Monday, February 21, 2022

Notes on Mark Lu's "Worker/Peasant/Soldier Students" in American Renaissance — Comparisons between Affirmative Action in US and Red-over-Expert Program in Maoist China — Affirmative Action vs East-Asian-Americans — Visceral Hierarchy at the Core of Affirmative Action

Idealism, when practiced by zealots, often leads to disaster.

Yes, but it's usually the case that the said idealism is actually cynically exploited by the powerists. It serves as cover for tribal or factional vying for dominance.

Egalitarianism, one of the seemingly noble hallmarks of communism and left liberalism, has heavily influenced many aspects of American life.

Opportunity-egalitarians and outcome-egalitarians are always at odds. Both are problematic, made worse by the advent of feminism. With opportunity-egalitarianism(aka meritocracy) + feminism, smartest men and smartest women tend to rise to the top, and they marry one another and have smarter children who come to monopolize the upper echelons as the permanent genetic elite caste. Over time, most people with smart genes reach the top, and the lower classes are left with the dummies.
When egalitarianism first got off the ground, there were many smart people among the working class and the peasantry(as they'd been barred from social mobility). Their kind had been at the lower rungs of society in a system that favored the aristocracy and bloodlines: Dumb nobleman was advantaged over the smart commoner. With opportunity-egalitarianism, the smart ones on the bottom could reach for the top, and this seemed fair and just. But over time, the lower classes became depleted of smart people who became concentrated at the top that mined for IQ gold — this is now happening on a global scale as the First World attracts smartest people in the Third World. At least before feminism, many smart and successful men married their hometown sweethearts who weren't exactly brains, as Charles Murray detailed in COMING APART. So, smart genes got distributed among the less intelligent: Smart men with less-smart women. But since the changes wrought by feminism, we have smart men and smart women marrying one another, and so, smart genes hardly get spread outside the smart set. In the past, smart and successful man would have chosen a woman for her feminine qualities, mothering potential, and the like. Nowadays, smart men seek out smart women and look down on unsmart women as trashy bimbos. But then, even as elites get smarter, they've gotten stupider because they live in their own bubble of conceited privileged and self-adoration. Chelsea Clinton isn't dumb but she is STOOOOOPID.

So, in the long run, opportunity-egalitarianism has turned out to be a big bust, creating a conceited genetic elite over the rest. Scum over Dumb.

It has also led to demands of outcome-egalitarianism as so many people feel the new order is no less rigged, especially as the public discourse had made candid discussion of genes-and-success a taboo topic. If not genes, then what? The only answer for many is 'systemic racism' and 'social injustice'.
Now, the game of outcome-egalitarianism didn't really begin with Affirmative Action, which made it official than merely de facto. All through US history, there were various ersatz forms of affirmative action that tipped the scale for the less advantaged and/or talented who might otherwise lose out in the competition, meritocratic or otherwise. It was obvious in the exclusion of blacks from sports, which made it possible for white males to be competitive, just like exclusion of men makes for women's sports. Legacy has been one de facto form of affirmative action in elite colleges. White race-ism also had this effect. Through much of US history, lesser-skilled whites were favored over more skilled blacks(though, apart from sports and popular music, blacks were generally far less skilled than whites and would have lost out meritocratically at any rate). Alan Dershowitz in CHUTZPAH recounts how, upon his graduation, WASPs got better job offers than Jews who graduated with higher distinction. Also, there were various forms of ethnic rigging in cities. The Irish came to be masters at this, and many departments became the mainstay of Irish networking, pissing off not only blacks but other white ethnics. Some may see this as 'racist', therefore rightist, but it had a leftist component as well. Many ethnics felt justified in looking out for one another in a WASP-dominated system thought to be rigged against their kind. So, it was a kind of ethno-leftism. Much of Italian organized crime had this character as well. It was supposedly sort of Robin-Hood-like as the hoodlums stole from America but spread the goods among those in the community. Consider the film THE IRISHMAN, how the Union looked out for the truck drivers, EVEN WHEN it knew they were stealing on the job. It was an us-versus-them mentality. We have-lesses taking from the have-mores.

And such sentiments may spread among future whites because so many of them have been written off as 'white trash scum' by the elites. If, in the past, white elites favored white masses over the nonwhites, the current white elites not only cuck to Jews and rub shoulders with non-white elites but even favor blacks and nonwhite masses over white masses. (Even the GOP is pretty useless, and Canadian 'conservative leaders' are even worse.)
If the white elites suck up to Jews and don't look out for the white masses, whites should go into Robin-Hood mode and do whatever's in their favor. It's time for Neo-Fascism.
The Democratic Party blatantly favors Jews, white cuck-elites, blacks, illegals, and Hindus over white masses. GOP does little but suck up to Jews and Big Capital(which now happens to be mostly Democratic, which makes the pro-capitalist Republican message even more pathetic). In the past, there was FDR to offer the New Deal, a kind of lefto-fascism, to the white working class and agrarian folks(who got electricity and indoor plumbing). Now, the Democratic Party's message to white masses is 'die of opioids' and 'we will replace you', and the GOP's message is 'go fight Russia for Ukraine' and 'praise Israel'. When the system is so corrupt and insane, whites should give up on Rule of Law and Meritocracy and go into empowerment mode by any means necessary. It's time for Revolution.

Affirmative action is an example. When applied to college enrollment, it is based on the idea that blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, and other minorities don’t do well because of slavery and discrimination... Although genes and environment each account for roughly half of personality and mental traits, egalitarianists tend to ignore genes.

That's what the say, but don't be fooled. AA isn't really about redressing past wrongs. After all, black African immigrants get AA. But why? They are likely the descendants of Africans who captured and sold slaves to whites and Arabs. Yet, these black newcomers get the same AA privileges. Also, what is meant by 'Hispanic'? You could be a totally white Hispanic whose Conquistador ancestors invaded, raped, and 'genocided' the native populations but still count as part of the 'people of color' in the US(whereas Arabs have long been lumped with whites). Jews underplay white Hispanic historical 'crimes' because white Hispanics are valued as allies against whites. (It's also why Jewish media and entertainment have a more favorable view of Italian mafia than Wasp elites. When Italians act tribal in movies and TV shows, it's kind of cool, but the slightest whiff of Wasp privilege is denounced as RACIST. Tribal Italians wiping out a rival gang in a bloodbath is deemed less outrageous than some WASP country club excluding Jews who wanted to ogle at blonde 'shikses'.) Also, weren't Asian-Americans discriminated against in the past? Chinese who worked on railroads weren't treated very nicely. Japanese-Americans were 'interned'. So, why isn't that taken into consideration when AA is used against Asians?

By the way, AA is especially bogus because the biggest losers are not rich and privileged whites but poor whites. If a rich white scores 120, a poor white scores 120, and a black scores a 100, it's the poor white(usually rural or from small town) who will be sacrificed in favor of the black. Besides, rich whites have many more connections and opportunities whereas poor whites don't. Much of AA is about rich whites partnering with the better blacks(as the sacred race) against poor whites(as 'racists') even though rich whites hog the privilege and don't have to worry about black crime as they live in nice communities with few blacks.

