Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Appeasement Doesn't Work: Russia as Metaphor and Why Patriots Need to Stand with Russia Against Virulent Judeo-Nazism


Moral Outrage among politicians(and increasingly among journalists reduced to roles of propagandists for the BLM-LBGTQ deep state) makes for great comedy. Talk about moral blind spots, variation of “Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.” Recent reports and analysis in the West about the Russo-Ukraine Conflict are so outlandish that they raise questions about narratives of past events as well. If they lie so brazenly today, what have they been saying about the past, then and now? One wonders about the official World War I narrative and perhaps Patrick J. Buchanan was more right than wrong about the outbreak of World War II than I’d assumed.

Minus the context, the Russian invasion of Ukraine does sound pretty bad, and the image of Vlad the Impaler would seem valid. But given all that transpired since 2014 when Jewish Supremacist US interfered in Ukrainian affairs, fomented a coup(even by recruiting extremist Nazi-Sentimentalist elements, the far-right counterpart of Antifa used in the West), installed puppet governments, leeched the country dry, promoted cultural degeneracy, inflamed hatred among Slavs, and endlessly provoked Russia, all the while spitting on the Minsk Accord and constantly shelling the Donbass regions with their heavily Russian populations, only someone gone full-retard could possibly regard Russia as the wrongful aggressor.

Same is true of the Trucker Convoy in Canada. If, for no reason at all, a bunch of Truckers decided to descend on Ottawa and loudly honk horns and block bridges, it would indeed be criminal. But given the context of the New World Order where most so-called ‘leaders’ of Western ‘Democracies’ or the ‘Free World’ are craven cuck-collaborators of Jewish Exceptionalism that’s been using the Covid-hysteria to effect all sorts of lockdowns, mandatory ‘quaccines’, and economic destruction of the middle/working class, it was right for the Truckers to risk all and take drastic measures as protest.
When goy elites have chosen the path of globalist obedience than standing for genuine national interests, they no longer play by the rules, in which case the rules are dead and there is only the struggle for power. Boil the the agenda of the so-called ‘rules-based order’ down to its essentials, and it’s not about principles but insatiable practice of Jewish power-lust. Isn’t it telling how the Jewish Exceptionalist globalist power(and their worthless cuck minions) has reacted to both the Trucker Convoy and Russian liberation of Ukraine: Freezing bank accounts, seizing assets, sanctions, and etc. They fund and protect BLM, Antifa, and degenerate LGBTQ(and all sorts of anti-white, anti-nationalist, and anti-populist causes), but any time and any where there is a show of resistance, they do everything to take away livelihoods and destroy nations. Any goy on the side of Jewish Exceptionalism is a lowlife punk and traitor. Such scum say Putin’s problem is hubris, but this is pure projection as the aggressive megalomaniacal force in the world is Jewish Exceptionalist hubris, made much worse by years of Anglo cuckery and appeasement that indulged and encouraged the worst aspects of the Jewish character.

But, such is the chorus of the ruling elites and wanna-be-elites of the West. Needless to say, they get their news, narratives, icons, and pointers from the Jewish Supremacist Media and State Department. While there are plenty of earnest true-believer-dummies who believe in the Good West vs the Evil East, others stick with the narrative despite knowing full well the context. For some, it’s a matter of status. Since all the ‘best kind of people’ in top positions say so, they go along if only to improve their rankings. US politicians rely on Jewish donations, that’s for sure. Some in the War Department love any tensions around the world to justify aggression and increased funding.

There’s also a therapeutic aspect to Russian-Bear-baiting in the West where the goy elites are such craven whores cowering at the feet of Jews and, by extension, of blacks and homos, the ‘protected’ and favored allies of Jews. No one wants to stare in the mirror and see a coward staring back. Just like it’s therapeutic for dogs to be allowed to hunt for rabbits and foxes to balance out the total submission to their master, Western goyim get their fill of ‘tough guy’ pride by being allowed to bark at certain targets, almost always chosen by Jews. It’s usually Russia, Syria, Iran, China, and sometimes Venezuela(for daring to have a working relation with Iran). Given how white goyim in the West, as total cuck-dogs of Jews, must take the knee to BLM thuggery and Globo-Homo degeneracy — even the US police and FBI join in the abasement — , they relish at any opportunity to seem tough by growling at FOREIGN enemies.
Certain hatreds are permitted, even partly encouraged. Others are compulsory. For instance, it’s permissible to piss on India or Pakistan but not encouraged. It’s permissible and somewhat encouraged to blame China. As for Russia, Iran, and Syria, it’s downright obligatory, just like virtually all politicians in NY, Chicago, LA, and San Francisco are expected to attend Globo-Homo ‘pride’ rallies. (In that regard, LGBTQ pageantry in the West plays the same role as Marxist-Leninist celebrations once did in Warsaw Pact nations.)

At some point, Jewish weasels realized whites, especially Anglos, are essentially dog-like. They are very trainable, which explains why Anglos came to conquer and rule the world. Great Britain was one hell of an obedience school for empire, far more than Ancient Rome long before it. (Anglo individualism had meaning only among exceptional personalities, not among most Anglos whose true character was evident during the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’: utter doglike servility and conformism. For every Lawrence of Arabia or Jack Celliers of MERRY CHRISTMAS MR. LAWRENCE, there were a thousand Anglos who only said ‘sir’ and followed orders.) So, if Jews take control over the Anglo elites who ‘lead’ the Anglo masses, it’s a done deal for Jewish Power. And so, we have the current West, Jewish weasels over Anglo top dogs over Anglo bottom dogs and everyone else. As much of the world is still deeply impressed with the Anglo-made Modern World, largely due to legacy(though fading fast), even non-Anglos emulate the current Anglo-model, which happens to be cuckery to Jews. Anglos suck up to Jewish-concocted Globo-Homo, and so, Poles and Czechs do it too, as well as the satellite nations of East Asia and large swaths of Latin America.

If hating on Jewish-chosen targets is psychologically therapeutic to some, for others it’s a matter of neo-spiritual crusade. Surely, many in the Deep State know of the conditions and betrayals that led to the current crisis in Ukraine. They know Russia was baited again and again. Privately, they know Putin was forced to take drastic measures. But they still go along with the official narrative of Evil Russia due to neo-missionary zeal. As their secular faith revolves around Globo-Homo, Jew-worship, and BLM, they genuinely feel that the US(and its satellite West) is the New Vatican. Their holy trinity is about Jews, blacks, and homos, and therefore, the US must be the best of all possible worlds because it cucks hardest to the three sacred groups.

In contrast, even though Putin may be geo-politically justified in his actions, he is regarded as the ming-the-merciless-like ruler of the Evil Empire of ‘homophobia’ and resistance to cuck-absolutism before the Jews. And as Russia doesn’t have enough blacks, it can’t be as good as the US that, not only has lots of blacks, but reverentially washes stinky Negro feet and celebrates the Afro-Colonization-of-White-Wombs. If one wants to visualize the current state of white mentality, imagine a white guy ‘taking the knee’ before a giant black ass, then squeezing his head into the anus to be bobbed back and forth to the ‘twerking’ motion.

Secularism proved hollow in the long run because humans are naturally spiritualist, and the modern post-religious West found new secular icons in the likes of MLK, George Floyd, Anne Frank, Harvey Milk, Matthew Shepherd(oh, what a name worthy of gayspel), and even Jonathan Pollard(especially among Jews). Just like Christian Missionaries knew of West’s imperialist aggression and plunder but nevertheless blessed and cheered them on for spreading the Faith, many among the Western elites do know the truth, i.e. that Russia was driven to exasperation, but support the ‘NATO’ agenda out of neo-missionary zeal. To them, Russia is a fallen place with its building of Christian Churches. Russia can be blessed only if gaggles of Pussy Riot hags enter churches and plant ‘gay pride’ victory flags and ‘twerk’ in front of Christian Icons and urinate all over. This is to be expected in a social order where even so-called ‘conservative’ pundits argue in favor of Drag Queen Story Hour funded by tax payer dollars.

As for Jews, it’s a matter of self-worship, and it is most dangerous. At least, genuine Christians, Muslims, and religious Jews believe in a power greater than themselves, but secular Jews feel themselves to the lords of the universe, or at least the ‘unipolar’ world order.

The blind spot and the hypocrisy of the West are truly outrageous. At least Russia rightly considers Ukraine as an ‘existential’ matter. In contrast, the US invaded other nations for far less. US is still in Syria, illegally. Ronald Reagan sent troops to occupy Grenada, a tiny island that posed far hardly any threat to the US. And, if we brush off that invasion as a Cold War tit-for-tat, what about George H.W. Bush’s invasion of Panama? That was post-Cold War and to silence Manuel Noriega who had a lot of dirt on the Bush, CIA, and their criminal activities all over Latin America. I don’t recall the world calling on sanctions against the US. And, the one time George H.W. Bush and James Baker showed anything like a conscience and applied mild pressure on Israel to stop grabbing more of West Bank, the full force of Jewish Power went for their heads, even after they’d bent over backwards to appease Neocons in the Gulf War.

And speaking of invasions, is the official 9/11 narrative even correct? If Zionists were involved, even indirectly, it makes the attack on USS Liberty seem like child’s play. What were those Dancing Israelis about? Could those amateurish bunch of Muslim morons with box-cutters have pulled off a terrorist attack on such scale all on their own via intermittent communication with Osama Bin Laden reading the Koran in some cave in Afghanistan? Why was the official report as dubious as the Warren Commission(or Omission)? Why weren’t certain tantalizing leads, especially pointing to Zionists and Israel, not pursued to their logical end? If what some of us think of 9/11 is true, then it’s beyond outrage that the very group, Jews of course, who are doing most to fan the narrative of ‘UNPROVOKED Russian Invasion’, have been themselves the biggest attackers on the US.

The immensity of Jewish Power is evident even in Putin’s speech. Despite having taken the momentous decision for war, Putin still dares not name the Jewish Power that got him there. Is he afraid of offending and alienating Jews who are still powerful in the Russian State? More likely, he knows Jews control the gods in the West, and the ultimate taboo among Western Elites is any criticism of Jewish Power. Western elites bark madly about Ukraine and etc., but may eventually return to the table for further negotiations once the dust clears. But badmouthing Jews in the West is tantamount to badmouthing Muhammad in the Muslim World. It’s crossing the Rubicon whereby Putin isn’t merely ‘like Hitler’ but ‘is Hitler’ and must be utterly destroyed in what could spiral out of control into World War III.

