homomania. Before Diversity and Homomania were promoted as part of the Official Template, it didn’t matter if one espoused nationalism or anti-homo sentiments. One could openly question or mock Diversity or the Homo agenda prior to their consecration by the Power. And it didn’t matter if some people were pro-homo-agenda or pro-mass-invasion. They lacked the backing of the Template and could therefore be pushed back because they stood alone with their own convictions. It was opinion vs opinion.

But once Diversity was inducted into the Template, its advocates had the blessings of the System. And its opponents were effectively excommunicated by the System. If an idea isn’t yet canonical, opposing it cannot be heretical. Thus, while opposing it may lead to heated arguments with its advocates, one cannot be destroyed by the System for harboring an opposing view because the System hadn’t yet canonized the idea that would render its dissent heretical.

Once elite institutions canonized the tenets of PC and then ‘wokeness’, opposing views were no longer regarded as mere disagreements or dissent but as heresies of ‘hate’. So, with the full spectrum of elite opinion from ‘left’ to ‘right’ chanting the sacred mantra of ‘Diversity is our strength’, the message was loud and clear that Diversity now had the full blessing of the Template. It was no longer a position among other possible positions but The Position, the Only Position. Likewise, at some point, the Jews at New York Times decided the debate on ‘gay marriage’ is over, and you better just accept it… or else.

So, the key issue isn’t White Guilt per se. Such sentiments always exist because any society(even non-white ones) will have its share of self-loathing types who love to make a spectacle of their higher virtue via atonement and redemption.
What gave Self-Loathing Whites or SLW’s the moral and political advantage is that the Globalist power-elites pushed the Iron Template of Diversity and Homomania. So, SLW’s are now favored in the way that communist zealots, communist toadies, and communist hacks were favored in Stasi-dominated East Germany.
But, remember how the ‘commies’ in all walks of life lost their advantage overnight when the System came crashing down. Being communist in a system tailored to Marxism-Leninism was like having an anti-gravity belt. But once the system’s power was shut down, those hovering in the air fell to the ground. Tragicomically, while they were up in the air, they thought their power of levitation emanated from within their own souls. They learned the truth the hard way when the system no longer supplied power to their belts. It’s like a soldier has the power to kill other people as long as he is consecrated as a ‘hero’ by the System. But back in civilian life, he realizes his ‘power’ of ‘heroism’ totally depended on the System. East German informers who’d been rewarded by the system overnight became the reviled.

So, the problem isn’t so much the existence of SLW’s, annoyingly unbearable as they may be. Rather, it’s that they are blessed by the System that calls for Open Season on White Heretics. Once the Template is smashed, the Patriots can contend and push back with the full force of facts, logic, and conviction, and then, SLW’s will have to stand on their own legs(without the backing of the system) in the fight that they will inevitably lose. It’s usually the case that those who hate their own kind will lose to those who love their own kind. Also, the multi-generational support of the Template has made the SLW’s spoiled and lazy. Their reliance on anti-gravity belts powered by the Template made their bones weak. They’ve come to rely on the Template as their crutch, and one wonders if they could even move, mentally and emotionally, without it. We must smash the Template like Zed in ZARDOZ smashes the Tabernacle.

The current crisis over the ‘Gaza Genocide’ is a hopeful sign that the Template isn’t infallible or indestructible. There are chinks in the armor, cracks in the wall, holes in the pocket. Though enormously out-matched in every way, Arab-Americans intensely focused on taking over the department of Middle East Studies and worked hard at spinning their own narrative that, over time, had a rippling effect.
Also, unlike too many idiot elements of the white right that continued to dabble with supremacism — it was easy to pigeonhole Richard Spencer as a ‘white supremacist’ due to his alliance with Neo-Nazi types and grandiose dreams of resurrecting Western Imperialism — , Arab-American scholars & activists and their allies adopted the language of justice and equality, not in the communist sense but in the name of equal dignity for all peoples, and it proved to be effective by exposing the utter hypocrisy of Americanism that claimed to have dispensed with bad old ‘white supremacism’ in favor of diversity & equality, only to favor Jewish Supremacism, Zionism Imperialism, and Neocon warmongering at every turn.