The University of California system dropped the SAT requirement for applicants on the assumption that the tests don’t reflect the true academic abilities blacks and Hispanics. This is supposed to be because many are poor and can’t afford private tutoring. Many of the children of my Chinese friends never hired tutors or went to tutoring centers but still got high SAT scores. This is not due only to genes. Their parents emphasized education, while the children themselves worked hard and stayed away from drugs and gangs.

Look, people who push AA know this. Sure, there are ideological dumbasses, the true believers, but trust me, most people in positions in power know the truth that we know though they're loathe to admit it publicly. AA isn't based on misguided ideology but racial idolatry. The fact is Americans prefer blacks over Asians, and funnier yet, even Asians often prefer non-Asians over Asians. (Why is Mark Lu living in the West with a white name? Why doesn't he want to live with his own kind? If he didn't choose to emigrate to the West, why did his parents or grandparents? You see, Asians would rather be minorities in white societies than be part of the majority in Asia. In the US, imitative yellows are either wanna-be-whites or wanna-be-blacks or globo-homo-freaks or Jew-worshipers.)

Just think. Suppose blacks had smart genes and do really well in school without AA. Suppose blacks, being 13% of the population, made up 40% of students at elite colleges. Do you think anyone would complain? No, they would be cheering it on. Notice the controversy is always about not-enough-black-quarterbacks, never about not-enough-white-running-backs, or not enough browns in the NBA. No one complains that NBA is Too Black. You see, not-enough-black means insufficient diversity, but all-black is total diversity.
Same with Jews. It's never a problem for there to be lots of Jews. Biden's administration is overflowing with Jews, but who's complaining? If whites are even slightly over-represented(or even when under-represented), people scream 'racism'. But NO ONE complains about Too Many Jews in Wall Street, Hollywood, Mass Media, Silicon Valley, Las Vegas, top Law firms, and etc. Jews, like blacks, are deemed awesome, the rightful rulers of the US. Even critics of Hollywood bitch about Hollywood being 'too white' while never mentioning Jews. And the solution is always to get rid of more white goyim while Jews remain intact in all the power structure. So, this stuff about 'egalitarianism' or 'equity' is really ideological. There's no problem with blacks and Jews(and homos) totally dominating certain areas. They are deemed the superior people who deserve to dominate and rule. It's a problem ONLY WHEN they are under-represented. The problem with Asian over-representation is they are Asian, or 'lame'. Americans don't want such a wussy race to outperform the rest in anything.

So, California's dropping of SAT isn't about misguided ideology. It's about Californians, even many Asians, preferring blacks over yellows. People just don't like nerds and geeks, and many feel a visceral disgust about Asian dorks like some people have toward homos. Yellows are like the original and ultimate soy boy dorks, and it just FEELS wrong that they should be doing better in anything. To an extent, Jews faced the same kind of hostility in the past. The Aryans felt it was wrong that a bunch of short, hairy, hook-nosed Semites should be exceling in prestigious fields and even over-taking the goyim. It seemed like an aesthetic crime against humanity, and it underpinned much of Nazi thinking and WASP disapproval of Jews, and indeed even many Jews who'd gained a measure of respectability looked down on the more vulgar Jewish elements(usually from Eastern Europe) as gross and embarrassing. Then, it's no wonder that Jewish Hollywood often used Aryan actors to play Jews. Moses was far more palatable and noble-seeming when played by Charlton Heston than Chico Marx. Jane Fonda played Lillian Hellman in JULIA. Ayn Rand expressed her Jewishness through WASP heroes, and Jewish comic book artists employed Aryan archetypes to mete out Jewish fantasies of justice. But over time, Jews overcame their 'geek' disadvantage with force of will(and pushy personality), wit & humor, shameless chutzpah, and Holocaust mythology, which made 'antisemitism' taboo. Woody Allen is gross to look at but always makes you laugh, and so, you end up liking him on some level. In contrast, yellows are not only dorky but passive and colorless, rather like the 'beaners', their genetic cousins.

Humans are still animal in their psyche. Animals react viscerally. The animal-side of humans still feel this way. When black destroyed whites in sports, took over popular music, and spread jungle fever, America came to revere blacks as the awesome race. So, even as a white 'liberal' may be for colorblind justice for all on the intellectual level, he or she is besotted with blacks as the alpha race. This is even true in China and Japan. Chinese dork boys worship black NBA superstars and look down on their slow geek players. Japan is now promoting jungle fever and encouraging their women to have kids with Negroes while Japanese soy-boys worship cutey-idols and remain virgins all their lives.

So, even though Asians do well on tests and get good grades, they seem sickly, icky, dorky, and pee-wee in the eyes of the world. Elite Asian women in Hong Kong and Singapore often get impregnated via white sperm banks because they'd rather have Eurasian kids than 'ugly' and 'inferior' yellow babies. It's about racial idolatry, and yellows are at the very bottom of the idolatrous hierarchy. To be sure, Asian women have market value as far as bamboo fever goes, but even the fact that Asian women prefer whites(and even blacks) over yellow dorks like Mark Lu means yellows have low appeal on the visceral 'animal' level of attraction.

Then, it all makes sense. This is why Californians(and Americans in general) hate the idea of Asians taking up so many elite academic slots. Why should a people so gawky, geeky, timid, dog-like, and wimpy dominate elite fields? Besides, didn't they get good grades because all they did was study, study, and study like ants than lead a balanced life like human beings? The test-prepping culture all across Asia and Asia-America is truly SICK and demented, a cancerous outgrowth of Confucianism.

At least, Hindus are colorful and have some sense of humor. Yellows are colorless and just plain yella. Indeed, notice how so many yellows in California support discriminatory policies against their own kind. Unlike Jews with their chutzpah and blacks with their hollering rage, yellows are always cowering and servile EVEN WHEN they're discriminated against. (To be sure, it's the elite yellows who generally support AA that disadvantages other yellows. This is because status matters more than race/tribe among the yellows. So, when a yellow gains success, his priority is approval from the establishment, thus securing his status among the 'best kind of people'. A yellow who fails to gain acceptance to elite institution may bitch and whine, but a yellow who is accepted will immediately turn his back on yellows who didn't make it and secure his good standing with the official dogma of 'diversity'.)

Such a wussy race doesn't deserve elite slots in society. They're dogs. Blacks beat up yellows, but yellows don't call out the blacks. They blame 'white supremacism' because they're such imitative servile dogs eager for approval from the Power. Since Jews rule the US and say 'white supremacism' is to blame for everything, yellows blame whites when it's the jivers who are pushing them into subway trains. As long as so many yellows are this lame, whites shouldn't waste ANY sympathy on them. Also, most yellows who do enter elite institutions totally imbibe 'wokeness' and serve the Deep State against White America. Then, they export this garbage back to their home countries, which is why globo-homo and BLM symbolism have spread all over East Asia as well. What a bunch of dogs.