If there’s a psychological red line in the sand among Western whites, especially the elites, it’s faith in Jews as Anne Franks and Holy Moses. It’s their quasi-religion. Therefore, even though Russia is taking actions against certain Naziesque elements, the bigger truth, that those elements were armed and emboldened by the Jewish-controlled West, goes unnamed. The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes Russia with a Nazi-Iron-Glove, but Russia names the ‘nazi’ glove but not the Jew. A truly pathetic state of affairs. In the end, it too is a kind of appeasement. Still, Putin’s bold move in Ukraine is a sign that the world cannot continue with the same old same old if any nation is to remain free or sovereign.

Jewish Power is so effective because it has relied on infiltration than invasion, though there have been plenty of invasions as well at the behest of Jews. Jews in the Muslim world profited from Muslim invasions, and Jews in Europe did so from European invasions and colonization. Wherever the Anglos went, Jews went. But Jews weren’t content to serve merely as merchant hangers-on(like the Greeks and Armenian minorities or overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia). They sought to take over and control goy societies. As Jews themselves couldn’t outright invade and take over, they relied on infiltration, and the strategy came to the greatest fruition in the relatively more rules-based order of the Anglos who, for all their hypocrisy and betrayal of principles, were more prone to reform, self-criticism, and appreciation of excellence. With their high IQ and skilled honed in brainy fields, Jews were poised to reach ever higher. As racial-minded as the Anglos were, Jews realized racial identity was secondary to gentlemanly and ‘good sports’ pride of fair play and good form & manners among the Anglos. Thus, by exposing Anglo hypocrisy and failure to live up to their own rules, Jews could rise ever higher at the Anglo expense. Meanwhile, what mattered most to Jews was tribalism, and fortunately for them, tribalism need not compete with meritocracy as they were the Tribe with the highest IQ, most dogged personality, and the prophetic egotism of Big Ideas.

Then, Jews could rely on the rules-based order of the Anglos and rise ever higher, and if Anglos put up obstacles, shame them as ‘racist’ or ‘antisemitic’ hypocrites who betrayed their own principles of fair play. But Jews weren’t content to gain elite power and rub shoulders with the goy upper crust. To truly gain control over the West, they had to control the hearts and minds of the masses as well. For this, Jews needed to take over the academia and media. What begins in elite academia has trickle-down and overflow effect on rest of the educational system, down to kindergarten level. So, gender studies nuttery began at the top and now has tentacles even at the pre-school level with drag-queen story hours.

And the media, news and entertainment, especially in the electronic age, reach into every home and infiltrate the eyes and ears of the countless masses. In this way, Jewish influence is like fluoride in water. What’s the difference between rain water and tap water? Rain water is external, something you can avoid with a raincoat, umbrella, or staying indoors. In contrast, you ingest fluoride whenever you drink tap water. Russia, China, and Iran(and most of the world) is like rain water to the West. The West could be protected from their influence with a big umbrella. But Jewish Power is like control of the content and flow of tap water. Media control the flow of information, and whenever you turn on the TV or radio, whenever you go on social media(mostly controlled by Jewish monopolies and/or policed and pressured by Jewish supremacist groups), Jewish influence flows through your eyes and ears into your neurons.

Even though Jews took over via infiltration due to the rules-based order of the Anglos, they do not play by the rules. Just ask the Palestinians. Or Syrians. Or the Iranians, whose Press TV was shut down in the West. Press TV had a minor presence in Western internet discourse, but it was taken down whereas any amount of insane and deranged Zionist propaganda get full play over and over.

As dirty, low-life, and scummy as the Anglos could be, the fact that they could be shamed by exposure of their hypocrisy suggests at some conscience. In contrast, Jewish Power tolerates no criticism and pulls the Holocaust alarm whenever someone pries into the dark side of Jewish Power. But then, one wonders if Anglos caved to Jews out of genuine conscience or shame of being exposed? After all, if Anglos gave up considerable power out of redemptive conscience, they would have called out on bad Jewish behavior. Instead, Anglos just became total Anglo Cucks to Jewish Supremacism. Where is the Anglo condemnation of Jewish abuses in big pharma and finance? Or condemnation of Zionist treatment of Palestinians? Or Anglo pushback against what is clearly insane Jewish-led foreign policy.

In the current order, you are a ‘traitor’ for not supporting the positions of the Empire of Judea. So, American Patriotism has boiled down to (1) agreeing with Jewish Power 100% (2) hating whomever and whatever Jews hate and (3) condemning anyone who isn’t on board with the official narrative. (In the buildup to the Iraq War, Neocon David Frum accused antiwar conservatives for their lack of patriotism!) A stupid kind of patriotism was premised on “My country right or WRONG” — just think of the wars that could have been avoided if the masses refused support ‘my country’, effectively the agenda of the ruling regime, even when it was wrong — , but the current ‘patriotism’ of the US is premised on “Muh Israel right or wrong”, ‘Israel’ in this case meaning not just the Jewish State but Zionic World Power.

Under the current sham-ideological regimen, true conscience isn’t possible because the only allowable, indeed mandatory, pseudo-conscience revolves around “Is it good for Jewish Supremacist Power?” So, if someone conscientiously points out that Assad in Syria has been combating deranged terrorist extremists funded, armed, and protected by US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the like, just shut the hell up. But, if there’s any talk of US pulling out of Syria, the there’s a BIG STINK about how those poor poor Kurds must be protected. If you care about the people of Yemen or the Palestinians, do shut up, you loser traitor. But how virtuous of all these globalists and proglodytes to wail about those poor poor Ukrainians, a people who hardly registered on the radar until Jewish Supremacists found them useful against Russia — in the 1930s, World Jewry did everything to hide and deny the fact of the Great Famine because Jews were prominent in Bolshevism. (Given the scant attention most Americans pay to world affairs, they usually lack the proper context to understand the character of any conflict that makes the news cycle. For many Americans, 2014 is distant history, and they know nothing of the anti-Russian provocations and attacks on the Donbass. So, the only thing they see is Russia invading Ukraine for apparently no reason at all. And the pat reasons given by TV pundits in the Jewish monopoly media is that Putin is reconstituting the Old Soviet Union. US is the premier world power, but many Americans are among the most provincially minded people on Earth, as for most of them the US is the only world that matters, just like pop entertainment is the entirety of their culture and ideological fads constitute their sense of right-and-wrong.)

In the Stanley Kubrick/Terry Southern film DR. STRANGELOVE, General Jack D. Ripper is paranoid about the communist takeover of the water supply and regards fluoride as part of a Cold War conspiracy to turn American men into a bunch of sterile pansies. In truth, those who took over the information-water-supply of the US were not universal-egalitarian-communists but tribal-Jewish-supremacist-capitalists, and the current world crisis has to be understood in the context of the ongoing Jewish Supremacist Power play around the world. Many on the Right regard George Soros as some kind of ‘far leftist’, but nothing could be further from the truth. He is a Jewish Supremacist whose ultimate goal is to weaken and infiltrate all goy nations. What is often regarded as Jewish Liberalism/Leftism is really a weapon of Jewish ultra-rightism to destroy goy rightism. Soros’s Open Society has been devised to infiltrate and take over goy worlds. That way, outright military invasion isn’t necessary. Instead, gain entry into every society. Understand that most goyim have weak identities and will betray their own ethnicity, nation, and folk if handed a ladder of opportunity to join the globalist groove. And being shallow small-minded people, their silly minds could easily be converted to the new ideology-idolatry of Globo-Homo, Jew-Worship, and BLM, meant to be placed ABOVE the identity and interests of one’s own particular nation or ethnic group, of course unless it happens to be Jews in Israel and the world over(like AIPAC Zionists in the US). Look how the globalists worked on Ukraine to lionize Negro athletes(as new national heroes) and homosexuals. Sure, Jews used the idiot pea-brained Right Sector in Ukraine but only as muscle.

Now, it’s understandable why masses of Ukrainians took the globalist pro-EU bait. Given the endemic corruption and ineptness of series of governments, they naturally thought matters would improve if Ukraine looked to the richer and freer-seeming West. But notwithstanding the legitimacy of such grievances, Slavs(and any other goyim in the world) need to realize that they mustn’t let themselves be played by Jews who aren’t motivated by conscience, goodwill, or altruism but tribal supremacy and greed. Jews exploit real problems in goy lands not to heal to but bleed dry.
Just consider the fate of Russia in the 1990s. Jews led as ‘advisors’, and Russians, faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges of transitioning from a communist to a capitalist economy, welcomed them as wise-men, saviors, and miracle workers. So, what happened? They were plundered of legacy and posterity. Just like only a retarded Arab would rely on Jewish Power to solve Arab problems, only a dumb Slav would look to the likes of Victoria Nuland and Stinkin’ Blinken for good will and genuine advice. It’s no different in the US. What did the GOP get out of cucking to the Neocons who sucked the Party dry and went back to join the Democrats when the populist wing said no more wars. Slavs and Arabs do have real problems, much of them the product of their own failures, but they must fix them on their own, not rely on the weasel to fix the henhouse. The last thing they should do is trust Jews, ultra-rightists posing as ‘liberals’, to offer solutions. That’s like calling on firemen with gasoline in their hoses to come and put out the fire. Not that Jews aren’t capable of fixing problems. With their intelligence, experience, and skills, of course they could do a world of good if they tried. But, one look at goyim and they just see More Palestinians(as metaphor) to beat up and torment.

