Thursday, July 29, 2021

Black Racial Problems run deeper because Blacks Not Only Lag but Drag Civilization into the Dirt — Black Nature prevents Blacks from working in good faith with Whites and Non-Blacks toward a More Harmonious Social Order

Discussions of black racial problems overlook the most crucial factor. Blacks don't just lag but drag, as in dragging society down to the ground. If the problem was simply a matter of lag, the problem would be far less dire. Blacks would simply trail other groups in achievement and productivity.
Or, if blacks failed miserably but in their own manner and space, that too would be tolerable. After all, the social failures of American Indians and Australian Aborigines(or the issues of alcoholism related to Eskimos) are hardly threats to civilization and order. They are depressing and even self-destructive but not particularly destructive to others. The harm is implosive than explosive. In contrast, blacks don't just lag but drag and drag everyone and everything down with them. The recently arrived black African immigrants in Australia have caused far more harm than the native Aborigines who remain below but don't blow up society.

This is why the issue of Reparations fails to address the most important problem. Now, suppose blacks were doing their share to catch up but remained behind due to past disadvantages. Under such scenario, offering aid to blacks might go some ways to help them catch up more. It wouldn't be money wasted.
However, in the current reality most blacks not only make NO EFFORT to improve their lot but go out of their way to waste everything provided for them, with zero understanding/appreciation of where the goods and services come from. Consider the amount of money spent on educating blacks. What do black kids do when bestowed with such advantages denied to most children around the world, especially in Black Africa? They act like apes and baboons in schools, which might as well be called zoochools.

Suppose a child is shorter than another child because he was fed less. So, while he's still growing, it might make sense to offer him extra food and nutrients so he could grow up faster and catch up with other kids. This would be a case of lag.
However, suppose the shorter kid is given food and vitamins to grow faster, but instead of dutifully taking advantage of them, he throws them everywhere and goes into endless tantrums. He drags the whole thing down to the dirt.

If blacks are behind due to past injustices and were at least making an effort to catch up, added social programs might be of some benefit. Even if blacks are less intelligent and innately deficient in some areas, their goodwill and effort would still lead to some positive outcomes. But too many blacks don't make any such effort. Indeed, they seem totally bewildered by requisite standards of commitment and cooperation. At once, they want everything to be done for them but want all the credit for what others do for them. All too often, even once well-meaning whites become jaded or cynical, though they reliably remain too cowardly or 'nice' to acknowledge that black problem goes deeper into the realm of genetics. It's not just a matter of lower IQ but wilder personality, egotism, psychopathy, and lack of empathy. Their advantage in muscle power made it worse as wild/aggressive personality + muscle power = thug arrogance toward the weaker races. Blacks have much to gain from respecting whites and appreciating white achievement, but thug arrogance looks upon whitey as sorryass mofo who done deserve no respect.

Imagine two groups of tower-builders. One group got a head start and built 50 stories already. The other got a later start and managed to build only 25. Even so, it built something. And somewhat later, the first group made it to 75 stories while the other made it to 50. Even though they aren't equal, both groups are making progress. Even if the second group doesn't catch up with the first, it too is rising higher and higher. Under such circumstances, one could argue for extra help for the second group so that it may rise to parity with the first group in the tower-building.

But it'd be a wholly different matter if the second group, upon finally having the chance to build its own tower, hardly makes an effort. Worse, even when the first group lends a hand and builds some stories for the second group, the latter expends most of its energy to tear it down! Just look what blacks have done with St. Louis(not to mention East St. Louis), Baltimore, parts of Milwaukee, Newark, Detroit, Birmingham, and so many black-majority places. They don't just lag behind(like Mexicans for example) but go out of their way to drag everything down to the mud. If whites achieve more while browns tend to lag, blacks tear down what others make. Look what black Africans have done with foreign aid and investment. When it's given to blacks, they squander it all on bling or whatever. Look what blacks did to Zimbabwe once whites were kicked out. Look what blacks did to Uganda after kicking out the Hindus. Now, whites and Hindus were no saints in Africa, but they built things and made something out of nothing. The black problem isn't a matter of taking something and achieving less but turning something into nothing with their wild and savage ways. So, what use would reparations be when blacks will just take the money and blow it on nonsense? And then, they'll be back to bitching and saying, "We need mo', sheeeeeeiiiiit."

Why are blacks like this? It's genetics. Some will acknowledge black pathologies but blame them entirely on the historical trauma of slavery. But is black behavior different in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, or South Africa where they weren't slaves of whites? No, we see the same patterns. Whites(and Hindus) come and build stuff, achieving some degree of development. Under white rule or Hindu management, blacks gain access to modernity. But once blacks begin to bitch about inequality & injustice and demand to take over everything, they drag everything into the dirt. And even when do-goody whites shower blacks with more free stuff, it isn't long before blacks squander those as well and keep demanding more free stuff.

So, the dominant narrative where whites are ahead and blacks are lagging behind and in need of extra help to catch up is a false one. No, the reality isn't that blacks are merely lagging behind. They are dragging civilization in the opposite direction. They are wasting most of what is handed to them, the kind of stuff that blacks on their own would never have attained. It's not like a fast-walking white guy is roped to a slower-walking black guy. While the slower-walking black guy would slow down the white-guy, he would still be doing his part in the march forward. Thus, the white guy would need to make an extra effort, but he wouldn't be doing all the pulling. But, suppose a fast-walking white guy is roped to a black guy who pulls in the opposite direction and jerks violently. Look at recent events in South Africa. Blacks have totally reverted to their jungle-jive nature. How can white and Asian minorities pull the black majority into modernity where so many blacks are pulling in the opposite direction of wanton savagery?

When whites are with Arabs, whites achieve more, Arabs achieve less. Still, many Arabs are doing their part to make things work. Arabs lag and burden whites somewhat, but it isn't anti-civilizational. It's much the same with whites and browns(mestizos from Latin America). But when it's whites and blacks, the dynamics is whites pull one way while blacks pull in the other way. US has managed so far because blacks are a minority, but the situation in South Africa is proof that black nature is antipathic to the white one: It is anti-civilizational. But because blacks excite whites so much athletically, musically, and sexually, the white race sees the black race as one big Orb(or Negrorb) and just can't let it go... and the rot has spread to Japan and elsewhere.

If blacks seemed to be making progress until the 1960s, it was because they were still under the domination of whites. While this could take the form of prejudice and injustice, it nevertheless had the effect of curtailing some of the more destructive and wilder tendencies of black nature. Also, as the culture was, by and large, more family-oriented and hierarchical, black men and women had some inhibitions about sexuality and black youths had some notion of respect. In the 1960s, Black America threw out the baby with the bathwater. While blacks got freedom and equality, they lost much in social discipline and culture of shame that had provided a measure of stability to the black community. Also, mass immigration meant blacks would have to compete with newcomers for manual jobs & small businesses; and, the welfare state encouraged single-motherhood among young black women who could always look to the federal check. And youth culture got dumber and more vulgar. Pop culture not only turned to trash but became the main culture. Academic freedom and genuine liberalism gave way to Political Correctness and now 'wokeness' that have no room for free thought and discussion. Without a culture of integrity and honesty, how can anyone address the real problem?

The 2020 BLM riots should have made it clear beyond a doubt to any honest person. The problem with blacks is not that they lag behind or simply have less. The problem is they burn what others build. They unmake what others make.

The history excuse isn't very convincing. Consider Europe. For many centuries, the aristocrats had it all. They learned to read and write while the masses of serfs or peasant folks toiled from dawn to dusk. Most people had little time for learning. Many remained illiterate all their lives. Such were the conditions over the millennia. And even though people associate East Asia with education, the great majority of people there were dirt poor, illiterate, and ignorant until late modernity brought about by Westernization. For thousands of years, the only reality for most people was waking up to work all day long on the rice fields, like the peasants in SEVEN SAMURAI. A large share of the population were slaves or something like serfs. But when the caste/class discrimination ended, the children of the lower classes made rapid gains in schools and professions and ably competed with the children of the former aristocracy. When the communists came to power in China in 1949, the majority of adults were illiterate. And yet, when China finally got its act together and provided universal education, great strides were made. China still lags the West in many areas but has caught up considerably(and may even surpass the West in certain fields, as Japan has done). The problems of lag can be dealt with and managed.

But it's entirely different with blacks. Blacks in Africa inherited so much from European Colonialists but destroyed them. Black Africans with some ability and talent opted to move overseas, especially to Western nations, because their skills could hardly be applied in a world where most people are stuck in ugabuga mentality and look upon modernity as just something to grab and loot.
The problem with Detroit isn't that blacks took over and did less than whites because of disadvantages stemming from past discrimination. If that were the case, Detroit would have remained a functional city, only less so than if whites managed it. The problem is Detroit is a total wreck because blacks have a jungle-approach to white-made things.