In a way, AA isn't anti-hierarchical but corrective-hierarchical. On the visceral level, Americans feel that awesome blacks should succeed more and gain prominence in the choice institutions of society. They also feel, on the visceral level, that unimpressive-looking dork-yellows shouldn't gain dominance in society. This is hierarchical thinking, indeed not unlike Nazi view of Aryans and Jews. In the visceral vision of the Nazis, the noble-looking Aryans should be masters of the world whereas Nibelungen-like Jews should be dwarfs in the underworld. Aryans are heroic, Jews are grubby. Aryans are great warriors, Jews are weasel-merchants. In BLADE RUNNER, Asians are like the Nibelungen untermensch hunched over dork-work, whereas Roy Batty(Rutger Hauer) is the great Aryan archetype. No one feels much sympathy for Chu the eye-maker, but Batty's death is seen as tragic even though he's a psycho-killer. But on the visceral level, he is magnificent whereas Chu "just make eyes" and squawks like a scared chicken.
AA is sold as 'equity' or 'egalitarianism' but is really premised on visceral awe of blacks as the real master race who must have more representation. On that 'animal' level, it seems unjust that such a badass race is under-represented while the geek yellow race is so over-represented in elite slots. This is what HBD, in all its aspergy-ness about IQ, will never understand. It is why Charles Murray is utterly clueless about the black problem. He only fixates on IQ and tests and schooling. He fails to delve into the psychological and mythological underpinning of AA which is premised in visceral hierarchy that places blacks on top. As Jared Taylor is also essentially an HBD-ist, he also refuses to face what's really behind AA. And as Mark Lu wrote his piece for American Renaissance, he probably shares in the aspergy fixation on IQ. It overlooks the hierarchy of 'viscerality'.

There was a news leak suggesting that one reason why Elite Universities discriminate against yellows is because they're deemed to have inferior personalities, and there's a kernel of truth to this. Western Universities should be places of innovation and original thought, dissent and experimentation. But yellows are all about doing it by the book, all about studying hard without asking questions. Yellows are intellectual dominos; they all fall the same way. Jews push globo-homo, and yellows in the West pick it up, and then yellows in the East follow along. It's like monkey see, monkey do. So, higher test scores don't necessarily mean more intellectual spark. If anything, it could be a sign of less originality. It's like so many Asians practice long and hard at violin or piano and play classical music really well, but they're playing music created by another people. In terms of originality, the low IQ blacks and even taco-munching Mexicans are more original than most yellows in music.

The paradox of Asian academic crisis is this: Elite academia is about building up a class of leaders, but yellows like to serve and follow. What's the point of yellows entering elite fields of leadership if their main mode is to take orders and follow? So, from a personality viewpoint, yellows would do better to attend technical colleges, learned some geek computer skills, and find niches as those who take orders in Big Tech companies to code and etc.

Granted, the elite colleges are full of shit because, due to PC and 'wokeness', the Western University has given up on free thought and open discussion in favor of dogma, conformism, and idolatry of special groups, especially Jews, homos, and blacks. Given the academia insists on iron consensus, yellows should now make the ideal student body as they are mentally clone-like. Still, they are disfavored because Americans have a visceral dislike for yellows who look seem like human prunes, all brains and dried of body and soul.

When affirmative action is carried out in extremes, it is not only white, Jewish, and Asian students and job applicants who suffer.


So, who's calling out that there are too many Jews in Biden's administration? Who's saying there are too many JEWISH lawyers? Who's calling out on Jewish domination of Wall Street and Las Vegas? Who's calling out on AIPAC's influence?

If anything, Jewish Power is obnoxious precisely because it's a combination of ultra-meritocracy, ultra-tribalism, and ultra-affirmative-action. It's ultra-meritocratic because many Jews are indeed very smart and capable. But Jews also work tribally to favor one another. How else to explain so many second-rate Jews in elite fields? Look how the Neocon scum responsible for Iraq Debacle never had to pay a price and are appointed to key positions. Notice how Jews in the Deep State and media work together to push fake news, all the while bitching about 'misinformation'. But there is also ultra-affirmative-action. Israel is a rich country, by far the most advanced in the Middle East. And yet, US gives Israel more aid than any other country. Imagine that. Jews are awesomely rich & powerful and Israel is a First World Nation, and yet they hog most of the sympathy while Palestinians get nothing. In fact, worse than nothing as BDS targets individuals who are for Palestinian justice. It's like a Jewish billionaire getting extra money while a homeless Palestinian is robbed of his last penny. Affirmative Action for billionaire Jewish Supremacists. Sick.
The current system allows Zionists who support the 'genocide' of Palestinians to have full access to financial services and then some, BUT anyone who supports the truckers in Canada is targeted for financial ruin and destitution. And who can forget the Wall Street bailouts of 2009? Affirmative Action for the super-rich gamblers. Jews also rigged the system so that their minion-allies, ANTIFA and BLM, can loot and burn but walk away with a slap on the wrist while 1/6 'insurrectionists' still rot in prison without trial. A scum like Jonathan Pollard is given the red carpet treatment while whites who fought back against Antifa are locked in prison to be ass-raped by blacks. This is Jew-America, where Jews not only have more than the rest but get more special favors as well. Jews get both the fruits of meritocracy, spoils of tribalism, and rewards of AA.

But Mark Lu is bitching about how the system treats Jews unfairly? Typical yellow dog attitude. We've all been drummed with the BS that everything has to be framed within the narrative of Jewish Victimhood. So, even when Jews are the victimizers, we must twist logic to pretend that Jews are victimized and ill-served. Lame!
No, Jews are the ones who push AA, and it is to bolster Jewish Power. Sure, some Jews may lose out to blacks(and others), but Jewish Power sees it as a worthy gambit. Lose a little but gain a lot more. Jews know that white Americans worship blacks as the awesome race of rappers, athletes, and studs; it intensifies 'white guilt' because the Awesome Race had been wronged in the past. Jews know blackness is the most potent instrument in controlling white hearts and minds. Besides, as Jews have gotten so rich and privileged(and as more are noticing the Zionist oppression of Palestinians), Jews value the Jew-Negro alliance. That way, Jews can claim to be on the side of angels by saying, "Look, magical blacks are with us." So, Jews do special favors for blacks to keep them allied with Jews. They lose a little but gain a lot more. As Jews are pulling this dirty shit, stop with this whining about 'Jewish victimhood' at the hands of AA.

America itself suffers in not being able to enroll and hire the smartest people based on merits. We are in a highly competitive world, and our edge is blunted.

No, you don't understand the plan. The system will continue to choose the best people in areas that really matter: medicine, science, technology, and etc. There's no way some atomic laboratory is going to hire Anferny Jackson to do research with isotopes. Rather, blacks will be hired in publicity departments so that institutions and industries where most of the work is done by whites and Asians will be fronted by blackness. This will be enough for both sides. As whites and servile Asians worship blacks, they will be honored to be represented by a black personality. And as blacks are megalomaniac and hardly look beyond the surface, they will be content with a blackness as the FACE of everything. It will be the Neil Degrasse Tysoning of science.

Now, what's the point of yellows going to good schools and contributing to US? Yellows will never rule the US as (1) they're essentially a servile race(sort of like Mexican browns with higher IQ, not surprising as Mexers have distant Asiatic lineage) and (2) most Americans, white-black-brown-and-even-yellow, will not accept yellows as new overlords(and there are no taboos against China-bashing, just like Japan-bashing was the favorite sport in the 80s). So, even as yellows contribute to the US, all their input will be directed by non-yellows, especially Jews. Jews intend to make China the new bogeyman(and whites will happily go along, if only because it may lessen Jewish hostility against whites if directed at China, when not Russia and Iran). Consider the level of anti-China hatred among American 'conservatives', and nothing has changed with the JAB administration: JAB = Jews Around Biden. While 'conservatives' and 'liberals' say they have nothing against the Chinese and only against the Chinese government, it's bogus, like saying "We got nothing against Muslims, only terrorists and extremists".