If Jewish takeover-via-infiltration worked against Anglo power, why not against all the world? George Soros thinks that way. Keep playing on the status vanity and little minds of goyim, and you gain yet another slice of the world. And just focus on the elites and wanna-be elites as most people are dummies who fixated on bread-and-circus. It certainly worked like magic with many whore-elites of former Warsaw Pact nations that fell for the ‘cool’ factor of the West(though now being degraded by the ascension of the Ugly as the New Normal.) Soros and stooges like Klaus Schwab are really for Jewish Power, and this fact must be spelled out. In some ways, Putin naming the Jewish Power would probably deal a bigger blow to the globalist-world-order, aka ‘rules-based order'(with the main rule being ‘Jews say, goyim obey’ and ‘Jews lead, goyim follow’). While sanctions can cause great material damage to Russia, naming-the-Jewish-Power could deal a death blow to the Jewish-Supremacist-World-Order. Not immediately but, with Jewish Power on the table as a subject of discourse, a more honest assessment of world affairs can begin to change the world.

Only the truth can set us free, and it begins with naming the Jewish Power. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, for all his flaws, committed himself to doing just that when he wrote the book about Russians and Jews. It was his attempt to arrive at some kind of mutual understanding whereby Russians must face up to their wrongs against Jews and vice versa. But with the Anglo World so servile to and flattering of Jews, this is nearly impossible. Jews refuse to meet any side halfway; just ask the Palestinians and Iranians.

Indeed, the Anglo-cuck-surrender to the Jews was probably one of the most momentous(albeit muted) happenings in history. Not only because it put Jews in command of the great Anglo-made world order but filled them with boundless confidence, arrogance, pride, and contempt for anything that refuses to bow down before the Jews, like the Anglos had done. Imagine the hottest babe in town put out to you. Then, you will take umbrage if lesser babes refuse you. You will be ranting like Woltz in THE GODFATHER who had the best asses in town and can’t afford to look ‘ridiculous’. Jews who conquered the Anglos, who conquered the world, simply cannot accept any other people or power saying NO to Jews. If the great Anglos are so servile to Jews, who the hell are lesser peoples to say No to Jews? The nerve of such people! Anglo surrender sure turned Jews into the most spoiled princeling brats in the world. “If I say suck on it, you better suck on it. Who are you to say no, you little worm?” Goyim must serve Jews who eat like effendi.

If Anglos had chosen to share power with Jews on an equal basis, things might have turned out differently. Or, if Anglos handed power to Jews but then took on the role that Jews once played against WASP elites, it would have served as a check on Jewish Power. A case of tables turned: From Jews criticizing Anglo/American power to Anglo/Americans criticizing Jewish Power. But, because Jews came to power in the aura of Eternal Holocaust Victims, Jewish Power came to be virtually criticism-proof, and furthermore, unlike the old Anglo-American elites in the media, Jews in the media worked hand-in-glove with Jews in seats of power to ever expand and consolidate power that became supremacist.

There’s something about the nature of power that drives people crazy, like the magic ring in THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Take boxers. Some of them, as champions, are so full of themselves, contemptuously shaking their gloves at the whole world. They aren’t like that before they became champions, but prestige and pride go to their heads. In such cases, it’s only defeat and comeuppance that finally restore their humanity. Whether it’s Jake LaMotta of RAGING BULL fame or Mike Tyson, they regained a measure of humanity only after falling to the bottom and climbing back up not as the ‘badassest mofo’ but merely as humans. Germans and Japanese after World War II showed any people can be restored to sanity and balance. Then, Jews, currently in a state of supremacist mania, can be restored to humanity only via defeat, which need not be military. After all, the supremacist strains of Anglo-Americans weren’t defeated militarily but relented under moral pressure. For there to be moral pressure, people must speak the truth, and the only way to prevent the 21st century from going totally batshit crazy is to name the Jewish Power(minus the ‘Sieg Heil’) in a critical humanist manner.

Recently, someone came up with the clever moniker of Global American Empire, acronymic as GAE. Funny and useful as it is to mock the twisted ‘value’ system of the current globalist world order, it too obfuscates what is really at stake: proxies in service to Jewish Supremacism that commands the tower. But it’s almost as if an extreme case of stuttering(like in the movie FISH CALLED WANDA) afflicts anyone who dares to mutter, “Jews done it.” The world is in need of serious speech therapy. People can say “Jews”, “Done”, and “It” separately, but put the words together, and the tongue freezes, teeth go rigid, and the jaws lock. You get, “J-J-J-J-J-J-J… J-J-J-J-J-J…. J-J-J-J-J.” This truth-stutter must be overcome if we are to prevent further madness in the future. The first person of prominence who names the Jewish Power and holds it responsible for the globalist madness should win all the future Nobel Prizes for Peace. Imagine if Tucker Carlson took the first bullet and named the Jewish Power. Sure, he would be fired from all sides, but the issue would be out in the open. Imagine if Putin named the Jewish Power as the power behind the lowlife Naziesque thugs in Ukraine. Imagine if Xi or some top Chinese official said, “Jews no act good. World blow up if Jews no act better.” So much could change, but even most voices in alternative and dissident media will not mention that it’s the Jewish Supremacists who are pulling the strings for what are essentially tribal-hegemonic ends. And so, Jews shamelessly go on messing up the world.

For white cucky-wuck conzos who carp on Joe Biden for not being tough enough on Ukraine, why do they look to Ukraine when we got Ukrainism here in the US? “It’s a Ukraine’s gonna fall.” (As for all those calling for wars, especially Jews and globalist elites, I urge them to either join the military or urge their children to sign up. Henceforth, US foreign wars should be fought by those fanning the flames around the world. Jews, homos, trannies, and the likes of David French can put on military gear and face off against Iran, Russia, China, whatever. Leave us out of it because, any honest person should have already noticed, the West is occupied territory, one gigantic West Bank where white patriots are reduced to the state of Palestinians or Russian-speaking people all across Ukraine. How amusing that the very class of people who are most bloodthirsty for conflict are least likely to serve in the military. And when they do, it’s in the Israeli military, like David Brooks’ son and Rahm Emanuel. I wonder how many Palestinian women and children those lowlife scum slaughtered.)

If white cuckservatives are so into affairs in Ukraine, where have they been? Everything that Jewish Supremacists have done in Ukraine, they’ve also done in the US(and West in general). Just like Jews encouraged Ukrainians to wage war on Russianness(as part of history and heritage of Ukraine), they’ve encouraged ‘woke’ whites, blacks, nonwhites, and militant groups(like Antifa) to wage war on large swaths of white culture, heritage, and history. Monuments have been toppled, statues desecrated, books burned, and people attacked, even a milquetoast figure like Charles Murray.

But, the madness didn’t end with the formulation of good whites vs bad whites. No, Jewish-promoted CRT says whiteness itself must be erased as its very existence as a category is an affront to humanity. In a similar vein, even though Russian culture and history are integral though somewhat separate from Ukrainian history, Jews fanned Ukrainian hatred toward all things Russian. In the US, Jews have urged upon educated(or indoctrinated) whites to hate the ‘deplorable’ whites. Not merely disagree but hate and dehumanize. According to Merrick Garland, the ‘deplorables’ are hair-breadth away from being ‘domestic terrorists’. The American South has been so excoriated and its white elites so castrated that they don’t dare move a finger to save Robert E. Lee monuments and, if anything, vote to honor Ahmaud Arbery for perpetuity(while remaining mum about countless white victims of black crime and violence).

George W. Bush disingenuously said of terrorists, “We must fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.” Well, in the case of Ukraine, why the need to get involved there when we have ukraine-like situations all over the West? And given Jewish-chosen ‘leaders’ like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau(and just about all others) act just like the Ukrainian puppets and wage war on decent white patriots, hasn’t the average conservative figured out by now that his situation is more like that of Russian-speakers in Ukraine and Russia itself? Seriously, would white conservatives prefer a leader like Vladimir Putin or Lindsey the pansy Graham(or Mitt the shit Romney, Paul the doll Ryan, Mitch the bitch McConnell, Adam the dumb-dumb Kinzinger, Liz the sleaze Cheney, or etc.)? And the US is now so morally and culturally decrepit, it’s come to the point where even a clown like Andrew Anglin is more credible as a moralist than the entire elite class of cucks, shills, dweebs, and degenerates.

And speaking of ‘color revolutions’, what was 2020 with all its coordinated censorship in media and social platforms and electoral stunts to ‘fortify’ the election? Again, if Americans want Ukraine, it is right over here. Just like there was Maidan madness in 2014, there were BLM riots and Antifa thuggery unleashed on America. IT HAPPENED RIGHT HERE! And there was coordination among the Jewish controlled media, banks, internet platforms, courts(that released Antifa and BLM thugs back into the streets), and the deep state with its Jewish masters, homo agents, and white cucks who light candles to the gods controlled by Jews. (And let’s not even get into the Covid lunacy and its various uses by the Power to control and manipulate.) After all the businesses burned, all the statues & monuments toppled/desecrated, all the voices ‘canceled’, all the heritage & cultural memory erased, and all the people beaten and brutalized, are we to believe there are still all these conservatives whose sense of rage is about Russia finally saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and taking bold moves? THAT’S WHAT WHITE PATRIOTIC AMERICA SHOULD HAVE DONE YEARS AGO AGAINST JEWISH SUPREMACIST MADNESS. Don’t these morons notice the pattern? That what Jews pulled off in Ukraine against Russian-speakers and Russia is akin to how they used ‘wokeness’ and various other anti-white vitriol in the US and the West?
Just look at the anti-white filth on US television. If non-Jews controlled media in Israel and ran countless commercials with Jewish women with Arab men, wouldn’t Jews get a little suspicious about what’s up? But, no matter how much Jewish Power taunts, humiliates, and insults whites and whiteness, whites continue to cuck to Jews.

The so-called ‘unipolar world order’ is Jew-nipolar, and whites are so cucked that they still grovel at the feet of Jews like Mel Brooks’ character of the servant in TWELVE CHAIRS. “That’s my master.” Whites are worthless candy-ass sidekicks of the Jewish Weasel as top dog. American Politics is really a competition as to which party sucks up to Jews more. Currently, cucks of both parties are competing in the game of “We hate Russia more”. And it doesn’t matter how much Jews slap them around. They crawl back to lick Jewish boots.
Take John McCain and Mitt Romney. In 2008, the Jewish-run media ran one of the nastiest campaigns against McCain. He’d been a loyal servant to Zion all his life, but Jews wanted Obama in. NYT that used to heap praise on McCain as the ‘maverick Republican'(in other words, one who betrays his own base) brought out their knives and carved him real good. But did McCain finally wake up? No, upon losing, he got on his hands and feet to kiss Obama’s toes and kiss Jewish ass.

