Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Psychonspiracy of the Knowing Elites & Conceited 'Progressives' and the Possible Plot-Within-a-Plot in the Covid-19 Conspiracy


The following concerns the psychological culture of a community that would dare turn the world upside down for its tribal aggrandizement. What kind of a culture would produce the sort of individuals willing to sacrifice the well-being of the entire world in service to an agenda that tirelessly invokes justice only to force the greatest injustice upon all of humanity? How did such a mindset come to be? How does it play the game? And if the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was indeed part of the game, how did it come about?

We must go to the source of the problem, which is hidden. It is doubly hidden because we aren’t allowed to mention that Jewish Power’s supremacist control over the West. We pretend the West comprise ‘liberal democracies’ with fairly elected goy leaders who represent the will of the people. Actually, the West or Schwest is Jewish-Supremacist, and goy ‘liberal democratic’ leaders are shills of the ethno-oligarchy. So, Jewish Power usually goes unmentioned(and if mentioned, only in the most glowing terms). It doesn’t take much brain work to connect the dots and figure out which group has the real power, but many don’t bother. Still, there must be a fair number of people who know of the immensity of Jewish Power. One thing for sure, every elected politician and Deep Statist know this — how can they not? — , but they dare not say it. They must pretend Jews are still a beleaguered minority in need of protection from ‘antisemitism’, be it ‘white supremacist’, Paleo-Christian, or Arab/Palestinian/Iranian.

if Jewish Power is hidden(even if in plain sight), then what it does is often doubly hidden. This may well be the case with what really happened with the global Covid-19 outbreak. Besides, was it really the virus or the hype that did the most damage? One thing for sure, Jewish Elites have a tendency to hyperventilate and exaggerate. Long before World War II and the Shoah, Jews were invoking the ‘6 million’ numerical trope time and time again. 6 million Jews were murdered here, there, everywhere. Or 6 million were on the verge of being annihilated(wherever) UNLESS something was done about it. Millions of Jews surely perished in World War II, but the Holocaust was turned into a House of Horrors unique in time and place. Jewish hype and exaggeration have become a mode of Western Discourse. The falsehoods about the Russian Tsar’s role in the anti-Jewish pogroms became standard narrative material(and continues in new variations with the latest hysterics about Vladimir Putin). In truth, pogroms did take place but weren’t ordered by the Tsar. There was plenty of blame to go around. Jewish merchants were unscrupulous, Jewish radicals were troublesome, many Slavs were drunken roughnecks, and the Russian clergy could be demagogic.

Another example of Jewish hysterics: Prior to and during World War II, Jews in media scare-mongered the American Public about German submarines encircling US coastlines(and even aiming to take over Latin America). Granted, all sides used crazy paranoid war propaganda, Germans and Japanese too, but Jewish political hyperbole never abated after the war, and if anything, seems to have gotten worse, especially following the end of the Cold War. Sometimes, Jews employed bigger hyperbole against hyperbole or ‘out-hyperbolized’ the other side. It’s true that HUAC and Joe McCarthy exaggerated the communist threat during the ‘Red Scare’ for political and/or career purposes, but it was true enough that the US government under FDR had been seriously compromised by Soviet infiltration and the treachery(or naivete) of the ‘fellow-travelers’. Communist influence was especially dangerous because many in the arts, culture, and media leaned leftward and often fell for Soviet propaganda. It’s incredible that Harry Dexter White rose to such heights in FDR’s administration. And, the blueprint for the atomic bomb, the most carefully guarded secret in the US government, somehow ended up in Stalin’s hands, through a spy network headed by Jews. So, while McCarthy and HUAC did exaggerate, they inflated what was essentially truth. In contrast, the counter-hyperbole pushed by Jews and their goy liberal suckers was that drunken paranoid McCarthy fantasized the whole thing and victimized hapless victims, the very best of America. (And, any liberal or leftist who fingered the closet-communists was deemed a ‘rat’, much like the mafia does of its informers. Granted, men like Elia Kazan did so for opportunistic than principled reasons, but since when do Jewish crypto-tribalists care about principles? They use every trick in the book to pressure 1/6 defendants to rat out others, even by cooking up fake stories. And Jews seem perfectly fine with blackmail operations carried out by the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in cahoots with Israeli agencies.)

The Six Day War narrative is also mostly bunk, hyperbole on steroids. Even to this day, the Jewish Narrative is that Israel was on the verge of being wiped out by Nazi-like Arabs, BUT the brave Jews somehow miraculously managed to save themselves from the oven of history. In truth, the American assessment of the situation was Israel having the upper-hand, hardly faced with an ‘existential crisis’. Also, Israel attacked first with an eye to expand its territory, especially by taking West Bank and Golan Heights — a good chunk of Sinai was gobbled up as well, later used as bargaining chip in turning Egypt into a whore of the US empire.
And then, in the 70s and 80s, there was the shrieking shtick about SAVE SOVIET JEWS, as if Jews were being shipped to the Gulag. True, the Soviet Union was repressive toward ‘liberal’ Jews and those with Zionist leaning. Otherwise, Jews were better off than most people in the USSR. Jews did face discrimination but on the basis of Russia’s own version of ‘affirmative action’ than out of ethnic animus. Jews in the US mostly support the favoring of blacks over whites in the name of ‘fair’ representation. USSR followed the same logic about certain ethnicities being vastly over-represented in elite institutions and departments. If ‘affirmative action’ policies that target whites in the US are justified(as almost all Jews agree), what was wrong with favoring dimmer Slavs and other goyim over smarter Jews in the USSR?

But Jewish hyperbole really went bonkers after the end of the Cold War. Suddenly, everyone was a ‘new hitler’ or ‘new stalin’ — the smear was first used on Arabs and Muslims but eventually made its way to Americans as well, with Trump being ‘Literally Hitler’ and his supporters being ‘white supremacists’ or ‘nazis’, objects of bloody ‘mitzvah’ fantasies on Netflix shows. Saddam Hussein was both rolled into one, an Arab Hitler-Stalin. (True, he was a scumbag but hardly a global threat.) With the Soviet Union no longer around as the counter-balance to the US, Jews could conspire to use the Lone Superpower to smash all their perceived enemies.

Indeed, not only was Russia out of the geo-political game but it was carved up like a beached whale by the newly minted ‘oligarchs’, most of them Jewish. And with 9/11(that in retrospect seems very fishy), Jewish lies really went through the roof. Though Iraq was on the rope and just barely hanging on, we were told Hussein sat on a pile of WMD, waiting for the right opportunity to supply Jihadi terrorists with the means to blow up half the US. Hussein may have been a mass-killer but was no supporter of Muslim extremists. If anything, it was the US and its allies Pakistan and Saudi Arabia that had done most to fund and arm Islamic extremists in Afghanistan. With Russian power having receded from the Middle East, Neocons aimed to use the terrorist excuse to remake the Middle East by installing puppet ‘democratic’ regimes, and if that failed, to implement the Yinon Plan of sowing strife and discord all over the Middle East and North Africa, which entailed employing terrorists to destabilize secular modernizing Arab nations.

In retro, who can deny the Israeli hand in 9/11? Muslim nutters surely did their part, but it now appears their strings were being pulled. Just like the FBI use informants, agent provocateurs, and sucker-morons, it could be that the dummy Muslims were used in a plot-within-a-plot. But of special relevance to the current Covid Crisis is the way in which hyperbole and scare tactics had been used to gain public trust or at least to lower its resistance and skepticism.

Take the crazy book WORLD WAR IV by Norman Podhoretz. We were supposed to believe that the backward Arab/Muslim World constituted the new global threat. Never mind the Muslim World has never been a singularity. Never mind Saddam Hussein was hardly a beloved figure in the Arab World, especially among the Jihadi elements. Never mind Saudi Arabia and Egypt were puppet-satellites of the US. Never mind that, with the USSR out of the picture, Arab countries knew they were sitting ducks for the US military, and the last thing they wanted was trouble. (And never mind that the real problem of Muslim violence within Europe resulted from Jewish-led push for mass-immigration and mindless celebration of ‘diversity’, i.e. while Jews used whites to bomb Muslim nations, they also steered Arabs and Muslims to the West, to be recruited as partners against ‘white supremacism’ and/or ‘Islamophobia’. In other words, without the Jewish-favored Invade-Invite policy, and there would have been far less Muslim problem in the West. If anything, things might have been close to beautiful between the West and the Middle East if the Arabists had dominated US foreign policy — it would have been even better if Israel had never been created in the first place; if Jews really wanted a safe place to call home, Palestine was the worst possible geographic choice. If Arabists in the US state department and European governments had gained the upperhand, there would have been far less hostility between the West and the Middle East. The West would have done less to play divide-and-rule and foment wars in the Middle East. The West wouldn’t have plotted to smash Arab nations into smithereens, leading to despair and rage among the natives. Also, with better ties with the West, Arab/Muslim nations would have grown more in science and technology. With more economic development and fewer wars, more Arabs/Muslims would have remained in their own nations, and Europe would have fewer Muslim immigrants or ‘refugees’. No American soldier would have died in the desert. And all those 100,000s or even millions of Arabs/Muslims would still be alive and have a rather positive view of the West. And the price of oil would have been lower for the world. Alas, Israelists took over US foreign policy and purged all the Arabists, even in the EU. The result has been a disaster. If we are indeed caught up in a World War IV situation, the real enemy is not the Arabs or Muslims but Jewish Supremacists as the new hitler-stalin-like monsters. The 20th century cannot be properly understood without taking his great power into account. Recently, Sean McMeekin has filled in some blind spots about World War II by writing a tome about previously overlooked Stalin’s role in it. So, we know about Hitler’s role and now we know more about Stalin’s as well. But what about the role of World Jewry and its big guns in banks, governments, media, and the underworld? Hitler is one-fourth of the puzzle, Stalin is another one-fourth, and Anglos yet another. But the final one-fourth is Jewish Power, still undiscussed because the narrative demands that ALL Jews as simply innocent victims; it doesn’t distinguish powerful Jews in US and UK from powerless Jews in concentration camps. One reason why so many people are still in the dark as to the truths(or likely truths) about 9/11 & related events, the dangerous tensions with Russia, and the Covidian Cult is because the element of Jewish Power is banned from the acceptable narrative and discourse, ironically in the name of ‘liberal democratic’ values that can’t tolerate ‘hatred’ against certain ‘protected groups’. Even when Jewish Power is unmistakably a part of the puzzle, we must only name the players as individuals or ideologues than as agents of tribal interests. So, even though the driving animus behind Victoria Nuland’s anti-Russianism is Jewish-centrist and tribal, people like Tucker Carlson only name her as an official or ideologue(‘neocon’), as if her problem is excess zealotry for ‘liberal democracy’. Given the insidious conspiratorial ways of Jewish Power and its penchant for pushing the most outrageous lies about 9/11, Hussein’s WMD, destruction of Libya, Russia’s alleged ‘aggression’ in Georgia & Ukraine, Assad gassing his own people, the ‘genocide’ of Uighurs in China, Russia Collusion Hoax, obnoxious hysteria about ‘white supremacy’, and the like, why should it be surprising to anyone that the Covid Hysteria is just the latest manifestation of the Jewish Power move?)