This means no matter how patriotic Chinese-Americans try to be and contribute to US in science/math/technology and tax dollars, all of it will be used by Jews and globalists to spread Anti-China hatred and yellow peril hysteria in general. In other words, a Chinese has to be stupid to contribute anything to a country that has decided to target his kind. There's no sympathy for Chinese being beaten by blacks from either party. The only mainstream narrative is 'Trump and white supremacists done it'. Worse, as yellows are such servile dogs, even they don't name the problem. Jews made blacks sacred, and so, blacks are sacred, and servile and imitative yellows bark accordingly.

Russians and Chinese in the US should think twice about contributing anything to the US, which is ruled by the Jews who often direct white American hatred at FOREIGN nations(except Israel of course). Just like white Americans are STUPID to serve in the US military that only wages Wars for Israel and uses white goy soldiers like dogs and cattle, Chinese in America are retarded to think patriotically.
Those yellows who enter the elite realm serve the neo-imperialist deep state that spreads BLM, globo-homo, and Wars for Israel all over the world. Why take part in such madness? Jewish-ruled US and white cucks have decided that China will be cast as the grand villain. If Rachel Maddow the Jewess really hates Russia, the likes of Tucker Carlson really hate China(and it's not just the government but the people; Carlson and his ilk can accept Asians only as toadies, like Taiwanese cucks and Japanese monkeys, but they cannot tolerate Asians with sovereignty and national pride independent of US power, and that is why they hate China). US as a neo-imperialist power must always project its pathologies onto other nations and make them out to be the New Hitler. So, even though US has been aggressing on Russia, the narrative screams 'Russian aggression' among both Democratic and Republican whore politicians. And even though China is seeking to regain territorial sovereignty after two centuries of foreign aggression, it is made out to be the new GLOBAL threat.
Chinese should study in the West but should never serve the West, no more than Muslims and Arabs should contribute to the US that ruthlessly implements the Zionist agenda to wreck the Middle East and North Africa. Chinese in America should be like Mexicans. Some savvy Mexicans in the US work hard and make some money and then return to their homeland and buy a nice big house as the dollar goes much further there. Likewise, Chinese should sell chop suey and egg rolls in the West and then take the money and buy a house in China and settle down. Why work so hard to assimilate and contribute to the Jewish-run US when it is hellbent on vilifying China? Jewish-run US's ideal of East Asian nation is Taiwan, globo-homo cuck dog of the empire. Even White Americans should give up on patriotism as their country is now all about 'Muh Israel', Homo-worship, Negro-worship, and other garbage. Whites need to go into neo-fascist mode and build a new vision and movement from ground up as the US is morally dead and culturally demented. In the current era, patriotism can only mean loyalty to demonology and satanism.

The Truckers in Canada are waking into a new consciousness, which is why the Power is so eager to crush them. Whites are beginning to realize that goy scum politicians don't represent them but serve the likes of Charles Schwab, Mr. Magoo puppet of the Jews. Why work so hard day after day and pay taxes into a system that hates you and want to replace your kind with foreigners?
Chinese in Canada are especially pathetic. They are trained by elite institutions to hate on native white Canadians. Chinese are working alongside Hindus, blacks, and Muslims at the behest of Jews and white cucks to destroy traditional Canada. That's bad enough. But for all their mindless servitude to the globalist order, Canada(as part of the Jewish-run Anglo-cuck empire) is joining in the vilification of China as the new bogeyman. So, Chinese work with Jews to attack whites, but then Jews still stir up white hatred against Chinese. It's totally messed up and not worth it to anyone with sense.

Egalitarianism also found advocates in China during the Cultural Revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976. In 1970, one year after the Cultural Revolution reached its apex in 1969, Chairman Mao ordered institutions of higher learning to enroll students according to a “recommendation system.”

Mao was a nutter, but again, the Cultural Revolution shouldn't be seen merely as ideological purism but a power move. It most certainly wouldn't have happened if Mao hadn't lost face in the aftermath of the Great Leap Forward debacle. GLF was so devastating that Mao yielded much of the day-to-day power to Liu Shao Chi and Deng Xiaoping, the pragmatists. Mao was extremely vindictive, and he eventually wanted to regain full power and prestige. But the bureaucracy was with Liu and Deng. Most of the elites were with the pragmatists. So, Mao decided to sound the alarm with ideological emergency — China was being sold down the river by capitalist-roader reactionaries!!! — to regain full power. He made an alliance with the Lin Piao faction of the military and called on masses of youth to 'bombard the headquarters' to terrorize the bureaucracy. It was a bold move. On the surface, it seemed driven by ideological purism, but it was the only way Mao could reconsolidate full control. It was ideology fueled by egotistic powerism.
Likewise, Stalin's purges in the 30s weren't merely about ideology. It was about purging every last remnant of the Trotskyite faction. Though rationalized ideologically, it was a battle of personalities as Stalin and Trotsky came to hate one another.
In both cases, the Great Purge and the Cultural Revolution, things got out of control and many more lives were destroyed than intended by Stalin or Mao, but it's hard to control a fire that burns out of control. (If Mao was such an ideological purist, why would he have met with Richard Nixon, the representative of the 'monopoly capitalists'? When push came to shove, power mattered more than ideology to Mao. True, Mao was a real communist, but, as with Stalin, his ego always came first.)

Likewise, 'wokeness' is above all a tool of power than a matter of ideology. Like Stalin's purges were really aimed at the Trotsky faction and like Mao's Cultural Revolution was directed against Liu & Deng and the bureaucracy loyal to them, 'wokeness' is essentially a tool of Jewish Power targeted at whiteness. Its ideological origins are Jewish, and its idolatry is controlled by Jews. Its ultimate goal is to expand and secure Jewish Supremacist power. It lacks a consistent moral logic. For example, there's tons of stuff about how whites must atone for their 'sins' against blacks and the Holocaust, but there's nothing about Zionist tyranny over Palestinians, Neocon near-genocidal wars against Arabs/Muslims, murderous Jewish role in Bolshevism, Jewish partnership with Western Imperialists in exploiting gold & diamonds in South Africa and peddling opium to the Chinese. If 'wokeness' were truly based on moral logic, it would denounce ALL forms of ethnic hatred, racial supremacy, and imperialist legacy. But according to 'wokeness', Jewish History is only about great contributions to humanity and tragic victimization at the hands of 'Anti-Semites'(which would also include those calling for Palestinian justice). And there is no moral outrage about black thugs attacking non-blacks. Blacks, like Jews, are given the license to kill. Hypocrisy is integral to 'wokeness' that cynically invokes 'justice' and 'equality' to serve Jewish Supremacism.
Consider how Jews use media to exaggerate claims of 'genocide' of Uighurs by the Chinese government but ignore what Jews are doing to Palestinians and Syria. Most Jews in academia and media claim to be 'liberal' or 'leftist', but their support for 'wokeness' is really a cover for Jewish Supremacism.

