Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Why We Cannot Expect Jews to Tell Us the TRUTH — Jews Talk to Us like Adults Talk to Children — We Need to Grow Up and Stop Acting like Children before Jews-as-Adults

When adults and children talk, do we expect adults to always speak the truth? No. Even as adults press upon children to speak truthfully to adults, they don’t feel obligated to always speak truthfully with children. Of course, decent adults try to be as truthful as possible, but they believe, with good reason, that children are intellectually and emotionally unprepared to deal with certain truths. The mind of a child that can believe in Santa Claus can be led to believe in just about anything. While lying-to-children as a policy isn't good, expecting children to handle the truth like adults would be foolish. And so, there are certain truths that we don’t share with children. And if children ask inconvenient questions, we resort to half-truths or explanations(or even concoct lies) that we feel to be appropriate given the circumstances. Only gradually do children mature into adults in their emotions and sophistication, and it takes time for children to grow into young adults who can handle more truth. It’s been that way forever among humans all around the world.

But the adult-children dynamics often exist even among adults or between groups of adults. Some groups feel more intelligent, more knowing, and more deserving of power/influence. They believe they know and understand more. Therefore, while they themselves can ‘handle the truth’, they believe other groups cannot. Such group dynamics can be along educational, class, racial, religious, or ethnic lines. Obviously, those who attended and/or work for elite institutions feel they are smarter, more capable, and more deserving to know More Truth. In contrast, the less intelligent, less informed, and less sophisticated are deemed undeserving of the raw and unfiltered truth. They must be fed the official news processed by the so-called ‘mainstream media’ which is an industrial complex of the Deep State and oligarchic corporations. So much of state documents are redacted and kept secret. And Big Media are as much about hiding, twisting, or spinning the news as ferreting them out. New York Times and such publications may sometimes go the extra mile to expose secrets that the government wants suppressed, but more often than not, they work with the Power to decide what the people should or shouldn’t be told. Furthermore, even when the Big Media expose inconvenient secrets, they do so less for the public good or for truth-for-truth’s-sake than as a power game. When MSM broke the Watergate scandal, it was working with elements of the Deep State to oust Richard Nixon. And when the MSM pushed the Russia-Russia-Russia Hysteria, or Russysteria, to unseat Donald Trump, it was in collusion with the globalist Deep State that deems nationalism too petty for an empire like the US. So, the so-called Fourth Estate is less in service to the people than to the elites. Even when MSM spills the truth for the people to see and hear, it is less to inform the people and raise their political consciousness than to manipulate mass opinions so that one elite faction can undermine another elite faction. It's about using mass opinion to boost one elite faction against others.

People in the MSM believe they must be the gatekeepers of truth, facts, and opinions. They believe there are too many lies, falsehoods, fabrications, and ‘conspiracy theories’ in the alternative newsphere and online opinion world. And they are right about all the cranks, charlatans, looneys, and nutjobs on the internet spreading half-truths, false rumors, and fake news. And yet, it’s downright hilarious for MSM to sit atop the high horse when it’s been guilty of the same thing on a much bigger and more consequential scale. While liberal democracies offer more venues and outlets for news than totalitarian systems do, they are essentially ruled by oligarchies that are more concerned with power, prestige, and privilege than with truth, honesty, and integrity.
Elites have always regarded themselves as better and more deserving than the masses. They’ve seen themselves as the ‘adults in the room’ and sneered at the masses as ones who ‘cannot handle the truth’. Still, even such snobbery could be fused with genuine idealism, i.e. elites must strive to know more, understand more, and responsibly craft news & opinions for the good of the people. They may be vain and conceited but also sincere in their goodwill toward the people. Such is usually the case when the adult-children dichotomy among adults is only along class-lines. The higher classes with better education feel they should know more and have more power to do what is good for the lower classes, the hoi polloi. Such class dynamics plays out in the US, Russia, China, Iran, France, and etc. The US elites in NY, DC, and LA think they should tell us what to think and how to feel. The CCP believe it knows what is good for the Chinese people. The Russian government controls the news and narrative for the national interest. The leaders of Iran and France think they know best and suppress certain truths while highlighting or even exaggerating others.