It should be pretty well-established by now that Jewish Power is just about capable of ANYTHING. And the problem goes way beyond corruption, which is mostly about greed. If Jewish Power were merely corrupt, it’d be content with wealth and privilege. But take the late Sheldon Adelson, for whom money(lots of it) wasn’t enough. The meaning of his life came from Zionism, Jewish Pride, Jewish Power, Jewish Supremacism. He even suggested nuking Iran. His idea of ‘conscience’ was remorse for having served in the US military than in the IDF. Supremacism is far more dangerous than mere corruption. For Jewish Supremacism, corruption is a means, not an end. Their highest ambition is Jewish domination as either ordained by God, genetics(that made Jews smarter), or the power of will(or pride of chutzpah).

As an analogy, what kind of person is most dangerous? It’s the ego-driven person. Whereas an ideology-driven person can do great harm, there is one saving grace: He puts ideology above individuality. So, while a communist ideologue can be dangerous, he chooses principles(however misguided) over personal ego. He will kill for what he believes but also die for it, something higher than himself.
In contrast, an egomaniac or ‘egologue’ always puts himself at the center. No ideal, principle, or value is higher than his ego, pride, and vanity. Thus, he’s capable of exploiting any idea, value, or principle in the service of his ego. Anything goes if it serves his narrow interests and stokes his ego. Such a person is not to be confused with a pragmatist or opportunist. A pragmatist understands the imperfect and rather dystopian nature of the world and tries to make the best of it; he knows no ideology, however well-meaning, can create utopia. An opportunist wears many masks and changes colors like a chameleon, but he isn’t necessarily an egomaniac. He’s mainly trying to fit in, get along, win favors, or ‘survive’. He’s not trying to make the world revolve around him; rather, he’s seeking his own place in the orbit. In contrast, an egomaniac feels he’s the center of everything; the world and humanity exist to revolve around him.

Thus, the egomaniac is capable of just about anything. He doesn’t care about his mendacity, treachery, and vileness AS LONG AS he comes out on top and everyone kisses his arse. He not only believes in himself but believes all the others should ‘believe’ in him and bend to his will. He has a god-complex. Using individual egomania as an analogy to Jewish ethno-mania, we can better understand the nature of Jewish Power. It really boils down to “Is it great for Jewish Supremacism(or Jewish Prophetism, the real source of the Tribalist Supremacist Worldview)?” In the Jewish ethno-maniacal mind, there is no notion, ideal, value, principle, or cause higher than Jewish Awesomeness.
Now, if Jews were conventionally tribal in their ethnocentric views, they could just have a world of their own and leave the rest of humanity alone. But having developed their mindset in diaspora, Jewish ethnocentrism went from tribalism to ‘networkism’ and hegemonism. Jews are at once intensely insular and expansive, insisting on their own uniqueness while, at the same time, seeking to universalize among goyim the submission to this uniqueness. If Christians and Muslims spread their worldview to make everyone equal under God(or Allah), Jews seek to universalize among goyim the notion that Jews are uniquely blessed, whether by God, History, and/or Genetics. This ‘uniqueversalism’ is contradictory by employing the dynamics of universalism(usually associated with egalitarianism and colorblindness) to boost the particularism of Jews. Generally, tribal particularists are content with their allotted portion of the world and mainly want to be left alone. And global universalists want all of humanity to be united by the same set of principles or rules. In contrast, Jewish Prophetism insists on both Jewish particularism in excluding goyim and goy universalism in honoring the particularity of Jews. It’s utterly neurotic, but then, it stems from the fundamental contradiction of Judaism that posits the universal one-and-only God while also insisting that Jews alone are His Chosen.

This is why Jews wage war on ‘white nationalism’ in US and EU. Even when a certain manifestation of ‘white nationalism’ is the non-supremacist and limited kind, Jews find it intolerable for emboldening whites to prioritize their own interests. Why should whites shelve their own interests and needs in order to better serve Jewish interests, especially one in supremacist mode? The sheer chutzpah of the demand is amazing. It’s almost as Jews regard themselves as god.
At least in the past, when religion mattered greatly to Jews, God was above them. But most Jews today are secular and atheist. Without God to worship, Jewish ethnocentrism has turned to the pride of blood. They’ve become like Judeo-Nazis. In a way, one could argue that the Jewish God was the projection of Jewish Ego(or egos) onto the universe. In having extracted and abstracted that element of themselves and then casted toward heaven, Jews had something to bow down to, something to put before themselves and be humble towards. Perhaps, the Jewish God was like a social contract among Jews. Each Jew had chutzpah, egomaniacal drive to be #1 and bend other Jews to his will. But this could only lead to bad blood and disunity, even mayhem. Imagine 100 Howard Sterns, each of them trying to out-stern the other Sterns. Things would get pretty crazy. So, the mutual compromise among Jews, at least subconsciously, may have been to gather up all their fierce individual egos and fuse them into a Cosmic Singularity before which they all agreed to bow down. This way, they would be worshiping their own egos(as God is the projection of their combined egos) but also making peace with fellow Jews, i.e. the only thing higher than the individual Jewish ego is the combined Jewish ego, or ‘god’. Imagine Alan Dershowitz, Howard Stern, Ron Jeremy, Philip Roth, Don Rickles, and Rob Reiner getting on each other’s nerves over who should be the Top Jew. They’d be going at it all night with no end in sight. But suppose Seinfeld comes along and suggests, “Hey fellas, how about we combine all our egos into an abstract awesome-ego and then get on our knees and kiss its conceptual might as the representation of our collective pride?” Jews would be obliged to be humble before the awesome-ego, but, in a way, they’d be worshiping themselves because a piece of them has been added to the mix. Kind of like a game-theory of spiritual power.

What makes Jews so formidable is that their ethnocentrism is the sum of all their egocentrisms. After all, ethnocentrism can exist minus the egocentrism. Take the Japanese, long known for their ethnocentrism. But Japanese ethnocentrism is the product of elite Japanese forcing the Japanese masses to shut up, do as told, and obey. It’s the product of submission and obedience to the elite Japanese. It is not the result of a game theory where equally stubborn egos & personalities came to an understanding that they must find a way to work together. Japanese ethnocentrism was based on a caste system where the shogun ruled over daimyos who ruled over samurai who lorded over merchants and peasants. It was a strict hierarchy of power where blind obedience was key.
In contrast, the Jewish Way was anti-caste and based on the Covenant that all Jews, no matter how rich or poor, had equal shares in the Bank of God. This explains why Japanese ethnocentrism is fragile and weak. As most Japanese-as-individuals lack a strong ego, their ethnocentrism can survive only under a powerful Emperor system that demands duty and obedience. Once a Japanese is separated from such a system(via social change or physical exile), his ethnocentrism grows weak and fades. In contrast, even when Jewish individuals migrated to goy lands and were outnumbered & outmuscled, their ethnocentrism remained because it was founded upon a socio-spiritual contract among Jewish individuals with strong personalities. Because Jewish Power is rooted in ethnocentrism that is, in return, rooted in egocentrism, it tends to be doubly obsessive and fanatical in its supremacist tendencies. It’s like an oven in an oven. That’s a lot of heat.