In 2020, Jews unleashed BLM and Antifa madness in their great-purge and cultural-revolution against whiteness that re-emerged as populism under Donald Trump. Jews also feared Trump making some inroads among blacks who had enough of mass immigration. So, to shame whiteness and flatter blackness, Jews sensationalized the death of George Floyd and unleashed BLM and Antifa pogroms all over. It was a Jewish Power Move, akin to what Stalin and Mao had done. And as most institutions and industries are led by brainwashed cucks, they too jumped on the 'woke' bandwagon, just like the commissars under Stalin. (Difference between Stalin and Mao. Stalin built up a massive bureaucracy and used it against his enemies. Mao, more a dreamer than manager, allowed others to manage the bureaucracy, and after the debacle of the Great Leap Forward, the bureaucracy was with Liu and Deng. And so, Mao had to call on the radical factions in the military and masses of youths to wage war on the bureaucracy.)

At any rate, 'wokeness' cannot be understood without being identified as the tool of Jews. Jews know their supremacist power relies on white submission. Only the educated class of skilled whites can manage and run the Jewish Hegemonic Empire. This is why Jews fear white identity that may lead to white pride and white autonomy from Jewish Supremacism. And that's why Jews use globo-homo to spread deracination and decadence among whites, and that's why they use blacks to guilt-bait whites. Jews know 'white guilt' about blacks is potent because whites revere blacks as rappers, athletes, studs, orators, and Magic Negroes(like Morgan Freeman in SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION and the mountain-sized Negro who wuvs a wittle white house in GREEN MILE. Even after blacks caused so much harm to the US, look at all those whites cheering for black thugs in the Super Bowl. Whites are cucks, or whucks. This is why 'wokeness' is essentially focused on blacks.)

Mao has a famous saying: “The lowly are the most intelligent and the elite are the most ignorant.”

It's too bad that Mao was so rash and pushed things to extremes, because he wasn't entirely wrong. In a similar vein, Bill Buckley said he'd rather be ruled by people randomly pulled out of a phone book than by the 'best and the brightest' from elite colleges. Elites tend to lose contact with reality. Consider the current elites of the West. They got all the credentials and connections, but they're a bunch of craven and conformist careerists who've lost touch with reality. And with rise of globo-homo and Negrolatry among the elites, even their culture and values suck. BLM, by the way, is nothing like real anti-elitism. Rather, it's about rich powerful Jews using black symbolism and muscle to subdue white pride and agency.

Mao over-reacted. It's true that Chinese history was marred by ultra-elitism based on Confucianism. Too much talent was wasted on taking tests that had little to do with reality. In the modern world, Asians are studying real-world stuff like science, medicine, and technology. Still, the over-emphasis on academic prestige has created snobby-elite societies in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea, especially as women have access to higher education as well. So, more and more people don't want to have kids unless they can be assured of academic success. Or they have just one child and focus all attention on him/her. Women don't want to marry 'losers', who could be anyone who didn't go to top school or has a top job. Men don't want to marry 'loser' women without fancy college degrees and with fancy jobs, which means no time for family. As such elitist attitudes have spread far and wide among all levels of Asian society, birthrates have plummeted, even well below birth dearth among whites.

One good thing about communism was it valued the proles and peasants. And National Socialism was even better because it appreciated the German worker who built the autobahn but also allowed private enterprise that fuels economic growth. But the current form of global 'liberal democracy' is pure poison. It's purely elitist. Only the winners of the global game matter. The national masses, increasingly regarded as a bunch of 'losers', don't matter. They are to be replaced by cheap immigrants, or working class jobs are outsourced to poorer nations. Let the national working classes just die, such is the attitude of the globalist elites. It's worse in Asia because even the working classes have totally imbibed neo-Confucian elitism and don't want to have kids unless they can be assured of academic success.

There's no respect for honest labor, which Japanese deride as 'dirty, dangerous, and demeaning'. But who built all the roads in Japan? It wasn't the elite class. National Socialism honored German men working with shovels. They too were embraced as part of the national family. But under global 'liberal democracy', such people are deemed as expendable 'losers' to be replaced by cheaper foreigners. Result is Californization.

By the way, do NOT fall for the BS that globalism and 'wokeness' are leftist. 'Wokeness' is not about the masses against the elites. Indeed, according to globalist 'progressivism', most masses don't matter at all, especially if they are the native masses. No wonder then that 'wokeness' says China and Russia are 'racist' because the governments there still are still responsive to the national masses. Hungary is 'racist' too for appealing to the national folks. And 'wokeness' hates the prole Canadian truckers who had enough of the globalist agenda shoved down their throats and up their arses.

According to 'wokeness', the only proper and acceptable form of 'leftism' is about obedience to Jews, celebration of homos, and cucking before blacks. And about welcoming the great replacement and erasure of the natives. Traditionally, leftism meant politics of the national folks against the oppressive elites. But as Jews control the world, they concocted the bogus 'leftism' of 'wokeness' that would have all the world discredit the interests of the national masses. Elites in all nations(except Israel of course) are urged to denounce nativism as 'racist' and degrade national heritage in favor of globo-homo celebration, Negrolatry(even if the nation has no history of blacks), and remember Nazism as evil incarnate(even if the nation had NOTHING to do with WWII or the Holocaust).

Mao would have done well to preach that the Chinese should respect the hand and tools as much as the brains and books, but he went too far and waged war on learning and culture.
But the current trajectory of modern Asia may be even more destructive. The problem isn't the commitment to science, technology, and medicine but the obsession with elitism, the division of the world between 'winners' and 'losers', mindless imitation of the West as the source of all the answers just when the West is committing suicide.

In the long run given the current trajectory, East Asians will lose out to Other Asians who still retain a more organic view of life. East Asians only value life-as-status whereas Other Asians value life-as-life, success or fail. Moderate elitism is useful in fueling social competition, but hyper-elitism rejects life unless assured of success. It's a formula for civilizational death as people fear having 'loser' kids, and 'loser' kids are apt to commit suicide.

China actually does have a form of affirmative action. Ethnic minorities get extra points on college-entrance examinations, partly to appease potential terrorists who see Han Chinese as invaders of their ancestral lands.

All nations should do away with elite institutions. There should only be People's Universities where the super-smart rub shoulders with the smart and not-so-smart. US would be much better if it only had big state colleges. Even with only big state colleges, first-rate research in science and medicine is more than possible.

It's the Goldlilocks solution. Maoism that waged total war on meritocracy in favor of ideology was madness. 'Red over expert' was retarded. But the arrogance of elite prestige also corrupts society. It produces these conceited pricks who think they are oh-so-much-smarter cuz they went to exclusive top-tier schools. It's all the worse because many of these elite students are results of legacy(George W. Bush), bribes(Jared Kushner), idolatry(Michelle Obama), or some bullshit 'hardship' essay... or writing "Black Lives Matter" a hundred times, a stunt pulled by some Paki-American scumbag.

In rejection of both Maoist 'red over expert' and conceited elitism, the solution is the People's College with a large student body but highly selective in hard science. This way, best minds for science and math are still selected but, on the social level, they are less likely to be stuck up with elitist attitude.

Especially BS is these status-minded pricks obsessed with elitism BUT THEN preaching to us about 'social justice' and 'equity'. Don't they notice the contradiction? But, they get away with it because 'wokeness' mainly focuses on Jews, homos, and blacks at the expense of most people. It's more about the feelings of some pampered over-paid black athlete than the working conditions of Third World minions earning a pittance to churn out shoes bearing his name.
'Social justice' and 'equity' really mean praising Jews, celebrating homos, and idolizing blacks. When some members of BLM expressed sympathy for Palestinians, they were shut down pretty quick. Jews dole out big money to BLM for a reason: to keep blacks allied with Jews against whites and Palestinians. Then, it seems the most logical thing for whites is to side with Palestinians, but whites are dummies or whummies.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Need for Verita-Semitism, as well as Verita-Blackism and Homo-Veritism — Only Truth Will Make Us See and Set Us Free

We need to use the term ‘verita-‘ to explain our position.