And black destructiveness isn't the result of resentment and envy for what whites have achieved. If, at the very least, blacks had a fuller, deeper, and richer understanding of West's contribution to World History, they might appreciate the true value of white-made stuff. But most blacks have no understanding of the origins of white achievements. They just think it be like bananas that grow on trees. Things just be, and blacks feel they deserve more of it just because. It's like one bunch of chimps angry that another bunch of chimps got more bananas. Now, if indeed modern goods all grow on trees, blacks would have a point. Why should non-blacks have more of the bananas when bananas just be growing naturally? Recent events in South Africa attest to this. Whites and Asians go through the labor of production and commerce, but the simpleminded black mentality just can't process any of it. It just thinks, "Why whites and Hindus got more bananas?" Their apelike appetites hunger for more bananas and uses any excuse — the imprisonment of Jacob Zuma — to go apeshit and grab all they can.
As for blacks who do understand that modern goods are man-made, they believe they should have the most because Jewish-run PC education and Afrocentric fantasies pushed the nuttery that Egyptians were black and invented everything in the Ancient World, which was then stolen by the evil 'racist' Greeks. Or, it's a case of PC nonsense taught in schools that convinced not only blacks but plenty of whites that American Wealth owes mainly to black slave labor and that even whitey-on-the-moon was made possible by three black women more advanced in math than Einstein. With ignorance such as this, is it any wonder that blacks think they should have the most, if not all?

It is really time to do away with this charade. It's not like blacks are making an effort to catch up but lagging due to past wrongs. If that were the case, regardless of whether blacks can catch up or not, the racial problem would be far less because, at the very least, white efforts at amelioration would be appreciated and used constructively. Even if the extra help doesn't have the desired effect of closing the gap, there would be mutual amity in white good-will and black striving.
But what is really happening? Blacks wasting most education dollars in schools that have come to resemble zoos. Blacks using any excuse to rob, loot, and burn down cities. Black enmity dead-set against honesty & self-criticality and instead blaming whitey for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Granted, it's made been far worse by the toxic venality of Jewish Power whose main interest is to manipulate white-black relations to maximize Jewish supremacist power. Jewish priority is to perpetuate and bait 'white guilt', which has been so effective in suppressing white identity/interests and goading sorry whites into seeking Jewish advice and counsel on redemption. Of course, Jews tell whites to kiss Zionist ass and say a million 'hail martins' or 'hail mandelas'. As long as Jews control the West and covet 'white guilt' about blacks as the surest means of controlling white hearts-and-minds, the official narrative will have whites believing that well-meaning and striving blacks are held back ONLY BECAUSE of past 'racism'. In truth, blacks are free. They are free and wild and doing everything to drag white civilization into the ground. Too Many Blacks result in Detroit, Baltimore, Haiti, or South Africa.

In Mexico, whites ruled over browns, and browns still lag behind. The reasons could be genetic(higher white IQ), cultural(backward brown culture), historical(browns were disadvantaged), emotional(browns are more passive and resigned), or whatever. But the white-brown problem in Mexico and Southwest America is one of lag. Browns don't rise to the level of whites, but they do their part to maintain civilization(and do make some progress). But it's a very different matter with blacks outwardly hostile to the very idea of modern civilization and the norms required to sustain it. Blacks are a total drag on modern civilization, but as long as they serve as the Orb or Negrorb of silly whites mind-altered by Jewish media & academia, blacks may well succeed in dragging everything down to the level of Africanery.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Why is American Slavery deemed a Greater Evil than all other forms of slavery throughout History? — Jared Taylor fails to mention the Jewish Factor, the American Credo Factor, and the Negrolatry Factor — How the Guillermo Hypothesis illuminates 'white guilt' about Blacks

SLAVERY IS OUR ‘ORIGINAL SIN'?! - Jared Taylor of the American Renaissance -

There is much to recommend in the video above by Jared Taylor on the topic of White America's unique guilt regarding the enslavement of blacks. Taylor has been in the fight for white(or hu-white)peoples all over the world for much of his adult life, and he has brought intelligence, erudition, and dignity(especially relative to Neo-Nazi morons and Alt Right bad boys). But, everyone has a blind-spot, willful or otherwise, that misses out on the whole picture. Taylor is no different. There is so much that is good about the video, but it fails to answer its own question because it ignores the the founding creed of America, the notable advantages/talents of blacks(especially in the age of hedonistic pop culture), and the dominant power of Jews in current America. Once those matters are addressed, the truth is plainly visible. It should indeed be obvious WHY American Slavery has come to be regarded as a special evil unlike all others.

Though Jared Taylor is far more honest and courageous than most commentators on controversial topics, he tends to shy away from open discussion of Jewish power/influence, the black athletic/sexual threat, and the contradictions of the American Creed(and history). It is then hardly surprising that for much of the video, he goes into Pat Condell mode and dumps on Muslims and their brutal histories regarding conquests, slavery, and atrocities. Not being an expert on Muslim history, I defer to Taylor's knowledge on the subject. But why doesn't Taylor mention the Jewish role in slavery as well? Surely, Jews practiced slavery as much as any other people. According to Thomas Sowell, Jews played a prominent role in European slave trade in the Middle Ages. Jews sold plenty of white Europeans to Arabs and the like. (Jews also collaborated with Muslim conquerors of Southern Europe.)
New World Slavery also had considerable input from Jews, especially in Brazil that brought over the most number of slaves. (Taylor says 12 million black slaves were brought to the New World. In college, I was taught that Brazil brought over 3 million slaves, and that was more than in all the rest of the New World colonies combined. So, I'm thinking the number had to have been less than 6 million.) Why does Taylor spare the Jews? He's been attacked, ostracized, and slandered by Jews and also removed from social media platforms and banking services. What does he have to lose at this point? Is he afraid that Jews will hurt him even more? Or, is he a starry-eyed seeker of the Great White Jew, the hope that Jews, being white(enough) and possessed of high IQ, will finally come over to the White Side as the intellectual engine of White Power? Well, he can keep dreaming, but reality seems otherwise.

Whatever Muslims may have done in the past(as slave-masters of captured blacks and whites), they are hardly the authors of the current Western demise. While Muslim immigrants may cause problems in Europe, Muslims themselves haven't controlled the powerful institutions that persuaded and browbeat Europeans into welcoming endless tides of non-white immigrants. White Politicians in Europe aren't generally beholden to Muslims. Rather, they take their cues from Jews who have near-monopolistic sway over media, academia, legal institutions, finance, and other centers of power. Jews also control the gods that make whites fear and tremble at the altars of Anne Frank and Nelson Mandela. And even though Muslims practiced White Slavery and exploited white women as sex slaves, so have the Jews.

Furthermore, Jews are the biggest White Slavers in the world today, even though they now do it legally. Jews control pop culture & pornography and use them to promote Jungle Fever and ACOWW(Afro-Colonization of White Wombs). Jews encourage cucky-wuckery among white men who are now reduced to cheering every instance of white woman ditching white man and going with blacks. Somehow, whites remaining faithful to their own race and having white children for white posterity is 'racist' even for mainstream 'conservatives'. Hardly surprising as both 'liberals' and 'conservatives' are utterly taken with the dogmas, idols, and narratives pushed by Jews who control academia and media. While this isn't slavery in the technical sense, it is in a deeper sense: Biological Slavery. After all, white women are going with black men and having black children not for color-blind reasons but interracist ones that say black men are the Real Men(with more muscle, bigger penises, and thicker voices) whereas white men are a bunch of slow flabby pansies whose role is to turn 'gay' and cuck to blacks. Jews don't so much push colorblind 'anti-racism' as interracism as a form of 'neo-racism', a proggy kind that says whites should mix with blacks not because race is just a social construct but because blacks are the superior race that deserves to lord over whites. And of course, in the relation between Jews and White Goyim is the unspoken faith that whites should serve Jews precisely because Jews are superior in intelligence(IQ), spirituality(the Chosen), and/or morality(eternally noble and saintly victims of 'antisemitism').