Now, pondering the Covid ‘pandemic’, it is tempting to speculate the role of the Zionic Hand. Jews have immense power in the elite institutions and industries of the West. Of course, having power doesn’t mean using it. One can have all the power in the world and let things run their course. There’s an idea that says God intervenes in everything that happens but another idea(favored by Deists) that says God sits back and let things happen of their own accord. So, if the Covid 19 breakout was natural or accidental, Jewish Power could have remained disengaged or neutral or objective.
However, what is undeniable is Jewish Power went all in on hyping and sensationalizing the ‘pandemic’ for all it was worth(in the spirit of “don’t let a crisis go to waste”). Zionic power took to it like sharks upon a wounded whale. Jewish Globalist investment and involvement in the Covid Phenom was total and ‘epic’. In other words, it was exactly what the Jewish Power was hoping for and dreaming of. If indeed Covid-19 virus naturally went from some exotic animal to humans OR if the Chinese just happened to get sloppy and ‘spill’ it on the public, Jewish Power must be the luckiest in the world, as if Jewish wishes or ‘Jewishes’ always come true, as with 9/11. Never mind the Luck of the Irish. Luck of the Jewish must be downright spectacular.

Of course, anything is possible. You could wish for something, and it could come true out of the blue — people do win the jackpot at casinos — , and you can take full advantage of it. So, it’s possible that Jews were hoping for some catalyst to justify what they really wanted to do — push lockdowns on restless goyim, suppress nationalist rallies, punish middle class Middle America for letting Trumpism happen, reap record Big Pharma profits, enforce control mechanism such as mandatory masks akin to leashes on dogs, blame Trump for the runaway pandemic, ‘fortify’ elections under the cover of Covid, and etc. — and just got really lucky, especially on the eve of the election year of 2020.
Besides, the actual disease need not even be all that dangerous or deadly. If the good fortune of a pandemic falls on the Jewish lap, its dangers could be exaggerated to spread alarmism and to justify lockdowns(and massive mail-in voting). After all, Saddam Hussein didn’t really need to have WMD. Following 9/11 and mass anxiety over Muslim Terrorism, media hype and innuendoes were enough to spread the fear among Americans to sign onto the war because the NEXT ATTACK could be worse, maybe with terrorists armed with biological weapons and maybe even nuclear bombs supplied by Hussein. So, the majority of Americans were at least willing to consider Bush II’s proposals for remaking the Middle East(and the stuff about the ‘Axis of Evil’). In CITIZEN KANE, the newspaper tycoon’s wife says, “But people will think…” only to be interjected with Kane’s remark “… what I tell them to think.” If you got media power, you may not fool all the people all the time but you can fool at least half the people all the time or all the people half the time, as Abe Lincoln said. THE FOUNTAINHEAD and MEET JOHN DOE, though diametrically opposed in ideology, are agreed on how The Power has many means at its disposal to steer the narrative or shut it down altogether. Whether it’s the moralist-demagogue Toohey in THE FOUNTAINHEAD or the oligarch D.B. Norton, the masses can be played for suckers.

The George Floyd pandemonium was a case of the lucky ball landing on Jewish hands and being carried to the end zone for a touch down. Surely, Jews didn’t plan the death of George Floyd. It just happened in 2020, perfect timing for Jews who wanted something to shore up the black vote with BLM. It was also used as a threat, as if to say, “Look at all the riots and mayhem. If America re-elects Trump, things will get EVEN WORSE! So, make sure to vote him out.”

As with the WMD narrative, facts mattered less than the spin-worthiness. To any fair-minded person, George Floyd almost surely died of drug overdose. The official medical report was made under duress, just like the verdict in Derek Chauvin’s trial. Chauvin’s knee most certainly didn’t asphyxiate Floyd to death. The medical community’s behavior during the Covid ‘pandemic’ should be evidence enough that plenty of ‘experts’ are little more than hired guns for the Power than principled practitioners of their profession. The only thing that mattered to Jewish Power was the Floyd video could be exploited for pro-BLM purposes to get blacks all roused up against Trump’s ‘racist’ America, even though Floyd died in the overwhelmingly ‘blue’ Minneapolis.

Was the outbreak of the Covid ‘pandemic’ in 2019 like the George Floyd pandemonium? Jews were hoping to exploit such a crisis, and walla-and-by-golly, some virus went from bats to humans in China or some slovenly Chinese scientist spilled the virus onto the streets! Now, it’s possible. The spectacular Luck of the Jewish. I mean, what can we say? They are the Chosen People after all. For most people shit happens, but for Jews the hits just keep on coming. Manna from heaven, a miracle, like in the Good Book where Hebrews are bailed out by Yahweh time and time again.

But two great lucky breaks for Jewish Power for 2020? What are the odds? Also, whereas there was a haphazard aspect to the construction of the George Floyd narrative, as if improvised on the spot, the progress of events in the ‘pandemic’ seemed elaborately orchestrated, even rehearsed. With the Floyd Thing, the Power probably overplayed its hand and came to regret the excessive violence unleashed on the streets, even spilling into the tonier parts of Manhattan. The Power probably didn’t want Antifa goons to burn down federal buildings in Portland and Seattle. Things were bound to get somewhat crazier with the Floyd pandemonium because it energized lots of street scum who, like the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution, could easily spiral out of control. It was like the Rolling Stones hiring the Hell’s Angels for security at Altamont. If the Floyd Agenda was about fiery chaos and the molotov cocktail, the Covid Agenda was about icy control and the syringe. And instead of relying on anarcho-types, it entailed the cooperation of professionals, agents, bureaucrats, ‘experts’, and the like. Fauci may be a ‘gangster’ of sorts but not one to smash windows. Things could go far more smoothly. But precisely because it required the involvement of complex systems and organizations, it would have been difficult to pull off without planning and orchestration, even if most of those involved in the planning were clueless as to what it was for.

Now, it is possible that Covid-19 went from animal to man somewhere in China. It’s possible there was a lab leak due to improper procedure at the Wuhan Lab, though some might argue that the leak was intentional by some Chinese traitor who took big money(and maybe green card for his family to the West) from US-Israeli agents; furthermore, the US could have funded certain risky researches at the Wuhan Lab with the ‘lab leak’ in mind. But let’s assume that, if there was a lab leak, it was purely accidental. A case of ‘shit happens’.

The other possibilities would be intentional, done with malice. Potential suspects? Some have claimed that the Chinese government released the germ on their own people to consolidate control over them. The arrival of Xi Jinping indeed has led to or coincided with greater controls in surveillance. Even a ‘social credit’ system was implemented across the nation. China has also clamped down on Hong Kong. Still, the idea that China would take such huge risks by releasing the virus on its own people sounds totally baked. Another theory is that China was creating a bio-weapon to use around the world but messed up and infected itself. It’s the drop-the-grenade theory. A soldier pulls the pin from the grenade but lobs the pin instead. In fright, he drops the grenade like a hot potato and it explodes. So, China intended to ‘detonate’ it on the West but blew itself up. This sounds far-fetched. If true, Chinese must be the most inept bunch of fools since the Three Stooges.

Possible culprits? Taiwan out of fear of the mainland? Japan due to rising tensions with China on various issues? Falun Gong organization eager to set off a crisis in China to delegitimize the CCP regime? Or some psycho Chinese scientist who, for whatever reasons(personal and/or ideological), wanted to bring down the whole system. There are some nutters out there, like academics who set forest fires in their own countries. If there are plenty of white Americans who cheer on the destruction of white heritage, there might be some similarly self-loathing Chinese who feel their country is evil and must be laid low somehow. In the repressive and hyper-competitive pressure cooker that is modern China, there are likely to be some nutters in all areas of life.

But, IF THE RELEASE OF COVID-19 WAS INTENTIONAL, the most likely culprits are the anti-China forces within the US government and anti-white Jewish Supremacist forces(that have the most power). Also, it was likely a plot within a plot, that is to say those carrying out Plot A didn’t know they were being played within the larger Plot B. It’s like the Chinese/Japanese Game of Go. You try to surround the opponent but you’re surrounded in turn. To better understand the plot-within-a-plot scenario, consider three film artists: David Mamet, David Cronenberg, and Chris Nolan. All three film-makers base their works on game theory. In Mamet’s HOUSE OF GAMES, the woman is led to believe she is in on the plot, or the con. She’s been initiated as one of the boys and, wink-wink, playing the game with them. It makes her feel a sense of mastery. But in truth, she herself is being played in a larger plot, and the real target is her. It’s a con within a con, with the ultimate goal being to take her money. The plot-within-a-plot becomes even more complicated in Mamet’s THE SPANISH PRISONER, and its downright on steroids in HEIST.

In David Cronenberg’s VIDEODROME and EXISTENZ, those in the game turn out to be in a bigger game. The players are played. In Christopher Nolan’s MEMENTO and INCEPTION, the riddle is wrapped in an enigma. The brain-damaged man in MEMENTO pieces together the puzzle to find the rapist-murderer of his wife, and he keeps crossing paths with a man who seems to be on his side. But it turns out this person was exploiting the man’s vengeful passion and amnesia to his own ends. In INCEPTION, there is the dream-within-a-dream(within-another-dream). It’s akin to the plot within a plot. Just when one thinks one has awoken from a dream and is thereby safe from psycho-manipulation, he is actually still within a dream. (There’s an element of plot-within-a-plot in genetics itself, if Richard Dawkins is right. The behavior of organisms, animal or human, deemed to be a matter of conscious choice could be the product of the hidden mechanisms of the Selfish Gene.)