They say critics of Jewish Power are ANTI-semitic, but they don’t oppose Jewish Power just because they want to pick a fight with Jews. Indeed, why would anyone when displeasing Jews is the worst possible career choice?

No, conscientious people oppose Jewish Power because it has become perversely corrupt. So, it’s not like people set out to be ANTI-semitic but end up opposing Jewish Power because of of its character and agenda, because of what it does to humanity.

So, it’s really about VERITA-semitism: ‘Verita’ meaning truth in Latin. It’s the FACTS about Jewish Power that rub conscientious people the wrong way. We are being critical of Jewish Power based on facts and truth.
We need Verita-Semitism because Jewish Power rules the US, the lone superpower. Power must be countered, especially when corrupt and abusive steered by ethno-supremacism(that hides behind the mask of 'democracy'). No power remains safe and sound without criticism because power tends to attract the (1) megalomaniacal and egotistical (2) corrupt and opportunistic and (3) craven & toadish. Just look at the US Power Structure and Deep State: Jewish Megalomaniacs, ruthless operatives, and willing servants, if only for status-sake. Sure, some idealistic types try to gain power but generally end up with lost causes because principles usually lose out to princely ambitions. So, the power must be named and blamed.

According to the Jewish-run media and organizations, any criticism of Jewish Power, no matter how factually founded or truthfully grounded, is tantamount to ‘antisemitism’. No, it is Verita-Semitism.

Same with blacks. We need Verita-Blackism or Afro-Veritism. Our views of blacks must be based on veritable facts, not Magic Negro faith. Most likely, the main cause of George Floyd’s death was Fentanyl and other drugs. Besides, it was 'blue'-run cities that hired cops to get tougher on Negro crime, mainly to attract more would-be gentrifiers. And yet, the very get-tough-on-crime 'blue' officials blamed it all on Derek Chauvin while shedding crocodile tears about Floyd to stir up 'social justice' rage against Trump's America. And, what honest person can deny that blacks commit so much crime due to the BAMMAMA factor: Blacks Are More Muscular and More Aggressive due to evolution?

Also, ‘homophobia’ doesn’t exist. We are about homo-verita, meaning we expose the facts about homosexuality, i.e. it’s ewwwww as it’s about bung-donging fecal penetration. Now, my view on homosexuality is classically liberal. I believe in tolerance and letting homos doing their thing in a free society, but let’s not celebrate it, pretending it's next to godliness. I mean what the hell is wrong with our civilization that celebrates sodomy for a whole month and has every institution flying the bung-dong ‘rainbow’ flag? Such lunacy makes sense only via Verita-Semitism. Jews rule, and they pushed this vile idolatry of homos and now even of trannies as the New Normal to mind-fuc* what should be a moral-majority society. But, the current order might be called 'Verita-phobic'.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Whoopie Goldberg's Problem with Jews — 'White' and 'Black' in US Political Context — False Morality of the Holocaust Narrative — Sarah Silverman's Bogus Outrage about Jews being Denied Roles in Hollywood

French eighteenth century journalist and propagandist Jacques Mallet du Pan coined the adage that “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants,” frequently translated as “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its own children.”

“Revolution devours its own children” doesn’t apply here. It would if Jews were destroying other Jews in a mad frenzy of purity spirals. But Jewish Power, both ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’, tend to remain united through thick and thin. The Tribe remains intact. In this case, Jews all across the ideological spectrum closed ranks to denounce an uppity Negress who dared to point out that Jewish Power historically operated at elite ranks of society. The Holocaust wasn't about powerful white Germans oppressing weak Jewish whites but about powerful German whites versus powerful Jewish whites. But Jews are invested in portraying themselves as victims, all the better to justify their immense power and supremacist grip on the West, thereby the Rest as well. So, it's hardly surprising that virtually all Jews joined in solidarity to dump on Whoopie.

Indeed, it’s been the case that Jews generally don’t destroy other Jews(with some notable exceptions like Norman Finkelstein and David Cole). Jews stick together. In contrast, goyim tend to devour fellow goyim in radical times. Why? Because whereas Jews put identity before ideology, goyim(generally possessing weaker identities) tend to put ideology first and foremost, thereby getting sucked into purity spirals. So, Russian communists destroyed so many fellow Russians. Chinese communists destroyed so many fellow Chinese. In contrast, Zionism was the Jewish Left and Jewish Right united by identity over ideology. Jews are smarter that way. Also, Jewish communists were less likely to be outright murderous toward Jewish capitalists and vice versa.

Specifically, Goldberg, who is no critic of Jews or Israel and is as willing to submit to proskynesis before Zionist force majeure as anyone in the entertainment industry, said “Let’s be truthful, the Holocaust isn’t about race, it’s not. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about. These are two groups of white people.”

Goldberg’s statement makes sense within the more recent American context where all peoples of European descent, including European-Jewish, have been categorized as ‘white’. After all, Anglo-Americans, German-Americans, Irish-Americans, Polish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Ukrainian-Americans, Greek-Americans, and etc. all simply became ‘white’. And Jews counted as ‘white’ too, though with special exemptions(like the burden of 'white guilt'). So, Whoopie’s American-centric view failed to appreciate the significance of ethnicity in the Old World. Ethnic distinctions also mattered in the American Past, but most peoples of European origin just melded into ‘whiteness’, just like black Africans of various tribal origins simply became 'black', which also includes mulattos.
Of course, this poses problems of its own. For example, it means even white Americans of Polish origin with no history of colonizing Africa, practicing the Atlantic Slave Trade, and owing slaves in the South — if anything, Jews were more involved in that — must bear the burden of ‘white guilt’. Also, there's no sense of Poland's history of oppression under Russians and Germans. Or, you could be of Lithuanian origin, but there's no special regard for Lithuanian tragedy in the great wars and under Soviet domination — most Lithuanians, like many Europeans, had a far more difficult time in the 20th century than most blacks in America. The moment any Lithuanian's foot sets down in the US, he too counts as 'white' (in the American sense of the term) and is associated with 'white privilege'. You could be a recent immigrant from Romania, and you too would be stained with ‘white guilt’ despite having no roots in America. In contrast, you could be an African immigrant whose ancestors actually captured and sold black slaves to white slave ships, but your blackness automatically becomes associated with cotton gins, Jim Crow, and Civil Rights Movement. So, your identity is aglow with special consideration merely for being black and instantly showered with all sorts of Affirmative Action advantages. THAT is the real idiocy of racial politics in the US. Recently arrived black Africans whose ancestors massively profited from the slave trade are lumped into the Black American Narrative, and white ethnic groups(with tragic horror stories of their own) who arrived post-Civil-War and had nothing to do with the oppression of black Americans are lumped in with America's 'racist' past. And it's almost always about blacks. Take Scandinavian-Americans in Minnesota who, if they have some blood on their hands, played a role in the expulsion of the American Indians. One thing for sure, they had nothing to do with black American history, yet, their primary moral responsibility is toward blacks, much like the people of Sweden have been goaded into playing savior for all of Africa, even at the risk of losing their native land to migrant-invaders.