But Jared Taylor will not touch on these issues. It's likely he avoids matters related to Jungle Fever and the like because his formative years were more uptight about sexual matters, especially when pertaining to race. Still, Taylor has held nothing back in detailing black criminality and thuggery, their psychopathy and lower intelligence. On the matter of Jews, perhaps there is a kind of proto-boomerish sentimentality, as whites in the past grew up at a time when Jews hadn't yet consolidated their control of America and shown their true face. And it could be Taylor has had lifelong Jewish friends in the HBD community whom he's afraid to offend. It could be the hope for the Great White Jew. Or, despite having lost so much as the result of Jewish Power, perhaps he could lose even more, not even being able to hold his beloved American Renaissance conferences. At any rate, his reluctance to fully address the Jewish Question or JQ hinders him from a complete evaluation of what is really going on in the world, e.g. why has American Slavery come to be seen as a unique evil?

There are three key factors to be considered as to why the AMERICAN Slavery has become the focus of intense moral condemnation.

1. Jewish Factor. True, there were strong pro-black sympathies throughout US history, even before Jews arrived in large waves as immigrants. Before the Civil War, a Jew in America was more likely to be pro-Confederate and even own slaves. Abolition Movement had many fiery radicals fueled mostly by Christian moral outrage(that later became one of the pillars of the Prohibition Movement). Even many non-extremists thought slavery was a stain on America as a political and social project. And many whites in the North supported the war against the South to preserve the Union. The mindset was both nationalist and imperialist, as US was a nationalist outgrowth of British imperialism and spawned an imperialism of its own that spanned ever westward. A project committed to gaining more territory wasn't about to lose huge areas of the South, no more than the French were willing to let go Indochina and Algeria in the post-WWII period.
At any rate, prior to Jewish takeover of the US, there was a more balanced understanding of the struggle, war, and tensions between North and South. Being Anti-Slavery wasn't the same as being Anti-White, an unimaginable concept at the time. Most Northerners didn't want Southern whites to be terrorized by feral blacks. And even most anti-slavery whites in the North didn't believe in absolute racial equality between whites and blacks. If anything, the Republican Party soon became the conservative party of Anglo-American elites, big business, and the ever-expanding state.
Also, Northerners gave Southerners their due. Even if the South fought for a lost cause(that deserved to lose), they fought with courage and honor. Consider the sympathetic treatment of the South in John Ford's HORSE SOLDIERS. Dwight Eisenhower wrote glowingly of General Robert E. Lee. Before Jews took power in the academia and media to tip the scale, White America was, more or less, evenly balanced between conservative and liberal voices, with a modicum of mutual respect between the two.

But Jews did gain elite power in the US, with profound implications. Now, it's likely that many idealistic leftist Jews(when they were sincerely ideological) believed in the Boasian notion that Race is a social construct. Given their own struggles against goy prejudice(and explosions of violence), they felt special sympathies for non-whites and convinced themselves that the real dividing line between whites and blacks was mostly skin color, which could be overcome with social conditioning. (As things worked out, it didn't work because, while whites increasingly kept their side of the bargain, blacks failed ever more with theirs. Whites made an effort to become ever less 'racist', but this made blacks even more stereotypically uninhibited in aggression, violence, obnoxiousness, and ludicrousness, even to the point of a rapper calling himself Ludicris. But because whites traditionally held power over blacks, the assumption is the racial solution is entirely contingent on white improvement because whites control everything, whereas blacks are mere hapless victims with no sway over anything. Perhaps, this made sense at one time, but it no longer does, as blacks have plenty of power over many communities, even huge areas of big cities and key states. While one can blame the abusive parent for the problems of a young child, such lopsided moral aspersion is untenable when the child is a big teenager with considerable leeway in behavior and prone to delinquency. We are now at the stage where the black 'teen' is beating up the white 'parent', but we are still supposed to blame only whitey while pretending blacky is an innocent skittles-munching child.)

At any rate, Jews rule America, and Jews have thought long and hard about the essential pillars of their power. Jews know they got the talent but not the numbers to maintain the empire. They need white support. THIS is the main reason why Jews use blackness as the bullwhip against white identity, interests, pride, and freedom. Jews fear White Liberation more than anything, just like the British who regarded India as their 'jewel in the crown' feared the stirrings of Indian nationalism and resistance movement for independence. Of course, one could say Jews are being paranoid. Most whites are okay with Jews, and a whole lot of them are totally crazy about them. Jews, Jews, Jews, Israel, Israel, Israel. Whites love Anne Frank, Albert Einstein, and Jerry Seinfeld. But, Jews figure things can suddenly go south. Jews feel that much of white sympathy for Jews hinges on the Shoah, and perhaps its effect will fade over the years. Furthermore, Jews know themselves all too well. They know there are many wicked/crooked ones among them. Now, if good Jews were to flush out the bad ones, something like 'antisemitism' might not flare up. But Jews know they tend to circle the wagons. Good Jews(or better Jews) give cover to Bad Jews. Also, even Good Jews aren't good all the time and need bad Jews to do the dirty work, like with the respectable eye doctor in Woody Allen's CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS who calls on his gangster brother to deal with the woman problem. This means that Jewish Power will grow more corrupt and gangsterish. It means that even whites who'd been partial to Jews may grow increasingly suspicious of them. They might become 'red-pilled'. The fact is, when push comes to shove, even Good Jews have chosen to side with Bad Jews than side with Good Goyim. Ideally, good whites and good Jews should be united against bad whites and bad Jews. Jews have, over the years, goaded good whites to denounce bad whites and make common cause with good Jews and good non-whites. And many good whites have done just that. But have good Jews reciprocated by denouncing bad Jews? No.
Now, if good Jews don't denounce the bad Jews, aren't good Jews also bad Jews? When the good aids and abets the bad, what's the difference? Where is the Jewish outrage over Jonathan Pollard's release? Where is the Liberal Jewish outrage over what's been done to Palestinians? To morally cover for this contradiction, Jews have increasingly fused morality with identity politics. Goodness is less a matter of what you do than what you are. So, the mere fact of BEING Jewish is good. Never mind what Zionists have DONE to Palestinians or millions of Arabs. Jews are good because they are Jews, who are forever to be associated with the Holy Holocaust, timeless wisdom, genius(that is such a benefit to mankind, like the latest Covid 'vaccines'), and crowd-pleasing humor. So, never mind what Jews do. Just dwell on what they are. They are Jews, and that means they are good. And if you praise and bless Jews, you too must be good or better than those who don't. Result is moral rot.
It means good Jews should embrace bad Jews because the mere fact of Jewishness is good. So, even bad Jews are good simply for being Jewish. But in having embraced and protected bad Jews, even good Jews have made themselves bad. And the Jewish community, in insisting that goyim embrace and praise Jewishness on the basis of identity alone, have spread the moral rot to goyim as well. Most goyim never pay attention to Jewish behavior, actions, or impact on the world. The mere fact of Jewishness alone is synonymous with morality. "I have Jewish friends" makes you automatically better than those without Jewish friends, just like being Jewish makes you automatically better than being a mere goy. When morality turns into idolatry, morality turns into ethno-nihilism. Take the latest GOP yapping about Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and West Bank. The ice cream company made its decision on the basis of Jewish behavior. Jews are occupying West Bank and tyrannizing the people there, who continue to lose land to Jewish 'settlers'. It isn't 'antisemitic' in the sense of targeting Jews simply because they are Jewish. The company policy is based on Jewish behavior. But, GOP-tards are howling like it's the biggest moral outrage simply because it was done against Jews. According to GOP-tards, being Jewish alone is enough to end the debate. Jews are right because they are Jews, just like God is always right because He is God. So, even though Jews are stealing Palestinian land, Jews are morally correct simply because they're Jewish whereas Palestinians are evil scum who dare to resist Jewish expropriation of their lands and property.

Now, a kind of 'morality' that is skewed toward favoring one group over another based solely on identity sounds like the classic definition of 'racism'. After all, if 'anti-racism' is the law of the land, all groups should be judged by the same set of rules. Then, why aren't Jews condemned for their actions against Palestinians? Why do Jews, who howl most about 'racism, racism, racism', of whites of course, demand that white goyim support what Jews do to the Palestinians simply because being Jewish makes Jews right? And why do Jews get away with this, as both most Republican and Democratic voters hardly raise a fuss about their political representatives shamelessly whoring themselves out to Zion? Fish rots from the head, and Jewish elite power has corrupted the moral health of America. Jews have done a bait-and-switch on whites. Jews pressured whites to abandon any vestige of white identity/interests and go for colorblind ethics for all, regardless of creed or color. But these very same Jews will shriek and howl if any white(or goy) says America should treat Jews and Palestinians equally with the same set of rules. Given the sheer hypocrisy of this, one would think whites would have caught on, but no. Why not? Because most whites rely on their leaders, elites, and representatives to tell them what is what, and most whites-at-the-top are bought-off and/or blackmailed whores of Zion. The other is the power of myth. As most whites grew up with Holocaust Mythology, Anne Frank Cult, and so many movies & TV shows were Arabs/Muslims are little more than swarthy terrorists or white-slavers, their emotionality favors Jews and Zionists over Arabs and Muslims. And as Jews control the news media, most Americans get a very warped view of Middle East affairs.