Or take Mitt Romney. The Jews went all-ballistic on his ass. And when he lost and looked disheveled the next day, the likes of Bill Maher cracked jokes that he looked like a white guy who found out his wife had sex with a Negro. They rubbed salt into his wounds. They gloated and kicked him in the jaw while he was down. And who can forget the Newsweek cover with Obama as Negro-Napoleon destroying the last remnants of Old White America. This is Jewish mentality and attitude. This is how the great majority of Jews(and nearly all the Jewish elites in both parties) feel about White America. These Jews fixed the courts and legal tricks to ensure that most violent thugs and crazed mobs on their side(Antifa and BLM) walk free while anyone who fights back is either thrown behind bars. And then, think about all the censoring on Jewish monopoly platforms and search engines. Jews went way beyond McCarthyism in getting people fired or de-banked for ideology or political views, whereas Zionists whose agenda is the ‘genocide’ of the Palestinians get all the freedom and money to enforce their agenda.

At this point, white people might as well be retarded. They are increasingly treated like Palestinians in West Bank but they continue to support Jews and Israel instead of finally waking up to realize that THEY have become the White Palestinians faced with White Nakba. We have white dummies parroting the Jewish Supremacist monopoly media’s talking points about the ‘rules-based order’, ROTFL, which should be called “Jews-Rule as basis of order(and disorder)”. At this point, things are wackier than in Marx Brothers’ DUCK SOUP. It’s both funny and sad that so many people still fall for this garbage even after all they’ve been through under Jewish Supremacist Rule.

Anglos in both US and UK have something to answer for because it was their nonstop appeasement of Jews since the end of WWII that led to this mad state of affairs. We are still constantly reminded of ‘Munich’. We’ve been told a million times about Rhineland, Sudetenland, and Anschluss. Neville Chamberlain’s name became synonymous with appeasement, just like Quisling with collaboration.
But let’s be clear. Anglo appeasement of Germans abruptly ended upon Germany’s invasion of Poland. Furthermore, Hitler’s moves prior to the takeover of Czech territory cannot be included within the ‘appeasement’ framework as he had legitimate reasons for gaining control over Rhineland, uniting with Austria(popular with Austrians), and demanding control over Sudetenland where the great majority were Germans(then being persecuted by Czechs, like Russians in the Donbass region).

It became appeasement only when Hitler moved beyond Germanic territory, but UK appeased him only once. Winston Churchill has been hailed as the man who finally stood up to Hitler, but this narrative is as false as true. While Churchill did commit Britain to fight to the end, was he driven by principles or just another kind of appeasement? When faced with financial problems, who bailed him out? The Jews, who effectively came to own him. So, Churchill’s refusal to appease the Germans any further was really just another form of appeasement, this time to Jewish Power(and it turned out badly for the British Empire), and it came to serve as the template for all future Anglo-British/American dealing with Jews: Appease, appease, appease. Appeasement of Jews and self-abasement before all things Jewish. Indeed, nothing is more obnoxiously disingenuous than all these Anglos in US and UK cluck-clucking about Putin’s actions. Putin finally acted because Anglos never took a meaningful stand against Jewish Power(growing ever crazier) over the years. If Anglos had put up a dam against Jewish Exceptionalist craziness, the Zionic sewer wouldn’t have overflowed to Ukraine. Putin took action because Anglos neglected to against Jewish-Power-Gone-Crazy, but these Anglo cowards are now bitching about someone finally taking a stand. What have they done over the years? Did they ever say NO to Jewish demands? But, it’s even worse. Anglos not only failed to sandbag the Jewish Supremacist sewage but helped irrigate it all around the world. They’ve been the biggest quisling-collaborators of Jewish-Nazi or Jewzi perfidy and have about as much moral credibility as the Vichy Regime. The real crime is Anglo aiding-and-abetting in the global agenda of the likes of George Soros and Victoria Nuland, just a stupider and younger version of the loathsome Madeleine Albright.

Following World War II, with Jewish Power ever increasing and with the Holocaust as the new religion of the West, the effects of these appeasement made Jewish Power ever more evil and obnoxious. Fast forward to today, and it’s batshit crazier than Hitler’s pathology. Let us name some of the long list of appeasements. Let Zionists destroy Palestine and cast out the Arabs there, a people who’d done no harm to UK or US. Let Jews carry out terrorist attacks and blame it on Arabs. Let Jews steal US nuclear secrets. Let Jews make Joe McCarthy the total villain while making Jewish spies and traitors out to be innocent saint-like victims of the Red Scare and anti-communist ‘hysteria’. Let Jews stir up blacks against whites. Let Israel attack USS Liberty, spin lies, and get away with it. Let Jews take total control of US media. Let Jews legalize filmed pornography, which is really prostitution. Let Jews spread gambling all over and corrupt communities and steal money. Let Jews drive out the Arabists from US foreign policy. (Despite the label ‘Arabist’, the so-called members of the faction weren’t totally for Arabs against Israel but for a more balanced approach for both sides. In contrast, the Zionists are for US totally supporting Israel at the expense of Palestinians and Arabs. Appeasing the likes of William Kristol in purging all Arabists from the GOP was pathetic and shameful on the part of American Conservatism, and what did conservatives get out of it? Useless wars, countless Arabs dead, and Jews still making more demands and getting all hissy when conservatives aren’t so keen on Wars for Israel anymore.) De-regulation of financial markets, protection of Jewish corporate monopolies, suppression of BDS(by the same Jews who did everything to sanction South Africa in the 1980s), increasing censorship, denial of financial services based on ideology, mass white death by Jewish-sold opiates, Covid-madness, BLM riots, CRT anti-whiteness, desecration of white heritage/monuments, destruction of US borders, Zionist role in 9/11, release of Jonathan Pollard, pardoning of so many Jewish crooks by puppet-presidents, the coverup of Jeffrey Epstein’s murder, ‘Gay Marriage’, tranny nuttery, Russia Collusion Hoax, Assad gassing hoax, countless ‘hate hoaxes’ to smear whites as ‘nazis’, Israel’s support of ISIS, and the list goes on and on.

Yet, we are to keep appeasing this insane Jewish Power on the basis of ‘muh democracy’ or ‘rules-based order’? These Jews are insane. They made US wage Wars for Israel to smash Libya and Syria. This led to the massive refugee crisis, but even as Israel erected walls, Jews ‘morally’ pressured the West to take in all these refugees and many more migrants exploiting the crisis. Imagine that. Jewish Power spreads wars and turns people into refugees. Jews cackle with joy at the sight of these uprooted homeless masses but then pretend to be humanitarians by… get this… forcing WHITE-majority nations to take in these folks. How lower can you get? And yet, all these whites in the US and EU who’ve been so insulted, degraded, and dehumanized by Jewish Power are parroting Jewish lies about Ukraine and barking like stupid dogs about ‘rules’ and ‘democracy’. Whuck-whummies. What’s up with them? Are they just stupid or retarded? Are they hoping that if they appease Jews just ONE MORE TIME, Jews will finally make nice with them? Or do they feel that if Jewish hostility is aimed at Russia(or China and Iran), it will abuse whites less? Whatever the reason, they are a bunch of cucks and cowards.

It takes two to tango, and the Anglo appeasement-dance with the Jews has turned into a disgusting global ‘twerking’ of humanity, in effect the Palestinianization of the World. The once proud West is now just one big West Bank where whites increasingly find themselves prisoners, literally or culturally or demographically or mentally. ‘Woke’ whites are essentially mind-prisoners who’ve been robbed of identity and pride. But even ‘anti-woke’ whites who resist stuff like Jewish-concocted CRT often support Jewish supremacist aggressions in foreign lands. If they don’t like Jews being anti-white toward them, why do they support Jewish anti-Arab-ism, anti-Iran-ism, or anti-Russian-ism? Apparently, these whites are okay with Jewish viciousness as long as it isn’t directed at whites(though plenty of ‘woke’ mentally colonized whites most welcome the aggression directed at their own race).

But, if they support and encourage Jewish hostility toward other goyim, who’s to say it won’t boomerang on their white arses? Actually, it’s been some time since the chicken came home to roost in the West. Just look all around, and what Jews did to the Palestinians now serves as template for what they’re doing to whites. And yet, the mealy-mouthed whuck-whummy-whitards are still playing dog to Jewish Supremacism. Bitches bitchin’ about Putin while taking it up their arses from Jewish Supremacists. These white bitches or ‘whitches’ did nothing to defend or preserve the memory of the great Robert E. Lee, a general revered in both the North and South before Jews took control of the Narrative, but they are throwing hissy fits about Ukraine. Cowards at home but barking at the world. Anglos as dogs should be called Doglos.

At some point, isn’t it time to say enough is enough with the freaking appeasement? There’s a reason why there are signs, “Do Not Feed the Animals”. Animal appetite has no limits if indulged. Animals just want more and demand more. This is why parents must enforce proper eating habits because children indulged with junk food will cry for more cookies and ice cream(even as they turn all fatty). Anglos had the means to control Jewish appetites, but they kept appeasing and appeasing.

To be sure, it wasn’t exactly like a parent-child relationship or even necessarily a master-dog relationship. Rather, white elites sold themselves out to Jews for money and the gibs. They were bought. They handed over the keys to Jews because they got rewarded lavishly. It’s the same now as then. The likes of the Clintons and Bidens may preach about ‘equity’ and the sacrifices white people must make to redress past historical wrongs, but they and their children are well-taken care and lavishly rewarded by Jews for their total cuck-collaboration. (It’s no wonder Malcolm X said White Liberals are the worst. They virtue-signal about their conscience, but the attitude is borne of privilege and sheltered naivete. And when things go wrong, they are the first to bolt to safe spaces, not least because they are the best-educated, best-connected, and most affluent. It’s no different now than in the 1960s, with all these so-called ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ signaling most about ‘equity’ and ‘justice’ while hogging elite privileges and institutional power that shelter them from what’s really happening on the ground. Same goes for so-called Jewish Liberals and Leftists. As loathsome as Neocon Zionists are, they are at least more honest in their brazen Zionism, whereas Jewish Liberals support the same thing but in the smoke-bomb haze of ‘fair-mindedness’. In truth, there isn’t a shred of difference between Chuck Schumer and Richard Perle on Jewish Power and Middle East affairs.)