Most likely, 9/11 was a plot within a plot. Zionists needed some crisis to use US power against perceived enemies or rivals in the Middle East. So, shadowy Jewish elements encouraged certain Islamic nutters(as there’s no shortage of them) to plot an attack and carefully cleared the path for them. Now, the only plot the Muslim nutters were aware of was their planned attack on infidel US. But their plot was actually part of a bigger hidden plot, that of Zionists who wanted some spectacular tragedy on US soil to rile up American support for wars in the Middle East.

Now, what could have been the plot-within-a-plot with the Covid ‘pandemic’ if indeed it was a ‘bio-weapon’ employed by the US/Israel? This is, of course, a big IF, and we lay-folks can only speculate with no means of finding out. Most likely, the simpler plot was directed at China by semi-rogue elements aligned with Trump. Trump might have suspected something, like Ronald Reagan knew something of the Iran-Contra deal but not the details.
The agents couldn’t have been entirely rogue as that would have been too risky. Rather, they were the types who straddle the fence between the Deep State and the Dark State. Members of the Dark State may not be fully legit but allowed to lurk in the shadows because of backing of powerful forces. Thus, Deep State members dare not call out on them. It’s like bureaucrats and clerks working for city government pretend not to notice when certain shady characters pass in the hallway to meet with the mayor and other officials. It’s like Deep State looked the other way when Chinese ‘businessmen’ met with the Clinton administration in the 1990s. It was ‘business’, and government isn’t about scout honor. Throughout US history, mayors had ties to mobsters, and CIA worked hand-in-glove with the underworld. Even Robert Kennedy who targeted mobsters recruited them to get Fidel Castro. (If the Selfish-Gene is the hidden mechanism of human/animal behavior, it could be the Selfish-Eugene is the real driver of so much goy behavior that naively believes in its own agency. Furthermore, even the Self-Eugene may not always be aware of its role in history just like the Self-Gene has no conscious awareness of its ‘actions’.)

Furthermore, even if the more legit members of the Deep State suspected a move was being planned against China, they dared not spill the beans. First, they have an us-versus-them kind of gangster-patriotism. Not ideal or pristine as patriotism goes, but it is about loyalty to our side against whatever is deemed as the enemy. China has been rising over the past decades. Many in the Deep State see it as the premier challenge to US supremacy in the coming century. So, what would happen if a conscientious deep state agent — to be sure, you don’t rise up the deep state with a clear conscience, as Edward Snowden can tell us — were to spill the beans and say the US was hatching a plan to release a deadly virus on China? It would be the greatest propaganda coup for China and the ‘enemies’ of America. American soft power depends on the myth of being ‘liberal democracy’, the beacon of liberty, and the champion of human rights. But it was plotting what? It was planning a major bio-warfare on another country? It’d be difficult for the US to recover from such moral fiasco. (Many Jews also feel a sense of moral blackmail if they were to expose Jewish corruption and ‘rat’ out other Jews. Especially as they were raised with the Holocaust as the main determinant of identity, they fear that airing dirty laundry may lead to ‘antisemitism’ and return of another strain of Nazism. The Never-Again mentality favors Jewish Loyalty above all else. Furthermore, this victim-mentality is perversely joined at the hip with the pride of tribal supremacy, i.e. Jews feel, “We are now so powerful that even crypto-Nazis hail Israel and kiss our behind.” Even ‘Literally Hitler’ Trump gets on his knees before Jewish leaders. Therefore, even Jews who suspected something odd about the Covid Hysteria most likely just played along. Besides, whereas a white person who calls foul on bad white behavior, real or imagined, is much praised, there is no such honor for a Jew who does the same for bad Jewish behavior. In the end, Norman Finkelstein couldn’t get tenure even at a second-tier university like DePaul. Meanwhile, Alan Dershowitz, despite all his scandals and sleazy connections, still rubs shoulders with people in high places. Not only is a Jew like Finkelstein rejected by most powerful or influential Jews but he is also reviled by most goyim who themselves are invested in the cult of Jewish Victimhood. Goyim cling to this cult for two reasons. By wailing about Jewish suffering, they win favors from their Jewish Masters. But it’s also to feign as noble souls using their agency to defend helpless Jews from a world full of ‘anti-semites’, nowadays mostly Muslim or Arab. Thus, they can launder their craven servility toward Jews as compassionate white knighting.) So, even if someone in the deep state suspected something was up, he would have kept his mouth shut. Also, everyone in the Deep State believes in US hegemony and supremacism.

Besides, even if a deep state member wanted to turn whistleblower, who would believe him? He could easily be dismissed as a nutter, a conspiracy theorist, a traitor and maybe even a Chinese agent trying to darken America’s name. Virtually, all his peers would turn against him, and he would hardly be able procure hard evidence. Very likely, he’ll be arrested and locked away. Consider the ending of THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR. Robert Redford’s character says he will take the secrets to the New York Times, but what if the media are with the deep state too? (In retrospect, Watergate was less about truth-loving idealistic journalists digging for dirt to bring down a corrupt politician than a case of media and deep state colluding to bring down someone they loathed. Look at the subsequent career of Bob Woodward, and it’s like he’s an asset of the deep state, a court scribe. Despite the veneer of probing into the dark recesses of power, his worldview aligns with the overall agenda of hegemonism. And he never gets to the source of the power: Jewish supremacism.)

If there was more of a skeptical, adversarial, and ‘paranoid’ political culture in the 1970s(in the arts, entertainment, and academic discourse) in regards to the institutions, it partly owed to less ethno-concentration of power. Wasps were in decline but still entrenched in highest elite circles. The pre-boomer generations with their more traditional outlook(and prejudices) still existed in large numbers; someone who fought in 1945 at the age of 20 would have been only 50 in 1975. Some of the World War I generation were around as well. Irish Machine controlled many key urban areas. Labor Unions were still a force. Boomers graduating from college were idealistic and wanted to make a difference. Jews hadn’t yet gained dominance in many elite power centers and looked upon much of the upper-world as essentially wasp-dominated or even peopled with Christian Right ‘antisemitic’ types. Therefore, if Jews sensed a wrong in government or business, they were more likely to use media power to expose the problem, not necessarily out of idealism or moral outrage but as a contest of ethnic power. Still, their behavior had to be somewhat exemplary and halfway principled, if only to convince others that Jews were worthy(and preferable) successors to the Wasp elites. Expose the Irish Catholics, the Italian Mafia, corrupt Unions, and especially the blue-bloods.

But over the years, almost all of the upper-world came to be dominated, directly or indirectly, by Jewish Power. Both political parties are utterly beholden to Jewish money, narrative, and demonology(of what’s sacred and what’s evil). So, if much of the power narrative in the 60s and 70s was about ‘punching up’, today it’s mostly about ‘punching down’. It’s about powerful Jews and members of the goy elite(and other status-seekers) protecting big business and the deep state while dumping much of the blame for social woes on populism, ‘deplorables’, white policemen, and anti-PC parents as potential ‘domestic terrorists’.
To be sure, most ‘woke’ types are not members of the elite. Many work at low-level jobs and have no chance of repaying their college debt. But as their minds have been so completely molded by entertainment and education directed from above by Jewish Globalists, they tend to focus less on economic issues and more on ‘culture war’ issues such as ‘nazis vs trannies'(despite the fact that many of them identify as ‘socialists’). What Thomas Frank bemoaned of the white working class conservatives in WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? applies to the ‘woke’ underclass. They get precious little from the globalist elites but prefer to attack the white working class and lower middle class as ‘less evolved’ on matters of gender and other nonsense.

If Wasps dominated department A while Jews dominated department B, there would be a greater chance of Jews in B exposing the abuses of Wasps in A, if only as a matter of ethnic competition. But what are the chances of Jews in B going after the folks in A if the latter are also Jewish? Italian-Americans working for Unions and Airports were less likely to call out on fellow Italian-Americans in the Mafia looking to rig votes or steal cash. But then, why did Jews rise so high and take over so many prized positions? Meritocracy played a big part, but it also owed to the taboo of ‘antisemitism’, whereby Jews could call foul on Wasps, white ethnics, and Christians BUT anyone calling out on Jewish abuses was labeled an ‘anti-semite’; today, even opposing Zionist abuses is deemed ‘antisemitic’.

At any rate, due to the current ethno-monopoly of the key institutions and industries, there’s bound to be less speaking-truth-to-power. When Jews did ‘punch up’ in the past, they targeted Wasps, Irish, and others. Today, speaking-truth-to-power would only expose Jewish power and privilege. Given the cultural mindset of Jewishness, Jews are more likely to circle the wagons and mute criticism of fellow Jews. Weak groups being tribal is no big deal, but when the ruling elites in a diverse imperial order behave in tribal mode, the result is more conspiracies and more corruption, and then more conspiracies and corruption to cover up earlier conspiracies and corruptions. What really happened with Jeffrey Epstein? Why didn’t the media look into it when it was obviously a coverup? And since when did ‘liberal’ journalists shill for censorship than stand up for free speech? How did it come to be that decent law-abiding Americans are denied financial services and fired from jobs for their ideology or creed while Antifa and BLM thugs are not only lavishly funded but legally protected?

Edward Snowden told the truth, but the Deep State went after his head. Worse, the media and most ‘progressives’ sided with the deep state. Committed to the false god of Obama-ism, they hated Snowden for not being a team player. (Proggies defended Julian Assange when Wikileaks released facts that hurt the GOP, but they turned on him when newly released info hurt the Democrats. In other words, proggies care more about partisanship and power than the truth. They are without honor and principles, not least because their idea of ‘justice’ is directed from above by completely unscrupulous Jewish Power.) Also, given Russia’s vilification at the hands of ‘liberal media’, anyone who gained asylum in Russia has to be a traitor or a Putinite. Julian Assange the maverick revealed many facts but establishment ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives’ alike want to throw him in jail and throw away the key.