'Idolatrism' is the new 'racism'. This is why even Jewish Liberals are really Triberals, i.e. it's about the use of Liberalism to ultimately serve Jewish Tribalism. If white 'racism' was about favoring whites over non-whites on the basis of whiteness alone, 'idolatrism' is about favoring Jews, blacks, and homos over all other groups regardless of their deeds, action, or behavior. This is obvious with blacks. They burn, loot, and create havoc, but they are always moral saints. The notion that some creep like George Floyd would be considered a saint or angel would have been laughable in an earlier time, but it is reality today.
Now, it's true that certain groups underwent special tragedies in the modern era. So, one could sympathize with the victims of those tragedies. But to permanently affix tragic dimensions onto a group can only lead to moral nihilism. We can sympathize with Chinese of the Nanking Massacre period and with millions of Russians who died in World War II. But does the fact that many millions of innocent Chinese and Russians died mean that today's Chinese and Russians are automatically noble and saintly on the basis of identity and above moral opprobrium when they do bad? Sounds absurd, but such are the rules in the West in regards to Jews, blacks, and homos.
A major fallacy is to confuse victimhood with virtue. Most human tragedies weren't the result of saintliness, nobility, or martyrdom but of pure-and-simple defeat to the bigger power. American Indians didn't lose because they were noble pacifists who turned the other cheek. They lost because whites had the numbers and more guns. Blacks became slaves not because they were meek and humble but because they got captured by bigger African tribes who sold them for gold to white slave ships. While tragedies suffered by Christian saints resulted from pious acts of self-sacrifice, most human tragedies were really the result of one set of bullies losing to a stronger set of bullies. Japanese and Germans faced great tragedies in WWII, but they were in the fight, often as initiators. Also, while the Shoah was horrific, it was an extreme and fanatical reaction to lots of bad Jewish behavior. Jews weren't saintly victims but often a**hole victims. This doesn't excuse Hiroshima or the Holocaust, but it was not a case of wholly innocent and saintly people being killed for the hell of it.
Not only are we supposed to believe that Jews bear NO RESPONSIBILITY for the Shoah, but we are supposed to believe that all Jews everywhere forever and ever are akin to Anne Frank regardless of what they do. Saying that Jews deserve partial blame for the Shoah isn't the same as blaming-the-victim. If a woman minding her own business is attacked and raped in a park, she is blameless. Blaming her would be blaming the victim. But if someone in the park taunts and provokes others to the point where someone finally has had enough and beats him to a pulp, he is partly to blame. Given Jewish role in communism, financial capitalism, and cultural degradation leading up to WWII, yes, Jews do deserve some blame for what happened to them, just like Germans and Japanese must take some blame for the destruction of their nations in WWII. Sadly, Jews, in their Holocaust-moral-megaloamania, have learned nothing and are once again spreading filth and craziness all around the world with zero self-awareness that they themselves may be at the epicenter of world troubles. And the cucks play along and pretend all the problem stems from China or Iran(if the cuck is 'conservative') OR from Russia or 'white supremacists'(if the cuck is 'liberal'). And of course, blacks deserve some blame for the rot in their communities, but the current 'idolatrism' says that they are totally and eternally blameless(just like Jews and homos), and all the blame must go to whitey.

Unless Jews are judged for what they do than for what they are, 'idolatrism' is the order of the day in the US, and it is virtually identical with what is called 'racist'. The only difference is Jews have associated their identity with historical tragedy. Thus, one could say they are not favored for their 'skin color'. Rather, they are favored for their Memory. But morally pasting the past to the present to excuse bad behavior is just another kind of prejudice. In some ways, it is worse because Jews are invoking morality to act immoral. "Because Nazis treated us badly, we can act like Nazis and treat others the same way." Jews denounce 'white supremacism' not to attack supremacism as a general principle but to buttress Jewish supremacism.
Likewise, blacks complain about how white 'racists' in the past done stereotyped them as savage apelike thugs as a moral excuse to act like, well, savage apelike thugs prone to looting, robbing, beating, hollering, raping, murdering, shooting, and acting demented. But because we are supposed to judge blacks on the basis of Memory, they are forever the saintly slave-victim even when they use their advantage in muscle and natural aggression to terrorize entire communities. Blackkks are the main thugs and lynch mobs in America.
And of course, even though homos spread HIV and died from too many wild orgies of homo-fecal-penetration in bath-houses, parks, and wherever, they are not to be judged, lest one be denounced as 'homophobic'. More 'idolatrism'.

To better understand Jews and whites, suppose you're a rancher and have a variety of animals. You have a horse, a dog, a hedgehog, a frog, a monkey, a turtle, a cow, a goose, a chicken, a goat, a sheep, a hawk, a gopher, a deer, and etc. Which animal would you value most? Which animal would you be most mindful about having control over? It's most probably the horse. It's the most powerful and the most useful animal. Dog would be second, but you can't ride a dog or use it for plowing. Not only is the horse most powerful but it's also naturally fierce and independent(and least fearful of small man). A horse naturally wants to run free. And it surely doesn't want to carry a man on its back. Also, if it goes out of control, it can do most harm. One kick from a horse can turn a man's brains to mush.
In contrast, take a hedgehog. It is hardly of any use to man. It might be fun to have around as a pet. Also, even if a hedgehog acts out of order, what could it do? It can't harm, let alone kill, a man. Turtle might be put in a pond. Maybe it can be made into turtle soup. Again, it's hardly of any use to man, and there's no concern about its behavior. A goat-gone-bad might be troublesome, but even a bad goat isn't much of a threat to man. Also, goats aren't very useful for anything but producing goat milk. But the horse is very useful, and it must be made to obey and follow instructions. The well-being of the rancher counts so much on his control of the horse.

Jews see whites as the White Horse or the War Horse of Jewish Power. Without whites in the military, state, industries, and institutions to run things, Jews could only do so much. And among whites, Northern European whites are most prized. Indeed, would Jews have taken over the world without saddling on top of the Northern European horse? Anglo/Germanics are the prize stallion of Jewish Power. That is why Jews do everything to make sure that white people(especially Anglo-Germanics) obey and follow Jews. But carrots aren't enough. Jews have a lot of money, but money only goes so far. Japan spread a lot of money around in the 80s, and China does the same today, but they can only buy favors, not loyalty. And the stick isn't enough either, especially as Jews themselves don't have the military and/or police muscle to beat all whites into compliance. If they did, like with the Palestinians, Jews would probably rely less on 'white guilt'. After all, Jews know they got the stick of military power to crush Palestinians and don't bother to instill Pallies with 'Arab Guilt'. But Jews can't do to whites what they do handily with Palestinian men, women, and children. And that is why Jews use power of media and academia to instill white souls with 'white guilt'. THAT is why the subject of American Slavery has come to loom so large. Historically, Latin America enslaved many more blacks, but for the time being, Jews need Latinos as allies against the gringos and yanquis, and so the Narrative on Latin America is, "all the races are so wonderfully mixed, and there is hardly any racism down there, and all is forgiven and forgotten." History is often a game of selectivity. It's not about all that happened but about picking and choosing and shaping narratives to serve the power and agenda of the group that gets to select them.

2. American Credo factor.

Jared Taylor has often said that the Founders envisioned America as an outgrowth of Europe, especially the Anglospheric World and parts of Germania. The Founders also believed it would be a Christian nation despite the absence of an official religion or state church.
But the American Credo was chockful of contradictions from day one. Despite the social realities and personal preferences of the Founders(and the peoples back then), there were powerful tendencies in the American Vision that directed the national future toward universalism and globalism. There wasn't a single credo but competing credos. Some were merely sensed or taken for granted, whereas others were written down as laws and principles. And when one looks at the Constitution, pro-whiteness isn't spelled out. Perhaps, the Founders didn't need to write it down because it was taken for granted. But on the other hand, perhaps the Christian impulse and Enlightenment Values of the time gravitated toward a larger definition of Americanism. So, while the details of Americanism at the founding(and for a century and half) was Anglo-American, Eurocentric, and pro-white, the overarching goal aimed at something bigger. Also, universalism has a loftier perch than particularism. Enlightenment was credo-imperialist in wanting to unite the world with the power of reason and science. Christianity had the missionary zeal of converting the world and saving souls of all peoples. So, despite the many particularist realities of the American founding and history, there was a semi-utopianism that was either idealist or invoked idealism to justify the ambition for more conquest and power. Why did Christianity and Islam win out over more particularist cults and religions?