It was especially devastating to Democratic Party Politics as its members have been making loud noises about ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacism'(especially of MAGA) but also hugely depend on and do the bidding of the Neoliberal Zionist power bloc that is no less zealous than the Neocons in their utter dehumanization of the Palestinians and Arabs/Muslims in general.
Just about the ONLY time Jews side with Arabs or Muslims is to use them against whites who are denounced for their ‘Islamophobia’. But, the very Jews who pretend to care about the plight of Arabs/Muslims in the US(at the hands of ‘Islamophobic white supremacists’) are also the very people who demand that White Americans of all stripes support Zionism, Israeli imperialism, and the suppression of the BDS movement that calls on Westerners to boycott Israel as an apartheid state, which it most certainly is in the West Bank that is not only under occupation but ongoing colonization.

Unlike idiot elements of the White Right that still dabble with Neo-Nazism and white supremacist rhetoric or, incredibly enough, still cuck to Zion in the hope that, finally at last, the true master race of Genius Jews will find its place among fellow whites and lead them to the Promised Land of Whitopia where Jews and Whites shall live happily ever after as the rightful Master and the loyal Servant, Arab-Americans kept with the sensible and honest message of equal justice and dignity. After all, if indeed ‘liberals’ insist the US is about rejection of old prejudices and if ‘conservatives’ argue that the US is about colorblind justice for all, why do all those politicians, big industries, the courts, and powerful institutions almost always favor Jews and Zionism over Arabs/Palestinians and BDS? Are Palestinians less deserving of justice than blacks in South Africa?

One crucial difference between BDS and HBD is that the former names its enemy whereas the latter plays dumb. BDS wields the Occam’s Razor, whereas HBD pulls out the Occam’s Eraser. Palestinians know that Jews and Zionists are their tormentors, the robbers of their land and dignity.
That said, Palestinian-American scholars and activists don’t dehumanize Jews but call on Jews and non-Jews alike to acknowledge the history of what really happened. They don’t go for pro-Nazi or ‘anti-Semitic’ rhetoric but make the case, a powerful one, that it’s especially perverse that Jews, who make so much of the Holocaust and the evils of Nazi supremacist ideology, have gone about fostering and enforcing a supremacism of their own with its endless neo-imperialism and warmongering.

BDS isn’t asking the impossible but a form of basic justice: (1) an acknowledgement of the fact that the West aided and abetted Zionism that led to the destruction(Nakba) of a people who, by the way, had nothing to do with World War II and the Holocaust and (2) a serious addressing by the world community of the ongoing occupation and colonization of West Bank.
The demand is so sensible that no conscientious person on the Left or the Right can deny its validity. BDS names the Jewish power and influence as the culprit behind US foreign policy that is heavily weighted in favor of Zionism and other Jewish interests(like the hell in Ukraine instigated by the likes of Victoria Nuland). Because the demands aren’t outlandish but grounded in facts and the basic rules of justice, the world community and many Americans from all walks of life have come to sympathize with the Palestinian point of view.

So, what did the Palestinian-Americans do right? Their rhetoric is devoid of supremacism, the kind that lingered in the Alt Right, destroying the movement, and is a call for basic justice(though Jewish Supremacists spin it as ‘call for genocide of the Jews’). Also, they know who their enemy is, and they name it and shame it. In contrast, HBD remains awestruck on Jewish intelligence and money(proof of Jews as the master race) and continues to fantasize that the Jewish Master will choose whites as their top dogs or ‘house negroes’. It’s totally pathetic when Jewish Power has done more than anything to dehumanize, degrade, devalue, and destroy the white race and the white world.

BDS asks for basic justice and calls out their enemy. HBD hopes to serve Jews as the master race and thereby fantasizes that their tireless tormentor can miraculously become their best friend, that is if whites cuck even harder and pledge to grovel at the feet of Jews for all eternity. As for Richard-Spencerian Alt Right fools and Greg-Johnsonite Himmlerites, it’s revival of white supremacism all over again in one form or another.

Given the differences, it’s no wonder that BDS and the Palestinian cause have gotten more traction than the white identity politics kinds. While both BDS and HBD(and Alt Right) were equally reviled and suppressed by Jews, BDS made greater moral and political headway among many people, left and right. Palestinians, like any other group, are deserving of basic justice, which is denied to them by US foreign policy that is totally controlled by mad Zionist supremacists who pretty much own all the politicians and media figures. The disparity between Jewish might and Palestinian plight is such that only a liar or a retard at this point could argue that the US must protect ‘democracy-loving’ Israelis from Palestinian ‘terrorists’.