At any rate, as Whoopie is ignorant of European History, her 'provincial' black-American mind lumps all peoples of European origin into the generic category of ‘white’. She’s unaware of the powerful ethnic hatreds and resentments throughout European History, which ebbed since the end of WWII but flared up in fracturing Yugoslavia of the 90s. Worse, ethnic hostilities have recently been stoked in Ukraine, pitting one bunch of Slavs against another. Jewish-controlled US that controls EU made it fashionable for Western globalists to hate Russians(and Hungarians) for rejecting the cult of Globo-Homo and for reinvigorating traditionalism and ethno-preservation.

In a way, the deracinated ‘deracists’ are now the most hostile people in the West toward other whites. ‘Deracist’ whites in the US hate white patriots(deemed as 'racist') for having retained or revived some semblance of ethnic or racial identity and pride, and ‘deracist’ whites in Europe hate nationalist whites who regard mass immigration and great replacement as existential challenges.

Of course, deracination or ‘deracism’ is really a tool of Jewish Supremacism as it's directed at goy whites, not at Jews. Though white dummies or whummies take it to heart as virtue, most Jews are careful not to drink the 'deracist' kool-aid themselves. After all, even as white ethnic identity has been shamed and subverted, Jewish identity has only been further emboldened. But then, Jews will opportunistically encourage ultra-ethnic politics among goyim IF it can be directed against another bunch of goyim on the shit-list of Jewish Power. So, even as Jews denounce moderate Hungarian nationalism, they fan the flames of ultra-right nationalism in Western Ukraine against the Russian population in Eastern Ukraine. It's also why Jews, who generally deride goy nationalism, support Kurdish nationalism as it is useful against Arab, Persian, and Turkish rivals of Israel. There is no principle to Jewish Power. It’s always a matter of “Is it good for Jewish Power?”

While the Shoah was clearly about man’s inhumanity to man, it was also an extreme reaction to Jewish inhumanity to goyim. If Jewish behavior hadn’t been so excessive, would the National Socialists have come to power in Germany? No, one-third of Germans bit the bullet and voted for National Socialism in 1933 because they just about had had enough with bad Jewish behavior. (Some may argue George Soros and his ilk act destructively toward the West to avenge their fallen tribesmen in the Holocaust, but many Jews acted the same way BEFORE World War II, which is what paved the way for men like Hitler in the first place. Furthermore, Jews act the same way toward non-Western goyim. Soros sure raped the economies of Asia, and Neocon Jews concocted foreign policy to rain down maximum pain upon the Arab World.)
Of course, even those who voted for Hitler didn’t vote for war and genocide. The fact that the Nazis went out of their way to hide the horrors in the killing fields and certain concentration camps is proof that they understood all too well that mass killing was too much even for most ‘anti-semites’. Likewise, the Soviets and their useful idiots denied the Great Famine. Even as millions of Ukrainians perished, the official line was the New Order resulted in bountiful harvests and more food for everyone than before.
That said, both National Socialism and Communism were extreme reactions to real problems. Jewish Power was understandably hated for its exploitative, subversive, parasitic, and supremacist ways. And the appeal of communism owed to real problems of class exploitation under either aristocratism or capitalism.

 Still, there were more rational and sensible ways to deal with the problems, as opposed to the radical way, which ends up committing great evil in the name of fighting a great evil. Sadly, when people are driven to the edge, they tend toward extremism. A good lesson would be “don’t drive people to the edge”, but it's a lesson self-aggrandizing Jews never seem to learn as, time and time again, they're hellbent on driving goyim to the edge once again, whereupon goyim can submit and fall into the abyss and take the last stand with zealous fury. It must be said rational, moderate, and sensible opportunities were often lost in addressing the Jewish Question/Problem because Jews refused to meet the other side halfway. If one side does wrong and infuriates other sides, it's usually helpful if the former acknowledges accountability at least in part. Then, a series of negotiations can take place where lessons are learned and the problem is settled more or less. But when Jews refuse to admit any wrong and are utterly intolerant of any criticism of Jewish abuses, the wronged party may conclude there is no rational, moderate, or sensible option when dealing with Jews. It becomes a zero-sum game of Jews win and take all OR goyim win and take all. The radical will of Jews had a way of radicalizing the other side. Will Jews ever admit that German radicalism under National Socialism owed in part to utter lack of Jewish accountability in regard to the woes of Weimar Germany and Bolshevik conflagration in the East? If anything, Jewish sense of moral culpability has grown only worse following World War II. Full of themselves as the Holy Holocaust People, their every abuse is laundered as a righteous expression of "Never Again". 

So, there's no discussion of the murderous Jewish role in communism. Jews whine about Joe McCarthy and HUAC but ignore Jewish role in Soviet espionage. Jews pushed a total lie about USS Liberty and never came clean. They pull every trick in the book to get the worst Jewish crooks pardoned by puppet-presidents. Jonathan Pollard for one is sitting warm and cozy in Israel giving a big fat middle finger to the US. There's been zero accountability about Nakba and the Neocon Wars that killed so many. Or, what Jews did to Russia in the 1990s, which led to Putin's rise. Jews never admit any wrong and blame everything on 'Russian aggression'. No Neocon Zionist, whose foreign policy proposals have turned out to be disastrous, has paid a professional price or expressed any contrition. If anything, they've been placed in elite positions in the media to spread more lies in service to Jewish Supremacism. When Jews act this way, even those who desire a moderate, sensible, and rational solution to the Jewish Problem is pushed to extremes because Jews themselves are extreme. If someone burns your house down and admits no guilt(and if anything sends you the medical bill for the burns he suffered while torching your house), the chances are you're going to become 'anti-semitic' and counter-extreme against the vile extremism of the Jew.

The problem with the Holocaust Narrative is it assumes that Jews were wholly innocent pure-as-snow angels but set upon by crazed Anti-Semites for no reason at all. This is utter BS, rather like arguing Japan and Germany were smashed in WWII just for the hell of it.

If another Jewish Holocaust were to happen now, it’d be a horrible crime, BUT once again, it would have been an extreme reaction to vile and obnoxious behavior by Jewish Power: financial shenanigans, murderous foreign policy, medical tyranny, political subversion, cultural degeneracy, and etc. One may argue NOTHING justifies genocide, but people driven to the edge tend towards the extreme. It's just part of human nature under duress or in a state of outrage. Take the Morgenthau Plan. Henry Morgenthau the Jew was understandably appalled by Nazi atrocities and wanted revenge on the Germans. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. US went crazy from the war. Palestinian terrorism has been reaction to Jewish Nakba, and Israeli bombings of Gaza are extreme reaction to Palestinian harassment via constant rocket attacks.
In his autobiography, Woody Allen wrote of his sympathy with black rage and commendation for any amount of black violence against whites, however extreme. Blacks have the right to attack whitey. (Predictably, the book was much praised by cucky National Review.) Allen’s moral logic is hardly different from that of antisemitism. If blacks, feeling so terribly aggrieved, are justified in committing extreme violence on whites(even indiscriminately), then one could argue Germans and their collaborators felt similarly justified in their anti-Jewish violence in reaction to Jewish perfidy.