Consider the Old Testament, full of competing narratives and credos. At times, God is peace-loving and understanding. Other times, He is angry and violent, willing to smite entire peoples. Parts of the Old Testament suggest at the need for peace and understanding between Jews and goyim. Other parts suggest Jews should crush and destroy the goyim. God has many faces in the Old Testament, and one could use it to condemn or justify slavery. After all, Jews fled from bondage from tyrannical Egypt. But Jews also owned slaves, and Jews had no laws against slavery. There are times when God is about justice. Other times, His power seems arbitrary, a matter of whim. Old Testament says God is the only God, the sole Deity for all the world and all mankind. But it also says God has a special relation with Jews. Some Jews interpreted this as God commanding Jews to be light unto all mankind. Other Jews interpreted this to mean Jews alone have souls whereas goyim are like beasts who should be treated like cattle. So, there is no single interpretation of the Old Testament. However, the fact that the Old Testament led to the New Testament and the Koran that came to profoundly impact history suggests that its universalist urge was too powerful to overcome. Of course, Jews rejected it and kept with the Covenant. But some Jews forged a new religion that argued that God is truly for all mankind and not only for Jews. After all, if there is only one God and if He is about love and justice, why shouldn't He bestow His blessing equally unto all the peoples? And Christianity later inspired Islam, another universal faith.

Likewise, despite the contradictions within Americanism from its founding, certain ideas were bound to gain an upper-hand over others. The Founders spoke of liberty, freedom, dignity, and equal justice of mankind in general. They were Enlightenment idealists, and most Americans had a powerful Christian impulse to save the world, extending all the way to the time when Jared Taylor was a child in Japan of Missionary Parents.
History often depends on which elements have more charge, as in electrical charge. Suppose there are 50 of elements A and 50 of elements B. They are even-steven at the start, but suppose elements of A have more charge in them. Thus, they are more active and pull together and cause more commotion. Suppose, in coming together, they create sparks and create even more elements of A. So, A elements go from 50 to 100. In contrast, the elements of B have less charge. They are less active and manage to produce only 10 more of its kind. Over time, it's 100 A vs 60 B. Why did America achieve so much more than Russia since1800? Anglo-American Protestant spirit was far more charged than the Russian soul mired in Orthodox Byzantinism.
Some ideas are dry, some are wet. Some are cold, some are hot. The combination of Enlightenment Principles and Christianity(unmoored from statist controls in Old Europe) added more charge to the universalist impulses in American History. Universalists were often more aggressive and dreamy than the particularists.
Also, universalism was a way to deal with the moral contradiction inherent in the American Enterprise. America expanded by taking lands from the Indian savages who, in some cases, were wiped out. Also, America relied on black slave labor in the South. America could have created a Constitution that specifically said Whites have the right to rule over darkies and the red man, but then, the American Project would have sounded grimly Spartan. Sparta had the brooding Spartans lording over the cowering Helots. It was a dark order. Americans wanted to feel good about themselves. After all, Jefferson spoke of the Pursuit of Happiness. They were moralists and didn't want to feel mean and cruel. So, even though they did cruel things, they wanted to convince themselves that the American Experiment would eventually morally redeem all that had been done. If America had been founded on an island with no natives and without slave labor of another race, perhaps things would have been different. But to insist on a wholly white country in a land taken from the Red Man and labored by the Black Man and furthermore committed to the principles of freedom and fairness was something of a stretch. The very fact that blacks were allowed to become American citizens under the law meant that one didn't need to be white to be American. If blacks could be American like the whites, who was to say peoples from other parts of the world couldn't be Americans one day as well? Surely, whites in the 1860s had no inkling of the mass non-white immigration that would engulf the country a hundred years later, but in making blacks the equal of whites as American citizens(at least in theory), they effectively did away with the idea that only white people could be Americans.

Another factor was that white births simply couldn't keep up with the demands of American development. There was too much land to settle. Too many factories to fill. When Anglo and German immigrants weren't enough, the US looked to Eastern and Southern Europe. A lot of this had to do with white Americans favoring fellow white workers than blacks, but the need to assimilate these Other Europeans further weakened the particularist elements of Americanism. With the Other Europeans also came the radicals, especially among the Jews, many of whom were anarchist or socialist. But Jews were also the most talented capitalists and gave the Anglos a run for the money. Jews wanted more immigration to bring over more of their own kind to the New Land, a more hospitable and tolerant place than the Old World. Also, the greater meritocracy in the US meant that Jews could rise faster and higher, even challenging Wasps for mastery over the nation. Then, it was in the interests of Jews to play up the universalist aspects of Americanism. And yet, the great irony is that Jews were also the most particularist people to have set foot on America. Indeed, Jews weren't aiming to join in the melting pot but to melt the goyim into a hodge-podge so that they would be too mixed and confused to take on rising Jewish Power. The Melting Pot as Jew Stew had the Jews as the chef and the goyim as the ingredients.

In a way, American Guiltism is the flipside of American Narcissism. It's the one who highly regards her own beauty who sees every little blemish as an intolerable ugliness that must be expunged. The myth of American Founding had brave freedom fighters resisting and defeating the British. Americans defined themselves as free people in a republic or democracy, as opposed to Europe that was mostly dominated by kings and aristocrats(until World War I brought an end to monarchical rule). The 'genocide' of the Indians was spun as the great Manifest Destiny, white settlers and freedom-and-opportunity-seeking immigrant folks expanding westward to tame the wilderness and build communities fit for womenfolk and children, with schools and churches, like in THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE. The Western genre mythologized this in Hollywood. (Jewish moguls sure funded a lot of 'genocidal' propaganda.) Americans flattered themselves as protectors of the New World(including Central and South America) from the clutches of the Old World. (Of course, Latin America saw North America as its tormentor, but that's another story.) And even though US had slavery, the Civil War Narrative redeemed America. Supposedly, no civilization had ever fought a war to end slavery. The US did because, when push came to shove, Americans are for freedom over bondage. Americans regarded themselves as saviors of Europe in World War I and II. And Americans were also full of themselves as the saviors of the world from communism. So, one of the running themes of Americanism was that United States wasn't content to be just one nation among many. No, it was different. Its destiny was grander than any other nation. America was blessed with great land and resources. It was founded on freedom. It cleansed itself of the sin of slavery with the Civil War that cost so many white lives. Not only did America break free from Old tyrannical Europe but in the 20th century stretched out to defend Europe from German Imperialism, Nazism, and Soviet totalitarianism. So, in retrospect, it seemed like America was bound to be a Nation of Destiny, a superhero nation. And of course, Jews fed on this vanity. Theodore Roosevelt ate it up when Jews flattered America as a special nation. Roosevelt was among the most racially chauvinistic presidents ever. He was a kind of 'white supremacist' even beyond the norms of the day. But even he couldn't resist the portrayal of America as the land of the free, a beacon of light unto the world, and all that.

But when a people have such high regard for themselves, they're bound to be traumatized by proof to the otherwise. It's like the Don Henley song, "End of the Innocence". Now, there was always plenty that was dark, violent, cruel, and crazy about America, but compared to the rest of the world, it wasn't a bad place to be in the 19th and 20th century. In the 19th century, it was far freer than Europe that came under aristocratic rule after Napoleon's failures. And Asia in the 19th century was the beginning of its humiliation(along with renewal). Latin America got mired in stasis and backwardness. Africa was still totally savage. And in the 20th century, even being a Negro living under Jim Crow in the US was a hell of lot better compared to what would befall the fates of those living in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Poland, China, Turkey, and etc. So, relative to the rest of the world, America went from success to success, victory to victory. American Triumphalism became mainstay of the Narrative, and this made a lot of Americans rather naive and 'innocent'. They got to seeing America as the land of baseball, apple pie, five-and-dime stores, and milk shakes at the local drug store. Even Jews couldn't resist this. In Neil Simon's BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS, Jews across the ocean are facing hell, but the lead character is mainly obsessed with baseball cards and nudie photos of women. The worst thing he can imagine is eating liver and onions for dinner.