Jews had the stick but also lots of carrots to pass around. They could buy off the goy elites. This was no less true in Russia of the 1990s. Why did so many Russian elites allow Jews to economically ravage the country? Because, even as the masses of Russians were in dire straits, they and their closed ones were taken care of. Most elite types, usually status-obsessed, can easily be bought off. So, even though Anglo and white elites had something to fear from Jews, they also had a lot to gain for themselves simply by caving to Jewish demands. In time, the ‘rules-based order’ resulted in the de facto law of, “If Jews want it, they get it.” Maybe not immediately but eventually. Two steps forward, one step back, two steps forward, one step back. And so, we ended up with something as profoundly vile as ‘gay marriage’, a real bunker-buster of civilization simply because globo-homo became a proxy weapon of Jews to degenerate and deracinate goy populations.

This is why Russia matters as a metaphor. There is literal Russia the nation but also ‘Russia’ as metaphor for any part of the white world that finally has the gall to say NO to the Judeo-Nazi or Jewzi World Order. Even though all the West is under the power of Jewish Exceptionalism, the Russian-metaphorical elements are like partisan resistance during World War II who simply didn’t cave and kept on fighting the Germans. In the end, the ‘Red Dawn’ scenario isn’t about Americans resisting foreign military invasion but Jewish-supremacist-globalist infiltration.

In the Napoleonic era, Russia stood for rightist-nationalist resistance to French Revolutionary Imperialism. In Hitlerian times, Russia stood for leftist-nationalist resistance to Nazi Military Invasion. When all the world seemed taken over and the history of man come to an end(with either French or German hegemony), the Russian resistance finally tipped the balance and turned the tide, leading to the fall of the French Empire and later the German Empire.

One might argue that Russia in 1917 fell into the hands of Jewish and other Bolsheviks, but even communism eventually came to be absorbed into Russian nationalism. After the fall of communism, Russia was especially vulnerable because, in the sudden power vacuum, new elements could fill the void. A state of anarchy favored the shock-doctrine ‘capitalist’ pirates and sharks.

Yet, paradoxically, the lack of reliable legal authority and enforcement mechanisms also proved to be the savior of Russia. In an out-of-control gangster state, globalist sharks could take over and plunder, but the nationalists could also fight back and play equally dirty. The seasoned veterans of the KGB knew the art of gangster politics. Thus, Jews were quicker to take over Russia in the absence of Rule of Law but also quicker to lose absolute power.

In contrast, it took longer for Jews to take over in the US as they had to play by the rules(more than in other systems), but they became nearly invincible once they gained power because they controlled all the levers of power and means of ‘lawfare’. Even though Jewish elites act like gangsters in the West, they are protected by entrenched institutional power that is geared to punitively destroy anyone or any group that dares to call out on Jewish malfeasance. Just ask Abby Martin had to expend so much time and energy just to practice free speech in the US. In many American institutions and industries, one has to sign a loyalty pledge to ISRAEL to have any say(that must comport with Jewish demands). That’s how Jews define ‘patriotism’. Mindless obeisance to Zionism and Jewish Megalomania even at the expense of Constitutional guarantees.

Russia cucked to Jewish Power in the 1990s, perhaps in the belief that the US was still under control of Anglo/Americans. Even though Anglo-America has done more than its share of harm upon humanity, it has also shown itself to be capable of some conscience and fairness, goodwill and magnanimity. US was very generous to Soviet Union in World War II. US ruthlessly defeated Germany and Japan but also helped rebuild their economies and put aside bad feelings.
Russia simply didn’t realize that, around the time the Cold War was winding down, boomer Jews were taking over the US, and these Jews were utterly uninhibited in their greed, lust, egotism, and tribal supremacism. (Or, maybe Russians knew Jews were in control of the West and would use their considerable intelligence and knowhow to help Russia… like Palestinians trusting Jewish immigrants who pledged not to replace Palestinians.) If such Jews had had control of US policy following the end of World War II, Germany and Japan would likely have been plundered and ravaged out of greed and/or revenge. It was because Anglo-Americans still ruled that the Morgenthau Plan wasn’t imposed on Germany.
But by the time the Cold War ended, the only interest of the Jewish-ruled US was to economically plunder Russia and place most assets in Jewish hands, carpetbaggery x 1000. If the Anglo way was to give-and-take, Jewish way was to take-and-take. Just ask the Palestinians. Back then, Russia seemed so lacking in will, unity, and direction that it seemed lost forever, and Jews around the world were gloating of their takeover of not only the US(that controls EU and Japan) but also Russia. It seemed so easy. And Jews figured Chinese elites would fall under the tutelage of Jewish Globalism and effectively serve as the manufacturing arm of the Jewish financial ‘free trade’ empire. It seemed a done deal.

But history didn’t turn out that way. Putin and his FSB cohorts, seasoned in gangsterism, had a few Aces up their sleeves. Also, for all their flaws, they still had some sense of patriotism and basic right-and-wrong independent of fads and fashions, which came to define Western so-called ‘liberalism’, which should now just be called ‘censorism’ or ‘obligatorism'(as it obligates everyone to bow down before BLM, Globo-Homo, and Jewish Exceptionalism).
In the appeasement-and-sell-out-oriented West, the so-called ‘rules-based order’ came to revolve around ‘Jews say, goyim obey’, and with the passing of the ‘greatest generation’ from seats of power, the new covenant of America became total cuckery to the worst elements of the Jewish Community. Truth was whatever Jews said it was. Is a fat hairy man with penis and balls a ‘woman’ if he says so? Yes, because Jews favor trannies over real women in the political hierarchy. Should those who reject gender pronouns like ‘they’ be financially penalized? Yes, says the NY government filled with puppets of Zion. (And it’s even crazier in Canada where supposed virtue is a matter of outdoing the US in US-originated fads like globo-homo and Negro-worship. “We Canadians are superior to Americans because we do American ‘wokism’ better than Americans.” What a bunch of retards. One thing for sure, both US Anglos and Canuck Anglos get their cues from Jews.)

Today in the West, no one even dares to question Jewish Power and name Jewish Power, let alone blame Jewish Power. Even Donald Trump, who infuriated Jews to no end because his 2016 presidential win went against the formula of ‘Jews say, goyim obey’, wasted most of his four yrs bending over to take it up the arse from Zionists and then kneeling down to suck what’s been up his arse. Even now, the man most reviled by Jews as ‘literally Hitler’ does little but suck up to Jews, even to the point of saying Congress SHOULD be controlled by Zionists. What does that say about the state of the so-called ‘rules-based order’? Yeah, Jews care so much about rules that they went about ‘fortifying’ the election, or changing the goalposts and slanting media coverage to an unprecedented degree to get the outcome they wanted. (Jewish idea of ‘rules’ was also in display in the re-election of Boris Yeltsin when the US intervened in so many ways to ensure that Yeltsin, with record low approval ratings, would be re-elected.)

According to Jewish punditry, you are a ‘traitor’ if you don’t submit to Jewish Power, if you don’t support Wars for Israel, if you don’t trust 100% what the Jewish-run media tell you(because, of course, all other information is ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ because Jews always tell the truth while Russians always lie, like in the case of ‘Russian-Trump Collusion’ theory), and refuse to hate what Jews hate. Jewish attitude toward goyim is incredibly insulting, like a master toward a dog. A dog is expected to obey, or otherwise, it’s ‘bad doggy’. When Jews call someone a ‘traitor’, it simply means ‘bad doggy’ for daring to disobey what Jews say. If Jews say, “Gay marriage is good”, you must roll over and bark in agreement. If Jews say, “Iran bad and Israel good”, you better agree because American Patriotism is about flattering Jews. If Jews say “any whiff of whiteness is white supremacism and domestic terrorism”, you better agree. If not, you’re surely a ‘Russian agent’ or a ‘nazi’, even though Jews are openly working with Naziesque elements in Ukraine. David Frum smeared all conservatives who opposed the Iraq War as ‘unpatriotic’. It’s like some lunatic saying, “If you don’t blow me, you are against god.”

How rich for Jews to be calling others ‘traitors’. Patriotism means devotion to one’s country and people. In the US, a country where 98% of people are goyim, how is it patriotic to favor Jews over the rest, especially when so much of Jewish Power is directed toward destruction of humanity via war, financial parasitism, drug use, and/or cultural degeneracy? Just ask the Palestinians and Syrians. What is so patriotic to favor Israel uber alles? What is so patriotic about both political parties totally sucking up to Jews, with Trump taking it up the arse from Netanyahu and with Nancy Pelosi pledging that, even if US goes kabooey, its priority will be serving Israel? What is so patriotic about goyim cucking to CRT, devised by Jews to insult, dehumanize, and degrade whites? What is so patriotic about letting BLM scum and Antifa lunatics run wild legal indulgence of the courts and police orders to stand down? What is so patriotic about covering up what really happened on 9/11? The nerve of these Jewish Supremacists. How viler can you get? And yet, there are plenty of whites, even conservatives, still lining up to kiss Zionist arse and cuck like a bunch of pathetic dogs.

There are two memorable exchanges between the characters Pike and Dutch in movie THE WILD BUNCH:

1. Pike: “There was a man named Harrigan. Used to have a way of doin’ things. I made him change his ways. A hell of a lot of people, Dutch, just can’t stand to be wrong.”

Dutch: “Pride.”

Pike: “And they can’t forget it… that pride… being wrong. Or learn by it.”

Dutch: “How about us, Pike? You reckon we learned – being wrong, today?”

Pike: “I sure hope to God we did.”

2. Pike: “What would you do in his place? He gave his word.”

Dutch: “He gave his word to a railroad.”

Pike: “It’s his word.”

Dutch: “That ain’t what counts! It’s who you give it to!”

Pride is a powerful motivating factor in human behavior. Just like many whites would rather die than be called ‘racist’, many people would rather die of pride than swallow it and face reality.