But when class snobbery combines with racial supremacism, the adult-children dichotomy among adults becomes more problematic. Consider the Deep South where white elites considered blacks to be not only economic and cultural but racial inferiors. They believed the problem wasn’t merely that blacks had less education(if any) and knowledge but that blacks were innately less capable of thinking like adults. Blacks were regarded as childlike and naturally animal-primal in their emotions and thought-processes. As such, blacks could be told some truth but not all the truth. Blacks would not be able to process them, handle them. Besides, as blacks were bigger, stronger, and more aggressive, giving them the same rights and freedoms of white folks could be very dangerous. As history showed, a lot of white fears and anxieties about free blacks with equal rights proved to be valid. Biologically, it’s true that blacks are less inhibited, less rational, more impulsive, and wilder. As such, blacks aren’t capable of handling the truth in the same way as whites. (That said, the main problem was that white elites were not honest among themselves about the threat posed by blacks. Abraham Lincoln was candid about the black problem in private and hoped for a permanent separation of the races by means of repatriation or creation of a black republic. If white elites had spoken the truth about blacks to each other loud-and-clear and spread the same message to the white masses, the race problem could have been brought to an end. Imagine if white elites had spread the following message far-and-wide-and-loud-and-clear: "Blacks evolved to be more muscular, more aggressive, bigger-donged, and more psychopathic. Without separation, some may call for racial integration one of these days, and then blacks will destroy white manhood and conquer white women, and that will turn white guys into a bunch of 'faggot-maggots' and that will be the end of the white race. Also, as an idol is worth a million individuals in prestige & fame and as idols in America will be determined by athletic feats and musical prowess, blacks will likely take over as idols, and white boys and girls will effectively grow up worshiping Negroes as demigods." If white elites had spoken such truths, most whites would surely have agreed for radical measures to bring about racial separation when the US was still a virile and healthy race-ist nation.) Now, if blacks were smaller and weaker — like Gary Coleman or Emmanuel Lewis — , one might speak the whole truth to them and let it sink in. But as blacks are tougher, louder, and stronger, white folks are now scared half to death to say anything that might trigger blacks into flipping out. Still, even if white folks had good reasons to maintain an adult-children dynamics between themselves and blacks, many of their lies were self-serving. Worse, it’s often the case that those who lie to control others often come to half-believe in those lies for emotional comfort. The 'white lie' can become the official myth.

In the current US, Jews and Goyim are like whites and blacks in the Deep South prior to the Civil Rights Movement. Just like white elites in the South felt they deserved to rule because they were better educated, more cultivated, and more civilized, many Jews feel they should rule because they are more intelligent, more engaged, more informed, and wiser. So, Southern white elites were like the adults, and blacks(and ‘white trash’) were like the children(or chillun). Southern white elites were privy to certain truths whereas the blacks(and ‘white trash’) were fed simple narratives and fairytale-like myths... though in their vanity and self-aggrandizement, many Southern elites came to believe in the myth that the peddled to the masses — besides, most of the elites are too busy making money and leave it up to OTHERS to define the truth; as the cultural elites mostly write books for the public and as the children of the elites also read these books, they too come under the same kind of manipulation, the kind that prints legend as fact.
The childlike masses weren’t deemed as deserving of knowledge and privilege rightfully reserved for ‘adults in the room’ who know what is in the best interest for all of society. It’s like what parents say to each other, they keep from the children. It’s like the Movie Rating that forbids kids from watching R-rated movies without an adult guardian. It’s like special archives that are accessible only for those with credentials. The rest of us must rely on MSM and public libraries. Even the internet doesn’t allow access to state secrets and the like. Furthermore, monopolies like Google manipulate algorithms to favor Jewish-controlled 'mainstream news' over alternative sources that dare speak truth to power. Jews are like the Southern white elites in feeling that they know best and deserve special access to knowledge denied to most people. The rest of us, being childlike and insufficient in knowledge, should be controlled. We need to be told what to believe and how to feel. After all, Jews are the ‘adults in the room’ while we are ‘children in the romper room’. Jews feel that unless we are kept in the romper room with toys, we might go romper stomper.