And American Amnesia has gotten worse since the boomer 60s. At the very least, white folks prior to the boomers had it pretty tough themselves. Few grew up with privilege. Many worked on farms or factories. Or coal mines. And they had tough parents who whupped them. It's like Pat Buchanan wrote a autobio about his father using the belt on him and his brothers like they was Negroes who ain't picked cotton all day. So, even though many white folks could sympathize with Negroes on some level, they didn't go overboard with 'white guilt' crap because their parents and they themselves had to struggle to make ends meet. They figured life was often hard for them but harder for Negroes. But since the 1960s, the boomers grew up and became huggy-wuggy parents who raised their kids in a world of plenty, leisure, narcissism, and convenience. So, unlike white folks in the past whose sympathy for Negroes was tempered by their own hard knocks in life, the Millennials are 'triggered' by the fact that blacks had it tough. For past whites who had it tough, blacks merely had it tougher. But for Millennials who had it so nice, it was unimaginable that anyone could have it tough. Now, if they had real knowledge of American History, they'd know that most whites didn't have it so good. But as the academia and media are controlled by Jews, the emphasis is almost solely on black hardship(and Jews facing 'antisemitism' and homos persecuted by 'homophobia'). So, Millennials don't compare black hardship of the past with white hardship. If they did, they'd realize blacks had it worse but whites didn't have it so good either. But because they're only told of black hardship, they compare past black experience with their current good times. Instead of comparing black sharecroppers with whites toiling in coal mines, factories, or railroads, they compare blacks with their spoiled white selves immersed in the leisure of watching Netflix and playing video games.
In the past, white journalists came from the school of hard knocks. They had it tough themselves. Many didn't go to fancy schools. So, even though a good number of them were liberal-leaning and could see the fundamental unfairness faced by blacks, they didn't feel like princes with undeserved privileges over blacks. But look at today's Millennial journalists. They grew up in total affluence with huggy-wuggy parents who provided them with everything. They really don't know any hardship. Many went to tony schools and rubbed shoulders with other privileged kids. So, when they read about black reality of past or present(as blacks continue to wallow in violence and misery), they just can't believe it and go all weepy-'woke'.

At any rate, one of the main reasons why American Guilt came to matter more is Americanism has been founded on More Pride. Bigger they are, harder they fall. Bigger one's pride, bigger one's shame when the pride is pricked with evidence to the contrary. A humble man isn't much bothered by the exposure of his failings. He will readily admit, "Nobody's perfect." But a man who is so full of himself as Mr. Wonderful is due for a great fall when it's shown he's not so wonderful.
America calls itself EXCEPTIONAL. Well, exceptional guilt is the flipside of exceptional pride. Hubris is met with Nemesis, and the lesson is America was stupid to be so full of itself. But then, a less ambitious America wouldn't have been America.

3. The third reason as to why American Slavery came to be regarded as especially evil can be illustrated by way of the Guillermo Hypothesis. The problem isn't slavery per se but the enslavement of blacks. Had the US enslaved another people, the guilt complex would be far less. Suppose Americans had decided to use brown natives of South America as slaves. Southern Plantations would have been packed with people who look like Guillermo(of Jimmy Kimmel Show). The slaves would have been more docile. There would have been less fear of slave rebellions. Being more docile, the Guillermo-like Gomezers would have made less trouble, and there would have been less reason to whip them. The slavery enterprise would have been less cruel.
Furthermore, slavery might have ended sooner with Southern initiative because the Guillermos would have been less threatening than muscled Negroes with big dongs who be yapping and hollering all the time. A civil war might have been avoided. And after Emancipation, the Guillermos would have been mostly a silent minority. White Men need not have feared Maize Fever. And whites would have continued to dominate sports. Over time, whites would look back and feel sorry about brown slavery, and there would be stuff about how America owes something to the Guillermos who picked cotton and helped build the American Economy. But whites wouldn't feel much guilt because Guillermos are, well, just a bunch of Guillermos, a mediocre bunch. So, whether Guillermos be slaves or free men, they could only amount to serving as the sidekicks of the white race.

But it's different with blacks because, after slavery, blacks became so prominent in sports and pop music. Also, blacks got them boombox voices that secularized white folks hear as the voice of god hisself. Even though US is vilified for its 'racism', the special American Guilt regarding blacks is predicated on a kind of 'neo-racism', the proggy kind. Subconsciously, whites feel they enslaved the superior race. They really feel this way because they hold blacks in awe in athletics, rapping, hollering, and humping. It's the song-dong-strong-wrong dynamics. Whites are obsessed with black musicality. White youths love rap, and European elites are most into reggae. They got jungle fever for black dongs(and twerking black buns). They worship black athleticism and believe in black girl/boy magic. And that's why what they did to blacks seem especially wrong. It's one thing to have enslaved the Guillermos of the world, but it's another thing to have enslaved the Muhammad Ali's, MLK's, Otis Redding, and Long Dong Silvers of the world. Of course, this is 'racist', or 'neo-racist'. 'Anti-racism' would demand that guilt be equal in regard to all peoples as a matter of principle: All Men are Created Equal. While whites ideologically subscribe to such notion, their visceral sense of awe regarding blacks overwhelms any consistency in logic. But then, it's the same in regard to Jews and Palestinians. Whites are so philosemitically smitten with Jews as geniuses and gurus that they are overly sensitive to any tragedy involving Jews but almost totally insensitive to the tribulations of Arabs/Muslims, even if they were mainly caused by Jews and their Western enablers.

Notice whites feel almost nothing for American Indians today even though the latter are, by far, the most tragic people of the Americas and even of the entire world. (Whereas blacks still got Africa and Asians still got Asia in the aftermath of Western Imperialism, American Indians lost their homeland forever.) But it wasn't always so. In the past, American Indians were respected as fierce warriors. Once the dust settled after the bloody and cruel Indian Wars, whites could romanticize Indians as brave warriors, fearsome and worthy foes. And so, for a time, Indians had a certain prestige in the annals of American Tragic Narrative. But with the passing of years, Indians became less visible and significant because they fail to cut it in the fields whites are most obsessed about, sports and pop culture.

Anyway, if we combine factors of 1, 2, and 3, we can understand why America has a special guilt-fixation about black slavery. Muslim World didn't let Jews take over elite institutions and industries. Had Jews gained such power, maybe they would have pushed 'Muslim Guilt' onto the young ones. Whites let Jews take over at the top. Furthermore, unlike Latin American countries that also imported black slaves(even far more than the US), the US was full of itself as the Nation of Destiny. Latin America countries were rather humdrum about their place in the world, their destinies. Americanism was predicated on becoming a world power, a nation like no other, a beacon of freedom, the one that would bring about the End of History. It was born of the contradictions inherent in British Imperialism and formulated as Enlightenment-Imperialism. America was to Britain what Christianity was to Judaism, what the Roman Empire was to Greek Civilization.

Though the Founders were mainly focused on securing the fragile republic, the seeds were there at the beginning, and the radiant(and unrealistic) idealism outshone the racial particularism of America as a white nation, much like the sun drowns out the stars. It's like Christianity could emerge only by going beyond Jewishness. Alexander the Great could forge his empire only by going beyond Greek power and prestige. In outlook, the Founders were in many regards temperate and modest men, but the creation mythos of America as a kind of New Eden freed from Old World tyranny was bound to have huge implications. America developed as a kind of experiment where European Civilization would start anew by planting its best ideas about freedom and dignity of man MINUS all the baggage of tradition and prejudice. Also, unlike cramped Western Europe, America seemed boundless in land and resources.
Of late, Europeans reversed this dynamics in the post-WWII era. Increasingly, Europeans came to see America as the land of 'racism' with its black problem. So, by importing tons of blacks and treating them right, Europeans would start Americanism Anew in the EU but without the element of 'racism' and slavery. Blacks would be welcomed as free men, and they would prosper alongside white Europeans as equals. That would show the Americans what Americanism really could have been if white Americans hadn't been so greedy and hypocritical, so 'racist' against blacks. But of course, whites in both US and EU are dummies because blacks are the destructive race, and it has nothing to do with laws coded in books. It's in the coding of DNA that drives blacks to destroy whatever whites build, regardless of whether whites are kindly or meanly disposed toward blacks. But whites are doomed to fall because they are so in awe of blackness. In 2020, blacks laid waste to so many communities. They exhibited new levels of savagery and wantonness. But after all that, whites in Milwaukee are besides themselves with Negro-worship and Negro-lust because black 'heroes' won the basketball championship for the city. Whites are dummies, or whummies.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Charles Murray's FACING REALITY ignores how an Invisible Affirmative Action for Jewish Supremacism boosts Jewish wealth & power way beyond Merit — Black Power is downstream from Jewish Power, or Jews use the Black Bullwhip to reduce Whites into a Race of Cuck-Maggots

Cry, the Beloved Country JAMES THOMPSON - Review of FACING REALITY by Charles Murray -

This matters deeply, because he has a strong case, and at a personal level has earned his status as the American de Tocqueville. He might smile wryly at this, remembering that aristocrat’s cutting observation about American majority thinking: "The majority has enclosed thought within a formidable fence. A writer is free inside that area, but woe to the man who goes beyond it... he must face all kinds of unpleasantness in every day persecution."