Whites today only have false pride left as they’ve surrendered the right of legacy, prestige, and inheritance to Jews. Jews, via control of academia-media-state, control white history, white identity, and white culture. If Jews want to cast blacks in European or white roles, there’s nothing whites can do about it. If Jews say white lands are now open to the entire world, whites lack veto power. If Jews say white wombs exist to produce black/mulatto babies, white cuck men line up to cheer their own demise; by enthusiastically pretending to favor it, they cope with the fact of being powerless to stop it. White posterity is gone for good, and white (false) pride is based on pretending to agree with the Jewish Agenda(as if whites and Jews are always agreed 100%) or acting tough on the World Stage, of course always against targets chosen by Jews, as no white word or action is deemed valid without Jewish authorization.

If all whites have left is false pride, Jews have real pride as they control the West. But excessive pride can lead to megalomania and hubris, and that’s where Jews are at. Just like Hitler became more reckless with every victory that fueled his hubris and just like the US, with its aura of perfect winning record, couldn’t face the shame of ‘losing’ in Vietnam, Jews have gotten so used to winning and being appeased at every turn that they feel entitled to forever victory and domination. This ethno-pathology is the greatest source of troubles in the 21st century. Anglo false pride(as a coping mechanism) and Jewish excessive pride(as an uncaged beast) in tandem are causing the most harm to the world. Indeed, all of the recent troubles in the Middle East and Ukraine/Russia could have been avoided IF Anglos and white goyim in the West had stood up to Jews and had a long hard talk about right-and-wrong, about limits and basic decency. But who is the typical white ‘leader’ in the West today? Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Emmanuel Macron, Lindsey Graham, Boris Johnson, and etc. If so-called maverick Donald Trump bends over and takes it up his arse, imagine what the others do.

As for true patriotism, it is merely giving one’s word or loyalty but a matter of whom you give it to. Government is not the country, especially when it’s so corrupt, contemptuous of the masses, and controlled by a nasty minority who prioritize their tribalist-supremacist agenda. The very idea of Jews calling others ‘traitors’ is downright laughable.
No, the real treason is favoring the agenda of Jewish globalists over national interests and the needs of the American people who are seen as cattle by the global cabal. Everything about the Jewish-controlled order is a lie. Just look at the broken borders and the shipping of illegals all across America. Some, like Tucker Carlson, argue it’s wrong for US to care about Ukrainian borders but ignore its own, but even this formulation is wrong. Russia didn’t violate Ukrainian borders, whereas the US did by interfering with its politics and installing a puppet government. After long eight years, Russia ran out of options and was forced into a counter-invasion to quell the insane globalist influence that operates as an alliance of Jewish oligarchy and Naziesque muscle. Putin, though hardly steller truth-teller himself, is right when he says the US is an empire of lies. US has become like what Mary McCarthy said of Lillian Hellman: “I said once in some interview that every word she writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.”

Now, if Putin really wants to be honest, he should name the Jewish Power behind the crisis(and other crises around the world, like in Syria, where Russia was compelled to step into the fray because, once again, Jewish viciousness was hellbent on destroying another part of the world, of course with the false-pride cheering section of Anglo cucks. In THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY, a character hung a message, “Sukarno, Feed Your People”. A message for Putin should be, “Putin, Name the Jew.” What the academia around the world needs are JEWSH POWER STUDIES departments.


Words are as important as taking action, especially as Jews, with their control of global media, are badmouthing Putin as the greatest evil since Genghis Hitler. If an arsonist starts a fire, it’s not enough to heroically risk one’s life and limb to put it out. The arsonist must be named and called out, all the more so if the lowlife scumbag accuses YOU, the firefighter, of starting the fire. Refusal to speak the truth is a kind of moral crime. Indeed, what’s the problem with rising crime in the US? People discuss the crime but not the racial factor as it’s become taboo to Name the Negro. In the US, blacks kill blacks(and other races) but the spoken narrative is the fantastical BLM, or “innocent blacks are being genocided by ‘racists’.” In world affairs, Jewish Power uses the US, EU, and NATO to aggress against others, but all we hear is about ‘Assad the butcher’, ‘Russian aggression’, ‘Chinese aggression’, and ‘Iranian aggression’.

Given the centrality of the Holocaust in post-WWII narrative and the awesome power of Jews to destroy any reputation, it’s understandable why people dread broaching the topic of Jewish culpability. But, there is a way to Name the Jewish Power without Sieg Heil, and recent events offer a golden opportunity because it’s the Jews themselves who violated the sacred rules of Holocaustianity: “Never Again”. For the longest time, Jews declared the Nazis and their variants as the worse miscreants to ever walk the earth, yet they are now allied with Sub-Nazi or Nazi-sentimental elements in Ukraine, just like Jews who’ve been hollering about Islamic Terrorism have become the main supporters and allies of extreme Jihadi elements against Arab modernizers.

Jews have no right to scream ‘Nazi’ on the Ukraine issue because they, in all their arrogance and hubris, decided to hire Sub-Nazi elements in their virulent anti-Russian contempt, which isn’t unlike Hitler’s view of Slavs as a race of helots. Now, they own the crazy ‘Sieg Heil’ stain and are in no position to be preaching about ‘antisemitism’.
Furthermore, Russians have nothing to apologize for on the matter of the Holocaust because they lost even more lives than Jews in World War II and did most to defeat Germany. Besides, Jewish role in Bolshevism caused great harm to Russia(1000x more than pogroms against Jews), and Jews economically raped Russia in the 1990s. In his long speech, Putin discussed the history between Russia and Ukraine, but he didn’t discuss how the crisis grew out of Jewish control of the West. Just like the Yinon Plan has been to pit Muslims against Muslims and Arabs against Arabs, Jews are hellbent on setting Slavs against Slavs, even by stoking Naziesque fervor among some Ukrainians against Russians.

Putin can play fireman and put out the fire in Ukraine, but if he won’t name the arsonist, there will be more fires to put out in the future. Why would the arsonist stop when his role never goes mentioned? As Merlin said in EXCALIBUR, only the truth shall suffice because lies murder some part of the world. The Jewish role in the current conflagration is so blatant and obvious. While many ignoramuses really don’t know, plenty of people know but lack the nerve to say it to take the leap and finally say it. It doesn’t take rocket science to notice, even in a cursory way, who controls Western institutions and dictates policies to torment so much of humanity(and without the slightest hint of contrition or remorse). The truth will be good for everyone, for Jews too as a fire burning out of control can destroy everyone.

Even though Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theories have been discredited as science — we have Jewish-backed Anthony Fauci to give us the Real Science these days — , there was something to his theory of repression: When people hold back their emotions & repress their memories(of disturbing incidents), they can go batshit crazy with hysteria and hallucinations. This can happen at the societal level. Take the black problem in the US. Blacks are the toughest, most thuggish and violent people by far, but Negrolatry forbids honest discussion of black problem as ‘racist’, and so we end up with hysteria about BLM and hallucinations about 1619 and how ‘systemic racism’ is the reason why blacks excel in basketball but not in calculus. It’s utterly ludicrous, but from a mass-clinical point of view, it makes sense because the truth is repressed. Blacks cause a lot of problems due to evolutionary origins, and these problems affect all Americans directly or indirectly. So, people obvious need answers, but an honest diagnosis of the problem isn’t possible because of the taboo about ‘racism’. And so, NYT and rest of media, the elite academia, and the government come up with ever more outlandish explanations for black failure in schools and thuggery in the streets.
Same goes for Jewish Power. Just look at the people around Joe Biden who really run the US, but we aren’t supposed to talk about Jewish Power. And we can’t talk about the Jewish mindset and attitude that set the tone for the Jewish agenda. All we are allowed is ‘Muh Holocaust’, ‘Muh Israel’, ‘Muh favorite Jew’, and etc.
However, so much of the problems in the US, EU, and the world can be traced back to Jews. But the collective repression of honest talk on Jewish Power has led to all sorts of hysteria and hallucinations among Jews and goyim alike. Jews see Hitler and Nazis everywhere, and the so-called ‘left’ and so-called ‘right’ call the other side ‘nazis’. Pundits yammer about how Israel, which has 300 nukes(enough to blow up the entire Middle East and then some), must be protected from Iran’s nukes that don’t even exist. There is utter silence as Jonathan Pollard flicks a middle finger at the US standing next to beaming Netanyahu in Israel. On the Ukraine matter, one side blames Russia-Russia-Russia(and China for backing Russia), and the other side blames the US, NATO, and EU, but no one will name the Jewish Power.
Then, it’s no wonder that there are so many fantasy narratives about what’s going on. Repress the truth, and people spin fables to explain what’s what. If this keeps up, someone might even dream up a scenario where Putin is Ibrahim X. Kendi in a bear costume who invaded Ukraine for ‘equity’ sake, rendering Babylon Bee superfluous in sheer nuttery: “Sheeeeeiiiit, I’s done takes Ukraine fo’ some gibs.” We need to stop mistaking the Jewish Brothel for the Jewish Hospital.

Russia has been appeasing Jews too. Partly because it was so weak and divided following the end of communism. For a time, Russia got infested with NGO’s(the kind funded by George Soros) and turned a blind eye to the antics of the Pussy Riot egged on and funded by globalist Jews. Jews cheered when Pussy Riot desecrated church services, and Russia only took half-measures. Of course, Jews invoke ‘free speech’ to justify such outrages, but these same Jews invoke and enforce ‘hate speech’ laws to silence and suppress anyone who insults Jews, homos, and specially ‘protected’ groups, always chosen by Jews(and needless to say, Palestinians and Syrians aren’t on the list).

Russia appeased when Bill Clinton, total tool of Jewish boomers, disregarded the pledge not to expand NATO. Russia appeased again when the Baltic states were added to NATO. Russia realized the Jewish-controlled West was utterly without honor. Russia appeased in 2014 when it sat helpless while vicious Jewish supremacists and their goy cucks interfered in Ukraine to the tune of five billion dollars to pull off a coup, leading to violence and many deaths. Germany approached Russia to build Nordstream 2, but after Russians fulfilled their end of the bargain, they were led around in circles as Germans, as cowardly cucks of the US, kept making ridiculous conditions.