But then, there is a Catch-22 kind of logic to Jewish Power over us. Jews say, because we don’t know enough, we must be kept from knowing too much. But if we don’t know enough, shouldn’t we be encouraged to know more so that we will be deserving to know the full truth one day? If a child must be kept from the truth because his mind isn’t ready for it yet, then shouldn’t he be intellectually and emotionally prepared so that he will be ready one day? Then, the same logic would apply to adult goyim. If too many adult goyim are currently too ill-informed and childlike to handle truth and nothing but the truth, then shouldn’t they be prepared and informed so that they will be more knowledgeable and understanding to handle the truth? And yet, the Jewish Paradox sets in that denies such possibility for growth among goyim. Jews say, because we don’t know enough, we must not be allowed to know more that may prepare us to know the full truth. Instead of urging us to know more to ultimately gain the truth, Jews say that because we don’t know enough, we should know even less. Indeed, our knowledge should be limited to what the Jewish-controlled MSM, entertainment, academia, and Deep State deem as 'acceptable'. For Jews, it's not a matter of truth vs falsehood but 'acceptable' vs 'unacceptable', with their ilk deciding what is acceptable or not. In a way, the way Jews see goyim is worse than how adults see children. At the very least, adults expect children to eventually grow up and handle the truth. In contrast, Jews want us to remain stupid children forever, all the better to control us emotionally and ideologically. Jews do not want us to think independently or attain autonomy of mind. Jews don’t want us to find and explore our own truth. They are to decide what is ‘extreme’ or ‘hateful’.
Now, if Jews were at least sincere in their commitment to justice and truth, their concerns would be more understandable. If Jews were truly moral and decent, I can understand why they would be concerned about young, impressionable, gullible, and immature people falling under the sway of stupid Neo-Nazi or white-supremacist nonsense that one does indeed encounter on the internet. While I’m for freedom of speech and free exchange of ideas, many young people have fallen under bad influence as the result of propaganda from both left and right. Whether one turns into a skinhead or an antifa goon, obviously such a person isn’t thinking. He is intellectually decrepit and emotionally crippled. But, in fact, even as Jews feign concern for justice and truth, they themselves are arch-tribal-supremacists and full of hateful extremism. Also, they not only oppose white supremacism or goy extremism but seek to suppress any healthy sign of white/goy consciousness lest it seek independence and liberation from Jewish Supremacism.
In this, Jews are like the white elites of the Old South. Even as the white elites made noise about how they needed to control the power, truth, and narrative to maintain a just and stable order over black savages and ‘white trash’, they were trying to keep it all for themselves. They wanted permanent privilege on both racial and class grounds. They not only felt that blacks and ‘white trash’ weren’t, as yet, ready for full power and truth but sought to maintain the existing power structure as long as possible. The lower elements deserved to know less because they knew less. Hardly an effort was made to urge the lower elements to know more so that they could know even more and eventually rise up the ladder. And yet, the white elites weren’t merely cunning and deceptive. Many of them came to believe in their own myths because it made them feel better. People justify power with myth, and then, if they aren’t careful, come to believe in the myth. It’s like getting high on one’s own supply.
Especially pertaining to blacks, the white elites in the South felt that the differences weren’t merely a matter of education and cultivation but race and blood. Even though some of them did mouth platitudes about blacks gradually rising up to higher civilizational standards, they mostly wished that blacks would always remain ‘children’ vis-a-vis the white ‘adults’ who knew what was in the best interest of the Negroes. Now, history has proven that blacks do indeed do better in societies ruled by whites who are more intelligent and even-tempered; black-run societies have gone to pots. And yet, such social dynamics, even if based on some degree of truth, was bound to be untenable in the long run because it demeaned black pride and contradicted American principles. While it seems factual that childlike blacks do fare better under whites in the role of ‘adults’, what people would want to believe that they are best off serving as obedient ‘children’ under the guidance of another race? This was especially tough for blacks to swallow since they are a very physical people who judge worth mainly in terms of who-can-whup-whose-ass? Because blacks ‘think’ so viscerally, they have a hard time accepting the fact that ‘faggoty-ass white boys’ are better than them in anything. Now, if white race were tougher, bigger, and stronger than blacks, then blacks would have less problem accepting the white race as the master race because black psycho-hierarchy gauges worth in terms of ass-whupping prowess. Indeed, the main sense of racial injustice among blacks isn’t so much that they were enslaved by whites. It’s that they were enslaved by a weaker and wussier race. As such, blacks feel that THEY should have been the master race over the whites: THEY should have been kicking white boys’ ass and humping white women. (In contrast, the short brown people of Latin America have been willing to regard the white Conquistador elites as the rightful rulers for being bigger and taller. The Aryan invaders of India also didn't have to worry about the physical threat because the Dravidians whom they conquered weren't bigger or stronger. Furthermore, the Aryans manipulated Hindu religion to 'sacralize' themselves as the more sacred class/race. By spiritualizing their power over the darker native folks, they made it a crime against the cosmos to challenge the existing social order. In a way, Jews see eye-to-eye with the Hindus because they are trying to create a caste system in the US with themselves as the Holiest Race based on the combination of Covenant myth and Shoah cult. Jews push a kind of 'Meritokarma' that would have us believe that Jews, with their superior intelligence and wisdom, deserve to be at the very top. And as many elite and wanna-be-elite Americans are obsessed about IQ and status — despite their bogus PC noises to the otherwise — , they do look upon Jews as the super-brahmin caste. Yet, not all Americans feel that way. White Nationalists, for instance, are more into aesthetics and beauty. While they believe Jews may be smarter, they believe whites are more attractive. And they believe that the white race has a right to preserve its beauty in white lands; as such, those most invested in the preservation of the white race and white beauty are most deserving to rule. This is why Jews see white beauty as something they must own, control, and commoditize. It must be turned from a racial preserve of the white race to a globalist product to be sold around the world by Jews.)