How about Cucqueville? The bald-headed Mr. Magoo fool is one of the biggest ass-smoochers of Jewish Power. Ever notice he NEVER mentions the Jewish role in the Anti-White Agenda? What kind of a genuine social scientist has a blind spot that big? Which group has controlled the media and academia? Which group has bought off most of the whore-politicians? Which group did most to marginalize him after THE BELL CURVE? And all this despite his having sucked up to Jewish Neocons all his life. So-called 'liberal' Jews(who privately know all about racial differences) attacked him viciously, and his Neocon friends mostly stood by.

Also, the problem didn't begin as a Majority Thought. The majority-thought of the US used to be pretty awesomely race-ist. Even up to the 1970s, the majority of white Americans didn't like interracism. The New Majority Thought began as a Minority Thought, mostly of Jews who, with their control of academia and media, spread anti-white propaganda far and wide, indeed to the point where most whites came to internalize 'white guilt'. But notice Murray doesn't address the factors that led to a fundamental change in Majority Thought. There was once a time when Murray's book would have been greeted as welcome debate and the ideas of Kendi X would have been laughed at, along with the likes of Robin DiAngelo of 'white fragility' nuttery. But just how did the New Majority Thought take morons like Kendi X seriously? Because Jews control the electronic media(that permeates into every home and consumer) and the academia(that has formative influence over Americans, most of whom hardly read anything after graduation). The Corleones in THE GODFATHER films won because they recognized the source of the moves against them. Vito Corleone figured out it was Barzini all along. Michael suspected correctly that Hyman Roth gave the go-ahead to the Rosato Brothers(and used Fredo against him). But Murray, for all his reputation for independent thinking, goes totally blank when it comes to Naming the Jewish Power. He can't hit the bull's eye, so he goes about aiming for the outer circles. Murray is like a doctor who is terrific at finding the symptoms but never dares to mention the CANCER as the source. Thus, Murray-ism is palliative than curative.

Murray should get a respectful hearing. His sympathies are with small town America, and with the average guy in an average job... Like any true Scot, he would rather be respected by his clan than to suck up to the lairds.

No, he's not. All said and done, Dr. Magoo is a status-conscious sucker-upper to the 'better kind of people'. For example, why did he change his views on 'gay marriage'? Get this. He has these fancy-pants highly educated 'gay' friends. And they got 'married' and adopted some child. Rich successful homos using big bucks to raise a kid, of course with the blessings of the 'right kind of people' who themselves, being soulless, look to prevailing elite fads and fashions to keep up with the Jonesewitzes.
If Murray had real spine and guts, he would have stood with truth and principle. It is foul to associate marriage with what homo-fecal-penetration and tranny-penis-cutting. And even if two homos are nice & caring and spend big money on some orphan, the arrangement is whacky. Family isn't just about affection and privilege. It's about moral meaning and mental health. The idea of 'two daddies' is sick. An orphan needs to be placed with a substitute dad and substitute mom(as all children are the products of father and mother), not two 'parents' who bugger each other. But such meanings have no place in Murray's 'cosmopology'. He's all about class and privilege. He looked at two rich homos raising a kid, and his statistical mind figured, "Hey, that will work." You see, it's all nickels & dimes and test scores with Dr. Magoo. Besides, he might be disinvited to cocktail parties when the Neocons themselves decided that 'gay marriage is a conservative value'. Murray is a vile piece of scum. He is what's on the bottom of your shoe after you step on dog shit. Murray gave his roots the boot and lays down for the lairds. He also married some Asian chick. So much for sticking with his roots. He's just some globo-cosmo tard.

The book is crystal clear: aggressive affirmative action is poisoning American society. Standards have been corrupted, and trust has been lost. Admitting those facts, and ceasing to reward one race over another, is the minimal step which needs to be taken to get out of the quagmire.

But Murray doesn't mention that the poison didn't begin with favors for blacks but with favors for Jews. There are two kinds of 'affirmative action' or special favors. With blacks, the role of AA is obvious because they lag behind in academics and job performance; therefore, they get special treatment in many areas.
In one way, especially in regard to blacks, AA can be defined as MORE for those who can't make the cut. But another facet of AA can be defined as MORE for those who CAN make the cut. In terms of meritocracy, Jews make the cut in brainy areas more than most groups. But Jews are also massive beneficiaries of AA because they get much more, indeed way beyond what they are warranted due to meritocracy.

Consider. Suppose two guys toss free throws with basketballs. One guy hits only 20 out of 100 while the other guy hits 80 out of 100. Suppose 20 pts are added to the first guy to make it more 'fair'. So, even though he hit only 20, he's given a score of 40. The effect of AA would be obvious. Now, the guy who hit 80 did very well. But suppose 20 pts are also added to his score to make it 100. Because he did so well meritocratically, people may fail to notice that his score has also been boosted.
In the US, both blacks and Jews get MORE than what they deserve in terms of merit. Take a lowlife second-rater like Ben Shapiro. Or all those Neocons who've become so prominent in the GOP(and the Democratic Party). Are these really geniuses, brilliant thinkers or statesman-like personalities? No, they are lowlife weasels, but their being Jewish is a big boost. Look how all the Jewish creeps responsible for the debacle of the Iraq War never faced negative consequences where their careers were concerned. If anything, they were favored to become editors of journals or leaders of think tanks.

By merit alone, Wall Street Jews should have taken a huge hit in 2008, but they got richer with Obama's bailouts while Middle America sunk. The US imposes sanctions on many nations for 'human rights violations', but Israel not only gets pass-over protection but is showered with gazillions in cash. Given that Israel is the economic powerhouse of the Middle East and that Jews in the US have more than enough to support Israel on their own, you'd think the American taxpayer would be spared. But nope, Jews make sure that all US tax-payers contribute to Israel. And Jewish crooks get pardoned by Democratic and Republican politicians. Jonathan Pollard stands next to Netanyahu and gives the US a middle finger, and all we hear from both parties is "We stand with Israel." Jews can rig elections and cook up Russian Collusion Hoax. No one pays a price. This is all part of AA culture. Jews have license to lie, cheat, steal, and kill. What applies to us doesn't apply to them. If a white person says, "It's Okay to be White", the FBI is hunting him down. If Jews hold AIPAC rallies where Jewishness and Zionism are hailed more loudly than Der Fuhrer in the Germany of the 1930s, that's all so wonderful.

So, Murray is a dumbass cuck to focus only on the AA for the bottom. The real problem began with AA for the top. When Jews were allowed to steal more, lie more, cheat more, and corrupt more without repercussions, it was AA for the top and had profoundly corrosive effect on the American System. Everything came to be geared more and more in terms of "Is it good for Jews?" It fueled Jewish arrogance and megalomania.
Now, initially whites may have been sympathetic toward Jews due to historical tragedy, especially in World War II. Or maybe it was genuine admiration for Jewish talent and skills. Or out of sentimentality of Jews as the Chosen. Or, in the hope that Jews will one day become normal and well-adjusted Good Decent Americans if accepted into the bosom of America. But Jews regarded all such overtures as signs of weakness, much like Adolf Hitler grew bolder with the conciliatory gestures of the so-called liberal democracies. Jews came to regard white earnestness as either naively childlike or a put-on to fool the Jews. Jews also sensed fear among white goyim, i.e. whites, cognizant of the rapid ascendancy of Jews, wanted to be on their good side. One thing for sure, Jews could not be satiated with enough. The fruits of meritocracy wasn't enough for them. They wanted more and more until they had everything. Notice how Jews got so much in Russia but aren't satisfied because they don't control everything. Ronald Reagan said of the Cold War, "We win, they lose." That's how Jews see the goy world. Jews rule, goyim obey, and nothing else is tolerable to the Tribe.

White attitude toward Jews went from sympathy to anxiety to fear to worship(to hide the fear). If Jews want it, they get it. Why can't American Conservatives stand up to craziness like the tranny-lunacy? The main reason is they know Jews are behind it. Without Jewish backing, the tranny-business would be mocked and dismissed, reduced to mince-meat. Indeed, globo-homo and 'gay marriage', not to mention the pronoun-proliferation, couldn't have gotten far. But because it was understood that Jews were behind it and would be very displeased at those who said NO to the Agenda, even so-called conservatives backed down. In contrast, everyone piles on BDS because the Jewish Message is, "We want it crushed." So, whether it's Democratic NY or Republican Texas or Democratic California or Republican Florida, it's "You can't make it in business if you express any sympathy for BDS."