Still, just when the entire West, from US to Canada to Australia to EU, was totally appeasing every Jewish demand — look at the spread of Globo-Homo across them all and even the spread of BLM riots into Europe — , Russia began to say No. No to Globo-Homo that would have toots and trannies prance around and desecrate Red Square, the hallowed sight of honoring patriotic tragic heroes and victims of Russian History. Jews hissed and seethed, but Russians stood firm.
This is why there are deeper implications to Jews invoking the Russia-Russia-Russia bogeyman in the West. It isn’t merely to besmirch Donald Trump, the patriots, or the ‘deplorables’ as stooges of some foreign power but to draw attention, if only subconsciously, to the parallels between the Russian Strategy and White Populist passion as yet to coalesce into a meaningful resistance movement.

This conflict is one of subterfuge and subconsciousness because so much that is crucial goes unspoken by both sides, either out of fear or ignorance. Jews know full well what they are after — Jewish Exceptionalist Global Hegemony — but dare not say it because the world will not accept brazen Jewish Supremacism. Thus, Jews must package their supremacism in the guises of ‘liberal democracy’, ‘spreading democracy’, ‘democracy vs autocracy’, ‘open society’, ‘the great reset’, ‘follow the science’, ‘climate change’, and etc. Pitch it to the world as anything but what it really is. Russia got suckered in the 1990s when Jews came with promises of ‘economic reform’ but just looted the economy for tribal aggrandizement.

If it’s subterfuge for Jews, the true nature of the struggle remains subconscious among the populists. Jews know it whereas white populists only sense it without clarity. On some level, they feel something is wrong, that Jewish Power is against them and that the Neocon faction of the GOP stinks to high heaven. As conditions worsen in America, white populists are forming an inchoate realization of who the real enemy is. But because populists tend to be less well-read and knowledgeable(and because they rely so much on stuff like Talk Radio and Evangelical Churches that are so slavish to ‘Muh Israel’), they lack a clear vision of what’s really up. They ride on emotions in the fog than carefully approaching what is hidden.
They were fired up by Donald Trump because of the implicit whiteness of his campaign — “finally someone speaking up for us” — but also swayed, as usual, with fulsome praise of all things Jewish and Israel. The result is a lot of confusion among the populist base, a growing inkling that the so-called enemy is largely made up of Jewish Capitalist Power in Big Tech and Deep State but then obfuscated and misdirected by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, OANN, Newsmax, and etc. that the real problem stems from ‘leftists’ and ‘communists, or China. Yet, on some level, the populists must sense that such formulation is tofu, not real meat. How long can soylent conservatism pass itself as the real thing?

Jews know that the two biggest bulwarks of resistance to their total victory is Russia and White Populism. Jews see China as a problem but don’t fear it like they do Russia for racial reasons. People who argue China is the bigger threat/rival than Russia to the US just don’t get it. Of course, in terms of GDP and population(and future military potential), China could be construed as a bigger challenge in years to come to USA as a whole, but the current US isn’t about American National Interests but Jewish Tribal Interests. China will always be the Other threat, an outside power. Jews know that Chinese/Asians in the West assimilate and serve the existing power. Asians lack the will and drive to take over as the ruling elites, and furthermore, even if they tried, the great non-Asian majority simply will not accept them. So, Chinese power will always be external as white people(and blacks & browns) across the political spectrum simply don’t identify with them or particularly idolize them.
In contrast, Jews count as white, or fellow whites. Many white Christians revere Jews as the Chosen, many secular whites admire Jews as incomparable geniuses, and all whites have been instilled with Holocaust guilt or conscience. Thus, Jewish Power has been acceptable and accepted as the new ruling elites of the West. Of course, it could have been happily-ever-after if Jews felt camaraderie toward whites and opted for conscientious leadership for the good of all Americans. Alas, Jews are filled with supremacist contempt for whites, simmer with historical resentment, and are racked with paranoia, not least because Jews know full well that many powerful Jews just can’t help themselves and have no limits to their abuse of power, thereby lending credence to future ‘antisemitism’.

Therefore, Jews are unable to rule in a state of relaxed good will; they must be vigilant of any white stirrings of ‘antisemitism’ as Jewish power indulges Jewish greed. As Jews are tribal and circle the wagons, the corruption only gets worse and worse. So, to prevent any criticism or opposition to Jewish malfeasance, there must be more censorship, more ‘white guilt'(not only about Jews but blacks as well), more demographic diversity(so that whites will lose electoral power and the diverse goyim will be divided among themselves), more ‘wokeness’ to divide the ‘good’ whites from ‘bad’ whites, the deplorables.
Still, Jewish Power relies on white submission, the willingness to obey Jews without question, like Japanese samurai before their lord. And indeed, Jews have taken over the minds of most white elites who are totally cucked to globo-homo, diversity/inclusion, Negrolatry, and loyalty to Jews(as the mavens of what is still laughably called ‘liberal democracy’).
Also, Jews figured they’d pretty much neutralized white conservatism as well, as the GOP is run by the likes of Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Mitt Romney. Jews figured populists were without leaders and would just fade away in a morass of drug abuse or demographic eclipse. But Trump happened, and he was something that white populism latched onto and made into more than he really is. For Jews, this was a sign of danger, like the news of the birth of Jesus to King Herod — it had to be stuffed in the cradle.
And then, there is Russia. If Russia were non-white, it wouldn’t much matter because white populists tend not to identify with others who don’t look like them. But Russia is white and Christian, and therefore, what happens there could inspire whites around the world. And as Russia is vast and self-sufficient, it can’t be destroyed so easily by Jewish Power. It’s not another Libya, Syria, or Iraq. Also, Russian power has definite form and structure, unlike the blob-like white populism that has yet to take shape as a real force.

Whereas white populism remains a confused and shapeless movement with uncertain leadership, organization, agenda, and future, Russia has taken shape in the Putin years into a definite civilization with a particular sense of history and heritage and its own vision of destiny. Whereas American populism is like the ragtag army led by the rebel leader in SPARTACUS, Russia is organized like New Rome with a definite hierarchy, ideological theme, and political direction.
Russian power and white populism are somewhat comparable to Soviet Union and ragtag Chinese communists in the 1930s. ‘Russian’ communists had state power whereas Chinese communists were outgunned and outmatched by the KMT. Today, literal Russia is independent with autonomous state power, whereas white nationalist-populism around the world, or Russia-as-Metaphor, remains in a state of disarray, disunity, and confusion.

And of course, Jewish Power wants populism to remain in such state because, if gone Full-Putin, it could pose a real threat to Jewish Supremacism. That said, contrary to Jewish fears, Putin is hardly a fighter on the world stage. Unlike the rash Erdogan of Turkey who meddles everywhere, Putin prefers diplomacy over war and intervenes militarily as the last resort. After seeing the West’s betrayal in Libya, he finally felt compelled to intervene in Syria before Jewish Power let its ISIS proxies run amok. And he took a long time before he finally acted boldly in Ukraine. But then, to Jews, even the slightest sign of resistance to Jewish Supremacism is intolerable. No amount of Trump’s bending over to Zion made him acceptable to Jewish Power that just squeezed him for all he was worth and threw away the rest. And even “It’s Okay to be White” is ‘far right white supremacist extremism’ in Jewish eyes. Jewish masters just can’t stand whites being ‘uppity’ in any way, and they use Antifa and BLM overseers to whip whites and keep them on the plantation as servants, mercenaries, and mouthpieces of Zion.

In the 20th century, Russian Empire or Soviet Union was the center of World Revolution. As long as it stood strong, leftists and radicals could look to it for inspiration, support, and funding. Today, Russia stands as the symbol of world restoration. Of course, unlike the Soviet Union that, at times and in certain places, aggressively promoted and exported world revolution, the current Russian position is more along the lines of live-and-let-live. Even RT News mostly hires Western dissident leftists than cultural conservatives. As far as Russia is concerned, Russia should be Russia, China should be China, India should be India, and etc. Russian Orthodoxy is not for the whole world.

Still, as a symbol of a great power that said NO to the Jewish-concocted-and-ordained globalist agenda, Russia stands as the possibility of fending off Jewish imperialism. In Akira Kurosawa’s SEVEN SAMURAI, the village elder recounts a time when one village in particular was spared the ravages of bandits because it had hired samurai. It is that memory that braces him decide on resistance than surrender to the bandits. People are less likely to resign themselves to fate if there’s an example to the contrary. That example, however rare, serves as inspiration and fires up the imagination.

Furthermore, Russia was resurrected from the brink after its core industries and resources had been plundered by Jewish globalists with full support of Western Jews, who gave Khodorkovsky the Leo Frank treatment: a poor saintly Jew persecuted by evil ‘Anti-Semites’. Just when Russia was totally written off by the globalists, it gradually climbed back onto the world stage. And even though economically backward compared to Western Europe and still militarily dwarfed by the US, Russians as a people have more autonomous power and sovereignty because Putin, as their leader, has some(though still not enough) sense of Russian identity, heritage, pride, and destiny.

In contrast, white elites, both political and intellectual, in the West are utter wussy cucks to Jews. Not that Jews are sleeping well. Though Brexit(useless as it only increased non-white immigration) and Trump’s win proved to be hollow, they nevertheless took Jewish Power by surprise because its sense of entitlement simply cannot tolerate history moving in any other direction than that decreed by the Tribe. (No wonder Covid-19 was so useful for globalists to shut down the world and control the masses just when populism was on the rise. One thing for sure, while populism unleashes lot of energy, it is ultimately doomed unless it can coalesce around a vanguard to spearhead the movement and take over elite institutions. It’s like a campfire needs someone to tend it to keep burning long and hot into the night.)

2022 can go down in history as a landmark year, much more so than 2015 when Russia bit the bullet and defied the Jewish-run West by entering the Syrian conflict. Even though Jews were spitting mad about Russia’s rescue operation, Syria was a sideshow, whereas Ukraine has historically been the penis of Europe that all sides used to f*** the other — consider WITH FIRE AND SWORD by Henryk Sienkiewicz. Of course, over the years, the Jewish-run media did all it could to portray Assad as the ‘butcher of Syria’ ruthlessly crushing the ‘moderate rebels’ fighting for freedom when, in fact, the bulk of the anti-regime forces were foreign Jihadis armed by US and its puppet allies like Saudi Arabia. Turkey, smelling the blood of Syria’s certain fall, swooped in like a vulture. Syria was saved from total ruin by Russian(and Iranian) intervention.