While Jews may be smarter than white goyim, the Jewish-white dynamics is very different from the white-black dynamics. While we can understand how the adult-children dynamics between whites and blacks was deeply offensive and hurtful to blacks(especially as it deemed whites to be racially more advanced than blacks), there is no denying that, without whites, blacks wouldn't have modern civilization, or much of civilization of any kind. Without whites, most blacks would be nothing but Jafro-Jivers chucking spears at hippos and running like mofos from lions or gorillas when not beating on bongo drums and shaking their booties. In contrast, despite higher Jewish intelligence and tremendous Jewish achievements, history has shown that whites can do just fine without Jews, indeed even better.
Paradoxically, higher Jewish achievements can be WORSE for white societies. Why? Because even though Jews use their high IQ for advancements in various fields, especially science, medicine, and technology, they use the profits not for the general good of the nation but to boost and reinforce Jewish Supremacism, and this entails the mental and emotional enslavement of the goy population. Jews will push any agenda or product, regardless of how harmful it may be to the general goy public, to strengthen themselves by weakening the Other. Take ACOWW or Afro-Colonization-of-White-Wombs for instance. Why are Jews using media, academia, entertainment, and advertising to push interracism, especially the kind where white wombs are to be colonized by black seed? It’s to demolish white male pride and white unity. Jews seek to turn the goyim into mulatto-mestizo who are so confused in identity that they won’t be able to unite against Jewish supremacist power. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that Jews will use their high IQ only for noble ends, such as finding cures for horrible diseases or exploring deeper philosophical truths. A lot of Jews are smart but shallow, and all they care about is money, money, money, and like gangsters and crooks, they will use ANY MEANS at their disposal to rake in more cash... like Jordan Belfort and his fellow Jewish pranksters who were the basis for the film THE WOLF OF WALL STREET. Of course, Hollywood being Jewish, Martin Scorsese took care to de-Jewify the story somewhat, but it’s pretty obvious what it’s all about.

In some ways, Jews are justified in feeling like ‘adults’ over white goy ‘children’. Even though the differences between Jews and white goyim aren’t as stark as the differences between the white race and the black race — Jews are Caucasian like the Arabs and, like the Europeans, a people with a deep history of civilization and achievements — , Jews(at least the Ashkenazi ones) are thought to be smarter than whites on average(and indeed even by one standard deviation). Also, Jewish personality is wilier and more cunning, crafty, clever, sneaky, and shifty. As such, Jews are more prone to be in the mind-game mode than whites are. Whites, especially those of Northern European stock, tend to be more obedient and simplistic in personality. In some ways, Jewish personality is to white personality what white personality is to East Asian personality. Jewish personality is more passive-aggressive, more multi-faceted. In a way, Jews had to develop such shifty Zeligish personality because they had to wear many masks. As a people who came to prominence with both prophecy and profiteering amongst various goy groups, Jews could never be just one thing. It’s like a salesman or a politician needs to have more of an adaptive personality than a farmer or truck driver. They must be chameleon-like; they must play different roles. Because Jews are more adept with a multi-faceted personality than white goyim are, they tend to look upon whites as overly earnest, trusting, or simple-minded. In other words, whites can be made simplemindedly antisemitic or simplemindedly philo-semitic. Whites can be made to go ‘full retard’ as either ‘nazis’ or ‘shabbos goyim’. Same is true of children. Children can be made to believe anything. They can be taught to be 100% Nazi or 100% Commie. Young ones can be made to believe in God or not believe in God. They can be made to believe in Santa or the Tooth Fairy. The Jewish Mind thinks strategically at all times and never lowers the guard. And it’s always looking for soft spots through which to thrust the blade. Jewish Mind is one with Jewish Pride, and this makes Jews defiant. So, it’s not easy for whites to convince or persuade Jews. Even when whites are correct and well-meaning in their interaction with Jews, the latter thinks, “What is the white goy REALLY after?” The Jew wonders, “Is the white goy trying to push his ‘truth’ onto me to control me?” And if the Jew realizes that the white goy is both correct in his truth and well-meaning in his sharing of the truth, he wonders, “Why is the white goy being SO DUMB and sharing this truth with me when I can remold and manipulate it against him?” The Jew is always asking questions, whereas the goy is not, at least not in relation to Jews.