The Russia Collusion Hoax proved the Deep State doesn’t operate on any set of principles. Just about everyone in the Deep State surely knew it was a hoax, a pile of cooked-up BS devised to get Trump, and 99.99% of the deep state just went along, and so did most of the media and the judicial system that signed onto so many requests. So did the GOP, a party of cucks. Though Trump proved to be all smoke and no fire or all thunder and no rain, his brash style did energize Republican hoi polloi who called upon their representatives to stand tall with a real pair of balls. But, cuckservatives preferred business-as-usual as they’d been selected and favored up the ladder precisely for their cravenness and spinelessness. It’s like the opening scene in SEVEN SAMURAI. The peasants sit in a circle and complain about the bandits but don’t know what to do. When one especially enraged individual says that they should stand up and fight, everyone crawls into his own shell. They bitch and moan but don’t want to stick their necks out and fight. Likewise, GOP politicians whine about the Democrats and the ‘left’, but when someone shows a pair of balls and says, “Let’s go fight”, they get cold feet and want to go-and-get-along to ‘survive’.

The Covid enterprise/campaign was vast & global in scope, involving many government departments, judiciaries, businesses, and organizations. One may ask, how could something so vast and complex be engineered by a handful of conspirators? Can a few men move a boulder? Of course not. Still, it depends on the position of the men in relation to the boulder. They have no chance of pushing a boulder up a mountain, but if he or they are atop a mountain next to a boulder on the precipice of tumbling over, all they need is to get it moving just a little, and then mass and gravity will do the rest.

Take the Iraq War. How could Bush II and his cronies pull off such a grand venture, a world-shaking event, the purpose of which was nothing less than to fundamentally remake the power dynamics in the Middle East? They could because many powerful forces were aligned with the agenda. The military-industrial complex always loves war. Deep State jumps at any chance to play the imperial game. Even the ‘liberal’ Jewish Media, NY Times and TV networks, wanted Hussein gone and Iraq turned into a ‘democratic’ satrapy of the Zio-US empire(or at least torn asunder by internal strife in the absence of Hussein’s centralizing authority). Most Jews despised or loathed Bush II, but he was useful enough for Zionic interests shared by both Neocon Jews and Neolib Jews. Feelers and signals, blatant and subtle, were sent out that the ruling Jewish Elites wanted war, and unsurprisingly, the majority of Democratic politicians handed Bush II carte blanche to invade. And GOP hoped to use the war to win over more Jews to its side. Back then, New Republic and other ‘liberal’ pushed many Neocon talking points(and do so even now as US Global policy is essentially to push Jewish Supremacism worldwide in the guise of ‘liberal democracy’).

The immediate aftermath of 9/11 was the Neocons’ day in the sun. So, all the pieces were in place. All Bush II and his gang had to do was to muster just enough ‘nudge’ to get the boulder rolling down the mountain of history. Still, the ‘nudge’ wasn’t easy to come by. The World Community despised Bush II and the Neocons. Also, Europeans saw it as a power grab by Americans for total hegemony over the Middle East to the detriment of EU interests. Russia and China new the US was exploiting than responding to 9/11(as the ‘logic’ of linking Hussein to 9/11 was a complete farce and the so-called ‘evidence’ even more so). Besides, despite the revulsion most Americans felt for Hussein, most people weren’t all that excited about war — many endorsed without enthusiasm. So, the ‘nudge’ was the key to getting enough people onboard and clearing the path. It was finally realized with the Vial Moment(involving Colin Powell). Unlike Bush II, Cheney, and Neocons, none of whom was particularly trusted or admired by the public or the world community, Colin Powell was regarded as a good soldier, man of honor, and of course, much-prized Magic Negro. While Europeans could be openly skeptical of men like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, it was a different matter with Colin Powell. Also, the great majority of Americans had special regard for Colin Powell due to Afromania and affirmative-action mentality, especially because he was a gentleman Negro, a role model for other blacks who weren’t so genteel and respectable. So, sending Powell before the U.N. with the vial of anthrax or sugar powder was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Much of the resistance thereafter either melted or was muted. It was unseemly to call out the Magic Negro as a liar or weasel. Most likely, Powell knew he was being used, but then, his entire career owed in large part to being useful as the respectable Magic Negro, so why quit now? Also, there was the matter of loyalty to the Bush family that had done so much for him, along with Condoleezza Rice, the Magic Negress. Even though he knew it was baloney, maybe he thought the war would go well and wash away his sins as nothing is more forgiving than victory. At any rate, once Powell appeared before the world with the vial between his fingers, the Plan got the final nudge, and the Iraq War boulder rock-and-rolled down the slope as Shock n Awe, war promoted as a rock concert.

To better understand how this works, compare and contrast the Russia Collusion Hoax(the 2016 election hysteria) and the Election Fraud Controversy of 2020. Whether it’s a matter of the boulder going downhill or uphill depends on the alignment of power. If the deep state were full of sincere individuals who abhor war, if Arab-Americans had as much power as Jews, if anti-Neocons controlled the media, and etc., then the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld gang’s attempt to start Iraq War would have been difficult, close to impossible. There would have been too many obstacles in their way. But the path was mostly cleared for them. Just get the Magic Negro Colin Powell out in the limelight with the vial, and it was smooth sailing to war. Jews, Neocon or Neolib, took full advantage of 9/11 to remold the Middle East to their liking.
Indeed, the fact that Neolibs and Neocons are Jewish-supremacist-first and ideologues second was demonstrated by what happened to the Middle East once Obama got into office. Obama promoted himself as the anti-war guy; Jews always hedge their bets, using Hillary to support the war, advising Obama to oppose the war. Furthermore, Neolib Jews could have it both ways by at once clearing the path in the media & the Democratic Party for the invasion of Iraq, thus getting rid of Hussein as a warning to all the Arab powers in the region, AND bashing Bush II as a warmongering ‘cowboy’ lest the GOP grow too powerful by exploiting the terrorism-issue. Ease-and-squeeze strategy.
Anyway, Jewish Power promoted Obama in 2008 as the guy who didn’t go along with Bush II’s plans, and this in part gave him a leg up against Hillary. But what did Obama do in office as the puppet-monkey of the Neolibs? He went about expanding the wars by smashing Libya and then, incredibly enough, aiding Alqaeda remnants and variants to destroy much of secular modern Syria. He also backed the near-genocidal Saudi war in Yemen. Obama, the supposed Mr. Peace, also ramped up tensions with Russia and China, forcing them into a partnership, at the behest of Neolibs who control the Democratic Party. And the fact that Victoria Nuland is welcome in both parties goes to show American Politics is really about Zion Uber Alles regardless of ideology.

Anyway, returning to the comparisons of Russia Collusion Hoax and 2020 Election Controversy, consider that the former was a total and absolute lie. Indeed, it was a lie cooked up by the Deep State, and anyone with two brain cells in the deep state, media, and academia knew, deep in their hearts, that it was a lie. Of course, many dummies and fools believed, but anyone-in-the-know knew it was to undermine Trump and vilify Russia(or kill two birds with one stone), just like many-in-the-know knew that WMD stuff was cooked up to fast-track the Iraq Invasion. And yet, this outrageous lie got tremendous traction. All it needed was a little nudge, some stuff about how SEVENTEEN US INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES BELIEVE RUSSIA RIGGED THE ELECTION. Naturally, the deep state would gladly concoct such nonsense to protect the ‘swamp’. And as the media are totally controlled by Jews who hate Trump, of course they were going to run with it. Furthermore, countless so-called ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ in middle-management were either going to fall for it or pretend to believe the nonsense as team-players. And as Trump had been disruptive to GOP’s way of doing ‘business’ — he did crash the Party in 2016 — , Republican leadership wasn’t going to expose it for what it was either; they also had to consider the post-Trump future when Jewish Power would target anyone who’d jumped on the Trumpian bandwagon. If anything, John McCain took part in the deep state conspiracy against Trump, and the likes of Mitch ‘the bitch’ McConnell just went along knowing full well it was all bogus. So, even though it was a total lie, the Russia Collusion Hoax tumbled down the mountain and gained tremendous momentum, doing great damage to Trump’s presidency.

Now, consider the 2020 election controversy. To this day, we don’t know what actually happened. Maybe Trump really did lose, not because people liked Biden but because so many hated him. Besides, who can deny the cumulative effects of media manipulation, rigged polls, suppression of key news, Big Tech censorship, unprecedented amount of mail-in ballots, and other tricks to ‘fortify’ the election? At any rate, even though some on Trump’s team made outlandish claims in 2020 — “China, Iran, and Venezuela aided Biden” — , there were enough irregularities and testimonies by observers that the election and the vote-tallying hadn’t been done properly. In other words, compared to the Russia Collusion thing that was a complete hoax, there were legitimate grievances about the 2020 election, something that should have been carefully investigated by the media and the justice departments of the US. And yet, the very media voices and deep state forces, which had used everything in their arsenal to prop up the Russia Collusion thing, did everything to suppress or sabotage any fair and honest probe into the 2020 election. In other words, a lie with legs goes much further than a truth without. Lie on top of a hill has the potential for far more traction than truth on the bottom. One merely needs to roll down while the other must be pushed up against all odds.