Black AA is duper-AA. It's AA for those who can't make the cut. Jewish AA is super-AA. It's AA for those who can make the cut, and this makes it far more perverse. Giving a poor person a bit more is far more excusable than giving a rich man a lot more. And yet, cucks like Murray who bitch about duper-AA for blacks are totally silent about super-AA for Jews. Due to his cuckish and mindless worship of all things Jewish, Murray and his ilk have convinced themselves that Jews are so smart, so special, and so awesome that they earned every cent of what they have. Never mind all the deep state monopolist machinations between Jewish Wall Street, Jewish Big Tech, whore politicians, and rigged courts. Of course, whereas blacks officially benefit from a program called Affirmative Action(which makes it all very visible), the super-AA for Jews is invisible because Jews get their special favors through their behind-the-scenes manipulations of institutions and industries. Besides, who's going to say NO to Jewish demands given the political, social, and/or economic consequences of displeasing Jews who act like gangsters?

Martin Scorsese's GOODFELLAS as sociology is a nostalgic look at organized crime before the Feds finally clamped down hard. But as metaphor, it's about the Deep State today. Jews and their cuck-crook collaborators laugh at the Constitution and get their jollies from knowing that they are 'made men' and have license to do anything and get away with it. The mafia was vulgar-AA for Italians via muscle and crime. They got a little more that way. And the super-AA for Jews works the same way. Who cares about the rules when you got the power? Also, those with the power get to rewrite the rules. Lawyers become judges, and they set the new laws. Notice how 'libertarians' and 'conservatives' say monopoly social platforms and banks can deny you service because they're 'private companies' but then are totally silent about the Jewish use of the STATE to shut down BDS. All super-AA for Jews.

Blacks didn't become powerful on their own. Black power owes to Jewish Power. Jews keep lit the flame of Emmet Till and milk 'white guilt'(for 'cool' and 'badass' blacks) to maintain control over whites, without whom Jewish Power would crumble overnight. The real problem isn't the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement and what it did for blacks. It was what happened BEFORE the 60s when whites conceded too much to Jews, paving the way for super-AA for Jews and their supremacist-nihilistic behavior. Just how did Jews get away with USS Liberty? Just how did Jews get away with pushing 'anti-racism' and anti-imperialism on the West while demanding that the West defend Zionism's tyranny over Palestinians? (And today, whites in the West are treated no better than Palestinians in West Bank. White patriots, millions of them, are called 'domestic terrorists' by Jewish gangsters who use Joe Biden as puppet-dog.) Just how did Jews manage to get a Holocaust Museum built in D.C. when the only 'genocide' that happened in the US was the destruction of the native American Indians?

Black power has ebbed and flowed in accordance to Jewish wishes. When Jews had had enough of black crime in NY, they got tough on crime and made the city a lot safer. But just like the perfect plan fails in Stanley Kubrick movies, what couldn't happen happened in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump. To discredit Trump, stir up 'white guilt', and embolden the blacks, Jews unleashed the George Floyd riots and funded BLM to the max. Jewish-controlled legal system allowed Antifa and BLM scum to rampage, riot, and loot. Jews were the Hyman Roths behind the BLM-Antifa Rosato Brothers. People like Ta-Hinesi Coates and Kendi X would be NOTHING without the support of Jewish Publishing. (Jews also exert power to force Amazon to ban certain books and ideas.)
Murray, the Dr. Magoo cuck, will mention the Rosatos but will not the Roth. He will rag on the visible duper-AA for blacks but will remain silent about the far more insidious invisible super-AA for Jews, which has pretty much ended US as a democracy. It is an ethno-oligarchy gangster state of the Empire of Judea. Just look at Joe Biden's administration. It is Jewish Supremacism Galore. Are all those Jews(especially mental health expert Rachel Levine) really so deserving? No, they are beneficiaries of super-AA. There was a time when one had to be a Jew of some talent, like Henry Kissinger, to make it to the top. Nowadays, lowlife scum like Victoria Nuland get to shape key foreign policy abroad. Look at Congressional Hearings, and it's always a game of white cucks deferring to Jews who look upon them with smiling contempt. It's all so disgusting. Here's something funny. Though Charles Murray and Jared Taylor disagree profoundly on lots of things, they are totally agreed in shoving their faces into the unwiped ass of Jewish Power and licking.

If you look at ability differences within professions, a rational rule of thumb for people of all races, entirely based on documented ability levels would be, if possible, to avoid black doctors and nurses, because they will probably be less able to care for you at European levels.

Hey, how about a rule whereby all white progs must see black doctors, especially if they need brain surgeries. If they say NO, we should demand, "Why not? What are you, racist or something?" LOL.

K-12 teachers are a full standard deviation below European ones, so all parents, black and white, should avoid those for their children.

That doesn't seem to be the real problem. When it comes to K through 10, you don't need much intellect on the part of teachers. Also, the real problem is politicization of curricula. For example, why are they pushing globo-homo on kids? What is that a part of? Math? Science? History? Home Economics? English? Foreign Language? Why would 'gay' stuff be part of any schooling? Thinking back on my years in grade school, I can't think of a class that would have included globo-homo stuff. We were just learning basic stuff, not being fed degenerate propaganda. What does the fact that some weirdo guys wear dresses and want a surgery to have their dongs removed have to do with learning? As for Critical Race Theory or CRT, the stupid thing isn't even critical. It's dogma pushed as truth, and if anyone critically ask the wrong questions, he or she is ostracized and reviled.

General Milley said the military should look into CRT because he himself has studied all sorts of ideologies, such as Maoism. But he's missing the point(and rather willfully). I got nothing against military schools looking into CRT and trying to understand what it's about. But CRT isn't being offered as a topic of study but as official dogma. If CRT were brought up in a social science class for consideration and debate, it might lead to interesting discussion. But the agenda isn't to discuss and debate CRT but to use it as the guiding principle of the American Ideology. It's one thing to read Marx, Lenin, and Mao in schools, military or otherwise. It'd be another thing altogether to push Marxism, Leninism, or Maoism as the official ideology of the school. Such is the objective of CRT, and Milley is either a liar or a fat stupid cuck.


Based on what he saw in America in 1831 de Toqueville believed that the assimilation of black people would be almost impossible.

The policy of both EU and US is now ACOWW or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs, or 'Asseximilation'. Social assimilation between whites and blacks as equal citizens is impossible. What is possible(and happening at ever greater scale with sure-to-be dire results) is the jungle-feverization and cuckization of the White World. It's happening in Japan as well as yellows imitate whites who take their cues from Jews. Japanese women reject timid dorky Japanese men as inferior and have kids with Negro men, and their kids dominate Japanese sports, and Japan's corporacracy hails it the face of New Japan, thus emboldening even more Japanese women to have have kids with Negroes who will take over Japanese sports and be revered as national heroes. Though only a small number of Japanese are half-black, the cancer is bound to grow rapidly in that soulless deracinated nation. If you destroy the native idols of a nation(that serve as its official face) and replace it with foreign ones, the nation is doomed. If it's happening to Japan, a distant nation, imagine what is happening in UK, France, Netherlands, and of course the US.
Look how Confederate monuments are defaced and then removed in the South, and whites don't even stand up for their heritage. They hunker down and wait for college football season so they can cheer for black athletes who hump white cheerleaders. White guys are total cuck-maggots. So, who needs assimilation when more white wombs will be sexually colonized by blacks and produce black babies? In the Current Year, everything white is either up for sale, confiscation, or conquest by others. White women? Go to black men. White lands? Go to non-white immigrants. White institutions? They belong to Jews. White Churches? They belong to globo-homo. White History? To be re-narrated with 'Diversity'. Whiteness has become a welcome mat for the muddy boots of non-white masses led by the Jewish Mob.
Meanwhile, white guy cuck-maggots hail jungle fever and interracism as 'anti-racist' and 'progress'. Of course, the Afro-junglization of the White World will turn the West into something like one big North Africa, but whites worship blacks, along with homos and Jews, and most whites seem to welcome it as their minds are putty in Jewish hands. Could this trend be reversed? Sure, if awesome race-ists gained control of institutions and industries, but Jews have control over them and shower white cucks with carrots while using the full force of stick on those who say NO. But then, almost no white says NO. Even Trump and his supporters are pretty cucked on race. They applaud interracism of ACOWW and worship Jews & Israel. They will bitch about Cuba, Iran, China, or Ben & Jerry Ice Cream but, just like lowlife Charles Murray, will not name the Hyman Roth power that has them in its cross-hairs.