In a way, the Jew-Goy dynamics is natural because it’s generally true that when a smart person is with a less-smart person, the former is more inquisitive whereas the latter is more trusting. The smarter person tries to figure out the ‘dummy’, whereas the less-smart person feels so flattered to be in the presence of the ‘genius’ that he gets all oh-goshy. Indeed, we see such uh-shucks-oh-goshiness among so many white goyim in the presence of Jews. Consider Charles Murray who wets his pants in the presence of Jewish Genius. Even Jared Taylor, though insulted, defamed, and excommunicated by Jews from social platforms and financial services, is always sucking up to Jews, deferring to them, and banning any criticism of Jewish Power & Israel on his site American Renaissance. The combination of higher IQ and wilier personality makes Jews feel more ‘adult’ in the presence of white goyim who seem less smart and less complex in emotional terms.
But of course, there is the added element of spiritual mythology and/or Holocaustianity. Among simpleminded Evangelicals, Jews are the original Chosen, the holy People of the Book. There was a time when Christianity said Jews killed Jesus and etc., but the New Narrative blamed it all on the Romans, and most Christian pastors are the biggest cucks of Jews in the world. For the secular goyim, there is the neo-spiritual faith in the Holy Holocaust that would have us believe no people suffered as much as the Jews and for NO GOOD REASON at all because, apparently according to the new historiography, Jews were pure-as-snow innocents all throughout history, and it was ALWAYS the goyim’s fault when Jews were met with explosions of violence. Jewish rationale is rather paradoxical. On the one hand, Jews denounce the superstitiousness of goyim who were prone to BLAME THE JEW. And yet, we are to believe that all those goyim in all those places all throughout history just lost their minds and went totally cuckoo in the presence of totally innocent Jews. So, who’s being superstitious? The real superstition is the Jewish Lie that Jews were always innocent and Goyim were always in the wrong. It’s statistically impossible that all throughout history, in all the outbreaks of violence between Jews and non-Jews, it was the Jews who were always innocent and it was the goyim who were always guilty. Unless Jews are a godlike people, there’s no way Jews were that good.

Unfortunately, Jews tend to fall into two categories. What both have in common is self-worship but in different ways. One group believes that Jews are indeed pure-as-snow and always right and so goody-good, and therefore, it really must have been the fault of goyim. These Jews believe that the Tribe is indeed holy because its members are indeed morally superior to the rest of humanity. Such Jews are Moral Supremacists. They do believe in morality but are blind to Jewish immorality toward goyim and only see the ‘evil’ of hostile goy reactions to Jewish bad behavior. Even though they call for Jewish unity in pride and prestige — all Jews deserve to share in the achievements of great and good Jews — , they are the first ones to say that the behavior of bad Jews do not reflect on the Jewish community as a whole. So, when Jews act good, all Jews deserve to share in the pride of goodness. But when Jews act bad, it is ‘evil’ and ‘antisemitic’ to notice certain patterns that pertain to the Jewish community in general. Still, the moral supremacist Jews do believe in some kind of code of ethics. In contrast, the other kind of Jews, the Nihilist Supremacists, believe Jews are superior just because. In other words, Jews are better, superior, and more deserving simply because they are Jews, the ultimate Tribesmen. Jews are right even when they do wrong because... they are Jews. So, it doesn’t matter if Jews do good or Jews do bad. As Jews, they can do as they please to lord over goyim and exploit them. They have the mentality not unlike that of the hoodlums in GOODFELLAS. They regard themselves as the Made Men, and the Covenant gives them license to act as the World Mafia.