Another example of this is the so-called Ukraine Scandal that led to Trump’s impeachment. Joe Biden had openly boasted of interfering in Ukraine’s internal affairs and justice system. His son, Hunter, was involved in corrupt dealings with the oligarchs and gangsters within the Ukrainian puppet regime(installed by a ‘Ziobolical’ Neo-CIA-instigated coup). Yet, all of this was swept under the rug. The Bidens not only got a pass from the Deep State but the protection of the so-called Free Press(that the ‘Liberal West’ is so proud of). In contrast, all Trump did was probe into the affair(partly for political reasons no doubt), and he was made the villain conspiring against ‘democracy’ while the Bidens were treated with kid gloves, as if they were as pure as snow; and the GOP hardly did anything in defense of Trump, what with the Neocons at the National Review egging on the impeachment process. (And surely, the Obama Gang’s bogus excuse for spying on Trump’s campaign in 2016 was far worse than Watergate, but has anyone paid a price? This forces us to rethink the events that led to Nixon’s resignation, or ouster. Not that Nixon and his men were innocent — they clearly did something wrong — but it seems his fall was more the result of a powerplay within the Deep State, then full of East Coast ‘liberals’, and Judeo-Oligarchic media than anything to do with principles or justice.)

With that in mind, let us speculate as to how Covid-19 could have been used as a bio-weapon by elements in the US. At first glance, it would seem like an insurmountable undertaking that would require the cooperation of so many departments in government, non-governmental organizations, and industries. How would the conspirators get all of them onboard? Also, how could the secret be maintained IF more and more people are brought into the scheme? The longer one’s tail grows, more likely it will get stepped on. But this is a problem ONLY IF the various power centers are independent-minded, skeptical & truth-oriented, ethically principled, and/or tolerate dissent. Generally, if groups have something to gain from a crisis/hysteria by measure of power or profits, they will usually get onboard, no questions asked. Most likely, they will quietly pick up on the wink-wink signals of what’s really up and just go along.

In other words, events can unfold as a kind of mass ‘psychonspiracy’. Most who go along aren’t privy to the scheme, nowhere near the epicenter of the ‘initial shock/spring’. They may or may not suspect a lurking conspiracy. What really matters is they have something to gain, personally, politically, economically, or emotionally. Deep Statists with personal animus against Trump take delight in his mounting troubles. It is politically advantageous for the Democratic Party. Also, Jews and globalists could use it as gambit to shut down the rise of nationalist and populist voices then gathering steam across Europe, emboldened not least in part by Trump’s victory in 2016. Big Pharma and online businesses could make record profits. And all the Trump-haters could find emotional satisfaction in blaming the Orange Man for the disease claiming ‘countless’ innocent lives; it could almost be their new religion with angels(St. Fauci) and demons(the skeptics).
And at this point, there might be a sense among American Jews that it’s too late to change course as the die has been cast. Perhaps, there are plenty of Jews who’d wished for a different arrangement between Jews and Gentiles, i.e. Jewish Power hadn’t gotten so bold and extreme in paroxysms of supremacist hegemony, but they may now feel things have come to a boil where it’s a matter of all-or-nothing for Jews. Jewish Power crossed the Rubicon, and moderation is no longer possible — consider the push for BLM and CRT, as well as the dehumanization of patriotic conservatives and genuine liberals(who defend free speech) as ‘white supremacists’ or ‘domestic terrorists, as if Jewish Supremacism, the only acceptable mode of Jewish Power, is doomed unless goyim, especially whites, are totally soul-crushed and destroyed in morale and body. It’s like the only outcome for Nazi Germany following Operation Barbarossa was win-all or lose-all. And after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, diplomacy was no longer viable; Japan could defend its empire or lose it all under crushing defeat. Plenty of Germans and Japanese didn’t want war with Russia or US, but once it was on, there was no going back and the only game was “if you’re not with us, you’re against us.” Many Jews may feel the same way; they fear the Jewish Elites are playing with fire, but their sense of tribal pride and ‘Never Again’ grievance prevents them from sounding the alarm on bad/crazy Jews and working toward more moderate solutions with goyim. They fear any moderation that allows for honest investigation into Jewish abuses will open a Pandora’s Box that may give credence to ‘anti-semites’, anti-Zionists, and of course the Palestinians. Perhaps, Jewishness is intrinsically extreme as, without the element of fanaticism in identity and heritage(as well as deviousness whereby Jews ‘assimilated’ without being absorbed), how could Jews have survived for thousands of years, especially as minorities among goyim? Things that are inherently moderate can survive in a moderate world, but things that are inherently extreme could fall apart with moderation, e.g. communism is by its nature radical and extreme, and when Mikhail Gorbachev embarked on a more moderate path, the whole system collapsed almost overnight. Just like moderates are foolish to appease the extremists, the extremists are foolish to give into moderation. Moderates who appease extremism will fall into its trap, and extremists who agree to moderation will lose their grip.

Most people aren’t concerned with principles(and even if they are, can’t do little about it against the Power) and act more on the basis of power-calculus, prejudice(as every side has its own readymade heroes and villains), and/or anxiety. Take a sports game. Suppose the referee made what is clearly a bad call. But suppose it favors the home team. So, are all home-team fans in the stadium going to boo the referee and start shouting en masse to reverse the call in the name of fairness and principles? Regardless of whether the call resulted by mistake or corruption(bribery or blackmail), the overwhelming likelihood is the home-team fans are going to let it slide and pretend all-is-well. They really know the call was bad but, as their emotions are invested in their team winning, will pretend the call was fair or or rationalize that it was long overdue as payback because the other side got undeserved lucky breaks too.

So, if you want to pull some crazy shit, success-or-failure depends on how the forces are aligned. It shouldn’t be this way in a ‘liberal democracy’ based on Rule of Law but it is(and is getting worse because of Jewish ethno-monopolism across institutions, Jewish contempt toward goyim, Jewish paranoia about losing power & being found out about their abuses & atrocities, and just the sheer thrill of playing at ‘Tough Jew’ gangsterism). If the Power is with you, all you need to do is pull off the crazy shit to set the whole thing in motion. Not because the forces are in on the plot or even approve of it but because, wink-wink, there’s a ‘psychonspiratorial’ understanding between you and others that “it’s good for the team.” Even without it being said, people pick up signals, hints as to what is to be done.
Such mindset is more prevalent among ‘progressive’ types because of their b/w cult of justice and their absorption of Neo-Nietzscheanism, which went from the right to the left. Progs tend to see the world in terms of irredeemable ‘nazis’, ‘racists’, and ‘white supremacists’ against humanity led by noble Jews, blacks, and homos. As the villains are SO EVIL, just about ANYTHING is justified to defeat and suppress them. In other words, “there are no two sides”, and the villainous side doesn’t even deserve a hearing or free speech. The other reason is, what with the fall of Marxism and the discrediting of classic leftist ideologies, the prog-types came to focus on power for power’s sake. (Furthermore, as leftist and liberal Jews realized there was more to gain from capitalism, they became less principled in ideology and more obsessed with tribal power.) Ideas come and go, whereas the one constant in history is CONTROL, therefore anything that EMPOWERS your side is justified, even if it means pushing lies. Of course, there’s an additional reason why the ‘progressive’ side tends to be less principled on truth. It’s because Jews, blacks, and homos, though dominant on the so-called ‘left’, are really wolves-in-sheep’s-clothing, or ultra-rightist tribal-or-identity supremacists who ‘larp’ as ‘progressives’ to cover their real passions. Jews don’t want the US to give equal treatment to Palestinians. Homos, as neo-aristos, want to lord over straights. Blacks think dey be da kangz and queanz.
Not that one can hope for much truth from ‘conservatives’ who are craven, cucked, and stupid. I suspect many ‘conservatives’ were skeptical of the WMD farce(what with the Bush II regime making up ever sillier stories about Hussein and ‘yellow cake’ and the Nigerian connection to make nukes to blow up NY and Tel Aviv), but they figured they’d gain most to just go along, again for ‘psychonspiratorial’ reasons. They figured the Terror Scare and the Iraq War would be a great boon for the GOP and American Conservatism. Bush II would be hailed as the new Winston Churchill + FDR rolled into one, and even more crucially, Jews would finally begin their exodus to the Republican Party on account of Dubya having done so much for Israel and so on.

So, if Covid-19 outbreak and its worldwide impact were indeed the consequence of a US bio-weapon attack, the conspirators needed only to have pulled the trigger because all the pieces were already in place. Imagine there is a well-guarded hall with 2 million domino pieces. Your objective is to knock down all the dominos. But it isn’t exactly easy to gain access into the hall. But the thing is, upon gaining access, you don’t have to bother with knocking down each domino piece by piece, which would be the case only if each domino was set apart from others. If the dominos are placed in the classic manner for the domino-effect, then all you need to do is knock over ONE domino piece, and the rest, all 2 million of them, will follow. The covid-conspirators surely knew, once the first piece of the pandemic fell, everything would follow. Not because Covid-19 is the most dangerous disease ever but because the deep state, media, various departments & agencies, and big industries were all wink-wink ‘psychonspiratorially’ invested in using the crisis for maximum impact to suppress populism/nationalism and take out Trump.