In this struggle, Palestinians and their sympathizers state the obvious: The culprits are AIPAC, ADL, and even J-Street that pretends to be ‘more liberal’ but is just another Zionist outfit. It’s the Jewish Lobby, it’s the power of all those ‘benjamins’. Also, favoring Jews over Palestinians goes against the stated values of the current US that claims to have transcended its past biases.
It also exposes US ‘democracy’ as simply a game of money power, i.e. Jews deserve ‘more justice’ because they can pay for it, like when Jewish crooks are routinely pardoned by US puppet-presidents. The Palestinian-American and BDS message is clear with sensible demands and grounded in ideas of real justice.

For that reason, it has garnered broad attention and dealt a real blow to the existing Jewish-dominated Template. Some have compared it with BLM and Antifa activism, but here’s the difference. BLM and Antifa have been funded and controlled by Jewish Power as weapons against white American populist-nationalism, whereas BDS and the Palestinian cause are independent of or against Jewish Supremacism. ‘Woke-ism’ is manufactured outrage by Jews to activate nonwhites, homosexuals, and white cucks against those whites with any sense of identity and pride left.
Also, by funding and winning over the loyalties of blacks and homos, Jews sought to burnish their own brand in association with Globo-Homo and Negrolatry as the new holy idols of the West.
But the Palestinian argument and cause have been so eloquent and reasonable while the Jewish counterparts have been so hysterical and ludicrous that many blacks and even some homos have taken the Palestinian side.
How is it that Jews, who erased Palestine off the map, accuse Palestinians of trying to wipe Israel off the map, all the more ridiculous when Jews are in the very process of erasing the West Bank as well? Only a white cuck desperate for Jewish money or awestruck with Jewish Genius could now go on carrying water for the Zionist line.

Palestinian-Americans have almost no money or power in the US, but they’ve done more to threaten the Template than whites have. It’s because their message is simple and compelling.

In contrast, what do we find among whites? Among so-called ‘mainstream’ figures, it’s just whoring for money and favors from Jews. Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are typical. Just brown-nosing craven careerists found in both political parties. At this point, the whole world has a good sense of what has become of US politics and that of the EU as well. It’s just weak wussy white people sucking up to Jewish supremacist power for shekels and favors. It’s a laughing stock, an embarrassment.

HBD types are to Jewish Power what Chester the sidekick toady dog is to Spike the bulldog.

Given this sorry state of white mainstream politics and thought, one would hope for something better in the white dissident sphere. But, Alt Right was easy to discredit because it attracted too many Naziesque and neo-white-supremacist types. And HBD is now a joke as its only remaining strategy is to pray that Jews, under pressure from nonwhites and conscientious whites, will finally throw their lot in with the whites or at least not treat whites so badly. It’s a dumb delusion, but even if it were doable, whites would have to either support or turn their heads away from the increasingly deranged agendas of World Jewry.
It isn’t worth it to gain the world by losing one’s soul, but to gain the position of butler in the master house by losing one’s soul is downright embarrassing, but that’s HBD for you, a faux-dissident thought that, for all its statements of inconvenient facts, goes with the Occam’s Eraser in refusing to admit that the #1 enemy of the white race is Jewish Supremacism.
If whites and Jews are to one day live in dignity and justice, whites must denounce Jewish Supremacism, as once Jews denounced white supremacism. But whites, either due to stupidity(in the conviction that the Holocaust turned Jews into eternal victims) or cowardice(in awe and fear of Jews as super-smart, super-tough, and super-rich) are stuck in stupidville. If they insist on remaining there, they deserve to pass from history, which is inevitable unless they honesty call out on Jewish Supremacism. When the tiny and weak Palestinian-American has done more to address the problem of Jewish Supremacism while the still vast and wealthy white population cravenly cucks to Jews and grovel at Jewish-propped idols like Negrolatry and Globo-Homo, it’s proof that honesty and courage even in small quantity has infinitely greater value than delusion and cowardice in huge quantity. Or one ounce of Palestinian gold is more precious than a ton of white manure.

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