While it’s inconceivable to imagine a social order in which all people are equally deserving of power and truth — even if such were offered to everyone, too many people will reject power and truth in favor of escapism and comforting myths — , we must nevertheless strive for a society where most people are adult-like and demand to know more and handle more responsibility. People must never be mindlessly trusting of the Power, and this goes for US, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and etc. There are no philosopher kings or wise-men among the ruling elites. Power has its own logic: Self-perpetuation by any means. Societies cannot do without concentrations of power, wealth, and influence, but the people must still insist on knowing more and ask tough questions. They must support a system of education, cultivation, and communication where people are encouraged to be more mature, rational, factual, and inquisitive. They need to be on the side of critical thinking, the will and courage to speak truth to power, or at least ask truth of power.
Jews know this is a threat to them. Why would they want people to think critically when, in the Current System, they are positioned as the ‘adults in the room’ while the goyim are relegated to ‘kindergarten’ status? Why would they want us to feel, think, and speak as adults when they prefer us to remain like children or cattle? This is why Jews push PC on schools at an early age. By pushing ‘anti-racism’, Jews seek to suppress white racial consciousness and identity. By pushing hysteria about ‘antisemitism’, Jews seek to suppress the truth that the main supremacist ideology of the West is Zionist tyranny over Palestinians, Wars for Israel, and nihilistic Jewish gangsterism throughout government & the economy. Jews are so clever. They pretend to be ‘anti-racist’ by denouncing ‘racism’ but then shield Jewish ‘racism’ or racial supremacism by invoking ‘antisemitism’ to suppress criticism of Jewish monstrosity against Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. And of course, Jews push globo-homo to kids as early as possible in schools. Jews would have us ‘children’ believe that Homo-Mania is all about Human Rights and Justice, but it’s really about inculcating children with mindless worship of Minority Supremacism. After all, kids aren’t merely taught that homos are born that way and do odd ‘sexual’ things. They are taught that homos and trannies are the holy ‘rainbow’ people who deserve extra love and adoration. By making goyim worship homos as eternal minorities, Jews are trying to condition all goy minds to favor the minority-elite over the majority-norm. Sadly, the fact that SO MANY goyim have fallen for this shtick and even take their kids to libraries for reading sessions from trannies goes to show there is some truth to the notion of Jews as ‘adults’ and goyim as ‘children’. Adults lead, children follow. Jews lead, goyim follow.
But this is a habit goyim must break free of. Goyim must not be like Charlie Kirk the worthless cuck for whom ‘conservatism’ happens to be whatever Jews say it is. Kirk is more dog than human. He barks and rolls over accordingly. If Jews say NO WHITE IDENTITY, then Kirk says NO WHITE IDENTITY. If Jews say WHITES MUST SERVE JEWISH IDENTITY, then Kirks concurs and says WHITES MUST SERVE JEWISH IDENTITY. If Jews say ‘GAY MARRIAGE’ IS A CONSERVATIVE VALUE AND ‘LADY MAGA’ EPITOMIZES CONSERVATISM, then Charlie Cuck says the same. He really is a child. It could be he’s just an opportunist who says whatever to get a leg up in a Jewish-controlled system, but his childlike cuck-self really seems to believe in the ever-morphing ‘truth’ peddled by Jews who’ve taken control of Conservatism Inc. For such fools, truth is not a matter of what but of who. Truth is whatever said by Jews. So, if Jews say A is true, A is true. If Jews say B is true, then B is true. All that matters is WHO says it. If Jews say it, it must be true.
While not a genius, Kirk doesn’t seem like a retard either. So, why is he such a ‘child’, why is he such a dog? It’s because he has the emotions of an eight-year old who is so eager to please the ‘adults in the room’. Charlie Kirk the Cuck looks upon Jews as the holy ‘adult’ race and regards himself and fellow goyim as ‘children’ who must defer to the ‘grown-ups in the room and gain their approval’. It’s all so pathetic.