It didn’t matter how the disease got started. What really mattered was that many among the elites knew, wink-wink, that this was a great political, social, and economic opportunity for them while proving fatal for Trump who ran on the economy and national pride. The Covid lockdowns would hurt the economy, and Trump would be smeared as a lazy fool or weakling who failed to protect the US from the worst disease ever. And countless among the proggy masses played along out of genuine naivete or ‘telekinetic’ understanding that the elites had cooked up something really delicious to scorch Trump’s ass really good. The sheep-like mentality of the proggies was plain to see when the official line went from ‘natural origin of the virus’ to ‘possible lab leak’. The very proggies, who were SO SURE it came from bats(or some animal) and rolled their eyes at anyone who suggested a lab leak, were suddenly saying, yeah sure, it could have been a lab leak… because New York Times changed its mind.

If Trump’s side, the populists & patriots, vaccine skeptics, anti-globalists, and the like had control of media and the deep state, they could have put lots of brakes into the Covid-Narrative. There would have been no assurance that the dominos would fall. But all the power and control were with Jews, globalists, and proggies who have near total domination of the institutions that matter and industries with virtual monopoly over us. It turned out even Fox News was, wink-wink, working with globalists to undermine Trump in 2020.

Still, even if all the dominos were assured to fall, the first one had to be knocked over in order for the process or chain-reaction to take off. Otherwise, it would have been no-go. It’s like all the firewood in the world don’t make fire unless someone strikes a match. If the hall with the dominos is well guarded, how do you get the dominoes to start falling? Perhaps, an object can be tossed in through the window to strike the first domino, which will then set off the reaction. Or, maybe one can gain access by pretending to be an inspector and place a robot toy by the first domino. This toy-bot is programmed to move in the middle of the night and knock down the first domino piece. Or maybe the first domino is replaced with a ‘loaded domino’ that is meant to fall on its own sometime later.

Now, gaining access to China wouldn’t have been difficult. Even though China is ruled by the authoritarian CCP regime, it’s mostly a free society as long as you don’t cause political trouble. Many millions of foreigners visit and travel across China every year. Any US intelligence agent or military personnel could have visited China as a ‘tourist’.
The bigger challenge would have been to procure the virus, one created in a secret US lab. Even with lots of power and connections, it would have been dicey for Jews or anyone to gain access to such bio-weapon and transport it to China(unless there’s a secret US lab somewhere in Asia, perhaps Southeast Asia, something which the national government there doesn’t even know about).

This is where the plot-within-a-plot becomes useful. Jews knew that Trump’s administration was profoundly anti-China, partly based on rational calculation. US has long been the dominant power in the world and is naturally anxious about China’s rise. Also, the military-industrial-complex welcomes any excuse for more tensions and ‘cold wars’. But there’s another reason, the fear of Jewish Power. Jewish Power isn’t just about money, as it’s still fair game to bash the rich, the 1%, the oligarchs, and etc. Japan and Saudi Arabia threw a lot of money around to lobby the US, only to see their efforts become a liability as criticism grew as to their ‘foreign influence’. Recently, China learned the same lesson in the US and Australia. They spread a lot of cash around, but for every taker, there was someone else howling about China ‘buying up’ everything. If Jews had only money power, they could also be dragged through the mud(as have been the case in the past) as a bunch of greedy weasels and scoundrels. But with their control of media, academia, and entertainment, Jews made Holocaustianity the new faith among white folks, most of whom have come to feel just about any criticism of Jews or Israel is ‘antisemitic’ and ‘hateful’, an affront to all that is good and holy. It means that Jews are untouchable.

But this poses a problem for both the Democrats & so-called ‘liberals’ AND Republicans & so-called ‘conservatives’. If indeed ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ in the Democratic Party are supposed to be about equality and justice, why don’t they call out on Jewish super-privilege, neo-imperialism, financial gangsterism, and Zionist tyranny? They dare not because the Democrats are utterly dependent on Jewish money. Also, all these progs were instilled from cradle to worship Jews as a bunch of Anne Franks. So, to scapegoat SOMETHING for all the problems, Democrats and ‘progressives’ go after imaginary ‘white supremacism’ and Russia-Russia-Russia. It’s as if there are a million Putin-clone-bots in the US carrying out all manner of sabotage on the state, economy, and even the electric grid(even though Edward Snowden’s revelations show it’s the US that has compromised electrical systems in other countries, even its allies).

But the Jewish Problem is much worse for the Republicans and ‘conservatives’. Despite the corrupting influence of Jewish Supremacist money & influence on the Democratic Party, the fact remains most of Jewish Power is with Democrats and urban globo-‘liberal’ class. At the very least, Jews don’t make a habit of bashing the Democrats and its main constituents: ‘Educated’ whites, homos, feminists, blacks, browns, immigrants, and etc. Granted, there is a hierarchy within these ranks. So, while white feminists must be believed when they accuse white males of ‘sexual harassment’ or ‘rape’, they are rebuked as ‘Karens’ when they call out on bad black behavior. And while blacks can dump on white ‘liberals’ as not ‘woke’ enough, they better shut up about Jews… or else. And while the Party champions immigrants against ‘white supremacists’ and ‘xenophobes’, it is silent about newcomers being robbed and murdered by precious Negroes. Arabs and Muslims are to be pitied as victims of ‘Islamophobia’ of Trump and the Deplorables but don’t you dare say anything about how Zionism and Neocon & Neolib policies led to the greatest destruction of Arab/Muslim countries. That said, Democrats can take pride in the Holy Holocaust people being overwhelmingly on their side.

Jewish Power tirelessly dumps on the GOP and the white lower-class and working class, especially those who want less immigration and prefer nationalism uber globalism. And while there are Jewish voices on the so-called ‘right’, their favorite identity-politics is ‘Muh Israel’ than what is good for White America or America-as-a-whole. Take Ben Shapiro, the kind of ‘conservative’ acceptable to ADL-shills at Twitter and Facebook. Because Jewish Power is so overwhelmingly hostile to the American Right, one would think most conservatives and patriots would be anti- or counter-Jewish. But, just like goy Democrats, they fear and tremble at the feet of Jewish Power because it’s not just about money but money plus sacredness(in the West that worships Holocaustianity as the highest holiness).

Thus, American Conservatism, caught between a rock and a hard place, is totally humiliated. Not only is it dumped on by Jews from the supposed ‘left’ but it’s increasingly called out as milquetoast cuck-garbage by vocal elements on the populist right that, if not outright ‘antisemitic’, have wised up considerably as to the true nature of Jewish Power. Bashed by both Jewish globalists as ‘white supremacist’ and patriot-populists as worthless ‘cucks’, the Establishment Right feels weak and wussy. So, what can it do to make itself look and feel tough? During the Cold War, there was big-bad Russia, and of course, anti-Russia diatribe is still a staple of the GOP and Fox News(minus Tucker). But as the Democrats have come to so totally own the Russia-Russia-Russia hysteria, American Conservatism must seize on something else, and it’s the China-China-China panic. “Chinaman poisoned the chop-suey and is gonna kill us all!!” Another reason for China-bashing is the hope that Jews will join in and shelve the anti-whiteness for the time being. Even opposing camps can join together against the common enemy, like when US and USSR joined against Nazi Germany and when US and Red China joined against the Soviet Union. So, if anti-China Policy becomes the new cold war, American Conservatism hopes Jews will go harder on China than on whites.

So, this is where the plot-within-the-plot becomes essential for Jews involved. For them to pull off the Covidian Plot all on their own would been too risky. But if they could link up with dark Anti-China elements in the Deep State and Trump’s administration, they could get the ball rolling. Jews know the Anti-China elements are narrowly focused on destabilizing China. Hit China with an uncertain virus and spread panic, and then maybe even the CCP government will fall from the ensuing nation-wide crisis. With Anti-China elements onboard, Jews have a better chance to procure the virus and have it released on China. They got the Anti-China forces on their side. One thing for sure, as decrepit as the Deep State may be, most agents would NOT take part in a plot to release a virus against the US, even the much loathed Trump’s America. That’s a bridge too far. But, a good number of them will do something down-and-dirty if meant to cripple China, which influential think-tanks have routinely compared to Germany in the late 19th century as the new autocratic threat to the ‘liberal democratic’ model.

But, the dirty secret is Jews are not really focused on China. Sure, some Jews feel uneasy about China’s rise. Some hate the fact that China is allied with Russia and buys oil from Iran. Still, Jewish Power is based in the West, especially the US, not in China. China may or may not grow to rival or even usurp US power, but for sure, Jewish Power depends on what happens in the US(and its whore EU). Also, Jewish Power depends on white goy cooperation via submission, which depends on white-goy-Christian moral inferiority vis-a-vis Jews, and that means stamping out any sign of white pride, white unity, white agency, and Christian sanctity. Even if a good number of Jews would like to see China hurt real bad, it’d be secondary to their fixation on Western power dynamics. What Jews fear most is the rise of white identity and white pride that may come by the way of populism and neo-nationalism.