The lesson of the Shoah should not only have been “genocide(especially of Jews) is a great evil” but “try not to act in a manner that stirs up great hatred against your kind.” The tragedy of the Holocaust Narrative is it taught one lesson at the expense of the other instead of emphasizing both. Paradoxically, it has effectively turned Jews and their cuck-collaborators into the New Nazis as the Holocaust Narrative unwittingly(or maybe wittingly) became synonymous with Jewish Supremacy. If Jewish-Gentile History is about totally innocent Jews being set upon by totally loathsome goyim, it means Jews are innately noble and therefore could never have done wrong, which further indicates that any anti-Jewish expression or action among goyim must ENTIRELY be their fault and never the fault of Jewish attitude or behavior. The presumption that says Jews can be wronged but can never do wrong is essentially supremacist because it stems from the conceit of Jewish moral perfectionism, as if every Jew is a little jesus.

Such outlook can only further Jewish arrogance and supremacism. After all, Jews would feel that they, as a race of Anne Franks, must always be right while those at odds with their identity or interests must be 'anti-semitic' reprobate scum. Then, is it any wonder that Jewish Power in the 21st century has waged wars that have led to the deaths of so many? Jews, being a race of Anne Franks, feel they have the license to judge, sentence, and kill, and it's the way things should be because Jews are never do wrong and can only be wronged.

Palestinians sure know how this game works. Jews can encroach ever more into remaining Palestinian territory, but Jews have the total support of US and EU under the spell of Anne-Frankism. As for Palestinians, they are a bunch of ‘terrorists’ and ‘anti-semites’ for resisting Jewish occupation and colonization.

And in the US, Jews, as the Perfect Race, can wage endless wars on whites and whiteness. As Jews are deemed to be morally perfect, their murderous hatred toward whites not only gets a pass but underpins the national narrative and curriculum as a 'moral' imperative. Jewish supremacist contempt is deemed as 'justice', whereas white desire for identity and heritage are condemned as 'far right' hatred. But if you call out on Jewish hatred against your kind, YOU are an ‘anti-semite’ who deserves to be dehumanized and destroyed.

The Holocaust Narrative would have done real good if the lesson were, “Jews must act better because bad behavior can lead to the rise of demagogues like Hitler.” Instead, Jewish Power led Anne-Frank-worshiping goyim to concur that Jews have always innocent(and right and noble), and all tensions between Jews and goyim had entirely been the fault of the latter. But without criticism, bad Jewish behavior only becomes worse. And today, it is utterly rotten. Who would have thought US foreign policy would come to be dictated by harridans like Victoria Nuland and US domestic policy would be directed by lawfare gangstoids like Merrick Garland who pushes anti-white CRT down the throats of white school children?

“The Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systemic annihilation of the Jewish people — who they deemed to be an inferior race. They dehumanized them and used their racist propaganda to justify slaughtering 6 million Jews. Holocaust distortion is dangerous.”

While it’s true that Nazism was rife with contempt and hatred for the Jewish People, there was also fear and anxiety about Jewish superiority. While Nazis were loathe to admit Jewish superiority in anything, they had genuine trepidations about predatory Jewish Power. Germans had a strong dose of Jewish Craziness in the Weimar Period. Germans learned of what Jewish Bolsheviks had done in Russia. Also, Germans hated the fact that World Jewry gained considerable influence over Anglosphere and steered its peoples toward intense animus toward Germans, their racial cousins. Also, speaking of racial supremacy, Anglo World was hardly different from the German one, and World Jewry worked hand-in-glove with Anglo global supremacism to penetrate all corners for the world for control and exploitation.

Nazis most likely wouldn’t have pushed for outright genocide IF World Jewry hadn’t declared war on Germany. Indeed, the preferred policy was mass expulsion than mass extermination. But as Jewish Power had used its influence to turn Anglo World against Germany and as German war efforts seemed doomed in Russia, Nazis decided to pull all stops in their war on Jewry as revenge and last chance at 'victory'. Fated for defeat, Germans would take down as many Jews as possible with them, a kind of Nazi Samson Option. (Jewish mentality isn't all that different. Israel has hundreds of nukes and is dedicated to nuking all of Europe if Israel were to fall, EVEN IF Europeans didn't cause the fall. The way Jews see it, whites exist to serve Jews and ensure the survival of Zion. So, if whites fail in this, Jews should wipe out as many whites as possible as Israel falls, presumably to Arabs/Muslims.) Same happened in Rwanda where the genocide got especially heated it seemed Hutus would be defeated by the Tutsis. Kill as many Tutsis before the Tutsis wipe the floor with the Hutus.

Little Marco denounced “upscale liberals who control the media” in a tweet and was immediately attacked for “the anti-Semitic trope that Jews control the media,” which of course they do, but an ardently pro-Israel Rubio surely was not suggesting anything like that.

If the perception of “Jews control the media” is ‘antisemitic’ and if Jews do indeed control the media, isn’t Jewish Behavior ‘antisemitic’ as it fulfills an ‘antisemitic trope’? If “Jews controlling the media” is antisemitic, then Jews should relinquish their control of the media because it’d be ‘antisemitic’ for Jews to control the media.
It’s like, if the statement “Italians are prominent in organized crime” is anti-Italian, then Italians are ‘anti-Italian’ because they are indeed disproportionately involved in organized crime, thereby fueling an 'anti-Italian trope'. But then, none of this is about truth or principles. It’s about power. Jews got the power and decide what we can and can’t say. That’s about it.

(Sarah) Silverman has been on a roll complaining about the paucity of “Jewfaces” displayed playing obviously Jewish characters on television or in movies…. she is particularly incensed that a non-Jewish woman Helen Mirren is playing Golda Meir in an upcoming movie. Silverman is enraged that anyone but a Jew should be cast in roles “in which Jewishness is an inherent and substantive component.”

Her outrage is fake, and she knows it. She’s feigning outrage to portray the Jews as poor little victims. She knows Hollywood has been Jewish-controlled and that goyim have often been cast as Jews for pro-Jewish reasons. One reason is ‘Aryan’ types are deemed more attractive. It was more glamorous to have Charlton Heston play Moses and Ben-Hur. Indeed, even big Jewish stars often looked rather ‘Aryan-ish’, like Kirk Douglas, or was half-‘Aryan’, like Paul Newman.

Jews figured their public image would be improved by Aryan-types playing Jews. If Jewish characters look more Aryan, goy whites are more likely to identify with the Jews. Like Aidan Quinn as a Jew in Barry Levinson's AVALON. Ingrid Bergman played Golda Meir in an earlier TV show. Jews worry that Jewish characters played by very-Jewish-looking characters will elicit less sympathy and identification on the part of goyim. So, goy-playing-Jew, far from being a marginalization of Jews, has been a calculated move to make Jewishness more attractive and palatable to goyim. Silverman surely knows this, and so her complaint is full of shit. Take the film JULIA directed by Fred Zinnemann based on the life of Lilian Hellman. Hellman wasn’t an attractive woman, and guess who played her? Jane Fonda. But this decision was made by Jews, not by goyim. But will Silverman blame the Jews? Of course not. The vile Jewess only seeks to create the impression that poor little Jews are being denied roles in Hollywood because of… ‘anti-semitic discrimination’. ROTFL. Never mind the only roles that Arabs got from Hollywood were as subhuman terrorists.