One of the most important projects among white goyim must be to create a culture of adulthood. There is a reason why adults are adults and children are children, but there is no good reason for a bunch of adults to remain childlike at the feet of other adults. It smacks of Oriental Despotism or Jerry-Springer-ism. Individualism used to be a means by which Western Man(and Woman) stood out and up from the herd and learned to think, feel, and act on his own. But over time, with the rise of Youth Culture and Pop Culture, individualism came to be degraded into mindless addiction to sensory overlord via electronica that promote impulsive behavior as being ‘liberated’. But liberated from what? Rational self-control, critical thought, skepticism, and restraint? It’s like a car being 'liberated' of its brakes. It will eventually go off the cliff. A truly free mind has control over both accelerator and brakes. Use of individualism to rise above the herd, gain self-autonomy, and question the Power is noble, but individualism to self-indulge in drugs, sex, and lunacy at the expense of responsibility is no freedom at all. It is enslavement of the mind to the senses, but such is the kind of individualism pushed by Jews who control most media, entertainment, casinos, and drug industries.
In the end, Americans mustn’t rely on Trumpism because its brand of populism ultimately infantilizes the populace with mindless slogans such as MAGA. That’s for the kids. The real adults should ask Trump, “If you’re so much about freedom and American nationalism, why do you keep sucking up to Jews who hate you and have done most to spread globalism all over the world?” Though Ann Coulter has a long way to go, she was adult enough to ask tough questions of Trumpism once Trump became president. He promised the Wall. So, where is it? And Michelle Malkin, though childish in many ways, took it upon herself to be more principled and truthful in challenging the bogus lies of Conservatism Inc with Charlie Kirks of the world as its fronts. Adults must ask tough questions, not just chant slogans like childish tards at Trump-Chump rallies. In the crazy present, while adults are urged to become more infantile and childlike, children like Greta Thunberg are elevated to guru status. Jews rule, and they want adults to be stupid 'children' and hand the mike to children who can be manipulated and mind-controlled. After all, what mind of her own does Thunberg really have? She believes whatever was told her by her parents who got all their worldview from the Jewish-run globalist media. In the Jew-controlled world, illegal is legal, and legal is illegal; sin is virtue, and virtue is sin; and adults are children, and children are adults. And even though Jews are the most powerful and most murderous force in the world, we are told we must look upon Jews as helpless victims in need of protection. But if you're a true adult, go ask the Palestinians about the true nature of Jewish Power. And if Jews treat Palestinians that way, why would they treat you any better?
In a way, goyim in elite circles and Deep State almost consider themselves as ersatz Jews. Though they consider themselves not as 'good, wise, and intelligent' as the super-Jews, the holy race of geniuses and Shoah tragedy, they nevertheless see themselves as good enough to have attended elite schools and reached upper ranks of power where they get to rub shoulders with the super-Jews. Deep State is utterly Philo-Semitic in this manner. Because they worship Jews and feel flattered to be working with and under Jews, there is a kind of super-adult-and-adult dynamics between Jews and elite goyim. Jews are super-adults and elite goyim are adults. And the rest of us are mere 'children' who must be managed by goy elite 'adults' who defer to Jewish 'super-adults'.
Because goy elites have access to the inner circles of power, they know the truth of Jewish Power and Perfidy. And yet, as they were instilled with Jew-Worship from cradle, they can't think rationally about the Jews(and blacks and homos, two other groups Jews have 'christened' or 'anti-christened' as especially holy). Also, those who are most eager to reach the top are less interested in truth, honesty, courage, and integrity than status, privilege, and power. Social climbers are really vain narcissists and nihilists at heart. They may flatter themselves that they want power and/or wealth for the higher/larger good, but it's mostly a self-justifying myth. Also, just like adults are often as foolish as children and believe in stupid things, there is no guarantee that the 'adults in the room', the so-called well-educated elites will favor truth, reason, and integrity over lies, cults, and mendacity. Most members of the elites won't dare say something true or do something courageous IF it means loss of status and reputation among peers, most of whom are vain social-climbers and status-preeners. This has always been the case with all peoples in all places at all times. So, even though it is generally true that the better-educated are more deserving to rule than the less-educated are, it's not a case of the good-and-wise ruling over the bad-and-dumb. Rather, it's fools with more education ruling over fools with less education. And for that reason, the elite justification for the suppression of truth is more often self-serving than for the common good.

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