So, while the Anti-China elements in the possible conspiracy were fixated on hurting China with the Covid virus, Jews were really looking to use it against the West, especially the US, to regain absolute control over the nation. (The sheer number of Jews in the Biden administration suggest Jews are taking no chances this time with shabbos goyim. They must take direct control and do whatever necessary to break the spine of White America.)
Since 2016 Jews have been censoring and blacklisting people on the basis of political ideology, but with Covid hysteria they could go the extra mile and censor people on the basis of ‘science’ and ‘disinformation’, and of course a vastly disproportionate number of the affected will be on the Right as they tend to be more defiantly individualistic when it comes to government mandates and official ‘expertise’, perceived to be dominated by globalists. Indeed, if people were to be censored purely on the basis of rejecting global warming hypothesis, more than 90% would be on the Right. Via Covid hysteria, Jews could also push mask-mandates, the real purpose of which is to habitualize goy masses into a culture of obedience, like putting leashes on dogs or saddles on horses. It’s not unlike what the government does in CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND with fake stories of the poison gas leak. Also, by creating a culture of fear and anxiety, people will think twice about gathering in churches and rallies.

Jews have long been experts at the plot-within-a-plot. Take the Housing Bubble of the early 2000s. It was promoted, with the enthusiasm of both political parties, as a means to create an ownership society and end racial discrimination in housing. That was the official line or agenda, but for the heavily Jewish Wall Street it was a means to use ‘derivatives’ and ‘cds’ to rake in massive profits by bundling tons of debt and selling them around the world. And when the whole thing caved from excess toxicity, the big banks had the ‘insurance’ of government bailouts. It’s like Paulie in GOODFELLAS who strips a restaurant of all its assets and then burns it down for insurance. So many people thought the Housing Bubble was about more homes for more people, but the hidden plot was for Wall Street to use yet another scheme to make out like thieves. Isaac Asimov’s FOUNDATION series are about plot-within-a-plot-within-a-plot. The lesser minds think the plot is working for them, but there is another hidden plot that ultimately favors another group, with the possibility of yet another hidden plot that favors yet another power. It’s like how Hyman Roth uses the Rosato Brothers in THE GODFATHER PART 2. The Rosatos, like Pentangeli, are ‘small potatoes’. For them, it’s about getting the better of a rival local mafia chief. But for Roth, his aid to the Rosatos is to ultimately get at Michael. It’s like fisherman use little fish to catch big fish.

In a similar vein, even though the Anti-China conspirators were focused on using the virus to cripple or destroy China, the Jewish co-conspirators were likely looking to turn the virus back on the West, their real base of power and control. And Jews could do this by their control of media and upper echelons of power. And even if the Anti-China elements realized they were played by the Jews, what are they going to do? Spill the beans? But there’s no way of outing Jewish perfidy without outing their own. So, they fell into the trap, like in THE SPANISH PRISONER by David Mamet.

Now, one might say people like Mamet and others are just fiction writers or movie-makers, and we shouldn’t take their ideas/scenarios too seriously. But, they are also Jewish-centric game-theorists, and is it so far-fetched to believe there are Jews in elite/secret organizations who think and plot along similar lines to further and expand Jewish Power? While most Mexicans are content with tacos and cerveza, lots of Jews are tireless in their Will to Power. It’s like some dog breeds tend to be restless while others just want to take it easy.

Turning the clock back to 2019, the Anti-China conspirators aim to hurt China, and they think they’re off to a good start as Covid-19 takes off in Wuhan. In contrast, the Jewish conspirators are patiently looking to make it spread to the West so that it can be exploited to lock down and muzzle the goyim. Also, it places Trump between Scylla and Charybdis. If he goes along with the lockdown, the so-called ‘Trumpian Economy’ goes south; it was what he hoped to run on in 2020. But, if he hesitates, he can be blamed for the deaths. And as Jews control the medical agencies, media, and deep state, any death can be labeled as a ‘covid death’ if the dead person had some covid in his blood. And, it’s not like Jewish Power has to go to every agency & department and spell out what has to be done. Rather, as most elite members of society hate Trump and are willing to do ANYTHING to get rid of him, they go along with the wink-wink understanding that it will hurt his ass in 2020. While Jews hate Trump and populism as threat to Jewish tribal supremacism, white goy elites are into the status-vanity of virtue-signaling that they are oh-so-progressive and would do anything to bring down ‘literally-hitler’ Trump the leader of the ‘racists’. As for the skeptics among the scientific and ‘liberal’ community, what are they going to do? The majority of the elites are with the ‘psychonspiracy’ and committed to derailing, demoting, and destroying anyone who won’t go along. The conscientious skeptics were bound to be as ineffective as Paleo-cons who railed against Neocons and the Iraq War.

At some point, the Anti-China conspirators surely realized they’d been had. They’d been ‘spanish-prisoned’ by the smarter Jews who redirected the covid outbreak to the West. Based on circumstantial evidence, Jewish Power wanted covid to ravage the US and EU by far. First, even as wild and sensational stories about the ‘pandemic’ in Wuhan spread in the social media, most of US government and mass media(totally controlled by Jewish globalists) were rather nonchalant about it. And when Trump made some noises about banning travel from China to prevent the spread, he was shot down by big-name Democrats as ‘xenophobic’ and ‘racist’. The likes of Pelosi were urging Americans to join the Chinese New Year festival and Hug-a-Chiner. At this point, Trump probably thought the Democrats didn’t think the ‘pandemic’ was a big deal.
But then, all of a sudden, alarm bells went off in the mass media that, by golly, the disease is HERE and the most draconian measures must be taken to stop its spread. The very people who’d poo-poo-ed Trump’s proposal for a travel ban(or limitation) were suddenly demanding strict controls. Trump, who’d taken the nonchalance of the Democratic Party and media as a sign that the virus was no big deal, was like a deer in the headlights and argued for more moderate measures. But this was exactly what the Jewish elites wanted. They could now portray Trump as an uncaring pig who would let countless Americans die for ‘muh economy’ and ‘muh re-election’.

If US were a free and sane country, the Jewish Hand would have been called out on this. But the US is really a Jewish-supremacist gangster-fascist oligarchy. Therefore and rather belatedly, Tucker Carlson and Trump thought the ONLY OPTION was to suddenly OUTDO the Democrats on the lockdown and try to own the issue. Sacrifice the economy so that Trump won’t be blamed on the mass deaths at least. But, of course, Jewish Power was not only about to gloat about the economic downturn but do everything to blame Trump for the ‘mass deaths’, even though so many lives could have been saved if NY and other blue cities hadn’t pushed so many old folks into infected nursing homes.
Furthermore, many more lives could have been saved IF doctors were given leeway in administering medicines on their patients. But the official decree was that doctors could do NOTHING and just wait for the ‘vaccines’ to arrive. So, many lives that might have been saved with hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were left to die just so Jewish Power could push the numbers higher. In Russia of the 90s, Jews were willing to destroy millions of lives to loot the economy. Madeleine Albright said it’s okay to kill half a million Arab kids in the Middle East. Zionist-globalist-driven policies have repeatedly shown that powerful Jews regard goy lives as expendable. All those lives in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and of course Gaza & West Bank are worth destroying if in service to Jewish Power. Look at the mess in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland’s vicious countenance is like Albright Unplugged, raw and naked. And for the longest time, Jewish media suppressed the connection between the Sackler Clan and White Death reaching above half-a-million. So, would it be so surprising that Jewish Power would use the Covid hysteria to wreak havoc on American Society to safeguard tribal supremacism?

There’s even more circumstantial evidence that the Covid Hysteria was orchestrated as Anti-Trump agenda. The very elites, who told us that Covid was an unprecedented pandemic threatening countless lives, suddenly backtracked on the lockdown for the George Floyd ‘mostly-peaceful’ protesters, rioters, and looters. The media were suddenly full of glowing reports of how these brave and noble souls were out in the streets in force in the name of ‘social justice’. In other words, whatever fit the Narrative and the Agenda, as if Covid’s a deadly killer when you’re at home but suddenly not so dangerous when you’re out in the streets throwing a Molotov Cocktail.

Furthermore, if Covid really came out of the blue, why were these mega-pharmaceutical companies and especially Israel all revved up to manufacture and roll out the ‘vaccine’ in record time? And who can forget how Big Pharma withheld reports of ‘vaccine’ readiness on the eve of the election lest it boost Trump’s chances? So, the medical community was certainly in on the Big Fix. Again, the Jews and globalist goy elites in Big Media and Big Pharma need not have been in on the Plot. They need not have known there was a Plot. The only thing that mattered was that, once the cat was out of the bag, the show was on and they had roles to play. Even without being told, they picked up the signals. To be Jewish means to be on the same wavelength with other Jews. To feel the vibe. Every culture has an element of this. Every society relies on acculturation so that, even without being told, most people know what is expected of them in certain situations. In Japan, people know how to behave in certain settings, what not to say, what not to do, and without being told. This ‘sixth sense’ is more powerful among Jews because they had to pick up intra-tribal signals in a sea of goyim. They had to be more esoteric, more keen to hints and innuendo. Also, due to the diaspora, the World Jewry across the globe had to, wink-wink, read each other’s minds without being sent memos with instructions in bold letters.

Of course, it’s still within the realm of possibility that it was a spectacular case of the Luck of the Jewish. Heading into 2020, Jews wished for some world-shaking event to consolidate power and ‘fortify’ the election, and by golly, it just so happened that some Chinese guy ate a bat and spread the virus. Or, some sloppy Chinese scientist at the Wuhan Lab dropped a tray of covid-19 like a carton of chop suey. And dummy Trump really fumbled the ball during the crisis, and it was picked up by Jews who ran for a touchdown. Luck is a factor in history, and maybe Jews really got lucky in 2020. But what are the odds?

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