But, as Jews control the media and as their power goes unmentioned, the world community never thanked Russia and condemned the Jewish-ruled West. And when Trump tried to pull out of Syria to allow Russia and Iran to finish the job of mopping up the Jihadis(shielded by US presence), he was blocked at every turn by Jewish Media(that were suddenly so concerned about ‘Muh Kurds’) and the scummy deep state that sadistically loves to play the world like a pawn.
In the end, with the election nearing, scumbag Trump sought to appease the Jews yet once again by having Soleimani murdered, but appeasement never works, and Jews once again rammed him in the arse and made him suck what had been up his bung.
Imagine that. Iran has a fragile economy due to endless sanctions but even so expended many men and resources to save an ally while the US, which has so much(with all-time world record in fatsos), steals oil from Syria and murdered a foreign leader for the ‘crime’ of saving Syria from terrorists. Yet, Iran is called the ‘biggest sponsor of terrorism’ and is sanctioned to its gills while Israel that supports ISIS and lobs bombs into Syria is showered with endless praise and billions in aid when it is the richest nation in the Middle East. This is demento world of INVERSION because people, INCLUDING PUTIN, dare not mention Jewish Power.

Still, in 2022, Putin put down the gauntlet and, in taking decisive actions against Ukraine, put an end to appeasing the Jews. Sure, all the piss-ant cucks and minions in the West are clucking their usual diatribes as they are, at this point, little more than dogs, whores, and pet-monkeys of Jews. The Zionist Yuval Noah Harari said people are ‘hackable animals’, and it’s sure true of Western goyim who lack agency, individuality, and autonomy. Their minds have been hacked and programmed by Jews to spout the usual nonsense, making even the brainwashed characters of THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE free-thinking by comparison. These idiots, who’ve been appeasing evil Jewish Supremacist Globalist-Imperialism at every turn to their own detriment and demise, think they are being so tough and ‘principled’ by standing up to Putin or Putler.

In 2022, Russia-as-Metaphor means end of appeasement of Jewish Supremacism(though it would be a lot cooler and more effective if Putin named the Jew than yammered about ‘De-Nazification’ as the Naziesque elements are mere thugs recruited by Jewish Power. Call it De-Zionification.) Of course, Russia has hell to pay for this as the Jews control the West and will order cuck-goy politicians and financiers to hit Russia as hard as possible. Paradoxically however, the more Russia is harmed thus, the stronger it can grow because it will be less dependent on the Jewish-controlled West. To be sanctioned is to be punished but it is also to be liberated because one must find more autonomous means of survival and strength.

Is it worth becoming so dependent on the West when its top values are adopting the Tri-Idolatry of Jew-worship, Negro-worship, and Homo-worship over national identity, integrity, and interest? The West has gone from the tolerance of to the tyranny of decadence/degeneracy. In the Sixties and Seventies, some worried that the increasingly hedonistic and libertine West would be eclipsed by the more disciplined and morally focused communist East. While the West was into youth culture, sex-drugs-rock-n-roll, and endless ‘liberations'(culminating in Stonewall homo riots), the communist East put up a united front as a serious power with adult themes and ideological unity. However, not only was communism economically untenable in the long run but decadence/degeneracy in the West was contained in sub-cultures and pop culture. It was for the kids(or teeny-boppers) and the freaks. It was assumed that kids would eventually grow up and put away childish things and that freaks would remain in their subcultural enclaves. And in the 1980s, many boomers had indeed grown up and taken on adult responsibilities, and it seemed like the Sixties were a distant memory. US didn’t turn into Woodstock Nation.

But over the years, elements of decadence and degeneracy not only seeped into the ‘values’ of elite domains but went from pleading for tolerance to insistence on tyranny. Also, what had been deemed deviant(or even demented) but permissible(in a liberal democracy) became the object of quasi-spiritual devotion among the elites. The highest institutions in the US cannot conceive of anything holier than homo-fecal-penetration and tranny-penis-cutting draped in ‘rainbow’ colors. The biggest industries in the US virtue-signal about BLM and hire worthless ‘diversity’ managers when cities have been much degraded by over-indulged black thugs and looters. And of course, there’s endless bloviation about holy Jews and the Holocaust when Jews have effectively become Jewzis, the new nazi-like force around the world.

Woodstock and Altamont excesses were about youthful excess, not elite conviction, but today, it’s almost as if the holy bible of the elites is none other than THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW and PINK FLAMINGOS. When decadence/degeneracy goes from tolerance to tyranny, what is the long-term viability of civilization?
Using the analogy of the financial crisis of 2008, what happened to the world economy when good loans were mixed with bad loans? While there were always bad loans, they’d been kept separate from good loans, ones with AAA rating. But with financial de-regulation & innovations(allowing for more ‘creativity’), as well as calls for an ‘ownership society’, bad loans could be mixed with good ones and marketed all around the world in the form of ‘derivatives’. The rot spread far and wide, nearly sinking everything, and the US bailed itself out only because the dollar happens to be the world currency. Bad loans were always bad but limited in damage potential when kept separate from good ones.
Likewise, a feature of liberal democracy is to tolerate much that is weird, deviant, decadent, and even degenerate AS LONG AS such stuff is kept in their place. But what happens when it permeates serious institutions & major industries and takes on tyrannical power to compel everyone to submit to crazy notions of men becoming ‘women’ or how it’s great for young women to ‘peg’ their men(meaning women should put on dildo-strap-ons and bugger the male bungs)?

How pathetic that even so-called patriotic types are bitching and whining about Russia. Finally, a nation says NO MORE to appeasement to Jewish Power, and they are kvetching about big bad wolf Putin. How the future would be brighter for the white race IF it had similarly said NO MORE to appeasement to Jewish Power. But did whites call out on USS Liberty? Israel’s theft of nuclear secrets? Jewish formulation of what would become CRT. Jewish use of media to spread globo-homo filth on the young ones? Israel’s brutal colonization of West Bank? Jewish economic rape of Russia? Neocon destruction of the Middle East? The endless insults at and defamation of White America? The horrors of 2020 when Jews went full-charles-manson on White America with race riots, covid-tyranny, and election rigging? No, these cucky-wucks appeased Jews at every turn.

But finally, Putin, who’d also been appeasing Jews at least halfway, says NO MORE to appeasement, and all these so-called ‘patriots’ are shrieking in horror. Imagine a herd of pigs that’s been preyed upon by wolves over the years. Whenever wolves arrive, pigs don’t fight back but just allow more of their kind to be killed and eaten. Finally, one tough pig uses its tusk to gore a wolf, but the other pigs, instead of cheering and emulating it, squeals in outrage and horror, as if to say, “you terrible pig, how dare you attack that noble wolf?”
But then, cowards hate courage because it exposes and shames their lack of nerves.
To be sure, cowardice(or resignation) provides a degree of psychological comfort. In the TV series ROOTS, Fiddler(Louis Gosset Jr.), though a lowly slave, has his niche in the order. It isn’t much but still something that provides him with a sense of place and belonging. Then, it’s no wonder he’s outraged upon discovering Kunta Kinte has broken out of his shackles and want to be free. It not only threatens Fiddler’s sense of order but exposes his resignation to inferiority. On the psychological level, so much of the ‘patriotic’ shrieking about big bad Putin is just that. When push comes to shove, a lot of so-called ‘patriots’ are resigned to their cuckdom and simply cannot wrap their minds around the fact that someone finally got uppity with the Jewish Massuh. They are used to their grits and chitlins. They are human mollusks without vertebrae, crawling at the feet of their Jewish Superiors.

This is the time to be for Russia. When Napoleon invaded Russia, Russians had nationalism and defense of motherland on their side, but the French had the better ideas. Russia then was backward and still had serfdom, whereas the French believed in the dignity of the common man. Back then, Russia was both right and wrong.
And in World War II, Russians were once again heroic in their defense of motherland, but the Soviet system was hardly better on the moral scale than Nazi Germany. Again, Russia was both right and wrong. Right to defend the nation but burdened with a tyrannical ideology.

But in the 21st century, Russia, though far from perfect, stands for sanity, morality, and reality, which isn’t difficult given that the Jewish-controlled West has gone completely nutter. In the conflict between the Jewish-ruled West and Russia, the West is wrong and wrong while Russia is right and right.

Furthermore, it is also sounder than China that has yet to come to terms with its horrendous Maoist past. Though there’s validity to the argument that China handled transition from communism to market-economics better than Russia did, the continuance of CCP rule has meant that the Chinese, yet to face up to historical facts, stand on shakier grounds than Russia, which has acknowledged the genuine achievements of the Soviet period but also its great crimes.

In the long run, truth matters. If Germany stands on the falsehood of eternal historical guilt and if China stands on the falsehood of ideological innocence, Russia relatively stands on truth as it has overcome its Soviet Past by honoring its noble qualities while denouncing its excesses based on radical delusions. As for Jews, their falsehood about their own history is even more scandalous than that of the Chinese. The Jewish Narrative is simply, “We wonderful saintly Jews were always hated and attacked for NO REASON by irrational and demented ‘anti-semites’.” In other words, Jews were, are, and shall be always right no matter what they did or do, which can only result in tribal-nihilism.

When Adam ‘shifty’ Schiff riffs on George W. Bush and says that we must fight Russians in Ukraine so we don’t have to fight them in America, the statement is at once nonsensical and totally makes sense. In the literal sense, we certainly won’t be fighting Russians over here(nor likely over there), but in the metaphorical sense, ‘Russia’ means the White America that is beginning to stir into the realization that Jewish Globalist Power is against them, especially as Biden’s administration is so totally and unmistakably Jewish and, furthermore, pushing blatantly anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-goy-nationalist agendas & narratives. So, the likes of Schiff hope to crush the Russian nation by any means necessary to send a clear message to all whites around the world that the only acceptable fate for them is defeat, humiliation, and submission. With Russia finished as the last major sovereign white(and Christian) civilization, whites need to give up all hopes of being ‘uppity’.

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